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1、1Unit3 Smart Sensors第1页/共34页2lIntroduction Just about everything today in the technology area is a candidate(申请求职者,候选人;报考者)(申请求职者,候选人;报考者)for having the prefix (前缀)(前缀)smart added to it. The term smart sensor was coined in the mid-1980s, and since then several devices have been called smart sensors.

2、 译为:译为:在今天几乎一切的技术领域都将智能一词作为在今天几乎一切的技术领域都将智能一词作为其前缀的候选。其前缀的候选。智能传感器这一术语是在智能传感器这一术语是在2020世纪世纪8080年代年代中期出现的,从那以后,一些设备已被称之为智能传感中期出现的,从那以后,一些设备已被称之为智能传感器。器。 第2页/共34页3The intelligence required by such devices is available from microcontroller unit (MCU), digital signal processor (DSP), and application-spe

3、cific integrated circuit (ASIC) technologies developed by several semiconductor manufacturers. 句中句中microcontroller unit(MCU)意为意为“微控制器单微控制器单元元”,digital signal processor (DSP)意为意为“数字信号处数字信号处理器理器”,application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)意意为为“特殊应用集成电路特殊应用集成电路”。全句译为:全句译为:这些设备所具有的智能源于半导体生产厂家这些设备所具有的

4、智能源于半导体生产厂家开发的微控制器开发的微控制器(MCU)、数字信号处理器、数字信号处理器(DSP)和和特殊应用集成电路特殊应用集成电路(ASIC)技术。技术。第3页/共34页4 Some of those same semiconductor manufacturers are actively working on smarter silicon devices for the input and output sides of the control system as well. The term microelectromechanical system (MEMS)(微机电系统)

5、(微机电系统)is used to describe a structure created with semiconductor manufacturing processes for sensors and actuators. 译为:译为:一些半导体制造商正在积极的进行控制系统的一些半导体制造商正在积极的进行控制系统的输入和输出两个方面的智能装置的研究。微机电系统输入和输出两个方面的智能装置的研究。微机电系统(MEMS)这个术语用来描述对传感器和加载器用半导)这个术语用来描述对传感器和加载器用半导体制造工艺建立的结构。体制造工艺建立的结构。第4页/共34页5 Before the ava

6、ilability of microelectronics, the sensors or transducers used to measure physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, and flow, usually were coupled(连接,联结,联系)(连接,联结,联系)directly to a readout device, typically a meter that was read by an observer. 译为:译为:应用微电子技术之前,应用微电子技术之前,传感器或转换器用于测传感器或转换器用于测

7、量物理量,如温度,压力,流量,通常直接与读数装置相量物理量,如温度,压力,流量,通常直接与读数装置相连,通常一个仪表有一个观察员读数。连,通常一个仪表有一个观察员读数。第5页/共34页6 The transducer converted the physical quantity being measured to a displacement. The observer initiated system corrections to change the reading closer to a desired value. The typical blocks of a measuremen

8、t system are shown in Figure 3.1. 译为:译为:该转换器将测量的物理量进行转换。观察员对系该转换器将测量的物理量进行转换。观察员对系统进行修正以使结果接近理想值。典型的测量系统的组成统进行修正以使结果接近理想值。典型的测量系统的组成框图如图框图如图3.13.1所示。所示。 Figure 3.1 General sensing system第6页/共34页7 Many home thermostats(恒温(调节)器)(恒温(调节)器), tire pressure gauges(轮胎气压表)(轮胎气压表), and factory flow meters sti

9、ll operate in the same manner. 译为:译为:许多家用自动调温器,轮胎压力表和工厂流量许多家用自动调温器,轮胎压力表和工厂流量计也以同样的方式运作。计也以同样的方式运作。 However, the advent of microprocessor technology initiated the requirement for sensors to have an electrical output that could be more readily interfaced to provide unattended measurement and control.

10、 句中,句中,that 从句作从句作output的定语从句。的定语从句。全句译为:全句译为:然而,微处理器技术的出现使得传感器必须要然而,微处理器技术的出现使得传感器必须要有电信号输出,这样便于接口以实现无人测控。有电信号输出,这样便于接口以实现无人测控。第7页/共34页8 That also required the analog signal level to be amplified and converted to digital format prior to(在之前) being supplied to the process controller. Todays MCUs and

11、 analog-to-digital (A/D) converters typically have a 5V power supply, which has dictated the supply voltage for many amplified and signal conditioned sensors. 译为:译为:在将数据传输给处理控制器之前,还需要将模拟在将数据传输给处理控制器之前,还需要将模拟信号放大并转换成数字信号。今天的微控制器(信号放大并转换成数字信号。今天的微控制器(MCUMCU)和)和模模/ /数(数(A/DA/D)转换器通常需要有一个)转换器通常需要有一个5V5V

12、的电源供应,以为的电源供应,以为放大器和信号调理传感器提供电源电压。放大器和信号调理传感器提供电源电压。 第8页/共34页9However, the reduction in the supply voltage from 5V to 3.3V and even lower voltages and the presence of more than one voltage in a system pose challenges not typically associated with even the smartest sensors. 主语为主语为the reduction和the pr

13、esence,谓语为,谓语为pose,宾,宾语语challenges。全句译为:全句译为:然而,供应电压从然而,供应电压从5V5V衰减到衰减到3.3V3.3V甚至更低,以甚至更低,以及系统中多种电压形式的出现,并不只是对最智能的传感及系统中多种电压形式的出现,并不只是对最智能的传感器提出的考验。器提出的考验。 Separate integrated circuits (ICs) are available to handle the variety of voltages and resolve the problem, but they add to system and sensor co

14、mplexity.译为:译为:单独的集成电路(单独的集成电路(ICsICs)可用来处理各种不同的电)可用来处理各种不同的电压并解决问题,但它们增加了系统和传感器的复杂性。压并解决问题,但它们增加了系统和传感器的复杂性。第9页/共34页10Commonly used definitions for the terms sensor and transducer must be the first in the list of many terms that will be defined. A transducer is a device that converts energy from on

15、e domain into another, calibrated(校准)(校准)to minimize the errors in the conversion process. A sensor is a device that provides a useful output to a specified measurand. 译为:译为:传感器和转换器中常用的定义,必须首先对一传感器和转换器中常用的定义,必须首先对一些术语进行定义。转换器是这样一种装置,它将能量从些术语进行定义。转换器是这样一种装置,它将能量从一个范围转换到另一个范围,并进行校准以减少在转换一个范围转换到另一个范围,并

16、进行校准以减少在转换过程中的误差。过程中的误差。而传感器是给特定的被测设备提供了一而传感器是给特定的被测设备提供了一个有用的输出。个有用的输出。第10页/共34页11The sensor is a basic element of a transducer, but it also may refer to a detection of voltage or current in the electrical regime(物理条件,环境,组织方法;管理体制,(物理条件,环境,组织方法;管理体制,政体)政体)that does not require conversion. Sometimes

17、, the terms are used synonymously(同义地)(同义地), because energy conversion is part of every device that is discussed. 译为:译为:传感器是转换器的基本元素之一,但是在不需传感器是转换器的基本元素之一,但是在不需要进行转换的电气方面,传感器可能会用于电压或电流的要进行转换的电气方面,传感器可能会用于电压或电流的检测。有时候,传感器和检测。有时候,传感器和换能器换能器会被等价的应用,因为能会被等价的应用,因为能量转换是每个被讨论的设备的一部分。量转换是每个被讨论的设备的一部分。 第11页/

18、共34页12 The definition of smart sensor (intelligent transducer) has not been as widely accepted and is subject to misuse. However, an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ( (电气和电子工程师协会电气和电子工程师协会) )committee has been actively consolidating terminology(专门用语,术专门用语,术语,术语学,术语的正确使用,术语用法

19、语,术语学,术语的正确使用,术语用法)that applies to microelectronic sensors.译为:智能传感器(智能转换器)的定义并没有被广泛接译为:智能传感器(智能转换器)的定义并没有被广泛接受,并且遭受了滥用。受,并且遭受了滥用。 然而,电气电子工程师协会然而,电气电子工程师协会(IEEEIEEE)委员会已经积极地加强推广此术语应用于微电子)委员会已经积极地加强推广此术语应用于微电子传感器。传感器。第12页/共34页13 The recently approved IEEE 1451.2 specification defines a smart sensor as

20、 a sensor that provides functions beyond those necessary for generating a correct representation of a sensed or controlled quantity. This function typically simplifies the integration of the transducer into applications in a networked environment. 译为:译为:最近通过的最近通过的IEEE 1451.2IEEE 1451.2标准将智能传感标准将智能传感

21、器定义为:智能传感器是一种除了具有产生正确的感器定义为:智能传感器是一种除了具有产生正确的感知量和被控量表达形式等这些必需的功能外,还能提知量和被控量表达形式等这些必需的功能外,还能提供更多特殊的功能简化传感器与网络环境的整合应用供更多特殊的功能简化传感器与网络环境的整合应用的传感器。的传感器。 第13页/共34页14Nature of sensors 传感器的性质传感器的性质 In a simple control system, the sensor is only one of three items required to implement a control strategy. T

22、he sensor provides an input to a controller with the desired strategy in its memory, and the controller drives an output stage to modify or maintain the status of a load, such as a light, a motor, a solenoid, or a display. 译为:译为:在一个简单的控制系统中,传感器是执行一个在一个简单的控制系统中,传感器是执行一个控制策略必需的三个环节之一。控制策略必需的三个环节之一。传感器

23、给控制器提供存传感器给控制器提供存储所要求的输入,而控制器提供一个输出平台以修改或储所要求的输入,而控制器提供一个输出平台以修改或保持负载的状态,例如一盏灯,一台电机,电磁阀,或保持负载的状态,例如一盏灯,一台电机,电磁阀,或显示器。显示器。 第14页/共34页15 As shown in Figure 3.2, a signal conditioning interface typically exists between the sensor(s) and the controller and between the controller and the output device. Sm

24、art sensing includes a portion of the controllers functions in the sensor portion of the system. 译为:译为:如图如图3.23.2所示,信号调理接口通常存在于传感所示,信号调理接口通常存在于传感器(器(S S)和控制器之间以及控制器和输出设备之间。在)和控制器之间以及控制器和输出设备之间。在系统的传感器部分,智能传感器是控制系统功能的一部系统的传感器部分,智能传感器是控制系统功能的一部分。分。 第15页/共34页16That means software will play an increasin

25、gly important role in smart sensors. The power supply requirements for the electronics and the sensor represent an additional consideration that is becoming more important as MCU voltages are decreased and more sensors are used in battery power or portable applications. 译为:译为:这意味着在智能传感器中软件将发挥越来越重这意味

26、着在智能传感器中软件将发挥越来越重要的作用。电子器件和传感器的电源需要提供给电力,要的作用。电子器件和传感器的电源需要提供给电力,这表明一个额外的考虑会变得越来越重要,就是当这表明一个额外的考虑会变得越来越重要,就是当MCUMCU的的电压下降时,更多的传感器会在电池供电或便携式应用电压下降时,更多的传感器会在电池供电或便携式应用中使用。中使用。第16页/共34页17Figure 3.2 Generic control systemThe number of supplies in Figure 3.2 may not be required for a particular applicati

27、on, but they serve as a reminder for considering the available voltage for the sensor and the interface versus the rest of the system.图图3.23.2中电源的数量对于特定的应用可能是不需要的,中电源的数量对于特定的应用可能是不需要的,但是与系统的其余部分相比,它们可用于考虑了传感器但是与系统的其余部分相比,它们可用于考虑了传感器和接口可利用的电压中。和接口可利用的电压中。第17页/共34页18 The smart sensor models developed

28、by several sources have as many as six distinct elements for analog sensors. As shown in Figure 3.3, in addition to the sensing element and its associated amplification and signal conditioning, an A/D converter, memory of some type, and logic (control) capability are included in the smart sensor. 译为

29、:译为:由几个来源开发的智能传感器模型,有多达由几个来源开发的智能传感器模型,有多达6 6个不同单元的模拟传感器个不同单元的模拟传感器。如图3.3所示,除了传感元件除了传感元件和相应的信号放大器、信号处理器而外,智能传感器也和相应的信号放大器、信号处理器而外,智能传感器也包括包括A/D A/D 转换器、各种类型存储器和逻辑控制功能。转换器、各种类型存储器和逻辑控制功能。 第18页/共34页19Figure 3.3 Smart sensor model第19页/共34页20Once the signal is in digital format, it can be communicated b

30、y several communication protocols. The regulated power supply also required for the system and its effect on system accuracy must be taken into account. That is becoming more of an issue as power management issues are addressed in system design and different supply voltages proliferate. 译为:译为:当信号是数字

31、形式时,它可以被几种通讯协议当信号是数字形式时,它可以被几种通讯协议传输。而保证系统精度所需的稳压电源也必须予以考虑。传输。而保证系统精度所需的稳压电源也必须予以考虑。在系统设计和不同的供应电压激增方面,电源管理问题在系统设计和不同的供应电压激增方面,电源管理问题将逐渐成为一个更重要的问题。将逐渐成为一个更重要的问题。第20页/共34页21 Reducing the number of discrete elements in a smart sensor (or any system) is desirable to reduce the number of components, form

32、 factor, interconnections, assembly cost, and frequently component cost as well. The choices for how that integration occurs are often a function of the original expertise of the integrator. 译为:译为:减少智能传感(或任何系统)中不相关的元件数减少智能传感(或任何系统)中不相关的元件数量,以期望能够减少组件的数量、外形、连接方式、装配量,以期望能够减少组件的数量、外形、连接方式、装配成本以及使用频率高的元

33、件的成本等。这种如何集成的选成本以及使用频率高的元件的成本等。这种如何集成的选择往往是综合了最初的各种专业知识。择往往是综合了最初的各种专业知识。第21页/共34页22Integration of micromachining and microelectronics微机械和微电子的集成微机械和微电子的集成 Increasing the performance and reliability and reducing the cost of electronic circuits through increased integration are standard expectations f

34、or semiconductor technology. In the area of semiconductor sensors, however, that integration has been limited to Hall-effect and optoelectronic devices. 译为:译为:提高性能和可靠性,并通过提高集成度降低电提高性能和可靠性,并通过提高集成度降低电子电路的成本,是标准半导体技术的最终期望。然而,子电路的成本,是标准半导体技术的最终期望。然而,在半导体传感器领域中,这种集成受到霍尔效应和光电在半导体传感器领域中,这种集成受到霍尔效应和光电子设备的限

35、制。子设备的限制。第22页/共34页23 The recent combination of micromechanical structures, sensing elements, and signal conditioning is the beginning of a new chapter in sensor technology. The combination of microelectronics with micromechanical structures promises to change future control systems and enable entire

36、ly new applications that previously were too costly for commercial purposes. 译为:译为:最近微机械结构,传感元件和信号调理的组合,最近微机械结构,传感元件和信号调理的组合,打开了传感器技术的新篇章。微电子与微机械结构的结打开了传感器技术的新篇章。微电子与微机械结构的结合,有望改变未来的控制系统,并能完全实现新的应用,合,有望改变未来的控制系统,并能完全实现新的应用,而以前用于商业目的过于昂贵。而以前用于商业目的过于昂贵。第23页/共34页24The term microelectromechanical system

37、s, or sometimes simply microsystems, is used to describe the structures and functions provided by micromachining and the addition of microelectronics to those structures. 译为:译为:微机电系统或简称微系统,通常描述微机械和微机电系统或简称微系统,通常描述微机械和与之结合的微电子技术所构成的结构和功能。与之结合的微电子技术所构成的结构和功能。 第24页/共34页25 A sensor with its own dedicate

38、d interface circuitry has several advantages. The sensor designer can trade off unnecessary performance characteristics for those that will provide desirable performance advantages to the sensor-interface combination. Normally, interface ICs are designed for a broad range of applications and such tr

39、ade offs are not possible. The combination allows the sensor user to treat the sensor as a black box and easily design a complex control system. 译为:译为:自带专用接口电路的传感器有几个优点。传感器自带专用接口电路的传感器有几个优点。传感器的设计者可以权衡取舍那些提供了理想性能,而有利于传的设计者可以权衡取舍那些提供了理想性能,而有利于传感器接口组合却不必要的性能特性。感器接口组合却不必要的性能特性。通常情况下,对于广通常情况下,对于广泛的应用而言,

40、且权衡取舍又不可能时,就会对接口电路泛的应用而言,且权衡取舍又不可能时,就会对接口电路进行设计。这样的组合允许传感器用户将传感器看做一个进行设计。这样的组合允许传感器用户将传感器看做一个黑盒子,进而可以轻松地设计一个复杂的控制系统。黑盒子,进而可以轻松地设计一个复杂的控制系统。第25页/共34页26The integrated sensor takes advantage of integrated temperature sensing to more closely track the temperature of the sensing element and compensates f

41、or the effects of temperature over the temperature range. By reducing the number of internal connections, the reliability of integrated sensors is inherently better than a separate sensor and control circuit. 译为:译为:集成传感器充分利用了集成温度传感能更加紧集成传感器充分利用了集成温度传感能更加紧密地跟踪敏感元件的温度,并且可以在整个温度范围以密地跟踪敏感元件的温度,并且可以在整个温度

42、范围以内补偿温度的影响的这种优势。通过减少内部连接,集内补偿温度的影响的这种优势。通过减少内部连接,集成传感器的可靠性在本质上会优于一个单独的传感器和成传感器的可靠性在本质上会优于一个单独的传感器和控制电路。控制电路。第26页/共34页27 Sensing and integrated sensing (sensing plus signal conditioning) are somewhat analogous(相似的,可比(相似的,可比拟的)拟的)to other mixed-signal processes that exist in semiconductors, especiall

43、y in power and smart-power technology, that is, the output side of the control system. 译为:译为:传感器和集成传感器(传感器加上信号调理器)传感器和集成传感器(传感器加上信号调理器)有点类似于在半导体中存在的其他混合信号过程,特别有点类似于在半导体中存在的其他混合信号过程,特别是在电力和智能功率技术方面,即控制系统的输出端。是在电力和智能功率技术方面,即控制系统的输出端。 第27页/共34页28Todays smart-power technologies integrate bipolar and CMO

44、S circuitry with multiple power metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) output devices. 句中句中smart-power technologies意为意为“智能功率技智能功率技术术”,CMOS意为意为“互补金属氧化物半导体互补金属氧化物半导体”,metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)意意为为“金属氧化物半导体场效应管金属氧化物半导体场效应管”或简称或简称“MOS场效应场效应管管”。全句译为:当今

45、的智能功率技术将双极全句译为:当今的智能功率技术将双极CMOS电路整合电路整合到多重功率到多重功率MOS场效应管输出设备中。场效应管输出设备中。 第28页/共34页29 The process is more complex than a discrete power MOSFET, but the performance achieved by the combination of technologies provides a specific function, component reduction for increased reliability, and space reduct

46、ion for lower cost assemblies and more than justifies the higher processing cost. After a number of years of process and design improvements, smart-power devices have established broad market acceptance, especially for custom designs. 译为:译为:这个过程比离散功率这个过程比离散功率MOSFET更复杂,但这种相更复杂,但这种相结合的技术提供了一种特定的功能,就是为

47、提高可靠性而结合的技术提供了一种特定的功能,就是为提高可靠性而减少了部件,低成本的组装减少了空间的占用,并且证明减少了部件,低成本的组装减少了空间的占用,并且证明了以上较高的处理成本。经过多年对工艺过程和设计的改了以上较高的处理成本。经过多年对工艺过程和设计的改进,智能传感器已经有了广阔的市场,特别是定制化的设进,智能传感器已经有了广阔的市场,特别是定制化的设计。计。 第29页/共34页30 Similarly, smarter sensors that have their own signal conditioning circuitry onboard are in the early

48、phases of market acceptance and are approximately at the same stage of development as smart power was five to seven years ago. However, smart sensors may not have to be custom devices to satisfy a large number of applications. 译为:译为:同样地,具有信号调理电路板的智能传感器还处同样地,具有信号调理电路板的智能传感器还处于被市场接受的早期阶段,并且类似于在于被市场接受的早期阶段,并且类似于在5 5至至7 7年以前的智年以前的智能电源的发展阶段。但是,智能传感器可能不会成为一个能电源的发展阶段。但是,智能传感器可能不会成为一个定制的设备而满足大量的应用。定制的设备而满足大量的应用。第30页/共34页31 New packages must


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