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1、四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(20142015学年第1学期)课程号: 311078040课程名称: 软件工程导论(A卷)任课教师: 洪玫,刘东权,李旭伟等适用专业年级: 软件工程 2013级学号: 姓名: 考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理办法和四川大学考场规则。有考试违纪作弊行为的,一律按照四川大学学生考试违纪作弊处罚条例进行处理。四川大学各级各类考试的监考人员,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理办法、四川大学考场规则和四川大学监考人员职责。有违反学校有关规定的,严格按照四川大学教学事故认定及处理办法进行处理。题 号一(20%)二(1

2、0%)三(15%)四(20%)五(35%)六(0%)七(0%)八(0%)卷面成绩得 分阅卷时间注意事项:1. 请务必将本人所在学院、姓名、学号、任课教师姓名等信息准确填写在试题纸和添卷纸上;2. 请将答案全部填写在本试题纸上;3. 考试结束,请将试题纸、添卷纸和草稿纸一并交给监考老师。评阅教师得分一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)提示:在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在下表中。错选、多选或未选均无分。12345678910DDCBBBCADA11121314151617181920DDABDBBACB1. Software is the

3、collection of ( ).(A) Programs (B) Data (C) Documents (D) All of above2Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers? ( ) (A) Process(B) Methods(C) Tools(D) Manufacturing3The prototyping model of software development is ( ). (A) A reasonable approach when requirements

4、 are well defined. (B) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. (C) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.(D) A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product.4. The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the

5、( ). (A) Prototyping model (B) Waterfall model (C) Fountain model (D) Spiral model 5Which one of the following phases is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development? ( )(A) Inception phase(B) Validation phase(C) Elaboration phase(D) Construction phase6. T

6、he spiral model of software development ( )(A) Ends with the delivery of the software product (B) Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration(C) Is more chaotic than the incremental model(D) All of the above7. The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is used to measure ( ) (A) th

7、e quality of the product (B) quality in the context of the business environment (C) the quality of the process (D) none of the above8. Analysis models depict software in which three representations? ( )(A) information, function, behavior(B) architecture, interface, component(C) cost, risk, schedule(

8、D) None of the above9. Software engineers collaborate with customers to define which of the following? ( )(A) Customer visible usage scenarios(B) Important software features(C) System inputs and outputs(D) All of the above10. Views are “slices”of architecture. Which view focuses on structural issues

9、? ( )(A) Logical(B) Use-case (C) Process (D) Implementation11. The Data Flow Diagram(DFD) ( ). (A) depicts relationships between data objects(B) depicts functions that transform the data flow(C) indicates how data are transformed by the system(D) both b and c12. The entity relationship diagram ( )(A

10、) depicts functions that transform the data flow(B) depicts relationships between data objects(C) indicates how data are transformed by the system(D) indicates system reactions to external events13. Which one of the following items is not an element of a class definition? ( )(A) Class responsibiliti

11、es(B) Class attribution(C) Class name (D) Class operations14. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word: ( )(A) accuracy (B) quality (C) complexity (D) efficiency 15. Polymorphism can be described as? ( )(A) Inheritance(B) Information (C) Placing Generalization(D) one inte

12、rface encapsulates different implementations16. Which one of the following is not an area of concern in the design model? ( ) (A) architecture(B) project scope(C) data(D) interfaces17. In component design, elaboration does not require which of the following elements to be described in detail? ( )(A)

13、 Attributes(B) Source code(C) Interfaces(D) Operations18. What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? ( ) (A) unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, system testing(B) integration testing, unit testing, system testing, validation testing(

14、C) validation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing (D) system testing, validation testing, integration testing, unit testing 19. Which of the following tests is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that software is able to continue ex

15、ecution without interruption? ( )(A) security testing (B) performance testing (C) recovery testing(D) stress testing20. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called? ( ) (A) glass-box testing(B) black-box testing(C) grey-b

16、ox testing(D) white-box testing评阅教师得分二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)。提示:解释每小题所给名词的含义,若解释正确则给分,若解释错误则无分,若解释不准确或不全面,则酌情扣分。1Software Engineering Software Engineer: (1) The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, th

17、e application of engineering to software. (1分)(2) The study of approaches as in (1). (1分) IEEE2The Waterfall Model The waterfall model, sometimes called the classic life cycle, suggests a systematic, sequential approach(1分) to software development that begins with customer specification of requireme

18、nts and progresses through planning, modeling, construction, and deployment, culminating in going support of the completed software(1分).3. Component A component is a modular building block for computer software. More formally, the OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification defines a component as “a

19、 modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system(1分) that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces(1分).”4. Information hiding Modules only share information with each other on a “need to know” (1分) basis to achieve some specific software function. Hiding enforces the procedu

20、ral constraints to both the module procedural detail and any data structures local to the module(1分).5. Software testingSoftware testing is the process (1分)of exercising a program with the specific intent of finding errors(1分) prior to delivery to the end user.评阅教师得分三、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)。1Descri

21、be the characteristics of software that are considerably different than those of hardware.Answer: Software is developed, not manufactured.(2分) Software does not wear out. (1分) Most software is custom built, not assembled out of components. (2分)2Describe the five framework activities involved in the

22、software process.Answer: Communication, (1分) planning, (1分) modeling, (1分) construction, (1分) deployment(1分)3. Describe the differences between black-box testing and white-box testing.Answer: Black-box testing involves testing the functionality of a software component without knowing the details of

23、its internal logic.(3分) White-box testing involves testing the independent logic paths with full implementation knowledge.(2分)评阅教师得分四、问答题(本大题共2小题,每题10分,共20分)。1. What are the fundamental differences between the Structured Analysis(SA) and Object-Oriented Analysis(OOA) strategies for requirements anal

24、ysis? (共10分) One view of requirements modeling, called structured analysis, considers data and the processes that transform the data as separate entities.(2分) Data objects are modeled in a way that defines their attributes and relationships. (1分)Processes that manipulate data objects are modeled in

25、a manner that shows how they transform data as data objects flow through the system. (2分)A second approach to analysis modeling, called object-oriented analysis, focuses on the definition of classes and the manner in which they collaborate with one another to effect customer requirements. UML and th

26、e Unified Process are predominantly object oriented. (5分)需求建模一种观点认为,所谓的结构化分析,认为数据和转换数据作为单独实体的过程。(2分)数据对象建模,定义它们的属性和关系的方式。 (1分),该操纵数据对象进程建模的方式,显示了它们如何变换数据作为数据对象流经该系统。 (2分)的第二种方法分析建模,称为面向对象的分析,着眼于类的定义以及它们与彼此协作以实现客户要求的方式。 UML和统一过程主要是面向对象的。 (5分)2. Describe the role of data design, architecture design, i

27、nterface design and component-level design required for a complete specification of a software design. For WebApp software, does the above design specification offer a complete design strategy? Add more design activities specified to WebApp engineering. (共10分)Answers: Answer 1:Data design - high lev

28、el model depicting users view of the data or information.(1分)Architecture design shows relationships and collaborations among specific analysis model software and hardware elements(1分)Interface design - interface depicts a set of operations that describe the externally observable behavior of a class

29、 and provides access to its operations(1分)Component-level design - Describes the internal detail of each software component(1分)Answer 2:Interface design includes a representation of screen layout, a definition of the modes of interaction, and a description of navigation mechanisms. (1分)Aesthetic des

30、ign describes the look and feel of the WebApp. Includes color schemes, geometric layout, text size, font and placement, the use of graphics, and related aesthetic decisions. (1分) Content design defines the layout, structure, and outline for all content that is presented as part of the WebApp. (1分)Na

31、vigation design represents the navigational flow between content objects and for all WebApp functions. (1分)Architecture design identifies the overall hypermedia structure for the WebApp. (1分)Component design develops the detailed processing logic required to implement functional components(1分)解答:答案1

32、:数据设计 - 高层次的模型描述的数据或信息的用户的观点(1分)。建筑设计 - 展示具体的分析模型的软件和硬件元素(1分)之间的关系和合作,接口设计 - 接口描述了一组描述一类的外部观察行为的操作,并提供了其运营(1分)进入组件级的设计 - 描述每个软件组件的内部细节(1分)答2:接口设计 - 包含的屏幕布局的表示,互动模式的定义,和导航机制的描述。 (1分)美学设计 - 介绍了“外观和感觉”的Web应用程序中。包括配色方案,几何布局,文字大小,字体和位置,使用图形,以及相关的美学决定。 (1分)内容设计 - 定义布局,结构和轮廓为被表示为Web应用程序的一部分的所有内容。 (1分)导航设计

33、- 代表的内容对象之间并为所有Web应用程序功能的导航流程。 (1分)建筑设计 - 确定全面的超媒体结构的Web应用程序。 (1分)组件设计 - 开发来实现功能部件所需的详细处理逻辑(1分)评阅教师得分五、分析设计题(本大题共3小题,前两小题每题10分,最后一题15分,共35分)。提示:每小题给出了一个分析设计要求,请按照要求写出分析或设计结果,根据结果的完整性,酌情扣分。1. Please map the following DFD(数据流图) into SC (Structure Chart ).(共10分)参考答案:2A short program section is shown in

34、 the following: if ( a > b && i > 1 | a > b && i <= 10 ) k = a; else k = b;1) Draw a picture to show the basis path structure. (Hint: consider a structure with 4 simple decisions) (共5分)2) To complete the basis path testing, list all of independent paths. (共5分)Answer 1:Bas

35、is path structurea > b ?i > 1 ?a > b ?i £ 10 ?k = a;k = b;TTTTFFFFCBAEDGFIJHKa > b ?i > 1 ?a > b ?i £ 10 ?k = a;k = b;TTTTFFFFa > b ?i > 1 ?a > b ?i £ 10 ?k = a;k = b;TTTTFFFFAnswer 2: All of independent paths are: A®D®H®K A®B®C®J®K A®B®E®H®K A®D®F®G®J®K A®D®F®I®K3Design user interfaces for the following use case as a series of screen shot sketches(屏幕草图), includi


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