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1、学习必备欢迎下载中学英语反意疑问句专项讲解(简化版)1.定义:陈述句后加上一个与之相反的简短问句,这种句子叫反意疑问句.表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不愿定,想通过对方的回答加以确定或否定. 2.构成: 留意肯否关系极其答语 反意疑问句由两部分构成,前一部分是对事物的陈述,用陈述句形式;后一部分是简略的提问,用简略的疑问形式;假如前一部分用确定形式,后一部分一般用否定形式;前一部分用否定形式,后一部分用确定形式;两部分的人称和时态要一 致,两部分之间用逗号隔开;其回答是用yes 或 no 来表示 .第一种结构 :确定的陈述句+逗号 +一般疑问句的简略否定+问号 .这种反意疑问句的回答与一般

2、疑问句的回答方式一样.eg:1.itversy cold today,isnit.tyes ,it is. no ,it isn t.2.you are a teacher ,arenyotu. yes, iam. no ,i nmot.he live in the next room,doesn het. yes ,he does. no ,hedoesn t.其次种结构 :否定的陈述句+逗号 +一般疑问句的简略确定+问号 .这种反意疑问句的回答,英语答语和汉语答语不一样,应特殊留意 ,在这种问句中yes 译为”不”而no 译为”似的 ,对eg:1.she isnt going to see

3、 the film ,is she .yes ,she is .no ,she isn t.不,她要去; 是的 , 她不想去. 2.you don t teach english , do you . yes, i do. no ,i don t. 不 ,我教英语 .是的 , 我不3.翻译:前一部分按一般方式翻译;后一部分译成 “这是真的吗?” 、“ 你同意吗?” 、“ 是吗?”、“对吗?”、 “是不是?” 、“对不对?”等类似的字词;eg:1.you are a new classmate, aren t you.你 是 一 名 新 同 学 , 是 吗 ?2.you don t like f

4、ish, do you. 你不喜爱鱼,对吗?4. 回答:对反意疑问 句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,如事实是确定的,就要用yes;事实是否定的,就用 no;遵循这一原就,特殊要留意的是,如前一部分为否定陈述句,答句译成汉语时,yes 译作“不” ;no 译作“是的” ;反之亦然;eg:1.he likes watching tv ,doesn t he.他喜爱看电视,是吗?yes,he does.是的,他喜爱看; no,he doesnt. 不,他不喜爱; 2.he isnt going to the park,is he. 他不去公园, 是吗? yes,he is. 不,他要去的no,he i

5、sn t.对,他不去;3.you don t know the word,do you. 你不熟悉那个单词,是吗? yes,i do.不,我熟悉; no,i don t.是的,我不熟悉;5. 前后句的人称:反意疑问句中,附加问句的主语通常应与陈述句中的主语在人称和数上保持一致. 即反意疑问句中, 附加问句的主语要用前面陈述句主语相对应的人称代词eg:1.you are from austalia,arenyou .t2.miss yang teaches us english , doesn sthe .3.the guests are all here ,aren yotu .6. 前后句的

6、谓语动词:陈述句与附加问句的谓语动词,在形式和时态上都应保持一样,如陈述部分有be 或情态动词 ,附加部分谓语就要用其相应形式.如陈述部分没有be助动词或情态动词,那么附加部分要添加适当的助动词.eg:1.he would like a cup of tea ,wouldt he .2.the cat can climb up the tree, cant it .3.the boy writes well, doesn t he . 特殊形式的反意疑问句主语是不定代词的反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载1.陈 述 部 分 主 语 是 不 定 代 词 everybody, everyone ,anyo

7、ne,anybody,somebody, someone, nobody, no one ,none,neither,等,附加问句主语常用复数 they 强调全体 ,有时也用单数 he强调个体 ;人教版新目标初二下英语同步辅导(一)中学二年级下un.中学二年级下un.eg:1.everyone knows the answer, don't they. does he.2.nobody knows about it, do they. does he.3.no one knows him, do th ey.4.none is here,are they ?没 有 人 在 这 儿 ,

8、对吗?5.someone opened the door, didn't he/they. 有人开了门,是不是?2.陈述部分主语是不定代词something, anything everything, nothing,附加 问句的主语通常用it ;eg:1.everything is ready, isn't it.2.something is wrong with your watch,isn t it? 你 的 手吗?3.nothing is too easy in the world, is it.表出 毛病 了, 不是二.there be结构的反意疑问句. 以 ther

9、e 开头的陈述句有两种情形:1. there be 句 型 时 , 其 附 加 疑 问 句 的 主 语 用there.eg:1.there are some books on the table, aren t there.2.there will not be any trouble, will there.3.t here is nothing wrong with the clock, is there.4.there was a hospital here, wasn't there.过去这儿有家医院,是吗2. there used to be 的反义疑问句:假如陈述句的谓语动

10、词为used to,反意疑问句既可以用didn't(针对 to 后面的动词来变化),也可以用usedn't, eg:there used to be a big tree near the river,usedn't there.3.当以表示“地点”的there 引导时,要用陈述句真实主语的相应代词形式作附加疑问句的主语,常有这两个句型:there live ,there stand,eg:1there stand two trees on the hill, dont they.2.there lived a poor old man in the woods, di

11、dnt he. 三.im, 结构的反意疑问句 .当陈述部分为i m.时,附加问句一般用aren t i , 当陈述部分为i m not.时 ,附加问句一般用 am i.eg:1.i m reading now ,arent i ? 我在读书,不是吗? .2.i am not late, am i. 我没有迟到,对吗?四.祈使句的反意疑问句1.以动词原形开头的祈使句,其附加部分一般用will you . 如祈使句是确定形式,附加问句可用 will you,也可用won t you, can t you,can you. 等 . 如祈使句是否定形式,附加问句只能用 will you. eg:1.

12、look at the blackboard, will you/ won't you.看黑板,好吗 .2. don't do that again, will you.2.以 let s 开头的祈使句,其附加问句用 shall we 包括听话人在内 eg: 1.let s go home, shall we ? 回家吧,好吗?3. 以 let us,let me,let him , 开头的祈使句,其附加部分用will you . 不包括听话人在内, 而是向听话者提出建议eg: 1. let me have a try, will you.让我试一试,行吗?学习必备欢迎下载2.

13、let me have a look , will you .3.let him speak first ,will you .五.含有宾语从句的主从复合句的反意疑问句1.当陈述部分是一个带有that 从句作宾语的复合句,附加部分应与主句的主语和谓语保持一样. eg:1.she say that you need help ,doesn t she .2.tom said that he was late for school,didnt he . 2.当主句的谓语动词是think,believe, suppose 等,而主句的主语是i 或 we 时 , 附加问句应与从句的主语和谓语保持一样.

14、仍要留意从句的否定前移.eg:1.i think you are right,arenyotu .2.i don tthink she can swim ,can she .3 .当主句的谓语动词是think,believe, suppose 等,而主句的主语不是i 或 we,而是其他人称如 you ,he 等时 , 附加问句应与主句的主语和谓语保持一样.eg:she thought that they would go swimming ,didn t she . 六 .含有情态动词must 的反意疑问句.当陈述部分含有情态动词must 时,附加问句部分要依据must 的意思而有所变化: 1

15、. 假如must作“必须或有必要”讲时,附加问句须用mustn't或 needn't. eg 1.he must work hard at physics, mustn't he.2.i must hand in my exer cise book, mustn t i needn t i .2. 如 果mustn t 表 示 ” 禁 止 “ 时 , 反 意 疑 问 句 须 用must.eg:1.you mustn t draw on the wall ,must you .3. 当陈述部分的must 表示“肯定是; 想必;必定”等估计意义时,附加问句谓语应当和must

16、后的动 词 相 呼 应 . 如 果 陈 述 部 分 中 出 现 了 具 体 的 过 去 时 间 状 语 , 附 加 问 句 就 用 过 去时.eg:1he must be there,isn't he.2) he must have a big family,doesn't he.3) there must be some students in the room,aren't there.4)you must have studied english for three years, haven't you.5)he must have finished it

17、 yesterday, didn't he.6)it must be going to rain tomorrow, won't it.七.感叹句的反意疑问句当陈述部分为感叹句时,附加问句需用be 的一般现在时态的否定形式,主语与感叹句的主语 一 致 .eg:1.what beautiful flowers,aren t they?多 漂亮 的 花 ,不 是吗?2.what fine weather, isn't it.多好的天气啊,是吧?八. 陈述部分含有few ,little , hardly , seldom ,never, not, no, no one, no

18、body , nothing ,none, neither, nowhere 等这些表示否定或半否定意义的词时及too, to 句型时 ,其反意疑问句需用确定结构eg1.some plants never blown 开花 , do they .2.the old man can hardly read, can he.这 位 老 人 不 识 字 , 对吗?3.the swede made no answer, did he / she.4. mr.fat has few friends here, does he yes, he does. no, he doesn t. 5.there i

19、s little milk in the bottle, is there.yes, there is. no, thereisn t.6. he could do nothing, could he. yes, he could. no, he couldn t.九. 当陈述句部分带有 un- ,in-, im- ,ir- ,dis- , 等否定前缀构成的派生词时,此陈述句当作确定句, 其后的附加部分用否定形式;eg:1.the students were impolite, weren't they.2.tom is unhappy today,isn het.学习必备欢迎下载3.

20、 she is careless ,isnshte.4. it is impossible, isn't it.5.she dislikes smoking , doesn't she. 6.he is not unkind to his classmates, is he . 十.其他一些特殊形式:1.陈述部分的主语是指示代词this 或 that 时,反意疑问句的主语用it ,当陈述部分的主语是指示代词these 或 those 时,其反意疑问句的主语用they;eg:1.this is a plane, isn't it.这是一架飞机,是吗?2.these are

21、 grapes,aren't they. 这些是葡萄,是吗2.陈 述 部 分 的 主 语 为 不 定 式 、 动 名 词 、 或 从 句 时 , 附 加 问用it .eg:1.reading in bed is bad for your eyes, isn句 的主语 t it.2.what you need is more important,isn't it?你需要的东西更重要3to learn english wellisn eatsy ,isnit .t4.whether they will come or not is very important,isnit . t3

22、.当陈述部分为并列句时,附加问句应采纳就近原就,附加问句主谓语应和后一个分句一样.eg:1.mr. smith had been to beijing for several times, he should have been in china now,shouldn't he.2.i help lucy with her chinese ,and she helps me with my english,doesn sthe.4.当 neither, .nor, . either, .or , . both , and,not only , but also,连接并列主语时,附加部

23、分的主语常用复数代词;eg:1.neither you nor i am wrong, are we.2.not only tom but also bob has be en there, haven thtey.6. 当 陈 述 句 是i wish,用 以 征 求 对 方 意 见 , 附 加 问 句 用may i , 必 须 用 肯 定 形式;eg:1.i wish to have a word with you, may i.7. 陈 述 部 分 有had better + v.附 加 问 句 部 分 用hadn't;eg:1.she d better stay in bed,

24、hadn t she.2.you'd better not read it by yourself, had you.8.陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,附加问句部分用didn't + 主语或 usedn't +主语,但didn t更为常用;eg:1.he used to take pictures there, didn't he. / usedn't he.2.he used to get up early, didn't h e/ usedn't he.9. 陈述 部 分含ought to时 ,附 加问 句 要 用shouldn

25、 t或oughtnt.eg:1. he ought to be here ,oughtn t shouldn t he .10. 带情态动词dare 或need 的反意疑问句,附加部分常用need dare not + 主语;当 dare, need为 实 义 动 词 时 , 附 加 部 分 用 助 动 词do的 适 当 形 式 +主语; eg:1we need not do it again, need we .2.she doesn't dare to go home alone, does she.3.the girl daren't go home alone, d a

26、re she.学习必备欢迎下载中学英语九年级反意疑问句专题训练一)挑选填空:1. i suppose the shoes will last you at least one year, .a. wonttheyb. will the yc. do id. don t2. everyone is surprised at the news, .a, is heb. are theyc. arent theyd. is not he3. - you will come to have dinner with us, wont you. -?a. excuse me, i won t. b. i

27、haven bteen there.c. you are welcome. d. yes. that svery nice of you.4. tom isn athard-working student, for it is the third time he has been late, .a. wasnittb. hasn ittc. isn ittd. hasn hte5. you don htave to go school on sundays, you.a.haveb. doc. shouldd. would 6. idon tthink he had his supper at

28、 th e school, .a. had heb. did hec. do i d.don ytou7. i don tthink hedlike to take such a difficult job, . a. had he b. would he c. do i d. don ytou 8. i don tthink her passport gosne, . a. is it b. has she c. do i d. donytou9. do pay attention to my work and keep your eyes open all thtime, . a. wil

29、l you b. donytou c. shall we d. wontwe 10. all the drivers dislike driving on the narrow roads . a. don tthey b. don etach of them c. do i d. dont you 11. let gso and have a walk, . a. do b. shall c. haven td. shan t12. go and fetch a chair for him, .a. don ytou b. shall you c. wontyou d. will you 1

30、3. there used to be a shop behind the fac tory, . a. didn thtere b. used there c. usedn ittc. didn itt14. i msure he m ust have been sleeping at the moment, . a. arenitb, mustn tc. wasnhte d. hasn t15. i had to tell the truth, .a. hadn itb. wouldn it c. didn i td. shouldni t16. - why is tom absent n

31、ow . -he must be sick, .a. isn hteb. must hec. is hed. mustn hte17, hedlike to have a look at your picture, he .a. hadn tb. didn tc .couldntd .wouldn1t8. you don tthink he will come, .a. do youb. will youc. will hed.wonthe19. let gso home, shall we. .a. that risght. b. that asllc. that asll right d.

32、 all right 20. jack had dinner with his mother at home yesterday, . a. did b. does c. didn td. hadn t 21. let john finish the wor k all by himself, . a. shall we b. will you c. do you d. do we 22. i don tthi nk it is going to rain, it. a. do i b. do you c. is d. isn t23. nothing the boy did was righ

33、t, it. a. was b. did c. wasntc. didn t24. it thse first time that she has been to the united states, .a. isn shteb. isn itt c. hasn sthed.hasn itt 25. he was hardly able to stand on his feet after the car accident,he.a. couldb.couldn tc. wasd. wasnt26. jack seldom goes to the park, .a. does heb. doe

34、sn t hec. does jackd. doesn t jack学习必备欢迎下载27. people use tag question 反意疑问 because they are not sure of what they have said they.a. dob. didc.didn td. don t28. everyone wants to be chosen for the work, .a.isn het theyd. do they29. she is going to see you , she .a. isn tb. isc. don td. doesn tb. does

35、 hec. don t30. they used to live in these mountain areas , they.a. didb.didn t c.usedd. weren t31. he ought to go by plane, _ he .a. shouldntb. wouldn tc. shouldd. would32. lovely weather. b .a.yes. you are right.b. yes ,isnit t c. no, it isd. no, you are wrong33. - you must do as i tell you. -oh, i

36、 must, i .a. should b.mustn tc. oughtd. must34. we must start earlier, we.a. needn tb. mustn tc. don td. mustn t35. you must have studied english for many years, you.a.didn tb. haven tc. nee dntd. mustn t36. she must have arrived there yesterday, she .a. didn tb. hasn tc. need ntd. mustn t37. we mus

37、tn bte late, we.a. mustb. mayc. ared. a&b38. i needn sthow her the keys to the question, b i.a. mustb. needc. cand. do39. we need to practice speaking english more often, we.a.mustn tb. needn tc. can td. don t40. i have to work this afternoon, i.a.don tb. did ntc, h aven td. dokey:1-5 acdcb6-10

38、bbaaa11-15 bdacc16-20 adadc21-25 bcabc26-30adcab31-35 abdab36-40 adbdc(二)、反意疑问句练习1. i am late , .2. i am not late , i . 3. his name is wang lei , .4. his class had a good time last sunday, . 5. alice isn't good at maths, . 6. jo hn worked hard at chinese , . 7. let's go out for a walk , . 8.

39、 let us have a rest , . 9. peter's going to see a film , . 10.she' ll go to platy basketball, . 11. the green's have been to the great wall . 12. this dictionary is dear , . 13. those books aren't yours , . 14. there is no air or water on the moon, . 15. there will be a film tonight , . 16. we must study hard, _.学习必备欢迎下载17. he must be at home , . 18. he must have read the book, . 19. he must have come here, . 20. open the door, .21. don't play on the road , . 22. every is here


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