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1、闽教版小学英语第七册unit 1 talking about the summer vacation lesson 1 教学目标词汇:vacation, stay, the summer palace, the white house.句型:where were you in the summer vacation ?-i went to the usa. i visited the white house. i stayed in china. i visited the great wall and the summer palace. i went to shanghai. i took

2、 some photos.功能: 学习谈论如何度过暑假。情感:掌握表示在暑假去游玩的句子,并尝试用口语表达。教学重难点 1. 学习句型 where were you in the summer vacation? 及回答 。2. 学会用所学句型谈论如何度过暑假。教学准备卡片、课件、挂图、vcd。教学步骤和方法:step. warming up1. greetings.2sing a song: the morning song, 边唱边和学生握手问好。.step . learn to say 1. summer vacation: where were you in the summer va

3、cation?i went to/ i was in2. learn to say: i stayed in/ i stayed at home.3. what did you do in the summer vacation?i visitedand/ i took some photos.4. did you have a good time?yes, i did. / no, i didnt.step .ask and answer.每一对学生选择自己最有把握的一幅图或两幅图来表演。学生先在小组里演练,再自荐上台表演。step . read a poem.first let ss li

4、sten to the tape recorder two times, read after it and then translate it.(根据学生的接受能力此环节放到下一个课时教学) step v.practice. read and recite part 1 on page1. step vi.homework. 1. 听读lesson1三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中 lesson 1。板书设计: lesson1where were you in the summer vacation?i went to the usa.i stayed in china. i visited

5、 the great wall and the summer palace. i visited the white house. and i took some photos.教学反思:unit 1 talking about the summer vacation lesson 2 编写者:张慧教学目标词汇:cousin, learn.句型:did you have a good time in the summer vacation ?-sure. in the morning i in the afternoon i . in the evening i.功能: 学习谈论在早晨,中午及

6、晚上各做了什么事。情感:掌握表示在早,午,晚所做事情的句子,并尝试用口语表达。教学重难点 1. 学习句型in the morning i in the afternoon i in the evening i. 3. 学会用所学句型谈论在早晨,中午及晚上所做的事情。教学准备卡片、课件、挂图、vcd。教学步骤和方法:step. warming upask and answer: where were you in the summer vacation?did you have a good time in the summer vacation?step . look and say 1. i

7、n the morning ilearned english/ did my homework2. in the afternoon iswam in the sea/ played basketball3. in the evening iwatched tv/ played chess.step .learn to say.1. 播放vcd让学生跟读并模仿语音。2. 邀请2位学生进行角色扮演。step . listen and circle the right answer.first let ss listen to the tape recorder two times, then d

8、o it. step v.practice. 1. learn to write.2. read and recite part 1 on page5. step vi.homework. 1. 听读lesson2三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中 lesson 2。板书设计: lesson 2in the morning ilearned english/ did my homeworkin the afternoon iswam in the sea/ played basketballin the evening iwatched tv/ played chess教学反思:unit 2 h

9、ousework lesson 3 编写者:张慧教学目标词汇:housework, made, clothes, water.句型:in the past now功能: 学会正确分辨和使用一般过去时和一般现在时。情感:培养学生做家务,帮父母分担的意识。教学重难点 1. 学习句型in the past now 4. 掌握do housework, make my bed, wash my clothes, clean my room 等短语,并将这些短语用于表达过去及现在做了些什么的句型中。教学准备卡片、课件、挂图、vcd。教学步骤和方法:step. warming updo you know

10、how to say the white house and do my homework?house, homework-housework从旧知引向新知,让学生自己说出housework并理解该单词的意思。step . learn to say 1. make-make my bed iwash-wash my clothes-iclean-clean my room/ clean the table-isweep-sweep the floor-i water-water the flowers-ido-do the shopping-i学习单词和词组时注意纠正学生的错误发音,单词的学习

11、做到词不离句,要融进本课的句型里练习,让学生在本课的语境中理解并运用新词汇。2. ask and answer:sentences: do you make your bed/ wash your clothes/ clean your room/ clean the table/ sweep the floor/ water the flowers/ do the shopping?yes, i do. / no, i dont.step .look and say.3. pastin the past now4. in the past my mother made my bed. now

12、 i make my bed.5. in the past my grandma washed my clothes. now i wash my clothes.6. in the past my mother cleaned my room. now i clean my room.step . learn to say.every every week/ every morning/ every day.help-help my mother do houseworkoften-often helplearn page 9 part 1.first let ss listen to th

13、e tape recorder two times, read after it and then translate it.引导学生认真模仿录音里的语音、语调,要求学生朗读时要看课文、认读文字。read and recite part 1. step v.practice: answer the questionnaire. tick the housework you do.( ) i make my bed every morning.( ) i clean my room every week.( ) i wash my clothes.( ) i help my mother do

14、the shopping.( ) i clean the table after dinner.( ) i sweep the floor.( ) i water the flowers. step vi.homework. 1. 听读lesson3三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中 lesson 3。板书设计: lesson 2in the past now my mother made my bed. i make my bed.my grandma washed my clothes. i wash my clothes.my mother cleaned my room. i clean

15、 my room.教学反思:unit 2 housework lesson 4 编写者:张慧教学目标词汇:messy, a messy boy, clean his bedroom, every morning, on sunday.句型:did wang tao make his bed in the past ?-no, he didnt. does the make his bed now?-yes, he does.功能: 学习一般现在时与一般过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。情感:培养学生做家务,帮父母分担的意识。教学重难点 1. 学习句型did wang tao make his bed

16、 in the past ?-no, he didnt. does the make his bed now?-yes, he does. 5. 学习一般现在时与一般过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。教学准备卡片、课件、挂图、vcd。教学步骤和方法:step. warming uppastin the past nowin the past my mother made my bed. now i make my bed.in the past my grandma washed my clothes. now i wash my clothes.in the past my mother clea

17、ned my room. now i clean my room.on sunday/ monday/ tuesday/ wednesday/ thursday/ friday/ saturdaykitchen, garden, supermarket, bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, dining room, study.step . ask and answer these questions: 1) did you have a good time in the summer vacation?did you clean your room in the

18、 past?yes, i did. / no, i didnt.2) do you often clean your room now?do you water your flowers every week?yes, i do. / no, i dont.step .learn to say.7. first let ss read page 13 part 1 by themselves, then let them ask the teacher questions.8. listen to the tape recorder one time. read after the teach

19、er.step . listen and circle the right answer.1.what day is it?2.what is sallys father doing?3.where is sallys mother?4.what is sally washing?5.who is cleaning the bedroom?6.what is kate doing? step v.learn to write.write a short passage about housework. step vi.homework. 1. 听读lesson4三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中

20、 lesson 4。板书设计: lesson 4did wang tao make his bed in the past ?-no, he didnt. does the make his bed now?-yes, he does.教学反思:unit 5 getting ready for a trip lesson 5 编写者:张慧教学目标词汇:holiday, hotel, waterfall, raft, trip.句型:where will you go for the holiday? what will you do there?功能: 能理解we will-句型的语法意义即是

21、用以表示做某事的一种计划和打算。并且能用此句型熟练地表达自己将要做某事的意愿,在沟通和口语交际中体会英语的乐趣,得到学习英语的成功体验。情感:通过本课讨论旅游计划这个话题的学习,孩子们能够学会为即将到来的长假做出科学,合理的计划安排,培养他们自主学习的能力。教学重难点 1. 能在真实的语境中自如地运用以下的短语:visit wuyishan / see the mountains/see the waterfalls/stay at a nice hotel/ go on a raft trip6. 让学生能理解willv原的语法意义和语用意义,并能在口语交际中正确使用willv原 的句型达到

22、口语交际的功能。教学准备卡片、课件、挂图、vcd。教学步骤和方法:step. warming upclap and stampvisit (参观)swim (游泳)have (有)go (去)see (看见)stay (住)step . presentation t: boys and girls, i have good news to tell you to tell you. next week we have a seven-day holiday.呈现新单词:holiday(假期)a.呈现目标句型1. where will you go for the holidays?-i wil

23、l go to wuyishan xiamen shanghai beijingat homekunming guilin hainan ?2. what will you do there?- i willsee the mountainsdo my homeworkswim in the seasee the waterfallsplay basketballwatch tvsee the flowersvisit the summer palace?(your ideas)7. how will you go there?-by plane by trainby bikeby caron

24、 footby busb.导入对话练习part2 look and say wuyishansee the mountainsby trainwuyishan see the waterfallsby planebeijing visit the summer palaceby planeguilin see the river and mountainsby buskunming see the flowersby trainhainan swim in the seaby planec.导入课文教学t: do you want to know- where will chen ling,

25、wang tao, li hong go for the holidays? -they will go to -how will they go? -by -what will they do? -they will-will they have a good time? -yes, they will. / no, they will not.then let the students listen to the tape while read the book. step .practice1. let the ss open the books and read after the t

26、exts.2. let the ss act out the dialogues with some pictures and phrase provided by the teacher, such as:people:place:how:what: well see the mountains. see the waterfalls. stay at a nice hotel. go on a raft trip.mood: we will have a good time. step iv.homework. 1. 听读lesson5三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中 lesson 5。板

27、书设计: lesson 5where will you go for the holidays?how will go there?what will you do there?教学反思:unit 3 getting ready for a trip lesson 6 编写者:张慧教学目标词汇:forecast.句型:it will be sunny on october 1st.it will be cool and cloudy in beijing on oct. 1st.功能: 学习描绘未来几天内某地的天气状况。情感:掌握表示某地某天的天气情况的句子,并尝试用口语表达。教学重难点 1.

28、 学习新词forecast,句型it will be in on . 8. 表示在某地用in,在某天用on。教学准备卡片、课件、课堂练习。教学步骤和方法:step. warming up2. greetings.2song:month song.3. 复习十二个月份的单词。t: lets review the words.(快速读12个月份单词,抽取october, january, december, november, september贴在黑板)4. 复习序数词。用卡片1号(1st, first),2号(2nd,second)。快速读,抽取5个序数词贴上黑板。t:the no.1, we

29、 call it (first)5. 复习日期表达法(1)师说日期,请某生取下相应的月份、日期卡片组合。再随意取下日期组合,全班说。 t: ill tell you the date. please show me the cards.(2)课件闪现日期,学生抢说。 t: look at the screen. tell me what date is it today ?学生抢答。课件内容:october 1st, february 3rd, june 5th, april 7th,march 9th, august 1ststep . presentation 1. 揭示课题. t: la

30、st time, we have learned lesson 5 getting ready for a trip i think the weather is important. today, well learn lesson6. lets review the words about weather.2. 复习气候词 sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, cool, cold, hot, warm (1)review the words about weather 快速读 (2)点兵点将:快速说出教师所指单词。(请某一排学生一个接一个来快速说出教师所指的卡片,请两

31、排)t: say the words one by one. row, go! (3)game: whats missing ? (快速记忆黑板上所有的单词,闭上眼睛,睁开眼后快速找出少了哪个单词,起立说出)3. 天气预报(1)教学 weather forecast , 课件出示全国天气预报图t: look , this is a weather forecast . 带读 weather forecast 教新词forecast-跟读,one by one(2)听音填表,根据课件播放的各地天气情况,填写表格中的气候和日期。 做完一句,再看一遍课件(3句) t: listen and fill

32、 in a form . “it will be cool and cloudy in beijing on oct. 1st.” “it will be cold and sunny in taishan on oct. 4th.” “it will be hot and sunny in sanya on oct. 6th.”4. it will be and in on .点击城市,播放当地天气预报,循环播放,让学生填写句子并试复述,师板书。(2句)t:listen , tell me the sentence.板书时用红色笔写in、on,强调“in”somewhere. “on” so

33、meday. 写出句子后全班跟读。课件出示语法点:“表示在某地用in,在具体的某一天用on.5. lesson 6 / 2、look and say. 分小组读一读书中6句话。step .consolidation1. lesson 6/ 1、learn to say. a、 默读课文 t:“read it by yourself and find the answer .”b、课件提问-what will the weather like on oct. 1st ? - what will the weather like on oct. 2nd ? - what will the weat

34、her like on oct. 3rd ?c、 听音跟读2. 课后练习 学生做练习,再进行校对。a、lesson 6 / 3、listen and circle the right answer .b、lesson 6 / 4、learn to write .step . homework1. 听读lesson6三遍并签字。 2. 完成一册通中 lesson 6。板书设计: unit 3 getting ready for a trip lesson 6it will be sunny on october 1st. it will be cool and cloudy in beijing

35、 on oct. 1st.教学反思:unit 4 on holidayslesson 7 编写者:何碧香教学目标词汇:stream, miss句型: on october 1st, we went to wuyishan by train. what did you do today? in the morning we climbed the mountains. did you go to see the waterfalls? yes, we did.功能:讲述到某景区旅游的情况。情感:培养学生对拥有壮丽山河的祖国的热爱之情。教具准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 stepi.

36、 warm up good morning! where did you go for the holidays?what did you do there? did you have a good time?朗诵童谣:did you have a good time?stepii.review1复习学过的动词过去式2第五课中所学的动词短语:go to wuyishan by train, stay at a nice hotel, go on a raft trip, see the mounatins, climb the mountains, see the waterfalls, ha

37、ve a good time将以上动词短语改为一般过去时3揭示并板书课题stepiii.presentation:1)t:do you remember chen ling and li hongs plan for the holidays? they planned to go to wuyishan. look at this picture. theyre on a raft trip down the jiuqu stream. theyre having a good time.教学stream , the jiuqu stream2)出示问题:when did they go t

38、o wuyishan? hows the weather on october 2nd? what did they do in the morning? what did they do in the aternoon? did they have a good time?3)read the dialog 教学miss 4)一般疑问问:did you go to see the waterfalls? did you take photos? 特殊疑问句:what did you do today? what did you do in the afternoon?stepiv.

39、look and say.stepv.learn “i love china”stepvi.summary.stepvii.homework:1.听录音,熟读课文。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习lesson 8板书设计:unit 4 on holidays lesson 7stream , the jiuqu stream misswhat did you do today? in the morning. did you go to see the waterfalls? yes, we did.教学反思:unit 4 on holidayslesson 8 编写者:何碧香教学目标词汇:c

40、ome back句型: when did you come back?on october 3rd.did you?yes, i did.功能:向朋友介绍外出旅游的情况。情感:培养学生热爱祖国、热爱大自然的健康人生观。教具准备 单词卡片(how, what, when, where, come back),录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 stepi. warm up and review“i love china” “hello”( hello, hello. may i speak to apollo? speaking, speaking. this is apollo speaking.)

41、stepii.presentation:1. review: a: hello. this is a. may i speak to b, please? c: hi, a. this is c. hold on, please. b: hi, this is b speaking.2.揭示并板书课题stepiii.learn to say:come back-chen ling is calling sally. what are they talking about? lets listen to the tape.请判断下列句子正、误:( )sally answered the phon

42、e first.( )chen ling came back on october 2nd.( )chen ling climbed the mountains.( )their raft trip was very interesting.stepiv.read and write出示单词卡片how, what, when, where进行教学,学生跟读,并说出这四个词的意思。stepv.listen and circle the right answer.stepvi.summary.stepvii.homework:1.完成课本第36页的自我评价。 2.完成活动手册上的练习。板书设计:u

43、nit 4 on holidays lesson 8when did you come back? on october 3rd.did you? yes, i did.教学反思:review 2 编写者:何碧香教学目标复习一般将来时与一般过去时。学唱歌曲:here comes the train.语音语调:继续学习英语语调中的降调。教具准备单词卡片(will,have,do,go,take,clean,wash,room,clothes,zoo,camera,photos,agood time)录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 stepi. warm up good morning!where

44、did you go for the holidays?what did you do there?when did you come back?sing a song “here comes the train”.stepii.review:一般将来时的概念、结构、时间状语。1.复习:have, do, go, take, clean, wash.2.room, clothes, zoo, camera, photos, a good time.3.牵线搭桥:在它们中间搭上合适的词,组成词组:clean the/ my / your / his / her roomwash the/my/y

45、our/his/her clothesgo to the zootake some photostake a camerahave a good timestepiii.read and fill in the missing words.stepiv.review 2一般过去时的概念、结构、时间状语及人称和数的概念stepv.read the diary.判断正、误:( )it was sunny on october 2nd.( )li hong and chen ling climbed the mountains in the morning.( )they went on a raf

46、t trip in the afternoon.( )they sang songs abut the mountains and the stream.( )they were tired, but they had a good time.语调练习:page 40stepvi.summary.stepvii.homework:1.复习第三、四单元所学过的知识。2听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。 3.完成活动手册上的练习。板书设计:review 2where what when will一般过去时:一般将来时:教学反思:unit 5 daily schedulelesson 9 编写者:何碧香

47、教学目标词汇:got, late, said.句型:li hong usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. but this morning she got up at 7:30. in the morning we climbed the mountains.功能:谈论每天的作息时间。情感:教育学生合理安排时间,养成良好的学习和生活习惯,树立守时的观念。教具准备单词卡片(go-went, do-did, has-had, is-was, get-got say-said, late)词组卡片(get up, have breakfast, go to

48、school, have lunch, go home, go to bed.).一个闹钟,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 stepi. warm upsing a song“this is the way we make our bed”后出示have breakfast, go to school 等词组卡片,套用这首歌的旋律,请学生再演唱几遍。stepii.review:单词:go-went, do-did, has-had, is-was,重点教学get, say的过去式。词组:get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go ho

49、me, go to bed句型:i get up at 7:00. i go to school at 7:30揭示并板书课题。stepiii.presentationsentences:she usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. but this morning she got up at 7:30. she didnt have breakfast. she went to school at 7:40. she got toschool at 8:10. she was late.stepiv.teaching text.先自读课文,请请帮助解

50、疑,后让学生用不同形式进行听音模仿训练。stepv.consolidationlook and say/ ask and answer/ fill in the blanks.stepvi.summary.stepvii.homework:1.听录音,熟读本课内容。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习lesson 10.板书设计:unit 5 daily schedule lesson 9li hong usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning.but this morning she got up at 7:30.in the morning we climbed the mountains.get-got, say-said, late教学反思:unit 5 daily schedulelesson 10 编写者:何碧香 教学目标词汇:healthy, love, exer


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