1、 毕业论文译文题目名称:心理因素影响购买行为院系名称:经济管理学院市场营销系班 级:学 号:2008006141285学生姓名:指导教师:2015 年 2 月心理因素影响购买行为Geoff Lancaster心理因素是第四重要影响消费者的购买行为(除了文化、社会和个人因素)。一般来说,一个人的购买选择受心理因素例如动机、认知、学习、信仰和态度的影响。知晓顾客动机的重要性,理解客户的动机营销的任务是要准确的识别出消费者的需求和欲望,然后开发满足他们的产品和服务,。市场要想成功, 只是发现客户需要是远远不够的, ,而是为了找出为什么这是必需的。只有通过获得一个深入的和全面的了解买方行为才可以使营销
3、主题。动机。在任何特定时间一个人有很多需求。有些需要是生理上的,从生理状态产生的张力如饥饿、干渴、不适。其他需求心理;他们引起的紧张心理状态如需要识别、尊重、归属感。当一个人的动机强烈到足够的等级就会产生需求。一个动机是一个需求,也就是说他能够驱使人去积极的采取行动。购买动机是使消费者做出购买某种商品决策的内在驱动力,是引起购买行为的前提,也就是引起行为的原由。具体包括以下几个方面:(一)理智动机理智动机就是消费者对某种商品有了清醒的了解和认知,在对这个商品比较熟悉的基础上所进行的理性抉择和做出的购买行为。它包括: 1. 适用适用表现为一种求实心理,消费者所看重的是产品最基本、最核心的功能。在
4、选购商品时,对其技术性能格外关注,而外观、价格、品牌等产品的附加价值放在其次。2. 经济经济表现为一种求廉心理。几种商品经对比后,在其他条件基本相似的情况下,这类顾客对价格显得相当敏感,他们一般会以价格的实惠作为选择的首要因素。3. 可靠优质的产品是顾客可以放心消费的基础。可靠实质上是消费者追求上乘质量的体现。因此名牌商品之所以倍受人们的信任,就在于它的质量可靠。(二)感情动机感情动机不能简单地理解为不理智动机。它主要是由社会的和心理的因素产生的购买意愿和冲动。感情动机很难有一个客观的标准,但大体上是来自于下述心理。1. 炫耀心理这种心理在高收入阶层比较常见。丰厚的收入使他们拥有炫耀的资本,所
5、以在购物上他们要展现自己的身份地位和欣赏水平。许多高档品牌的制造商正是看准了这一群体的心理倾向,纷纷推出各种昂贵的奢侈品。2. 攀比心理攀比是一种比照的心理。在同一个社会群体里面,各个成员之间相互比拼,谁都不想落后别人。这种心理在消费上表现为一种动机,别人有什么高档的商品,自己也一定要有。3. 从众心理这种心理反映在生活圈子中,人们希望跟着圈中大多数人的步伐。因此其他人认为不错的产品,自己也跟着认可;其他人买什么商品,自己也会跟着买。心理学家们已经研究出人类动机理论。三个最好的原理创造者西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的理论,亚伯拉罕马斯洛,弗雷德里克赫茨伯格从完全不同的角度对消费者的行为进行分析
7、个层次分别是是生理、安全、社会、尊重、和自我实现的需要。首先消费者将尽力满足最重要的需求,当这种需要的得到满足后,人会尽力满足处于第二个阶段的需要。马斯洛的理论帮助商家了解各个产品并制定具有针对性的计划、目标来满足消费者的生活。赫茨伯格的理论。弗雷德里克赫茨伯格开发了一种双因素理论即不满意的因素(原因的不满)到满意(满意的原因)。不满足的因素是不充分的;满意者现在必须积极鼓励购买。 例如,一台计算机,它没有保证将来是一个不满足。然而存在的产品质量保证不会作为一个满意引子或动力来促使人购买,因为对电脑而言它不是一个来源的内在满意的引子。然而使用方便, ,对一个电脑买家会成为一个满意引子。根据这一
8、理论,行销人员应避免不满意引子这可能开启他们的产品。他们也应该识别和供应的主要满意引子或能够促使消费者购买的动因,因为这些满意因素决定消费者会购买哪个品牌的电脑。感知。一个有进取心的人准备好了行动,但这个人如何采取实际行动是受他或她对外界环境的的知觉状况影响的。认知是指个体对输入大脑的信息进行的选择,组织,把多种属性整合为同一个整体。感知不仅取决于生理上的刺激有关,而且还关系到个体周围领域其它的刺激因素。关键词是个人。每个人对相同的物体都可以有不同的看法,因为有三个过程:选择性注意力、选择性的扭曲,和选择性保留。 选择性注意。人的感官每时每刻都可能接受大量的刺激例如广告。而大部分刺激是经过筛选
15、广告展示牛奶,非常受欢迎的活动已经改变了态度,并且在这个过程中,牛奶消费迅速提高。牛奶生产商也建立了一个在线牛奶俱乐部,成员承诺每天和三杯牛奶。Source:Geoff Lancaster“consumer behavior:the psychology of marketing” University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443, USA (213) 740-749Psychological Factors Influencing Buyer BehaviorGeoff LancasterPsychologic
16、al factors are the fourth major influence on consumer buying behavior (in addition to cultural, social, and personal factors). In general, a persons buying choices are influenced by the psychological factors of motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes.Importance of understanding cust
17、omer motivesThe task of marketing is to identify consumers needs and wants accurately, then to develop products and services that will satisfy them. For marketing to be successful, it is not sufficient to merely discover what customers require, but to find out why it is required. Only by gaining a d
18、eep and comprehensive understanding of buyer behaviour can marketings goals be realised. Such an understanding of buyer behaviour works to the mutual advantage of the consumer and marketer, allowing the marketer to become better equipped to satisfy the consumers needs efficiently and establish a loy
19、al group of customers with positive attitudes towards the companys products.Consumer behaviour can be formally defined as: the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services, including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts. The underly
20、ing concepts of this chapter form a system in which the individual consumer is the core, surrounded by an immediate and a wider environment that influences his or her goals. These goals are ultimately satisfied by passing through a number of problem-solving stages leading to purchase decisions. The
21、study and practice of marketing draws on a great many sources that contribute theory, information, inspiration and advice. In the past, the main input to the theory of consumer behaviour has come from psychology. More recently, the interdisciplinary importance of consumer behaviour has increased suc
22、h that sociology, anthropology, economics and mathematics also contribute to the science relating to this subject.MotivationA person has many needs at any given time. Some needs are biogenic; they arise from physiological states of tension such as hunger, thirst, discomfort. Other needs are psychoge
23、nic; they arise from psychological states of tension such as the need for recognition, esteem, or belonging. A need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity. A motive is a need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.Purchasing motivation is to make con
24、sumers to buy a commodity decision-making internal driving force, is a cause of purchase behavior of the premise, also is the cause of her behavior. Specific include the following aspects:(1) rational motivationRational motivation some goods to consumers is a clear understanding and cognitive, of th
25、e goods in more familiar conducted based on the rational choice and make the purchase behavior. It includes:1. ApplyApply for a realistic performance psychological, consumer products is important to the most basic, most core functions. In the choose and buy goods, pay close attention to its technica
26、l performance, and appearance, the price, the brand of the added value of products on the second.2. The economyEconomic performance as a cream for psychological. By the comparison of several kinds of goods, in other conditions basic similar circumstances, this kind of customer to price appear quite
27、sensitive, they are generally by price material benefit as the first element of choice.3. ReliableHigh quality product is the customer can rest assured the basis of consumption. Reliable is in essence a pursuit of high quality consumer reflect. So the brand name products has the trust of the people,
28、 just because it is reliable in quality.(2) feeling motivationFeeling motivation can't simply understand for not rational motivation. It is mainly composed of social and psychological factors arise willingness to buy and impulse. It is difficult to have a feeling motivation objective standard, b
29、ut is substantially from the psychology.1. To show off psychologyThis kind of psychological in high income levels, more common. Income that they have the capital to show off, so in shopping on they will show their status and appreciate level. Many luxury brand manufacturers is seize the group psycho
30、logical tendency, have introduced all kinds of expensive luxury goods.2. Compare psychologyComparison is a kind of psychological mutatis mutandis. In the same social groups inside, each member lists each other, who don't want to lag behind others. This kind of psychological on consumption appear
31、s to be a motive, others have what high-grade goods, own also must have.3. Conformity psychologyThis kind of psychological reflected in life circle, people want to follow in the circle the pace of most people. So that others think good products, own also followed approval; Others what to buy goods,
32、oneself also can follow to buy.Psychologists have developed theories of human motivation. Three of the best knownthe theories of Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow, and Frederick Herzberg carry quite different implications for consumer analysis and marketing strategy. Freuds theory. Sigmund Freud assumed
33、 that the psychological forces shaping peoples behavior are largely unconscious, and that a person cannot fully understand his or her own motivations. A technique called laddering can be used to trace a persons motivations from the stated instrumental ones to the more terminal ones. Then the markete
34、r can decide at what level to develop the message and appeal. In line with Freuds theory, consumers react not only to the stated capabilities of specific brands, but also to other, less conscious cues. Successful marketers are therefore mindful that shape, size, weight, material, color, and brand na
35、me can all trigger certain associations and emotions.Maslows theory. Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. His theory is that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, from the most to the least pressing. In order of importance, these five cat
36、egories are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. A consumer will try to satisfy the most important need first; when that need is satisfied, the person will try to satisfy the next-most-pressing need. Maslows theory helps marketers understand how various products fit i
37、nto the plans, goals, and lives of consumers.Herzbergs theory. Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor theory that distinguishes dissatisfiers (factors that cause dissatisfaction) from satisfiers (factors that cause satisfaction).the absence of dissatisfiers is not enough; satisfiers must be activ
38、ely present to motivate a purchase. For example, a computer that comes without a warranty would be a dissatisfy. Yet the presence of a product warranty would not act as a satisfier or motivator of a purchase, because it is not a source of intrinsic satisfaction with the computer. Ease of use would,
39、however, be a satisfier for a computer buyer. In line with this theory, marketers should avoid dissatisfiers that might unseal their products. They should also identify and supply the major satisfiers or motivators of purchase, because these satisfiers determine which brand consumers will buy.Percep
40、tionA motivated person is ready to act, yet how that person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the situation. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception depends no
41、t only on physical stimuli, but also on the stimulis relation to the surrounding field and on conditions within the individual.The key word is individual. Individuals can have different perceptions of the same object because of three perceptual processes: selective attention, selective distortion, a
42、nd selective retention.Selective attention. People are exposed to many daily stimuli such as ads; most of these stimuli are screened outa process called selective attention. The end result is that marketers have to work hard to attract consumers attention. Through research, marketers have learned th
43、at people are more likely to notice stimuli that relate to a current need, which is why car shoppers notice car ads but not appliance ads. Furthermore, people are more likely to notice stimuli that they anticipatesuch as foods being promoted on a food Web site. And people are more likely to notice s
44、timuli whose deviations are large in relation to the normal size of the stimuli, such as a banner ad offering $100 (not just $5) off a products list price.Selective distortion. Even noticed stimuli do not always come across the way that marketers intend. Selective distortion is the tendency to twist
45、 information into personal meanings and interpret information in a way that fits our preconceptions. Unfortunately, marketers can do little about selective distortion.Selective retention. People forget much that they learn but tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. Bec
46、ause of selective retention, we are likely to remember good points mentioned about a product we like and forget good points mentioned about competing products. Selective retention explains why marketers use drama and repetition in messages to target audiences.LearningWhen people act, they learn. Lea
47、rning involves changes in an individuals behavior that arise from experience. Most human behavior is learned. Theorists believe that learning is produced through the interplay of drives, stimuli, cues, responses, and reinforcement. A drive is a strong internal stimulus that impels action. Cues are m
48、inor stimuli that determine when, where, and how a person responds. Suppose you buy an IBM computer. If your experience is rewarding, your response to computers and IBM will be positively reinforced. Later, when you want to buy a printer, you may assume that because IBM makes good computers, it also
49、 makes good printers. You have now generalized your response to similar stimuli. A countertendency to generalization is discrimination, in which the person learns to recognize differences in sets of similar stimuli and adjust responses accordingly. Applying learning theory, marketers can build up de
50、mand for a product by associating it with strong drives, using motivating cues, and providing positive reinforcement.Beliefs and AttitudesThrough doing and learning, people acquire beliefs and attitudes that, in turn, influence buying behavior. A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds a
51、boutSomething Beliefs may be based on knowledge, opinion, or faith, and they may or may not carry an emotional charge. Of course, manufacturers are very interested in the beliefs that people have about their products and services. These beliefs make up product and brand images, and people act on the
52、ir images. If some beliefs are wrong and inhibit purchase, the manufacturer will want to launch a campaign to correct these beliefs. Particularly important to global marketers is the fact that buyers often hold distinct beliefs about brands or products based on their country of origin. Studies have
53、found, for example, that the impact of country of origin varies with the type of product. Consumers want to know where a car was made but not where lubricating oil came from. In addition, attitudes toward country of origin can change over time; Japan, for instance, had a poor quality image before Wo
54、rld War II.A company has several options when its products place of origin turns off consumers. The company can consider co-production with a foreign company that has a better name. Another alternative is to hire a well-known celebrity to endorse the product. Or the company can adopt a strategy to a
55、chieve world-class quality in the local industry, as is the case with Belgian chocolates and Colombian coffee. This is what South African wineries are attempting to do as their wine exports increase. South African wines have been hurt by the perception that the countrys vineyards are primitive in comparison to those in other countries and that wine farmers are continuing crude labor practices. In reality, South Africas wine farmers have improved the lives of their workers. “Wine is such a product of origin that we cannot succeed
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