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1、英语连词用法练习题(附详解)1. oh, i failed againdont lose heart. one more effort, _ you will succeed. a. so that b. therefore c. however d. and2. _ a difficult situation, so you should send him a message and give him some advice.a. as he is in b. he is in c. being in d. he being in3. she said she would work it o

2、ut herself, _ ask me for help. a. and not to b. but not c. and prefer not d. rather than4. _ enough time, but i couldnt do it better. a. i was given b. given c. to be given d. though i was given 5. how can i wake up so early? set the alarm at 5 oclock, _ youll make it.a. but b. or c. and d. so6. for

3、 a person with reading habits, a printed page contains not only words _ ideas, thoughts and feelings.a. yet b. and c. or d. but7. information technology is taught in most schools, _ we have entered the information society.a. so b. while c. still d. for8. english is understood all over the world _ tu

4、rkey is spoken by only a few people outside turkey itself.a. while b. when c. if d. as9. i was on the point of going to bed _ mr. zhang rang.a. as b. when c. while d. and10. i asked him whether he had done all the work himself _ whether he had had any assistance.a. and b. but c. nor d. or11. in some

5、 countries, _ are called “public schools” are not owned by the public.a. which b. as c. what d. that12. _ happens in the world makes us happy and sad by turns. a. that b. what c. which d. whether13. i read about this story in some book or other, does it matter _ it was?a. where b. what c. how d. whi

6、ch14. one of the men present held the view _ the book said was right. a. what that b. what c. that d. that what15. _ i had walked for six hours, i was tired out. a. after b. before c. when d. as16. tom make up his mind to get a seat for the football match _ it means standing in a queue all night. a.

7、 as if b. as though c. even if d. whatever17. the roof fell _ he had time to dash into the house to save his baby. a. as b. after c. until d. before18. doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests. a. as b. since c. when d.

8、after19. i have been keeping that photo _ i can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my college days. a. which b. where c. whether d. when20. you may borrow this book ­­­ _ you promise to give it back. a. in case b. so long as c. as if d. even if 21. _ the man grew older, he l

9、ost interest in everything except gardening. a. with b. since c. while d. as22. _ you understand this rule, youll have no further difficulty. a. once b. unless c. as d. until23. i had no sooner got back to the kitchen _ the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. a. when b. than c. as d. while2

10、4. i criticized him, you know, not _ i hate him but _ i love him. a. because; because b. because; for c. for; because d. for; for25. _ he studies hard, he will never pass the examination. a. if b. unless c. even if d. even though26. she worked hard _ everything would be ready by the time he came bac

11、k. a. since b. so that c. as if d. unless27. he waited _ the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later.a. when b. before c. as d. until28. may i go and play football with dick this afternoon, dad? no, you cant go out _ your work is being done. a. before b. until c. as d. after29.

12、 a warning news report from qatar announces that a group of islam will continue to kill americans wherever they are _ they leave the arab world forever. a. even though b. in case c. whenever d. until30. i was so familiar with her that i recognized her voice _ i picked up the phone. a. the moment b.

13、after c. before d. while【答案解析】1. d. 考查“祈使句/名词+and+陈述句”句型。句意为:“再努力点,你就会成功的”。2. b. so(因此)是并列连词,引出一个表示结果的分句,前面应是一个表示原因的分句,而无需再用连词,排除a;c和d又不是句子,也错了。3. d. 因为rather than是对称连词,意为“而不” (from )。4. a. 因为but是并列连词,后面是个句子,前面也一定是个句子,而不是一个分词短语或不定式短语,更不能再用连词though,所以排除b、c和d。5. c. 考查“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型,意为“如果就”。虽然or也可用于此句

14、型,但or是“否则、要不然”之意,如:work hard, or youll fail. (努力学习,否则就会不及格。)6. d. 因为not onlybut (also)是固定搭配(from )。7. d. 因为句中的并列连词for表示原因,是对前面分句所述内容的解释或补充说明。8. a. 因为句中的并列连词while表示“对比或相反”。9. b. 因为句中的并列连词when = just at that time, 意为“这时(突然)”。10. d. 因为只有or才能表示选择,意为“(是) 还是”。11. c。本题考查what引导主语从句,并在主语从句中作主语。句意为“在许多国家,所谓的“

15、公立学校”并非公众拥有。12. b。本题考查引导主语从句的连接词。that引导主语从句只起连接作用,在从句中不作任何成分,无意义,但不能省略。what除引导主语从句外, 还在从句中作成分。which指一定范围内的“哪一个”;whether意为“是否”。根据句意“世上的事喜忧交替”可知答案为b(from )。13. d。该题考查宾语从句。可以看作是does it matter which book it was的省略。一定注意此题受母语干扰,很容易错选答案为a。只要抓住题干前一句i read about this story in some book or other的提示,就可知道是指一定范围

16、内的“哪一个”,故答案为d。14. d。that引导同位语从句;what the book said是同位语从句中的主语。15. a。本题考查以after引导的时间状语从句,意为“在之后”。句意为“步行了六小时后,我累坏了”。16. c。even if=even though,引导的让步状语从句,意为“即使, 尽管”,符合题意。17. d。本题考查before引导的时间状语从句,意为“在之前”。句意为“他来不及冲进去救他的孩子,屋顶就塌了”。18. c。when it comes to. . . 是一固定句型,意为“当谈到时,涉及”。句意为“做作业是提高考分的一个可靠方法,这在涉及到课堂测验时

17、尤其正确” (from )。19. b。该题考查where引导的地点状语从句,表示“在地方”。句意为“我一直把照片放在我每天都能看到的地方,因为它总使我回想起大学里的日子”。20. b。so long as=so long as, 意为“只要”,表示条件。句意为“只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走”。21. d。本题考查as引导的时间状语从句,表示事物的进展,意为“随着”。句意为“那人年纪越来越大,除了园艺外其他都不感兴趣”。22. a。once引导的让步状语从句,意为“一旦”。句意为“一旦明白了这条规则,就再也没有困难了”。23. b。no soonerthan意为“刚就”,相当于as so

18、on as. 句意为“我刚走回厨房,门铃又响了,响得足以把死人吵醒”。类似用法还有hardly / scarcelywhen.。24. a。本题考查because引导的原因状语从句及与for的区别。for不能跟not.but这一结构连用,句意为“我批评他不是因为我恨他而是因为我爱他”。25. c。unless引导的条件状语从句。句意为“他如果不努力学习, 就永远不能考及格”。26. b。so that引导目的状语从句。句意为“她拼命干一边能在他回来时把一切都准备好”。27. d。until引导的时间状语从句。句意为“他一直等到火山平息下来,两天后他才得以重回火山上”。28. c。此题很容易错选

19、b。误认为是notuntil句型。实际上只要抓住your work is being done. 这一提示就找到了答题的关键。29. d。本题考查until引导的时间状语从句,意为“到. . . 为止, 在. . . 以前”。30. a。名词短语the moment用作连词,相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句。 意为“一就”。类似的短语或词还有the minute, the instance, directly, immediately等1. a: jane is a singer. she is also a dancer.    b: jane is

20、 _ _ a singer _ _ a dancer.    2. a: we should learn from books and we should learn from teachers.    b: we should learn _ from books _ from teachers.    3. a: his mother cant help him with his lessons, and his father cant, either.    b: _

21、his mother _ his father can help him with his lessons.    4. a: its hard work, but i enjoy it.    b: _ its hard work, i enjoy it.    5. a: men cant live without air and water.    b: men will die without air _ water.    6. a:

22、if you stand higher, you will see farther.    b: stand higher, _ you will see farther.    7. a: if you dont work harder, you will fail in the exam.    b: work harder, _ you wont pass the exam.    8. a: how important the meeting is! i cant m

23、iss it.    b: it is _ _ important meeting _ i cant miss it.    9. a: after the mother came back, the boy went to bed.    b: the boy _ go to bed _ his mother came back.    10. a: therere many rabbits there. they cant kill them all. 

24、0;  b: therere _ many rabbits there _ they cant kill them all.    11. a: when i get there, ill go to see him at once.    b: ill go to see him _ _ _ i get there.    12. a: you may stay at home. you may also go out with us.(江西    b: you

25、may _ stay at home _ go out with us.    13. a: mary is the tallest girl in her class.(1999福州)    b: mary is _ _ any other girl in her class.    14. a: peter draws well. henry draws well, too.(1999广西)    b: henry draws _ _ _ peter. 

26、0;  15. a: mary runs faster than my sister.(1999兰州)    b: my sister doesnt run _ _ _ mary does.    16. a: uncle wang finished his work. he went home.    b: uncle wang _ go home _ he finished his work.    17. a: lucy has been away from

27、the usa for 5 years.(内蒙古    b: its 5 years _ she _ the usa.    18. a: “does the girl need any help?” he asked me.(甘肃)    b: he asked me _ the girl _ some help.    19. a: mrs. smith is my teacher. she is also my good friend.   

28、; b: mrs. smith is _ _ my teacher _ _ my good friend.    20. a: “nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “thats right.”    b: “nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “_ it _.”    提高型    1. they didnt start the work _ their teacher came bac

29、k.    a. untilb. whilec. as soon asd. if    2. the dictionary cost me too much, _ its really useful.    a. andb. soc. butd. or    3. carl, are you interested in swimming?-yes, _ im not good at it at all.    a. sob. andc. ord.

30、 but    4. youll be late _ you dont get up early tomorrow morning.    a. ifb. whenc. befored. until    5. id like to change this pair of trousers, _ give me my money back. (99杭州)    a. sob. orc. butd. and    6. alice wanted t

31、o know _ her grandmother liked the bag.    a. thatb. ifc. whichd. what    7. mr john has worked in that small town _ he left canada in 1998. (98山西)    a. whenb. afterc. ford. since    8. that was our first lesson, _ she didnt know all our n

32、ames.    a. forb. butc. sod. or     9. _ saturday _ sunday is ok. ill be free in these two days.    a. either; orb. neither; norc. both; andd. one; the othe    10.please come _ have dinner with us.(1998天津)    a. orb. butc. an

33、dd. so     11. he is listening to the music _ he is washing clothes. (广西    a. afterb. beforec. thatd.while    12. _ there are too many people here, _ we have to find another house.     a. because; sob. though; butc. since; /d. /; if &

34、#160;  13. li lei sai  a. ifb. what c. thatd. when    14. can you tell me _ the nearest hospital is?    a. whatb. howc. whetherd. where    15. this tv set is too dear, _ it gives you a better picture.    a. orb. andc. ifd. though&

35、#160;   16. dont drink too much tea in the evening, _ you wont fall asleep. (大连)    a. andb. soc. ord. but    17. _ he is very young, _ he knows several languag(江西)    though; butb. because; soc. though; / d. because; /    18. go

36、down the street _ you see the third crossing. (内蒙    a. thoughb. sincec. untild. while    19. he was _ tired _ he couldnt go on working. (河北)    a. too; tob. such; thatc. so; thatd. too; that    20. youd better take this book. it is very go

37、od _ its a bit expensive. (2000安徽)    a. thoughb. andc. butd. so    综合型    1. _ he is very young, _ he knows a lot about science.    a. though; butb. because; so c. though; /d. when; and    2. she was _ we all like her. 

38、   a. such a good singerb. such a good singer that    c. a very good singer thatd. so good singer that    3. ill give her the message _ she comes back.    a. tillb. beforec. sinced. as soon as    4. mother didnt go to bed _ she finished cleaning the room.    a. afterb. untilc. becaused. while    5. it is a long time _ we met last time in shanghai.    a. beforeb. afterc. sinced. for    6. he was w


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