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1、【关键词】初中地理地图教学策略map【英文关键词】junior high school geographyteaching strategies初中地理论文:初中地理地图教学策略的研究与实践【中文摘要】地图(包括地理图表和图像)是地理信息的重要载 体,它所表达的内容非常丰富,在一定意义上既是教师的教具,也是 学生的学具;地图教学是地理教育中培养学生创新意识和实践能力的 主要途径。本文在学习国内外现有成果以及总结笔者多年教学经验的 基础上,采用了问卷调查和访谈调查两种主要方式对潍坊市初中地理 地图教学的现状做了全而、客观和深入的调查,通过对调查结果的汇 总整理,从教和学两方面阐述了潍坊市初中地理

2、地图教学的现状特 点,并对存在的问题做了成因分析;以知识结构论、维果斯基的最近 发展区理论、建构主义教育理论和多元智能理论等理论为指导,提出 了以任务驱动型、问题探究型等五种地图教学策略为核心的教法改进 方案以及针对学生而言的卩l|种学习方法的改进对策;为验证上述教法 和学法改进方案的可行性和科学性,笔者将所在的潍坊新华中学初一. 一班和三班(共82人)作为实验班实施改进方案,将初一二班和四 班(共81人)作为参照班仍采用旧有的地图教学方法,以期验证所 釆用的地图教学策略的实际效果,实验对比的时间为一学期;最后对 实验对比的结果做了分析,初步验证了上述地图教学策略的可行性和 科学性,并针对该地

3、图教学策略的不足之处做了今后改进的对策思 考。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分,引言。该部分介绍了本文研究 的和意义,阐述了国内外地图教学研究概况,重点说明已有的研究成 果、不足以及对本课题的启示。第二部分,论述本课题研究所依据的 理论基础。上要包括知识结构论、维果斯基的最近发展区理论、建构 主义教育理论和多元智能理论等,这些理论为地图教学策略的理论构 建与具体措施的实施操作提供了科学依据。第三部分,结合对潍坊市 初中学生和教师进行的问卷调查及访谈调查,阐述了初中地理地图教 学的现状及存在的问题,并对其成因进行了探讨分析。第四部分,针 对初中地理地图教学存在的问题,以前述理论为依据,提岀任务驱动

4、型、问题探究型、思维发散型、知识建构型以及多媒体及网络五种地 图教学策略,对每一种策略均选用典型案例进行了详细论述,根据对 同行专家访谈调查并结合笔者的教学实践,列举了上述策略在实施过 程中容易岀现的问题;对学生地图学习方法的改进在主要从学习习惯 的养成与能力的培养提高两方面进行了阐述。第五部分,在选定的实 验班与普通班中分别实施改进后的地图教学策略和旧有的地图教学 方法,进行为时一学期的对比试验。在验证所实施地图教学策略的可 行性与科学性的同时,指岀了该地图教学策略的不足之处,并提出了 和应的改进措施,为本课题的进一步研究奠定了基础。【英文摘要】map (including geograph

5、ic charts and images)is an important carrier of geographicinformation, it expresses the very rich, in a sense, both the teacher? s aids, the students' learning with; map teaching geography education students sense of creation and the main wayof capacity on the basis of learning at home and abroa

6、d the existing results and summarize the author many years of teaching experience, has done a comprehensive, objective andin-depth investigation of the main ways of the two kinds of questionnaire and interviewsurvey on the status of weifang city junior high school geography map teaching, through the

7、survey results are collected, prepared from the teaching and learning in two areas of weifangcity junior high school geography map the status of teaching characteristics, and the problemsdo cause analysis; knowledge structure theory, vygotsky' s zone of proximal developmenttheory, constructivism

8、 educational theory emd the theory of multiple intelligences theory as aguide, five task-driven, problem inquiry type map teaching strategies as the core teachingsimprovement program, as we11 as the improvement of the four learning methods for studentsin terms of countermeasures; verify the teaching

9、 and learning improvemenl of viablescientific program, i weifang xinhua secondary school where the first day intervals andthree shifts (82) as the experimental class implementation of the improvement program willbe started. second class and four classes (81) as a reference class still use the old ma

10、pteaching methods, to map the actual effect of the teaching strategies of verification, theexperimental comparison of time for one semester; finally, the results of the experimentalcontrast, preliminary verification of the above map teaching strategies possible scientific, andthe future improvement

11、of the countermeasures for the inadequacies of the teaching strategiesof the map. this article is divided into five parts:first part of the introduction. this section describes the purpose and significance of thisstudy on domestic and international map teaching and research profile, focusing on exis

12、ti门旷6$68口11 results, and enlightenment on the subject. the seco nd part discusses the theoretical basis of this subject the basis of the institute including knowledge structure theory, vygotsky? s zone of proximal development theory, educational theory of constructivism and multiple intelligences th

13、eory, these theories is the theory of map teachi ng strategies to build and the implementation of the operation of thespecific measures to provide a scientific basis the third part of the combination of questionnaire and intervi ew survey of wei fang cityjuni or high school students and teachers on

14、the teaching of junior high school geography mapthe current situation and existing problems and their causes are discussed and analyzedfourth part, the problems map for junior high school geography teaching to theaforementioned theory is based on proposed task-driven, problems, thinking divergentkno

15、wledge construction type, and five of multimedia and network map teaching strategies, each strategy selection of typical cases are discussed in detail, based on interviews with peersurvey combined with the authors teaching practice, citing the above strategy can easily arisein the implementation pro

16、cess; improvement of the students map learning method in the mainfrom the study habits with the ability to improve both the fifth part, were implemented in the selected experimental classes and regular classesmap improved teachi ng strategies and the old map of teaching methods, comparison test last

17、semester verify the implementation of the feasibi1ity of map teaching strategies and scientificat the same time, pointed out the inadequacies of the teaching strategies of the map, andpropose appropriate measures for improvement-oriented topics for further research laid thefoundation.【目录】初中地理地图教学策略的

18、研究与实践摘要5-7 abstract 7-8 第一章 前言 12-171. 1 研究的0的和意义12-131. 1. 1研究的目的121. 1.2研究的意义12-131.2国内外研究的现状13-151.2. 1国外地图教学研究的现状131.2.2国内地图教学研究的现状13-151.3研究的方法151.3.1问卷调查法151.3.2访谈法151. 3. 3案例分析法151.3.4实验法151.4概念的界定15-17第二章 研究的理论基础17-192. 1知识结构论172.2维果斯基的最近发展区理论172. 3建构主义教育理论17-182.4多元智能理论18-19第三章地图教学现状的调查研究与结果分析19-243.1地图教学现状的调查研究19-223. 1. 1调查问卷的对象及方式193. 1. 2初中学生地图学习现状的调查分析19-213.1.3初中地理教师地图教学现状的调查分析21-223. 1. 3. 1从学生角度分析教师地图教学现状213. 1. 3. 2从教师角度分析地图教学现状21- 223. 2调查结果归因分析22-243. 2. 1学生方面的调查结果归因分析223.2.2教师方面的调查结果归因分


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