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1、新课标人教版中学英语八年级下册1-4单元短语归纳与练习unit 1will people have robots.1. there will be sth.= there is /are going to be sth.将有.2. be free闲暇的3. on computer在电脑上 4.live to be +岁数活到 5.fewer +可数名词复数更少 .6.less +不行数名词更少的 7.many /much的比较级 more +可数名词复数 / 不行数名词更多的 8. be crowded拥挤的9. in five years五年后 一般将来时 10.five years ago

2、五年前 一般过去时 11.sb will be +职业 某人将成为 12.live in住在 13. fly to the moon飞到月亮上14. fall in love with爱上 15. be able to do sth =can do sth能做 16. keep a pet养宠物17.what will the weather be like tomorrow .明每天气将会怎么样?e true实现19.hear of听说 20. in the future在将来21. help sb to do sth = help sb with +名词帮忙某人做 22.hundreds

3、of数百23.thousands of数千24.try to do sth尽力做 25. try not to do sth尽力不做26. make/let sb +动词原形让某人做 27.the same as与相同28.look like看起来像 29.wake up醒来30. it s +形容词 +for sb+to do sth对某人而言,做某事是的31. over and over again反复一遍又一遍32. there be sb/sth +doing +地点 某处有在做 33. look for查找unit 2what should i do.1. want sb to do

4、 sth =would like sb to do sth想要某人做 2. argue with .和争执3. out of style过时4.in style流行的5.adj/adv +enough足够的6.enough +n足够的7. what s wrong with.=what s the matter/trouble/problem with.某人/ 某物怎么啦?8. call sb up =call sb给某人打电话9.a ticket to a ball game一场球赛的票10. write sb a letter =write a letter to sb给某人写信11. o

5、n the phone在电话上12. talk about谈论13.be surprised at sth/doingsth对感到惊奇14. get a part time job找到份兼职工作15. borrow sth from从借到 16.lend sth to sb把借给 17.ask sb for sth向某人恳求18. either也 否定句句末too确定句句末19. buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买 20. like to do sth /like doing sth喜爱做 21. that s a good idea好想法22. tell sbno

6、tto do sth告知某人 不要 做某事23.i don t know what to do.我不知道做什么24. else别的 位于特别疑问词和不定代词之后somebody else , what else other放在名词之前25. except sb/sth/doing sth除之外 不包括 besides除之外仍有26. be upset懊丧27. leave sth +介词地点把遗忘在 28. get on/along well with sb和某人相处得好29. have a fight with sb与某人打架30. give some advice提建议 31.busy e

7、nough足够忙的 32 .fromto从到 33. it s time for +名词 = it s time to do sth.该做的时候了34. as much as possible尽可能多的 plain about sb/sth/doing sth埋怨 36.under too much pressure处于太大的压力下 37.take part in参与 38.see sb doing sth观察某人在做see sb do sth观察某人做了parewith把和作比较40. send sb. sth. =send sth to sb送某人某物41. sb. find it +形容

8、词 +to do sth某人发觉做某事是的 eg:we find it important to learn english . 42.on the one hand在一方面 43.on the other hand在另一方面一单元检测一、挑选1. he is sure to liveninety.a. tob. to bec. ind. both a and b2. do you know where john went,sally.-i think hewent skating with his sister.a. alreadyb. probablyc. usuallyd. succes

9、sfully3. theybuy a new book on the way , will they/a. wont b. wouldc. arent d.are4. howmany playersin a football team/a. there areb. are therec. therewill bed. will there be5. will kids go to school in the future.- no,.a. they dontb. they didntc. they won td. they can t6. you llgo swimming when summ

10、er comes.a. be able tob. canc. couldd . are able to 7.in the future, people can read booksonlycomputers , notpaper.a. on, inb. on, onc.in , ond. in, in8.i hope we willhavepeopleandpollution.a. fewer, lessb. fewer, fewerc. less, lessd . less, fewer9. the old man had many predictions. and they always.

11、 how great.a. happenedb. made surec. came trued. stayed二、 用方框内所给单词的适当形式完成句子manypossiblelittlepleasantfallinterview sciencei1. there will betall buildings in our city than in that city in ten years.2. we can t finish the work today. i t s.3. you re too heavy. eatand exercise more, and you eill be hea

12、lthier.4.i dn t need any help. i can do it by.5. the movie was too longand, so he got bored.6.iin love with our school as soon as i came here two years ago.7. therae trying to make faster and cheaper computers for people.8. hundreds ofare waiting for interview.三,按要求改写句子;1. she will work in shanghai

13、in 5 years.改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 2. there will be more snow in 100 years.改为否定句3. there will be less pollution in 100 years.改为一般疑问句并作确定回答二单元检测一、挑选正确的词填空keep.outwhat s wrongout of stylecall sb. upon the phonepay forthe same asin style1. look. the boy is talking. the number is 8939456.2. we mustthe dogof the r

14、oom. h e should stay outside.3. my cousin isageme. we re both 14years old.4.-. i had an argument with my parents. 5.if you don t want to write a letter, youcanher.6. ny clothes are. can you go shopping with me.7. the girl s dress is. i like it very much.i. the tickets last week and it cost me $ 20.二

15、、挑选正确答案;1. i can t find him. what should i do.maybeyou should.a. keep him upb. hear of himc. call him upd. hear from him2.i arguedmy best friend.a. withb. aboutc. atd. and3.i have nomoney . he doesn t have any money,.a. eitherb. tooc. atd. and4.the watch doesn t work. there iswith it.a. wrong anythi

16、ngb. wrong somethingc. anything wrongd. something wrong5.could you give meadvice/a. someb. anyc. manyd.a lot 6.my friend in angry with me. w hat shouldito him.a. helpb. predictc. argued. talk 7.he could do nothing excepttv.a. watchb. watchesc. watchingd. will watch8.pleasewho broke the window.a. fin

17、d outb. findc. look ford. look out 9.hethe pen ong the ground just now.a. dropsb. droppedc.fallsd. fell10.he s used toin the afternoon.a. playingb. playsc. playd. played三、句型转换;1.you should write him a letter.对划线部分提问 2.i think you should finish your homework first.改为否定句 3. you re not as popular as yo

18、ur best friend.改为同义句your best friend isthan you.4. the bike is his.(对划线部分提问)5. h e has some money, too.改为否定句 unit3what were you doing when the ufo arrived. 1.in front of在的前面 范畴外 in the front of 范畴内 2.get out of从出来 . 3.take off from从起飞 4.land on降落5. call the police报警6. at around 10 o clock在大约 10点钟7.

19、follow sb to do sth跟随某人做某事8. walk down沿着走9.jump down跳下来 10.take a photo照像11. on/in the tree在树上 12.run away逃跑 13.think about考虑 14.ask sb not to do sth请某人 不要 做某事 15.in silence缄默地16. at that time在那时 at this time在这时17. in space在太空中18. man walked on the moon for the first time .人类第一次在月球上行走 .19. all over

20、the world =around the world全世界20. in the city of在市21.take place = happen发生 22.hear about听说23.be born诞生24.as +形/ 副 原级+as与一样25.the girl was shopping when the alien got out./while the girl was shopping ,the alien got out .当女孩在买东西的时候,外星人出来了.语法: 过去进行时, 表示过去的某一时刻正在发生的事常见的时间短语如,昨天晚上六点,老师进教室的时候;其结构是: bewas,

21、 were + ving1. iwork in a supermaket when ifirstmeet my girl friend.2. whatyoudo at seven yesterday/-iread in bed.3. it is five years since ibegin to learn english.4. tomeat in a restaurant while the alienwalk on the street yesterday.5.isee him just now. he write his homework in the classroom.unit4

22、he said i was hard-working.1. have a surprisesurprising party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的聚会2. get/be mad at sb/sth对愤怒 / 恼火3. on friday evening在星期五晚上 4.notany more /any longer不再 5.first of all =at first第一6. at the bus stop在公共汽车站7. pass sth on to sb把传给8. be good at =do well in +名词/代词/doing sth.在方面做得好9. be better

23、 at =do better in +名/ 代/doing sth.在方面做得更好10. be hard-working勤奋的11.i m sorry to hear that听到你那样说我感到伤心12. have a cold感冒13. be/keep in good health = keep/stay healthy保持健康14. end-of-year exams年终考试15. report card成果单16.get +形容词 变得例 get tired/get angry/get nervous17. be surprised to do sth对做某事感到惊奇18. have a

24、 hard /difficult time +doing sth./with sth在方面很费时间 /在方面不顺当19. get over原谅/克服 20. one s own sth某人自己的事物 my own work 21.forget to do sth遗忘要做某事forget doing sth遗忘已做某事 22.change one s life转变某人的生活 23.sound like +形容词 听起来 24. open up one s eyes to开阔某人的视野25. there times a day一天三次26. bothand两者都most of在中的绝大多数27.

25、betweenand在与之间28. feel lucky感到幸运的29. some of在中的一些 one of在中之一30. return to回到31. return sth to把仍给=give back sth to1. he asked,” when is the new manager coming.”2. jack said to jim,” the train leaves at 11:00 tonight.”3. the old man asked me.” is there a station near here.”4. mrs smith asked her husban

26、d,” which country will you go to next month.”5. our geography teacher told us,” the changjiangriver is the longest river in china.”6. she said,” barry didn t play soccer yesterday.”7. ” stop talking.” the teacher told us.8. ” don t climb the tree.” dad warned me.9. my math teacher asked me ,” can yo

27、u work out this math problem.”第三单元检测一、挑选正确答案;1.if you don t fell well, you may just.a. stopped readingb. stop readingc. stopped to readd. stop to read2.my teacher often says in class,” lets inenglish.”a. sayb. talkc. speakd. tell3.his mother is.he has to look after her.a. in hospitalb. in the hospit

28、alc. at homed. at school4. whatyouat this time yesterday.a. did dob. have donec. were doingd. are doing5.while the alienthe museum, the boy called thetv station.a. visitingb. was visitingc. visitedd.visit二、依据汉语和首字母提示完成单词1. while i was walking down the street, i saw a cat jdown a tree.2. the man was

29、swhan he saw a snake.3. it is古怪的 that tom didn t come to school today.4. it took us two hours to cup the hill.5. do you think the writer s experience令人惊奇的.6. ted was cooking in the kwhen i got to his hotel.7.i ba very interesting book from that library yesterday afternoon,8. luckily, julia wasn t ba

30、dly hurt in the a.9. lucy was reading newspaper when the外星人 got out of the ufo.10. thr world trade center in new york wasdby terrorists. even the date -september 11,2001-has meaning to most american.三、句型转换1. the students were having a meeting when the teacher came in .用 while改写2. lily read a book la

31、st sunday evening.改为故去进行时态3.i saw youyesterday afternoon. you were going into the classroom.(合并为一句)4. when my uncle came to see me last monday, i was talking on the phone.(改为同义句)5. she happened to be therer at this time yesterdaymorning.改为同义句 第四单元检测一、挑选正确答案() 1.i am madmy best friend because he didn

32、 t invite me to his party.a. tob. atc. ond. for2.i am alwaysto speak in the front of the class.a. disappointedb. surprisedc. sorryd. nervous3.i don t think it s good to copy other shomework. you shouldit.a. get overb. get onc. get offd. get up 4.the graduate worked in a mountainvillagea teacher.a. o

33、nb. likec. asd. for5.tv and computers canour eyes to the outside world.a. start withb. open upc. turn upd. takeup6.i m surprisedthat he lost the game.a. knowb. knowingc. to knowd.knew 7.she said that shea birthday party thenext week.a. hadb. would havec. hasd. will have 8.alan asked mei had got my report cardthat


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