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1、一对一个性化辅导教案同学梁鑫嘉学校开发区中学年级初三次数第 1次科目英语老师蔡宁日期2021.8.3时段15-17课题八年级下册 unit1 helping those in need复习教学把握本单元词汇短语用法重点教学把握本单元重点语法:动词不定式难点教学回忆八年级基础学问,熟记单词短语句型,及娴熟运用学问点目标一、教学连接:教1、检查同学的作业,准时指点;学2、通过沟通明白同学的思想动态和明白同学的本周学校的学习内容;步二、内容讲解:骤(一)、课文单词与短语听写及(二)、课文内容精析教1. raisev.筹募;增加学2. disabled. adj.丢失才能的内3. offerv. 主动

2、提出容4. sufferv. 受苦;受磨练(三)、本单元重点语法:动词不定式a 、 作主语1b、作表语c 作宾语e、作状语f、作定语不带 to 的不定式结构(四)、课堂练习三、课堂总结与反思:带领同学对本次课授课内容进行回忆、总结四、作业布置:本单元基础检测题治理人员签字:日期:年月日1、同学上次作业评判: 好 较好 一般 差备注:作2、本次课后作业:业布置2课堂小结家长签字:日期:年月日3梁鑫嘉aug.3八年级基础学问复习( 1)-unit1 helping those in need听写unit1 language pointsi. key words1. raisev. 筹募;增加【用法

3、】 raise是一个及物动词,后可直接加宾语;如:raise the national flag; raise money; raise onesspirits 意为“使兴奋,使鼓起士气 ”如:a powerful song can raiseones spirits.时态变化: raise-raised-raised例: raise your hands.the worker demand the manager to raise their salar工y. 人们要求加薪水;【拓展】 rise 是不及物动词 ,表示“升起”, 例: the sun is rising.时态变化: rise-

4、rose-risen【例句】翻译: 1. 我们如何才能在短期内提高英语水平?42. 我想养只狗当宠物;2. disabled. adj. 丢失才能的【用法】 disabled可以作为形容词;也可以作为动词(disable的过去式和过去分词 ,意为:使残废;使伤残;使无效【拓展】我们常用 the disabled表示“残疾人 ”相,当于 disabled people.【例句】 he became severely d after the big fire.3. offerv. 主动提出【用法】 offer后面加不定式, offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事如: on his mum

5、sbirthday, little tom offered to do the dishes.【拓展】offer 仍可以表示 “主动拿给;主动给与 ”的意思,相当于 give,后面可接名词作宾语;如: offer some advice;也可以接双宾语,即offer somebody something=offer something to somebody【例句】翻译:她主动提出将自行车借给我;4. sufferv. 受苦;受磨练【用法】 suffer sth.意为遭受,经受:遭受或承担(痛楚的、有害的或不良的东西),如: suffer death, suffered heavy casua

6、lties/loss【拓展】 suffer from 后面加的是疾病、不适(身体或心理上的)意为受的苦, 如:suffered from ill health/ a headache【例句】 she s greatly as a child.翻译:许多人都苦于现代生活的压力;55. seriousadj. 严峻的【用法】 serious可以表示 “仔细的 ”如: he is a serious student and works very hard.也可以表示 “庄重的 ”如: be serious,john. don mtake fun of me.【拓展】 seriously是副词,表示

7、“严峻地 ”【例句】 he has a sillness.6. illnessn. 病【用法】当 illness表示某种详细疾病时,是可数名词;但当它表示“疾病,生病期间 ”时,是不行数名词;【拓展】 ill 是形容词,表示 “病的;生病的 ”【例句】翻译:他死于重病;7. express v. 表达;表露【用法】express sth to sb.向某人表达如:express his thanks to herexpress their feeling表s达某人的情感,抒发某人的感情【拓展】 expression n.表达;表情【例句】翻译:他向我们表达了他对新老师的看法;9. lonely

8、 adj. 孤独的【用法】 lonely意为“孤独的 ”,表示主观上感到孤独、孤寂,有较浓的感情颜色,指因缺少伴侣、怜悯、友情等产生的一种哀痛和愁闷的感情;它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语;作定语时,意为 “荒芜;偏僻 ”,多修饰表示地点的名词;6【拓展】 alone为形容词,意为 “单独的 ”,只作表语,不能作定语;侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感情颜色的只表示客观的状态;alone仍可以作副词;alone 副词 adv. 单独;独自she went home alone. after his wife died, he lived alone.【例句】 he lives a , bu

9、t never feels l.10. friendshipn.友情;友情【用法】 a deep friendship深厚的友情复数: friendships【拓展】 friend 伴侣friendly 友好的【例句】翻译:琳达和埃米有着深厚的友情;11. difficulty n.困难;费劲【用法】 have difficulty with sth =have difficulty in doing sth作为“困难”时,是不行数名词,如:i had no difficulty in learning english.作为“难事,难点,难处 ”时,是可数名词,如: in face of so

10、 many difficulties, we were never afraid.【拓展】 difficult是形容词,表示困难的【例句】 he have d in solving d problems.12. couragen.士气;英勇【用法】不行数名词have courage【拓展】 encourage勉励discourage使懊丧【例句】 翻译:战士们有士气打败敌人;713. spend time with与共度;陪伴如: i spent time with my son and talked to him a lot.14. continue to do sth. 连续做某事they

11、 continued to do voluntary work.课堂达标检测 重点词汇、短语筹募;增加 准许 有残疾的 青少年 主动提出受苦,受磨练 严峻的 (某种)病 组织;筹备 表达;表露 痛楚;苦恼 孤独的;孤寂的 友情;友情 困难;费 开心;欢乐 安静;安静 (使)疼痛 士气;英勇 心情;心境 短语考察需要帮忙的义务性工作报请批准因受苦;受磨练使兴奋;使鼓起士气二、单项挑选 1. peter cook for his parents when the international day of families came.a. offeredb. offered toc. offerin

12、gd. to offer 2. although you may meet with some , you should never give up.a. difficultb. difficultyc. difficultiesd. difficultys8 3. he has few friends. he lives in a small house , he often feels .a. alone, lonelyb. alone, alonec. lonely, lonelyd. lonely, alone 4. i time with my parents during the

13、holidays.a. payb. spentc. costd. take 5. after reading lesson 9, he read lesson 10.a. continuedb. continued toc. continuingd. to continue 6. the boy was , he had to ask for leave because of the .a. ill, illb. illness, illnessc. illness, illd. ill, illness三、首字母填空1. there are many kinds of v work.2. i

14、 taught d children to sing.3. three t offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays.4. i will c to do voluntary work in the future.5. they have d walking or moving.6. music can bring the disable children j .7. we must r enough money for the construction of the school.8. they o to help

15、 the old.9. in the end, we all decided to o a concert for easter.10. he h his legs in a car accident.四、完成句子1.患难见真情;a friend is a friend in deed.2.他将在他闲暇的时候连续在医院里帮忙;he will at the hospital in his free time.3.这帮忙他们表达他们的感受;this their feelings.94. 在暑假期间课,她想去做义务性工作,因此她将主动提出去医院帮忙;she wanted to do during t

16、he summer holidays, ssohe_ll at a hospital.5. 有时我仍是在吃这些弱点的苦头;sometimes i still these weaknesses.5. 这个好消息使我们精神兴奋;the good news .6. 我觉得你在使用杰克的电脑前,需要恳求他的批准;i think you need to before you usejack csomputer.7. 我不想在这么短的一个假期过去巴黎,我宁愿待在家里和我的孩子一起;i donwtant to go to paris for such a short holiday.i drather st

17、ay at home and _ my kids.8. 同学们将会在下周为非洲的孩子们筹募;the students will for the children in africa next week.语法:动词不定式【动词不定式】是非谓语动词一种,在句子中,它除了不能作谓语外,可以担当其它任何成分,主语宾语、表语等;本课主要讲动词不定式作宾语的情形,( 1)基本形式:to+动词原形 (在某些情形下可以不带to) ,其否定形式为: not to+动词原形;( 2)动词不定式用法a 、 作主语动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种:1 把不定式置于句首;如: to get

18、there by bike will take us half an hour.to learn a foreign language is not easy. =it nsot easy to learn a foreign language.2用it 作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于以下句式中;10it is good to help others.帮忙他人是件好事;it is exciting to surfthe internet.上网是件令人兴奋的事;【练习】一、动词不定式作主语1. it's our duty the room every day.a. to

19、clean b. cleaned c. clean d. cleans2. it's hard for us english well.a. learn b. learns c. to learn d. learning(江西省)3.建造这座立交桥将花费工人们一年多的时间;it will the workers over a year the flyover.4. it's very nice you to get me two tickets the world cup.a. for , of b. of , for c. to , for d. of , tob、作表语 (

20、表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特点和状态的,表语常由名词、形容 词 、 副 词 、 介 词 短 语 、 不 定 式 、 动 词 的 -ing 、 从 句 来 充 当 , 它 常 位 于 系 动 词( be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,sm等ell词)之后;假如句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句)the important thing is to finish the work on time. 完成工作 what you have to do now is to clean the classro

21、om. 打 扫教室 .c作宾语1) 动词 + to do 常见动词有 agree, choose, decide, forget, fail, go on, learn, hope, mean 意味; 想要 need,offer, plan, regret, require, remember,seem, stop, try, wish, wa等nt 留意 :部分动词后接不定式与接动名词的含义不同;如stop, forget, remember1. he decidedto buy buy the camera.2. i want to listen to listen to some mus

22、ic after class.3. i hope to travel travel all over the world one day.112) 动词+疑问代(副)词+ to doi dont know what to do. (做什么)how to do it / that.(怎么做) where to go 去哪里 when to leave 什么时候动身 which one to choose 挑选哪个 例: i havendetcided when to take a holiday yet.3) 动词 + it 形式宾语) +宾补 +to do i find it importan

23、t to learn english我发觉很难和他好好相处.i find it hard to get on well with him.我发觉在酷热的夏天很简单入睡. i find it easy to fall asleep in hot summer.动词不定式做宾补1) 动词 + 宾语 +to doli mei asked me to show her the new dictionary.注:有以上结构的常用动词有tell. wish, ask, want,like, beg恳求, invite (邀请) , warn(警告,提示) , allow, encourage, advis

24、e等;2) 动词 + 宾语 + do 不带 to 的不定式 注:常用的动词是 :感官动词 see, hear, feel, watch, notic;e使役动词 have ,make, let.(假如将其改成被动语态,必需将不定式符号to仍原;)例: colors can change our moods情 绪 and make us feel happy or sad.固定搭配: make sb. do sth.【练习】动词不定式作宾语1. he wants some vegetables.a. buyb. buyingc. to buyd. buys2. don't forget

25、your homework with you when you come to school.a. to bringb. bringingc. to taked. taking3. he found it very difficult .a. sleepingb. sleepsc. sleptd. to fall asleep12动词不定式作宾语补足语1. robert often asks us his chinese, so his chinese is much better than before.a. help himb. to help him withc. to help wit

26、hd. helps him with2. mr li often teaches his japanese friends chinese food.a. cookb. cooksc. to cookd. cookede、作状语(可以表目的、 表结果、表缘由) ;为了强调目的, 有时可以把不定式放在句首,或在不定式前面加 in order to或so as nottoi came here to tell you good news. 告知你一个好消息 she studied hard to pass the exam她.刻苦学习,以便通过考试;f、作定语 (必需后置)我们每天有许多作业要做.

27、we have a lot of homework to do every day.我有个好消息要告知你 . i have good news to tell you.不带to的不定式结构以下几种情形使用不带 to的动词不定式 :1. 在固定词组 had better 之后;留意 :had better 的否定形式是 had better not do sth. ;例如:you had better go home now你.最好现在回家;it's cold outside. you'd better not go out外.面很冷 ,你最好不要出去;2. will would

28、 you please 之后动词不定式不带 to.would you please say it again more slowly.请你再渐渐说它一下好吗?3.在感官动词 see, watch, feel, hear, look at, listen to 和使役动词 have, make,let后要跟不带 to的动词不定式作宾语补足语;例如:i made them give me the money back我.迫使他们把钱仍给我;i didn't see you come in.我没观察你进来;134.在引导疑问句的 why not 之后;"why not+ 不带to的

29、不定式 " 是why don't you do的省略 ,可以用来提出建议或劝说;例如: why not take a holiday;=why don't you take a holiday;为什么不休个假呢;why not go there with him. 为什么不和他一起去那儿?5. 在动词 help之后做宾语或宾语补足语的不定式,to可省略也可保留; will you help me to move the table. 请帮我搬一下桌子好吗?6. 当but, except, besides之前有一个实义动词时,这个介词之后的动词不定式不带to.what

30、do you like to do besides swim.除了游泳,你仍爱好什么?【随堂训练】一、用方框内所给动词的适当形式填空1. the taxi driver failed stop at the red light.2. the manager didn't agree hold the party in their restaurant .3. i tried solve the problem.4. they wish have a happy new year.5. teachers told students do their homework by themsel

31、ves.6. mary will remember send lucy a birthday card.7. eva said shewanted take evening classes of english.二、单项挑选题 1. he has made many friends here so he doesn't feel .a. aloneb. lonelyc.happyd. serious2. alice is a warm-hearted singer.she always teaches the children around her a.singsb.singc. si

32、ngingd. losing3.whenever people are in need, he always offers them.a.to helpb.helpsc.helpd. helped4. these disabled persons have difficulty . let's help them.a.walkb.walkingc.walksd. walked 5. after a short rest, they continued .14a.workingb.worksc. workd. worked 6. what activities are you going

33、 to take part in. i'm planning to raise money the earthquake victims.a.inb.withc.tod. for 7. he lost his job his illness.a.becauseb.because ofc.sod. though 8. the spring bud project paid for me to school.a.to returnb.returnc. in returningd. returned 9. in my childhood, 1 learnt to cook and wash

34、and do many things.a.the otherb.otherc. othersd. the others10. don't make people _anything they don't want -a.do, to dob.to do, doc. doing, to dod.to do, doing 11. the workers want us together with them.a. work b. working c. to work d. worked12. there isn atny difference between the two.i re

35、allydonktnow .a. where to chooseb. which to choosec. to choose whatd. to choose which 13. the teacher told them make so much noise.a. dontb. notc. will notd. not to14.he gave us some advice on how english.a. learningb . learnedc. to learn d . learn15.i tmhirsty. would you please give me something .a

36、 .drunkb .to drinkc .to be drunkd .for drinking 16.tom is the first to school.a . getb . to getc. gettingd . got17. the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him .a. not tob. not to doc. not do it d. do not to 18. i saw him out of the room.a. go b. had gone c. has gone d.

37、goes19.- more abouttomorrow wseather, call 121. -ok, i will. thank you.a. knowb. knowingc. to knowd. known20.we must do everything we can waste water fromrunning into rivers.a. keepb. keptc. to keepd. keeping1521.let s play in the street. father tells me do so.a. not to ;not tob. not; not toc. don;t

38、to notd. not to;dont 22.when i came into the room, he pretended his homework.a. to dob. be doingc. doingd. to be doing【提升训练】动词不定式专项练习1. it wsrong not her a letter.a. of you; to writeb. for you; writingc. of you; writingd. for you; write2. i msorry, i my exercise book at home. please.dontforget it to

39、 school tomorrow,a. forget; to takeb. left; to bringc. forget; to bringd. left; to take3. before you go abroad, you need about table manners in that country.a. knewb. knownc. to knowd. knowing 4. i need some paper .a. to writeb. to write on c. to write ind. writing5. i have no pens . could you pleas

40、e lend me one.sure. here you are.a. to writeb. to write downc. to write withd. to write in 6.do you think our football team will win the match. yes, we have better players. so i them to win.a. hopeb. askc. helpd. expect7. i am allowed until 12:00 on the evening of the spring festival.a. stay upb. to

41、 stay upc. staying upd. to staying up8. the” nocar day” campaign活 动 asks beijing drivers their cars at home one day each month.a. leaveb. leavingc. to leaved. to be left 9. do you like sports.sure. i mlooking forward to the 29th olympic gamesn beijing on tv.a. watch b. watching c. watchd. watching10

42、. good manners usually help people to each other.a. get on well withb. get startedc. be friendlyd. get together 11.they prefer tv to newspapers.a. watching; readingb. watching; to readc. to watch; readd. to watch; reading1612. oh, terrible. i forgot the window. it wsindy.really. let gso back home qu

43、ickly.a. closingb. to closec. closedd. close13. shopping with me. sorry, i have a lot of clothes .a. to washb. washedc. washd. to be washed14. on her way home lucy saw a thief in a shop. she stopped 110 at once.a. steal; callb. to steal; callc. stealing; to calld. stealing; calling15. there are some

44、 dangerous fishes in this river, and i toldjack here.a. not to swimb. to not swimc. swim not tod. to swim not16. martin murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. he used a“ problemchild”bu,t luckily, his mother was very patient, anddidn gtive up him.a. to be; try to helpb. being; trying helpingc. to be; try

45、ing to helpd. being; try helping17. ali said that she wouldn mtind alone at home.a. left b. being left c. to be leftd. leaving18. if you keep english, you can learn english well.a. practising speakb. practising speakingc. practising to speakd. to practise spoken 19. she enjoys light music.a. to hearb. hearing c. listening tod. to listen to20. he finished his homework, then he went on a letter.a. writeb. writingc. withd. to write课后作业 -【单元综合练习】( 40min )一、首字母填空1. they jumped over with j at the good news.2. i'm sorry i have nothing to


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