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1、Unit 10 Emotions and HealthThe Secrets of Good Health1 Exercise. Eat right. Don't smoke. These are some of the most words of advice to people who wish to stay healthy. But a growing amount of scientific research shows that there is another, equally important, aspect to stayin

2、g well, peace of mind. Exercise. Eat right. Don't smoke. These are some of the most common words of advice to people who wish to stay healthy. But a growing amount of scientific research shows that there is another, equally important, aspect to staying well, peace of mind. 2 Think about how your

3、 heart races while you are waiting to be called into the doctor's office or how unhappy a bad headache can make you. There is a two-way connection between mind and body. When one is bothered, the other feels it. At the heart of the communications network are brain chemicals called neurotransmitt

4、ers which communicate messages not only within the brain, but also within the body. One key receptor, the immune system, is a network of cells and organs that work to fight off viruses and bacteria. When you experience joy, fear, or relaxation, the immune system may increase or decrease production o

5、f disease-fighting cells, thus helping or hindering you in fighting diseases such as the flu, or even some cancer. 3 By now, how the immune system is affected by stress has been well documented. In one study involving newlywed couples, for example, those who showed hostile behavior during a 30-minut

6、e discussion about marriage problems had lower immune functioning for the 24-hour period following the experiment than people who showed less negative behavior. It is not just stress that can do damage. One researcher thought that if the same cold virus was put under two different noses, the person

7、who is depressed or anxious or pessimistic would be more likely to develop the cold. 4 What is it about stress and related emotions that can encourage poor health? These feelings can cause the production of substances that damage or weaken our immune cells. Negative emotions can also cause our bodie

8、s to produce fewer immuno-transmitters which ultimately help fight off disease. 5 If stress, depression, anger and other negative feelings can make you more likely to get sick, can the reverse be true? Will you have a stronger immune response and greater health if you are happier, less stressed, and

9、 more optimistic? Experts believe that the answer is yes. There are studies showing that by employing certain mind-body techniques that help reduce stress and improve outlook, cancer patients can live longer. But cancer patients aren't the only ones who can benefit. Certain mind-body techniques

10、can help all of us. 6 Research has found that when patients with chronic pain used relaxation therapies and other behavioral techniques to manage discomfort, they reduced their visits to the doctor by 36 percent. Relaxation produces better health through deep, rhythmic breathing, muscle loosening, a

11、nd a slower heart rate. When some of the tension is taken out of the body, the strain is taken off the entire system. Relaxation decreases blood pressure, heart rate and respiration and increases one's sense of well-being. That is important because a body that is constantly tense will eventually

12、 give out. 7 There are dozens of mind-body techniques for you to choose from. The key is to find one you're comfortable with and then do it regularly. Simply writing about negative, unpleasant events may actually boost your immunity according to researchers. Scientists are not completely sure wh

13、y it works but they know that when individuals write, it helps them organize events, which in turn gives them more understanding of the situation. When you can give a stressful experience meaning through writing, you don't think about it or worry about it as much. And when you reduce stress, you

14、 boost immune functioning. How much you write or how long you write depends upon how much stress you feel about the event. One doctor suggests that people write until they are tired of writing and then read over what they have written. This helps make more sense of it. Also, just talking about a str

15、essful experience with a friend can have the same positive effect. 8 Study after study has shown that people with good support systemscaring, helpful family, friends and co-workershave better health. Researchers think that the understanding we get from them reduces stress, which in turn helps the im

16、mune system. As one psychologist states, “When you have someone who loves you and cares about you to share your problems and feelings with, you dont feel you have to fight your problems, or the world, alone.” Another interesting study has shown that the more diverse your social network, the better,

17、that people who have a number of different social relationships have a lower risk of getting colds than those with fewer. 9 There are other fast but effective mind-body relaxation techniques. One could be called “belly breathing”. Sit in a comfortable chair in a quiet room. Close your eyes. Breathe

18、through your nose, fill your belly with air, then slowly release the breath through your mouth. Another technique could be called “mindfulness”. Take a slow walk and be aware of exactly what is happening to you at each momentwhether the wind is on your face, an insect is flying near you, or you hear

19、 birds singing. Even if you continue thinking about problems, you will become calmer and distance yourself from your problems. If you are at home, you might dance. Put on some fast music, close the door, and let yourself go. The dancing will energize you and that alone will make you feel better. 10

20、Whichever mind-body techniques work best for you, never rely on them and them alone to keep you mentally and physically well. Like exercise, good nutrition and proper medical care, methods such as relaxation therapies are only one part of the recipe for good health. Still, they are an important ingr

21、edient.健康的秘诀1 锻炼身体,饮食适当,不吸烟。这些是给希望保持健康的人的一些最常见的忠告。然后越来越多的科学家研究表明保持健康还有一个同等重要的方面,即心境平和。2 试想一下,当你在医生办公室外面等待进去看病时你的心跳有多快,严重的头疼又会是你多么得难受。身心之间的联系是双向的。一方受到干扰时,另一方能够感受到。信息交流网的核心部分是一种叫做神经传递素的大脑化学物质,这种物质不仅在大脑内传递信息,还能在体内传递信息。免疫系统是主要的感受器,是一个由细胞和器官所组成的网络,能抵御病毒与细菌进攻。当你兴奋,恐惧或是放松时,免疫系统会增加或减少抵抗疾病细胞的生成,从而帮助或阻碍你抵抗疾病,

22、如流感,甚至癌症。3 迄今为止,已有大量文献记载紧张是如何会使免疫系统受到影响。例如,在一项涉及新婚夫妇的研究中,在关于婚姻问题的30分钟讨论中有对立行为的人,在该讨论后24小时内比那些行为比较积极的人免疫力功能要差。破坏免疫力功能的不仅仅是紧张。一名研究人员认为:如果两个不同的人从鼻子吸进同学同一种感冒病毒,抑郁,焦虑或是悲观的那个人的感冒的可能性会更大。4 心情紧张以及与其相关的情感 会导致健康状况不佳,这是怎么回事呢?那是因为这些情感会引起一些物质的产生,这些物质会破坏或消弱我们的免疫细胞。消极的情感还会减少我们体内抵抗疾病的免疫传递素的生成量。5 假如紧张,忧郁,生气及其他消极情感会使

23、你更容易得病,那么相反的情况是否成立呢?假如你快乐些,不那么紧张,或者更乐观一些,你的免疫力是否就会更强些,健康状况就更好些?专家们的看法是肯定的。有研究表明采用某些减少压力,改进人生观的身心疗法,癌症病人能延长寿命。但是癌症病人并非唯一受益者。某些身心疗法能使我们所有人受益。6 研究发现,那些有慢性疼痛病的人采用了放松治疗法和其他行为疗法控制不适后,他们看病的次数减少了36%。放松是通过有节奏的深呼吸,肌肉松弛和心率减缓身体使身体更健康。当某些紧张感从体内去除后,压力也随之从整个系统消除了。放松能降低血压,减缓心率,放慢呼吸,使人倍感舒适。这一点很重要,因为要是人的身体始终处于紧张状态,他最

24、终会垮掉的。7 在研究人员看来,只是把那些消极的,令人不快的事写下来实际上也可以增加你的免疫力。科学家还没完全搞清楚为什么这样做会有用,但是他们知道人们写的过程就有助于将事件理一理,这会使他们更好的了解自己的处境。通过写能使你明白这种紧张的经历是怎么一回事,你就不会(像不这样做)那样去想或担忧了。而当你不那么紧张了,你的免疫功能也就增强了。至于写多少或多久,这要取决于事情本身给你带来的紧张程度。有一位医生建议人们一直写到不愿写了为止,然后读一遍自己所写的东西,这会是你对所写的事情有更多的了解。与朋友谈论自己经受的压力同样能起到积极作用。8 多项研究表明,有良好关爱机制的人,也就是那些受人关心,

25、能得到家庭,朋友及同事的帮助的人,健康状况比较好。研究人员认为,从他那里所得到的理解能够减少紧张,从而有利于免疫系统。一位心理学家说道:“当有人爱你,关心你,同你分担问题和情感时,你会感到你不是孤身一人在与困难和环境作斗争。”另一项有趣的研究表明,你的社交面越广越好,而且那些有很多不同社会关系的人比那些社会关系少的人的感冒的机会要小。9 还有一些别的快捷有效的身心放松疗法。其中一种叫做“腹部呼吸法”。在一个安静的房间里坐在一张舒适的椅子上,闭上眼睛,用鼻子呼吸,让腹部充满空气,然后将气慢慢从嘴里呼出。另一种疗法叫做“留神法”。慢慢的散步,时时刻刻主义正在发生的一切你是否感到有风扑面而来,有只小

26、虫在你身边飞舞,或是听到小鸟在鸣唱。即使你还在思考那些问题,你也会比原先平静些,是问题离你远一些。假如你在家里,你可以跳舞。播放一些快节奏的音乐,关上门,让自己纵情的跳。跳舞能给你活力,仅这一点就能使你感觉好一些。 10 不管是哪些身心疗法 ,对你最有效千万不要依赖他们,不能一味的以来他们以保持身心健康,正如体育锻炼,良好的营养和适当的医疗保健一样,诸如放松之类的疗法都能是保持身体健康的一部分。不过,他们确实一个重要的组成部分。Your Anger Can Kill You1 For well over 2,000 years the world's major religions h

27、ave taught the virtues of a trusting heart. Now there is another reason to heed the human wisdom of the ages: scientific evidence indicates that those with trusting hearts will live longer, healthier lives. 2 As a result of the work published in the US by two pioneering cardiologists, Meyer Friedman

28、 and Ray H. Rosenman, nearly every American is aware that Type A people are impatient and easily moved to hostility and anger. Many have come to believe that Type A's are at much higher risk of suffering a heart attack or dying of coronary disease than others. 3 Just as the public was about to a

29、dd Type A behavior to the list of cardiac risk factorssuch as smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and lack of physical exercisereports began to appear suggesting that the Type A story was not so simple. 4 New studies failed to find an increased risk of heart attack in all Type A

30、9;s. But recent research is clarifying and refining our understanding of the problem. The good news is that not all aspects of Type A behavior are equally toxic. Recent research shows that being in a hurry appears harmful only as it aggravates one's hostility. 5 Now for the bad news : hostility

31、and anger can be fatal. They not only raise the odds that you will develop coronary heart disease but may also increase your risk of suffering other life-threatening illnesses. If yours is a hostile heart, it is important that you learn to reduce your anger. 6 The driving force behind hostility is a

32、 cynical mistrust of others. If we expect others to mistreat us, we are seldom disappointed. This generates anger and leads us to respond with aggression. 7 The most characteristic attitude of a cynic is suspicion of the motives of people he doesn't know. Imagine you are waiting for an elevator

33、and it stops two floors above for longer than usual. How inconsiderate! you think. If people want to carry on a conversation, why don't they get off the elevator so the rest of us can get where we're going! You have no way of knowing what is causing the delay. Yet, in a few seconds, you have

34、 drawn hostile conclusions about unseen people and their motives.8 Meanwhile, your cynical mistrust is triggering an outpouring of adrenalin and other stress hormones, with noticeable physical consequences. Your voice changes to a higher pitch. The rate and depth of your breathing increases. Your he

35、art is beating faster and harder, and the muscles of your arms and legs tighten. You feel full of energy and ready for action. 9 If you frequently experience these feelings, your anger quotient is too high, and you may be at increased risk of developing serious health problems. The cumulative effect

36、 of the hormones released during these anger episodes can add to the risk of coronary and other diseases. 10 Over time, sadly, it becomes easier for the hostile heart to express anger. Do you often show your irritation to someone you just met? This can range from the mild (“I believe you have too ma

37、ny items in your basket for this express checkout lane ”) to the not-so-mild (“Hey, you can't go through this line with that many items!”).11 The first clue that your behavior in a situation is hostile can be gleaned from your answer to the question “What is my purpose in doing this?” If it is t

38、o punish the other person for what he has done, then you are guilty as charged.12 Is it possible to reduce your hostility, to become more trusting? Research on heart-attack prevention conducted by cardiologist Meyer Friedman's group is encouraging. He and his colleagues recruited 1,013 heart-att

39、ack victimsnearly all Type A'sto participate in the study. Cardiologists counseled a group of the volunteers about their diet and exercise habits. Another group received the same counseling plus a program to reduce their Type A behavior. 13 Assessments after 4.5 years showed that the group recei

40、ving both cardiac and behavioral counseling had decreased its dangerous Type A behavior by a substantial degree. Those in the comparison group had done so to only a limited extent. 14 More important, there was a 45-percent reduction in the rates of mortality and recurrent heart problems among those

41、who modified their behavior. It follows, then, that reducing anger should help prevent a first heart attack.生气伤身体1 2000多年来,世界上的主要宗教都在教诲人们信任之心的美德。现在又有一条理由让人们去注意这一人类恒久的智慧:科学证据表明具有信任之心的人活得更长,更健康。2 两位研究心脏病学的先驱迈耶.费里德曼和雷.H罗森曼在美国发表了他们的研究结果后,几乎每个美国人都知道A型行为者没有耐心,容易激发敌意,容易生气。许多人逐渐认识到A型行为者得心脏病和死于冠心病的危险性比别人更大.3

42、 正当人们要将A型行为归入到诸如吸烟,高胆固醇,高血压,缺乏体育锻炼等诱发心脏疾病的因素中去时,又有研究报告发表,显示有关A型行为的说法并非如此简单。4 新的研究并未发现所有A型行为者患心脏病的危险较高。然而,最近的研究正在澄清和增进我们对该问题的了解。好消息是,并非A型行为的方方面面都同样有害。新近的研究表明,匆忙行事只有当他促使敌意加剧时,才是有害的。5 坏消息:敌意和生气是致命的。他不仅增加患冠心病的可能性,而且也增加患其他致命疾病的风险。假如你内心易怀敌意,你应该学会少生气,这很重要。6 致使人们产生敌意的幕后原因是一种对他人的怀疑与不信任。如果我们预料其他人会不善待我们,我们往往会觉

43、得确实如此。这会使我们生气,会使我们以牙还牙。7 愤世嫉俗者最典型的态度是怀疑陌生人的动机。假如你在等电梯,而电梯在你上方高两层的位置停留的时间比平时长。真不替他人着想!你会这样想。他们若聊天,为什么不走到电梯外面,好让别人去要去的地方?你无法知道是什么造成的耽搁。然而,在几秒钟里,你已经对看不见的人以及他们的动机做出了充满敌意的结论。8 同时,你对他人的怀疑与不信任在激发肾上腺素和其他紧张激素的大量释放,并产生了明显的生理反应。你说话的声调变高,呼吸节奏和深度增加,心跳更快,更强烈,手脚肌肉僵硬。你感到憋着一股劲,随时准备采取行动。9 如果你经常有这样的感觉,你的愤怒商就太高了,你产生严重的

44、健康问题的风险也许会增加。久而久之,生气时释放的荷尔蒙所产生的后果会增加得冠心病和其他疾病的风险。10 不幸的是,随着时间的推移,怀有敌意之心的人就更容易生气。你是否经常在遇到的人面前表达你内心的不快?这种表达(内心不快)的口气会有所不同,从温和(“我觉得你不能走这条快捷付款通道,因为你购物筐的东西太多了”)到不温和(“喂,那么多东西不能走这条通道!”)。11 要判断你在某种场合下的行为是否有敌意,可以从你对“我这样做的目的是什么?”这个问题的回答中得到第一条线索。如果你是因他人的所作所为而要惩罚他,那么确实如所指责的那样,是怀有敌意的。12 是否有可能减少你的敌对情绪,对他人多一点信任感呢?

45、心脏病学家迈耶·弗里德曼的研究小组所做的预防心脏病的研究报告结果令人鼓舞。他和他的同事招募了1,013位心脏病患者(这些患者几乎都是A型行为者)参与他们的研究。心脏病学家对自愿参加实验的人中的一组给予饮食和锻炼方面的建议。另一组人除了得到同样的建议外,还增加一项内容就是减少他们的A型行为。13 四年半以后的评估显示在有关心脏病方面及行为上同时得到建议的人其危害性的A型行为大大降低,而对照组的人也有所降低,但极为有限。14 更为重要的是,那些在行为上得到矫正的人死亡率和心脏病的发病率降低了45%。那么,由此可以推断,少生气应该有利于防止心脏病的初发。Labeling Emotions1

46、 Anger. envy. sadness. frustration. These are feelings that come naturally to children. But how do you help them learn to cope with such emotions in a way that promotes both mental and physical health? The answer can be as simple as giving feelings a name. 2 Children often lack the basic vocabulary

47、necessary to make sense of the emotions they feel, whether it is jealousy, hurt, fear or worry. Caregivers who tell a child with tears streaming down her cheek, “You are feeling sad now, aren't you?” or a child in the midst of a foot-stomping tantrum, “I can see you are feeling angry,” perform a

48、n important task. Those who help teach their children to name their emotions give them a valuable, lifelong skill.3 Putting a name to the emotion not only helps children make sense of what they are feeling. Research studies suggest that it also helps calm their nervous systems and helps them recover

49、 faster from upsetting situations.4 Labeling emotions is an important step in emotion coaching. Research indicates that children raised with emotion coaching that encourages healthy emotional development: 1) are more self-confident;2) do better in school; 3) have fewer behavioral problems; 4) get al

50、ong better with friends and others; 5) have fewer infectious illnesses;6) can weather their parents' conflict better. 5 Strong emotional health, in turn, may make them better prepared to deal with difficult events later in life. One of the fundamental parts of healthy emotional development for c

51、hildren is to learn how to self-soothe during times of distress. This doesn't mean the children feel less angry, scared or frustrated. It's healthy to experience these powerful feelings. These children are just better able to process their feelings, bounce back from emotional events, and ref

52、ocus on other activities. And when children can bounce back from emotional experiences, they are more able to pay attention to important tasks like maintaining friendships or completing schoolwork.6 So how does something as simple as naming emotions help? Science provides us with emerging answers an

53、d intriguing questions.7 Studies from various laboratories show that the act of naming an emotion has a quieting effect on the nervous system, which may in turn help children to recover faster from emotional stress. Exactly why this happens remains unclear, but some scientists believe it has to do w

54、ith the brain's structure and how emotions are processed. In the brain, there are certain areas primarily responsible for processing emotions, and other areas primarily responsible for handling logical thinking and language. What's important here are the connections between these areas, and

55、neuroscientists are studying these connections very closely.8 Verbalizing an emotion engages the language area in the left side of the brain, which is also an area involved in logic and other higher-level types of thinking. Dr. Gottman believes that naming an emotion stimulates the nerve cells in th

56、is area, which may activate connections between this “logic” area and areas of emotion processing. Activating these connections may help a child to think about the emotion in a different way, leading to a calming effect.9 Labeling emotions seems like a simple approach, but sometimes it is not as eas

57、y as it sounds. First, caregivers need to be aware of what their children are feeling, so that they can help find the best word to describe these feelings. That can be tricky. Like adults, children can experience mixed emotions. A child with a new baby sister on the way may feel both excited for the

58、 new arrival and anxious about the way life at home will change. Exploring the full range of emotions will reassure a child that it is normal to experience conflicting feelings.10 Parents and caregivers can help children develop a rich and accurate vocabulary for their emotions. To do this, parents

59、and caregivers can:² Start identifying emotions together earlyyou can begin even before the child can talk. One way is to use a game that Dr. Gottman calls “The Guys”, where a parent draws a different face on each fingerone finger might have an angry face, while others could have sadness, happiness, surprise, or fear. These “guys” then talk about their day , and why they


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