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1、考研高分作文剖析很多同学误认为考研英语大纲解析不需要看,我认为多少有些偏激。大纲是 考试的向导.为了给考生以明确的考试信息指导,因此,里囿必然含有出题人的 思路和考试动态便向.问题的关疑在于,如何利用考试龙氏大纲首先需要解读, 考研英语大纲解析已经为我们做好了这一点,我们所要做的就是从己经提炼好的 内容要点中再提炼出精华,希望通过下面文章的洲解,能够给广大同学以启发, 学会如何学习,4Directions; Study the following set of drawlngs carefully and write an essay in 卯hi ch you shoul d I14 des

2、cribe The set of drawings, interpret its meaning and】2. paint out its implieations in oar life. 4You should write about 200 vrords neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2, (20 points)/温室花朵经不起风雨"第一篇高分作文,It goes without saying that Ihc draovings aim at revealing a conmon and serious problem in China; how to edu

3、cate and cultivate the young. Let' s take a closer look at the drawings. In an ideal condition, the flowcr blooidSh But when moved out of the green houscj it ucrishes under the rain and st or m. It is obvi aus that the fl ower in greenhouse can' t withstand wind and rains.Nowadays the young

4、generation in China, Like the flower in the greenhouse, live undjer the full protection from their parents. Parents want t sh忡 all their love to their children. They gie their chil*iren all the best things they can afford and do not let their children do anything at home. Self- centeredness and arbi

5、trariness have become atrait of the young generation. Once leaving their parents, many young people camot inake a. living of their oivn. They gel lost when stepping Inta the cowlex reality and cannot face any hardships and difficul ties, Chi Id e due at ion has beGoine one of the mos! popular topics

6、 discussed not only by educational experts, but also by people in all walks of life. The fatltire o£ child education does incjre harm to the development of our society and our civilizaticn than to the children themselves. Thus, it' s high time that parent ss e due at ors and the governmen&#

7、39;t made concerted efforts to put an end to this situation. (226)6解析第一段必须包含得分点:/1 .从句吩词形式(现在分词、过去分词),主句。when moved out of the green housej it perishes under the rain and storm, m2 .外列形式:;(D形容词并列Le.a cornnon and serious problem , i(2)动词并列 L e. educate and cultivate the young,名词并列 i. e. wind and rain

8、ed3 . it 句型 i.e. it goes without saying that; H is obvious that w4 .知语开头!介词也语 i.e. In an ideal condition the flower bLooms.5,从句工该篇文章开始用了时间状语Le.,But when iriQved out of the green house, it perishes under the rain gd storm, v万能句式一It goes without saying that the drawing aim at reveal ing a cominon and

9、serious problem in. Cliina: . Let' s take a closer look at the drawings. 介词短语(in a/an adj condition/atmosphere) , .连接词十从句十分词形 式,主句 It is obvious that/笫二段:重要得分点1.句式必须长短句进行有效结合.I2开关第一句要么长.要么有句型,例如插入语等.3 .有效修饰;adjH-n; adv+adj; adv+万能公式.山N(wadays the young generat ion InChinQj 插入语,也语 长句 也语。铝句口长句/第三段

10、工几乎都是模K即,第一句话长句fhas become one of the wst popular topics discussed noty only by educai lonal experts. but al so by peopl e in al 1 walks of 1 i£e, The 4n-l-of 后置定语does more harm to the development of our society and our civilization than to the people themselves. Thus, it; s high time that pare

11、nts educators and the governiTient made concerted efforts to put an end to this siluation.4第二篇;高分作文?As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race an the playEiaund, the act ive young man has to cont Itiue his new journey inn。tiine instead of stopping to take a rest. He has

12、successfullysettled the puzzle of stopping ar going on " which mi5ht have confused many others. /With the increasing pace of iDOdcm life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more draiaatically than that o£ peop 1 s view on their own life. It is generalLy agreed upon that pe

13、ople have to adjust themselves to this nu忡 changOn the 口no han4, 门口 doubt, people will gain a 1 ot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thcmas Edison for exairple. He had done ver7 well in his early llfe3 but continued to pursue soroething irore difficult all through h

14、is life. On the other hand, if one <vere obsessed with the success he has achieved, he 阳口uld lose the chance to pursue new success. What is nwre, he may become tlue slave of hi s: success. There are many cases showing that people 1 ose their courage to better themselves after be<oming successf

15、uLTo suit upj one' s v-iew on his success determines his future. In ray npininn, it is necessary to carry nut anation_wi<iE campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achieveirent when they are already well_knOTm. So that peapie in the society will develop

16、 a forward_looking attitude and rake their Li fe worth living and the world more beautiful as well. (258)第一段!必须包括“L从句:例如:定语从句,2 .词组,3 .短语例如介词短语Lj on arriving at the finishing line of a race n -the playgroundj 44,介词短语十n+cif后置定语十地点状语,主句.口 n arri ving at the finishing line of a race on the pl ay ground

17、; the active young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. 4J5 .第一句话一定要长句子心万能句型6 . As is shown in the picture,介词短语+the+TT+of后置定语+地点状语, 主句第二段第一句话长句子!形成模版+1With the increasing pace of modern life perhaps hascharacterized more draiaati tally than that of. It i

18、sgenerally agreed upon that people观卢.C On the onehand, no doubt, people will W吉果 by doing sth. in their dailylife. Take the famous XXX for eairiple., 连接词一* On the other hand*提出相反的观点例子if one were虚 拟, he would de sth- what is more, he mayThere are many cases showing that people after.以第三段*短长或长短开头;形成模版

19、产To sum up, 结论中 In my opinion it is necessary 十口 carry out a nati on vide campaign publicizing people who when. So that people in. th已 society will develop a +adj attitude and make their life (时 or th living ) and the mot! d more beautiful as well.第三篇高分作文养老“足球赛,This plcture reveals a not_uncoirniQn

20、phencnnenoTi of liow elders are treated by their grown_up children in some of the fami lies i门 China. When they are too old to talce care of themselves the elders become burdens to be kieked around by their sens and daughters 1 ike a focitball, a pitiful nd unjust sight that will arouse indi gnat io

21、n among many Chinese. <As a nation renowned in the 和rid for many of its virtueSj the Chinese people have been practicing filial 子女aiety throughout history. Many imch_told stories reiterate this time_honored virtue of loving and respecting tlie e 1 derSj 1 ike the story of Ti Ying in the West Han

22、Dynasty who risked her life in order to save her wronged father from corporal pimishrtient. Those who tried every means to avoid their duty of looking after their ciders should bear in. ini nd that they are much indebted to their parents for their birth and growthi Without the Loving care and unrelenting work of their parents, how could they have gro师 up healthy nd successful? Ho砰 could it possible for them to go about without the pricks of canscience? 4Every one of us shoul d live up to the virtues passed down tn lis by our ancEstocrs, Only in this Tray can wg b


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