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1、授课教案年级:初三课程:英语老师:日期: 2021/12/3课题名称现在完成时教学通过对现在完成时的讲解使同学把握现在完成时的主要学问点和考点;能够运用目标所学技巧和方法应对中考;授课类型理论课教学重点把握现在完成时的句型结构,时间状语;教学难点动词过去分词的不规章变化教学方法讲授法、提问法、举例法、练习法教具及材料白板、资料课 时40 分钟新课导入现在完成时的相关题型是每年中考的必考题;一般显现在单项题偶见显现在完形填空以及句子填空题中;因此把握现在完成时的学问点和考点是中考拿分的重点内容;这节课我们就现在完成时的重点难点及考点进行具体讲解;授课内容新课讲解1.含义1). 表示一个动作发生在

2、过去,并且已经终止,强调对现在的影响;(瞬时动词适用于这种情形)例子:he has just seen the film.他刚刚看过这场电影;she has passed the exam so far.到目前为止她已经通过了考试2). 表示一个动作发生在过去,并且没有终止,始终连续到现在,并有可能连续到将来;(连续性动词适用于这种情形)例子: i have lived here for about ten years.we have been very busy since the new term began.2.结构歌诀:完成时, 很简洁, have, has 再加 done. i, y

3、ou, we, they 用 have,其他 has 把身现;否定 not 加其后,疑问句里提向前;假如要把时间加,since 一点, for 一段; 强调完成有不同,yet,already 句中添; yet 否定, 疑问见, already 表示 “已做完 ”; never, ever 表经受,用在过去分词前,never 本身表否定,ever “曾经 ”句意全;确定句:主语+ have/has +动词过去分词(完成时,很简洁,have, has 再加 done. i, you, we, they 用 have, 其他 has 把身现;)i have already finished my l

4、unch. she has just gone out.练习a) 选用 have, has填空:1. i told him the news.2. she come back from school.3. you won the game.否定句:主语+ have/has not + 动词过去分词(缩写:haven't(否定 not 加其后)he has never been there. tom hasnt come back yet.练习she has already finished her meal.疑问句: have /has +主语+ 动词过去分词?(疑问句里提向前);简略

5、答语: yes, 主语 + have / has.确定 no, 主语 + haven t / hasn否定 t.have you heard the news yet.yes, i have.have you ever climbed that mountain.no, i haven,t.上一份练习改成疑问句让同学回答)练习they have lived in guilin for ten years.过去分词1 、规章动词:规章动词的过去分词的构成规章与规章动词的过去式的构成规章相同;四点变化规章:1 、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ed ”;work-worked-worked ,visit-

6、visited-visited2 、以“e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“d ”;live-lived-lived ,3 、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将"y"变为"i",再加“ed ”;study-studied-studied ,cry-cried-cried4 、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”;stop-stopped-stopped , drop-dropped-dropped2 、不规章动词:aaa型cost cost cost , cut cut cut, read read read 等aab型b

7、eat beat beaten 等aba型come came comerun ran run等abb 型 bring brought broughtbuy bought boughtthink thought thought等abc 型 do did donego went gonesee saw seen等b) 按要求改写以下各句:4. theyhaveboughtacomputer. 改成否定句 wehavefinishedourhomework . 改成否定句 5. he has lost his book. 先改成一般疑问句,再作确定与否定回答 they have cleaned th

8、e classroom. 先改成一般疑问句,再作确定与否定回答 3.标志词:(1) “已完成”“过去对现在的影响“already,表示:已经(确定句中,可放句中或句末),yet,表示:已经、仍.(否定句和疑问句中,用在句末),just,表示:刚刚(瞬时动词)he has already got her help. 他已得到她的帮忙;he has just seen the film. 他刚刚看过这场电影;he hasn sttarted yet. 他仍没有动身;强调到现在为止的的生活经受:(连续性动词)never,表示从来没有, ever,表示:曾经(长用于否定和疑问句),once,一次 tw

9、ice 两次 ,three times 三次, so far 到目前为止;she has never been late for school. 他上学从未迟到过;have you ever lived in this hotel.你曾经住过这个酒店吗? they have been to beijing twice.他们去过两次北京了;she has passed the exam so far. 到目前为止她已经通过了考试;(2) “未完成” “过去到现在可能刚刚终止,也可能连续下去”(连续性动词) since + 过去时间点,表示:自从.(1) since+(过去的)月份/年份,(2)

10、since+ 一段时间 +ago(3) since+ 一般过去时从句for +时间段:表示:连续i havent seen him for two years. she has taught english for ten years.连续性动词和非连续性动词的相互转换中学阶段常见的有: buy have,leave be away, borrow keep, join be a member / die be dead, become be, open v. be open adj. come be, go out be out, leave be away from, begin be o

11、n,等;he has been away for two years.他已走了两年;he has been an english teacher since 1992.自从 1992 年以来他始终当英语老师;1. he bought the book two weeks ago. = he has had the book for two weeks.2. she left two years ago.= has been away for two years.3. he died 20 years ago.= he has been dead for 20 years.4. the fact

12、ory opened in 1999.= the factory has been open since 1999.5. he joined the army three years ago. =he has been in the army for three yearshave been in, have been to与 have gone to 的用法1. havehas been in 意为“已经在某地呆了多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用;如:mr. brown has been in shanghai for three days. 布朗先生来上海已经有三天了2. haveh

13、as been to 意为“曾经去过某地,现在已经回来”,可与just, ever, never, once ,twice 等连用;如:i've just been to the post office. 我刚才去邮局了;have you ever been to hangzhou. 你曾经去过杭州吗?mary has never been to the great wall. 玛丽从未去过长城they have been to that village several times. 他们去过那个村庄好几次了;3. havehas gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在

14、去某地的途中;总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、其次人称代词作句子的主语;如:where is tom. 汤姆在哪里?he has gone to the bookshop.他到书店去了;一,单项挑选1、bothhisparentslooksad .maybe they what'shappenedtohim . .knew.have known .must know .will know2、hehas beentoshanghai , hashe . .already.never .ever. still3、haveyoumetmrli ? .just .ago .before

15、 .a moment ago4、the famous writer one new book in the past two year . iswriting .waswriting .wrote .haswritten5、-our country a lot so far .-yes . i hope it will be even . . haschanged ; well .changed ; good . haschanged ; better .changed ; better6、zhao lan already in this school for two years . . wa

16、s ; studying. will ; study . has ; studied . are ; studying7、we xiaolisinceshewasalittlegirl . . know .hadknown . haveknown .knew8、harry potter is a very nice film .i it twice . .willsee.haveseen .saw .see9、-thesefarmershavebeentotheunitedstates .-really . when there . . willtheygo .didtheygo .dothe

17、ygo .havetheygone10、- you yourhomeworkyet .-yes . i itamomentago . .did ; do ; finished .have ; done ; finished .have ; done ; havefinished .will ; do ; finish11、 hisfather thepartysince1978 . .joined .has joined .was in .hasbeenin12、-do you know him well .-sure .we friends since ten years ago . .we

18、re . have been . have become . have made13、-how long have you here .-about two months . .been .e .arrived14、hurryup. theplay fortenminutes . .hasbegun .hadbegun .hasbeenon .began15、 it tenyearssinceheleftthearmy . .is .has .will.was16、 missgreenisn'tintheoffice . she tothelibrary . .hasgone . went .willgo.hasbeen17、myparentsshandongfortenyears . .havebeenin. havebeento .havegoneto . havebeen18、the students have cleaned the classroom,.a. so theyb. don't theyc. have theyd. haven't they19、has mr white been a


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