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1、新课标人教版中学英语八年级下册精品英语试题附答案本试卷满分 120考试时间 120 分钟第 i 卷 (挑选题,共 55 分)一、听力测试(共 20 小题,计20 分)二、单项挑选(共 15 小题,计15 分)挑选正确答案 21.-how soon will you come back.- a few minutes.a. forb. inc. afterd.since 22. -look. there s apurse on the ground. whose is it.- there is a woman over there. maybe its .a. hisb.hersc. mine

2、d. yours 23. have you heard of the story. it interesting.a. looksb.tastesc.smellsd.sounds 24.-i called you up this morning, but nobody answered.-i the plants on my farm at that time.a. wateredb.was wateringc.am wateringd.have watered 25. -mum, i m so hungry.-ok. here is some .a. orangeb.applesc. bre

3、add. vegetables 26. what a beautiful school.-yes. a lot of trees and flowers last year.a. are plantedb.were plantedc.are plantingd. were planting 27.they are both wonderful cds. can i borrow one.-sure, you can choose of them.aeitherb.anyc. eachd. none 28. -how do you learn chinese.-i learn writing d

4、iaries.a. tob.ofc. byd. at 29. the train to qingdao had to be because of the heavy snow.a. put offb. put outc. put upd. put down 30.would you mind if i sit here. . its for the old man .a. never mindb. youd betternotc. you re welcome d.notat all. 31. shanghai is one of the in the world today.a. busie

5、st cityb. busiest citiesc. busy cityd. busy cities 32. ellen likes makes telling jokes, she is much than her brother.a.seriousb.moreseriousc. funnyd. funnier 33. my friends want to go on vacation.a. somewhereexcitingb.dangerous somewherec.somewhereboringd.fascinatingsomewhere 34.there a school party

6、 this evening. that sounds great.a. are going to be b. is going to bec. is going to haved. will have 35. -excuse me, could you tell me .-walk along the street and turn left. you ll find it on your left.a. how far the bus stop wasb. which was the way to the bus stopc. how can i get to the bus stopd.

7、where the bus stop is三、完型填空(共 15 小题:每道题1 分,满分15 分)when you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike. who 36 football and flew kites with you in the park. who helped you with your37 difficultmath problem. whotaughtyou the differencebetween38 .your dad. now it is your turn to do somethi

8、ng for him. this sunday, june15, it is 39 day. so why not do something40 to thank your dad forall his encouragement and support.the idea of father s day camefrom a( an)41 ladycalledsonora smartdoddin1909. she wanted a specialday to honor her father.he raisedsixchildrenby himself 42 his wife died dur

9、ing the birth of their sixth child. doddthoughtthereneeded to be a 43 to honor selflessand lovingdads. her fatherwas born on june 19, so she chose to hold the first fathers day celebrationon his birthday in 1910. in 1924, uspresident calvin coolidge liked the44 ofa nationalfather s day. finally,in19

10、66,the thirdsunday injune was declared fathers day.there are manyways to45 yourloveand thanks.a smallpresent,suchas a photo of your family or a special wallet can make him feel like a king.36. a. boughtb. playedc. soldd. gave37. a. firstb. secondc. thirdd. last38. a. old and youngb. big and smallc.

11、right and wrongd. long and short39. a. mothersb. fathersc. childrens d. parents40. a. easyb. specialc. stranged. boring41. a. britishb. japanesec. chinesed. american42. a. whenb. untilc. afterd. before43. a. cardb. flowerc. dayd. photo44. a. ideab. holidayc. decisiond. problem45. a. giveb. bringc. s

12、howd. say四、阅读懂得(一)阅读短文,完成46-55 小题;(共 10 小题,计10 分)apopular music in america is what every student likes. students carry smallradioswithearphones and listento music beforeclass,afterclass,and at lunch.students with cars buy large speakers and play music loudly as they drive on the street.adult drivers

13、 listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. theyalsolistento the news about sports,the weather,and the lifeof american people. most of the radio programs are music.pop or popular music singers make much money. they make a cd or tape which radio stations use in many places. once the popu

14、lar singer is heard all overthecountry,young people buy hisor her tape.someof the moneyfrom these tapes goes to the singer. wherever the singergoes, allthe young people want to meet him or her. now the singer has become a national star.there are otherkindsof music thatare importantto americans.oneis

15、calledfolk民间的 music.ittellsstoriesabout the commonlifeofamericans.another iscalledwesternor countrymusic.thisisstartedby cowboys 牛仔who wouldsing at night to the cows they were watching. today, any music about countrylifeand the lovebetween a countryboy and hisgirliscalledwesternor country music.依据短文

16、内容,判定以下句子正误;正确的用a 表示,不正确的用b 表示 ; 46. threekinds of music are mentioned in this passage. 47. when pop singers make much money, they will become national stars. 48. from the passage we know that folk music is about the common life of americans. 49. a few students in america like popular music. 50. eve

17、ryone in america wants to meet pop singers wherever they go.bafter20 yearsofdebate,china has finallydecidedtoallowthewalt disney company to build a theme park in shanghai. it will be the sixth disney park inthe world.thereare alreadyparks incalifornia,us; florida,us; paris,france; tokyo, japan; and

18、hong kong, china.the disneypark inshanghai willcost25billionyuan.itisexpected toopen in2021. disneyofficialsare veryexcited.“china isone ofthemost exciting and important countries in the world,” said disney ceo robert.some people are worried. there is already a disney park in hong kong, and it s los

19、ing money. why build another one.supporters of shanghai disney have two answers. the shanghai park will be much bigger than the hong kong park, offering better value for the price. itwill also be easier for people on the chinese mainland to visit the shanghaipark.tens of thousands of jobs will be cr

20、eated in order to build the park andmake itfun.but manypeoplethinkthe government shouldspend moneyon chinese development and culture rather than on bringing american culture to china.parisdisneylandfacedsimilarproblems.frenchandothereuropeansdidn tliketheideaofamerican cultureinvading侵入 theirway ofl

21、ife.why not celebrate local culture instead.mali,14, from hebei.i likeamusementparks,but idontthinkchina needsa second disneyland. first of all, it will cost lots of money. if the money is used to build schools, it will help a lot of children. second, we already havehong kong disneyland. third, i th

22、ink china should make its own amusement parksimilar to disneyland. we have many great cartoon characters like monkey king and pleasant sheep.依据短文内容,挑选正确答案;51. how many disney parks are there in the world now.a. five.b.six.c. two.d. seven.52. which of the following is true.a. hong kong disney is larg

23、er than shanghai disney.b. none of the europeans likes disney.c. disney is the local culture for the europeans.d. new disney will bring many jobs.53. what does theunderlined word“debate ” mean in the sentence.a. 协议b.较量c.争论d.合作54. which of the following is not true according to ma lis idea.a. people

24、dont like hong kong disney.b. building a disneyland costs much money.c. chinadoesnt need a new disneyland.d. we can build a chinese cartoon theme park.55. choose a title for the passage.a. disney comesto chinaagainb. a threatto chinese culturec. good news for chinese kidsd. disneyland(二)阅读对话,完成第ii卷第

25、五大题的61-65 题 a: hi, liu ming. may i ask you some questions. b: of course.a: 61 b: english. but i think its a bit hard.a: you ll be good at it if you study hard. 62 b: yes.a: 63 b: listening is really difficult, i think. what should i do.a: i think you need lots of practice. the more you listen to eng

26、lish, the easier it becomes.b: that s true.a: 64 then you can listen the english programs on it. b: 65 a: sure.ifyou do itoften,youllimproveyour listeningsoon. goodluck.a. do you agree with me.b. why don t you buy a radio.c. what s your favorite subject.d. why do you like english best.e. do you thin

27、k that will help.f. what s the matter with your radio.g. what do you thinkisthe most difficult in english.(三)阅读短文,完成第ii卷第五大题的66-70 题recently some houses in our community have been broken into. i would liketo give you some suggestions about how to prevent from stealing 盗窃.first, lets talk about light

28、ing. we should turnon the outside lights at night. inside the house, its a good idea to put automatic timers 自动定时器 on lights. when you are out, it will still look like someone is at home.if you live in an apartment building, make sure that theres good lighting in the garage and in the hallways.next,

29、 lets talk about locks. first of all, cheap locks are not safe. youshould buy special locks to lock your doors and windows. remember to lock yourdoors and windows,even when you leaveforjusta minute.did you know thathalf of the thieves break in through unlocked doors and windows.my next suggestion is

30、 not to keep lots of money in the house. its wise toput your money in a bank. you should put marks on your other valuables, like television, stereos and cameras, so that the police can return them to you if they are found.believe it or not, if you follow all of these suggestions above, your house wi

31、ll be safer.第 ii 卷 (非挑选题,共65 分)得分评卷人五、听写、补全对话与阅读表达a)听写 56-60b)补全对话,阅读第i 卷第四大题c 篇对话,从方框内选出适当的句子完成对话;(共 5 小题,计5 分)答案: 4.65. c)阅读表达;阅读第i 卷第四大题d 篇短文,依据短文内容完成以下各小题;(共 5 小题,计10分)66.howmanysuggestionsondoesthewriterofferinthepassage. 67.why it is a good idea to put automatic timers on lights . 68

32、.are cheap locks safe. 69.将短文中划线的句子译成汉语70. wtite a title for the passage.得分评卷人六、 词形转换(共6 小题,计6 分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词; 71.the twenty city games will be held next week. 72. we should study hard to get good g . 73.could you please speak more slowly.i can hardly hear you clear. 74.there are ten doct

33、ors and six nurses in the medicine team. 75. tom is outging than any other student in his class. 76. the pen i bought yesterday costme eight dollars.得分评卷人七、完成句子(共 6 题,计 12 分) 按括号内要求完成以下句子,每空格填一词; 77.mary did her homework last night. 改为一般疑问句 mary her homework last night. 78.my uncle wants to go there

34、 by car. 对画线部分提问 your uncle want to go there. 79.bob looks like his mother. 改写句子,句意不变bob his mother. 80.we should find the lost boy as soon as possible. 改为被动句 the lost boy should as soon as possible. 81. “ i can t wait to eat the cake. ” she said to me.改为间接引语)she me that she wait to eat the cake. 82

35、.周末去海边吗?那要看天气了;how about going to the beaches this weekends.it the weather.得分评卷人八、动词运用 共 10 小题;计10 分a) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 必要时可加助动词或情态动词;mr and mrs smith weregivinga dinner party with somevisitors. their talk was about whohad more self-control自控力 ,men or women.suddenly they saw a strange expression 表 情

36、comeacross mrs smith's face. shesaid something to the servant 仆 人 standing behind her without 83 turn around. the servant quickly put a glass of milk outside the open door.oneof the mensaid, "i want to know what self-control everyone will have. while i 84 count from 1 to 300, none of you ca

37、n moveat all. if you do, you85 pay 50 dollars. "the peoplesatlikerockswhilethemancounted.whenhe reached 280, a largesnake 蛇 86 see moving slowly from the table to the glass of milk.mr smith said,"you just87 show us an example of self-control,but how did you know therewas a snake in the roo

38、m.""ididn tknow itwas,butiknew the milkwas forthesnake,"themananswered."it was 88 lie right on my feet, " said mrs smith.83. 87. 84. 88. 85. 86. b) 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,词首字母已给;in most countries of the world,there is one medicine called aspirin.n 89 everyone takes it. people take it when they have an ache or apain.doctorsb 90itcanalsohelppeoplewhohaveheart diseas


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