1、美国国际人力资源管理协会(1) International Public Management Association for Human Resources 简称 IPMA-HR 该机构是 1973 年由公共人事管理协会和人事管理专业协会合并而组建的,其中公共人事管理协会成立于 1906 年,人事管理协会成立于 1937 年。 IPMA 是一个非赢利机构,其总部设在美国首都华盛顿近郊。经过近百年的发展, IPMA 目前已经成为美国及国际上最有影响的人力资源管理协会之一。 美国国际人力资源管理协会(2) IPMA-HR 有超过 20 个国家和国际组织的成员,其中专业会员超过 5500 名,国际
2、会员机构组织超过 1500 个,组织会员中人力资源管理者超过 50000 名。 IPMA-HR 有 4 个地区协会和 40 多个分会。协会有 4 种类型的会员:组织会员、个人会员、在线会员和学生会员。协会有两个特别的重要部门,它们是评估中心和联邦政府联络部。 协会还在全美设置了四个地区机构,它们分别是东部协会、东南部协会、中部协会及西部协会。 IPMA-HR 为全世界的公共人力资源专业团体提供了一个论坛。 美国国际人力资源管理协会(3) 经过多年的研究和实践, IPMA-HR 于 2000 年开发出了国际高级人力资源管理职业资格认证体系,包括培训课程和考试证书。考试证书有两种:国际高级人力资源
3、管理师( IPMA-CP )和国际高级人力资源管理专家( IPMA-CS )。 申请者需要证明自己具有一定的人力资源专业方面的知识和技能,经过 IPMA 主持的人力资源素质模型培训及 150 道试题的笔试,并通过专家评审小组对其专业能力及经验进行评估,才能获得国际人力资源管理师资格证书。 IPMA-CP认证的宗旨 IPMA-HR国际高级人力资源认证体系,可以成为促进高级人力资源管理人员提高素质、增进工作胜任能力的动力。 同时,IPMA-HR高级人力资源管理职业资格证书也可以成为高级人力资源管理专家的标志之一。 IPMA创造这一体系的宗旨是为人力资源的专业人员、管理者和发展下一代领导人提供一套行
4、之有效的人力资源管理知识和经验的技能培训及能力考核体系,使每一位受训的领导人、管理者和人力资源专业人员更加优秀,更加专业化。理解现代组织中人力资源管理角色的不断变化,职业化和进行资格认证的必要性;理解人力资源职业化中新兴的素质能力要求;理解IPMA-HR人力资源能力模型,它的四种主要角色和22种能力;根据这些能力来对自己相应的优势和局限性进行评估;为人力资源专业人士提供发展规划IPMA-CP认证的目标ObjectivesUnderstand the need for professionalism and certification issues in light of the changin
5、g role of human resource management in the public sector.Understand the emerging competency approach to professional developmentUnderstand the IPMA-HR Human Resource Competency Model, its four major roles and 22 competenciesIdentify which competencies are addressed in each of the three major modules
6、 of the IPMA-HR Human Resource Competency WorkshopAssess your own relative strengths and limitations against the competencies.Initiate a plan for your individual development as a human resource professional.Course Expectations Were all colleagues; we respect each other. Its OK to disagree. Listen as
7、 an ally. Everyone participates; no one dominates. Honor time limits. Ask any questions.IPMA-HR MODELHR ExpertBusiness PartnerChangeAgentLeadershipWhat is A Profession Professional Professionalism 在您组织中人力资源管理者的地位和作用如何? 做好您的工作有利与不利条件有哪些?地位作用越来越突出有共识平行地位发言权:总裁办会议计划集中于操作缺少规划成为组织设计者杭报地位很大,房地产公司地位小,伟 东集团
8、有点但不理想,地位大万经理:与总经理职责分不清企业转型/表面上尊重,操作上困惑/有为才有位,重视人力资源,激励人留住人如何做?/政策限制,向市场靠拢/难以界定HR与直线经理工作作用不明显理念与高度传统做法与现代理念权力分散随意性大没有话语权领导决定一切、行业影响职能经理能力不齐/Characteristics of a Profession A profession is an occupation for which the necessary preliminary training is intellectual in character, involving knowledge, an
9、d to some extent learning distinguished from mere skill. It is pursued largely for others, and not merely for ones self. It is an occupation in which the amount of financial return is not the accepted measure of success. Louis Brandeis, Justice, US Supreme CourtCharacteristics of a Professionals职业经理
10、人:运用全面的经营管理知识和丰富的管理经验,独立对一个经济组织开展经营或进行管理。-上海市劳动和社会保障局,职业经理人职业标准2003职业经理人是一个职业,终身从事所做的工作,并将其作为一个使命,职业经理人具备相应的素质和能力,具备毕生的职业信念。-周伟鸿 , “中国百佳职业经理人奖”高级企业管理顾问,2003职业经理人是一个训练有素、具有职业道德和身怀管理绝技的群体(企业经营者)。他们在企业或组织中通过利用企业内部或外部的有效资源(人力、资本、技术或其他),并使用其自身所特有的各种领导艺术、管理技巧和激励技能,为本企业或组织的息息相关者(股东、客户、员工、供货商、政府、社会等)的利益而从事经
11、营企业的活动,并在特定的时期内完成股东赋予的特定使命和目标。-杨大跃,职业经理人:企业领袖与管理精英Group Exercise Is Human Resources a profession? If it is, what are the characteristics of the profession? If it is not, identify the factors that led you to that conclusion. How is HR perceived by others (top management, line supervisors, employees)
12、in your organization?AS a HR professional HR requires a clear body of knowledge, and many colleges and universities offer advanced degree in Human Resources Management. We demonstrate our worthiness through our ethics, fairness, comportment, willingness to take responsibility, accept accountability
13、and working to the highest possible standards. HR functions in a dual role as top managements voice with employees and as the employees advocate with top management. HR is a distillation of ourselves, our values, along with our knowledge, training and experience it is both art and science. Recogniti
14、on of our professionalism comes from:Our peers in our organizationManagers, supervisors and employees who we serveCertification by outside organizations like IPMA-HR胜任特征模型的兴起 胜任特征最早是美国学者McClelland(1973)年提出的,认为胜任力要素是那些与工作或工作绩效直接相关的知识、技能、能力、特征或者动机等,能够较好地预测实际的工作绩效。 胜任特征必须与绩效关联,强调绩效导向; 胜任特征是一个组合,它打破了以往研
15、究中单个能力与绩效关系的思路; 不同任务、岗位,对任职者的胜任特征要求不同; 胜任特征不仅是一个心理学或应用心理学的概念,更是一条务实的人力资源管理思路。胜任特征模型研究的兴起Competency: an underlying characteristic of an employee(I.e., a motive, trait, skill, aspect of ones self-image, social role, or a body of knowledge) which results in effective and.or superior job performanceRich
16、ard Boyatzis 1982Competency: an “attribute bundle” which may contain a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs), as well as tasks, activities, outputs, or resultsPatricia McLagan 1997对人力资源管理者的胜任特征研究 IPMA-HR的素质模型实际来自于上个世纪九十年代初期就已经开发出来的AT&T素质模型。AT&T的模型主要包括了四种素质,是IPMA-HR的模型规划为其人力资
17、源管理的专业人员所设计的主要角色的前身。 AT&T模型中的主要素质: IPMA-HR的多种角色利用人力资源的专业知识 人事专家扮演业务伙伴的角色 业务伙伴变革的催化剂 变革的推动者影响他人 领导者Old MythsNew RealitiesPeople go into HR because they like people.HR departments are not designed to provide corporate therapy or as social or health-and-happiness retreats. HR professionals must cre
18、ate the practices that make employees more competitive, not more comfortable. Anyone can do HR. HR activities are based on theory and research. HR professionals must master both theory and practice.HR deals with the soft side of a business and is therefore not accountable. The impact of HR practices
19、 on business results can and must be measured. HR professionals must learn how to translate their work into financial performance. HR focuses on costs, which must be controlled.HR practices must create value by increasing the intellectual capital within the firm. HR professionals must add value, not
20、 reduce costs HRs job is to be the policy police and the health-and-happiness patrol. The HR function does not own compliance-managers do. HR practices do not exist to make employees happy but to help them become committed. HR professionals must help managers commit employees and administer policies
21、. HR is full of fads.HR practices have evolved over time. HR professionals must see their current work as part of an evolutionary chain and explain their work with less jargon and more authority. HR is staffed by nice people. At times, HR practices should force vigorous debates. HR professionals sho
22、uld be confrontational and challenging as well as supportive HR is HRs job. HR work is an important to line managers as are finance, strategy, and other business domains. HR professionals should join with managers in championing HR issues. IPMA-HR MODELHR ExpertBusiness PartnerChangeAgentLeadershipH
23、R ExpertOnly one of the 22 competencies deals with HR expertise, Knows Human Resource Laws and Policies. The IPMA model focuses on the three emerging roles while acknowledging the ongoing need for HR expertise. Those three roles are depicted in the model at the three points extending from the center
24、 of the model, ie. The HR Expert. Business Partner More than a provider of services A management partner who shares accountability for organizational results Does more than explain what is prohibited Works with management to devise solutions Involved in business strategic planning and working toward
25、 results aligned with missionChange Agent Help management and employees deal with change in organizational culture, mission, skills requirements, and job security. Business Process Marketing Information Technology Customer ServiceLeadership Promote the merit systems principles Ethics and integrity F
26、oster diversity Balance employee satisfaction and welfare with organizational requirements and goals Builds teamwork Models collaborative problem solvingBusiness Partner CompetenciesKnows MissionUnderstands Clients and Organizational Culture:Possesses the Ability to be Innovative and Create a Risk T
27、aking Environment:Applies Organizational Development Principles:Links Human Resources to the Organizations Mission and Service Outcome:Change Agent Competencies Applies Information Technology to Human Resources Management: Designs and Implements Change Process: Possesses the Ability to Build Trust R
28、elationships: Possesses Marketing and Representational Skills: Demonstrates Customer Service Orientation:Leader CompetenciesUnderstands Values and Promotes Diversity:Practices and Promotes Integrity and Ethical Behavior:Overlapping Competencies Understands Business Process and How to Change to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness Knows Human Resource Laws and Policie Understands Public
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