Lesson 89 For Sale 出售_第1页
Lesson 89 For Sale 出售_第2页
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Lesson 89 For Sale 出售_第5页
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1、1.Nigel /男子名 苏格兰人、英格兰人姓氏 奈杰尔2.Ian /ain/ 男子名 苏格兰人姓氏 伊恩。3.believe bili:v vt.相信, 认为 vi.信任 【词组】*believe in 相信,信奉,信仰 *believe sb. 相信某人的话/make believe 假装,装作 【用法】作动词时,后接名(代)词或带to be 的宾补,或that从句。 I believe that man.我相信那个人。 I believe her to be the finest violinist in the world. I believe you are right.我相信你是对

2、的。4.sell /sel/ v.卖,出售 buy (的反义词) *sell out 售罄 *sell well 畅销 (常用主动语态表被动意义) sale seil n.卖, 出售, 销售 【词组】sales department 营业部 *for sale 供出售,待售 available to buy I believe that this house is for sale. *on sale 廉价出售 available to buy in a shop5.may /mei/ modal verb (用于请求许可) 可以 May I have a look at it, please

3、? 我可以看一看 I like your new haircut(发型). like to do sth. e.g. He likes to spend his evenings in front of the television. like doing sth. e.g. He likes getting up early.他喜欢早起。2.I am afraid I cant. 恐怕不行。 I am afraid that I left my umbrella in the train to London.我恐怕把雨伞落在去伦敦的列车上了。3.Cant you wait till this

4、 afternoon? 您就不能等到今天下午吗? 否定疑问句,表示请求且加强了 恳求的语气 till prep.=until (till多用于口语中。) 直到-时(为止),直到(某一时刻) Wait until the rain stops. Dont open it until your birthday.4.辨析appointment, date appointment 约会(指因公的或者事务性的约会)C a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place e.g. Did you hav

5、e an appointment with your dentist? date v. (指男女之间的月会) I or T mainly US to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic relationship with e.g. I had a date with my boyfriend last night. How long have you been dating Nicky? You may go there.2.现在完成时中由for和since引导的时间状语for+一段时间 “经历(一段时间)” since

6、+ 时间点 “自从-以来” since + 一段时间 + ago “自从-前以来” since + 时间状语从句 He has stayed here for 3 hours. He has stayed here since 3 oclock. He has stayed here since 3 hours ago. He has taught English since he came here.常和现在完成时连用的副词还有 already, ever, never, just, yet, in the past few years/over the last thirty years,

7、 so far, up to now, since 1980等。already和yet的区别: already常用于肯定句或句末;yet常用于一般疑问 句或否定句末。表惊讶时already也可用于疑问句。如: Tom has already finished his homework. Tom hasnt finished his homework yet. What! Have you already finished it? 5.(2009,济南42) Whos that girl swimming in the pool? Is it Lucy? It _ be Lucy. She is sleeping in her bedroom now. A. may B. cant C. must D. should6.(2009,广东,43) Mr Wang, must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows? No, you _. (neednt) I have asked others to do it. A. dont have to B. mus


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