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1、第四单元测评卷时间:60分钟 总分;100分题号IninNVVIwwK总分!得分听力部分(40分)I、听录音,选出正确的选项完成句子。(5分) ()1. Can you in English?A. singB. say itC. write()2. There are boys in the music room.A. thirtyB. fiftyC. thirteen()3. The girls are under the tree.A. playing games B. dancingC. playing cards()4.draw pictures?Are you B. Can you

2、C. Do you ()5. Would you like?A. some apples B. some orange juiceC. some apple juice口、听问题,从下列答句中选出最符合的一项。(1。分)()1. A.They are in the kitchen. B. They are cooking dinner.C. They can cook dinner in the kitchen.()2. A. He is dancing. B. She is talking to her friends.C. I * m reading a book.)3. A. Yes,

3、she does.B. he can.C. Yes, he is.)4. A. Sure. Please hold on. B. He" s doing homework.C. Miket there's a call for you.()5. A. My birthday is in November.A. No 9 my birthday is in November.B. Yes, my birthday is November 2 田、听对话,在正确的短语下面打“V”。(15分)ActivityName 、reading bookslistening to music

4、sweeping the floorplanting treescooking dinnerAmyZhang PengWu YifanChen JieMikeJohnIV.听录音,完成对话。(10分)John : Hello.Zhang:Hi t John. This is Zhang Peng. are you doing?John : I am to you.Zhang:on, John. What are you doing?John : doing the. What are you doing?Zhan : I' m a book.John: Do you to go to

5、the?Zhang:Sure. What time?John:10:30.Zhang:OKt see youJohn: Bye.笔试部分(60分)V、选出不同类的词,并把序号填入题前的括号内。分)()1. A. coatB. skirtC. shirtD. clothes()2. A. washB. beginC. howD. cook()3. A. MikeB. JohnC. AmyD. Jim()4. A. busplaneC.jeepD. car()5. A. sunB.sunnyC. windvD. cool()6. A. FebruaryB. SaturdayC. JanuaryD.

6、 April()7. A. threeB. firstC.secondD. fifthVIW“is”“are”“caiT填空。(6 分)1.1 _listening to music. 2. Sisterwriting a letter.3.1 speak to yourmom, please?4. Therea call foryou.5. She _ washing clothes.6. Whatyou doing?YU、根据图片完成句子。(11分)4. Sarah is5. She isvm、情景配对°(16分)()1. What' s tlie boy doing?(

7、)2. Whal * s Helen doing?()3. What' re the children doing?()4 . How muck ore they?()5. How many people can you see?()6. Can you play the piano?()7. Is the bag nice?()8. Are you twelve?A. Thirty yuan.B. He's writing.C. Yes, it is.D. Thirty.E. No, 1 can ' t.F. They . re running.G. No, we a

8、ren' t.H. She ' s swimming.IX、阅读理解。(判断正误,正确的打“V”,错误的打“ X”)(2O分)It' s Saturday morning. Jack and his parents arc in a big bus.There are many people in it. Some of them come from America and some are from Canada and Australia. They' re all friends. They' re going to the Great Wall.

9、 The bus driver is a Chinese woman. The girl beside her is talking about die Great Wall. She' a also (也)Chinese. The other people are listening to her. They like the Great Wall.()1. It * a Saturday afternoon.()2. Jack and his father are in a big bus.()3. Some of the people in the bus are from th

10、e U.S. A.()4. The ririver is from China.)5. All the passengers(乘客)are listening to music.第四单元测评卷I J.C 2, A 3.B 4. B 5. C II、 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C IV、 What T talking, Come, I'm, dishes, reading, want, Children's, Center, later V si. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A6. B 7. A VI、L am 2. is 3 Can 4. is 5. is 6.


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