



1、学习必备精品知识点Unit 1Great scientists单元知识点练习多项选择1. Ann seems to be upset.What s up? She_from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores.A includesB concludesC suggestsD contains2. For the next two hours she was_the film, so she didn t notice what happenedaround her.A engag

2、ed inB busy withC absorbed inD occupied with3. The managing dirctor took the _ for the accident, though it was not really his fault.A. guiltB. responseC. blameD. accusation4. What s the central idea of the passage, Bob? Sorry , I can t make_of itI. s beyond my ability.A judgementB understandingC ide

3、aD sense5.He used to be a popular singer, but drug _ his ruin.A. resulted fromB. contributed toC. attended toD. devoted to6.After being _, he was told he was suffering from cancer.A. checkedB. testedC. examinedD. treated7.As a college student, you must try to _ the questions independently.A.absorbB.

4、analyseC.debateD.reject8.I don t think itto stay up late in the night and sleep until midday the next day.A.make a differenceB.makes good senseC.makes trouble D.make profit9. When did he leave the meeting room? He leftyou turned back to drink some water.A.for the momentB.at the momentC.the momentD.i

5、n a moment10. _ to sunlight for too much time, your skin will be done great harm.A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposedD. After being exposed11.The director _ the plan for the coming season: we re going to shift our attention toexplore the vast rural market.A. put upB. put forwardC. put offD.

6、 put out12._ being too large, the color and the style of the dress suit me well.A. Apart fromB. As well asC. BesidesD. Instead of13. The world s largest pizza delivery chain _ on Wednesday that it was planning to change the recipe of its core pizza.A. announcedB. forsawC. describedD. understood14. F

7、ailure never a pleasure, but it can have a _ effect on your life once you learn to use it.A. positiveB. majorC. concreteD. sure15. Finding information in todays world is easy. The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.A. abilityB. competitionC. challengeD. knowledge16.We

8、should be very _ about giving our personal information to stangers.A. happyB. outgoingC. readyD. cautious17.Tom is very _ about this subject, though he knows little in this area.A. optimisticB. enthusiasticC. particularD. generous18.I always have so many things to _ when I come into the office after

9、 a trip abroad.A. add toB. contribute toC. attend toD. appeal to完成句子1.经理对 Smith 先生昨天在会上提出的建议非常满意。(put)The manager was very satisfied with the suggestion that Mr Smith_ 学习必备精品知识点2.我们接受了邀请,只是到后来才怀疑这可能是个圈套。(suspect)We accepted the invitation. Only later _ it might be a trap.3.该受到责备的不是这个孩子而应该是他的父母。(blam

10、e)It is not the child but his parents who_ for this.4.警方对这个案子调查了好几个月,但是没有发现有用的线索。(look)The police_ the case for several months but didn t findany useful clues.5.你从分析图中得出了什么结论?(conclusion)_ from the analysis chart?6.暴露在阳光下太久对皮肤有伤害。(expose)_for too much time will do harm to your skin.7.由于他一门心思玩电脑游戏,这男

11、孩再也不专心学习了。( absorb)_, the boy no longer puts his heart into study.8.据报道在 2004 年中国 99%的学龄儿童已上小学。(attend)99% of school-age children in China are reported _in 2004.9.一看到她我就认出来了。(moment)I recognized her _.10.当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。(discover)Hearing about the substance _, the professor felt mostexci

12、ted.11.在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。(pay)In the factory, the workers _.12.他儿子很淘气,养成了一些坏习惯,我认为他应该改掉这些习惯。( cure)His son is very naughty and has formedsome bad habits. I think he should_.13.接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。(examine)The girl _ suffered from a bad illness.14.输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。(absorb)The boy defeated in the match _read

13、ing books.15.根据最近的一项调查,每年大约有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(link)According to a recent survey, about four millilon people die from diseases _ each year.Unit 1 Great scientists单元知识点练习答案多项选择1-5 BCCDB6-10 CBBCA11-15 BAAAC16-18 DBC学习必备精品知识点完成句子1. put forward at the meeting yesterday2. did we suspect3. are to blame4. ha

14、d looked into5. What conclusion did you draw6. Being exposed to sunlight7. Absorbed in the computer games8. to have attended primary school9. the moment I saw her10. discovered by accident11. get paid by the piece12. cure him of them.13. examined by the doctor14. was absorbed in15.(which are)linked

15、to smoking46. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。学习必备精品知识点The _worker advised me to drink more _water.47.他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。The _look on his face suggested the trip _for next month has beencalled off.48. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔伤了右腿。To his mother s greatrry,Iwo_ _in the right leg in the match yesterday.49. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资

16、的。50. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销51. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的。52. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。53. 接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。54. 我们学校东边的那条被污染的河整天发出难闻的气味。The _river _to the east of our school smells_all day.55. 当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。_about the substance_by accident,the professor felt most_.46. retired, boiled47. disappointed, planned48. g

17、ot, worried49. paid, by50. written, by51. exposed, infected52. defeated, buried (absorbed, lost)53, examined, by54. polluted, lying, terrible55.Hearing, discovered, excited1. 我代表公司感谢所有为研制新产品作出重大贡献的员工。On behalf of the company, I thank all those who have _ _ _ duringthe experiments of the new product.

18、2. 首相正在发表一项重要声明。The prime minister is _ an important _ at the moment.3. 一些人不愿意接受挑战。Some people _ _ _ challenge themselves.4. 房间里只布置了最简单的必需品:一张床,一把椅子和一张桌子。The room_ _ _ the simplest essentials: a bed, a chair and a table.5. 史密斯先生的演讲给听众留下了很好的印象。The speech of Mr. Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ the audience.6. 她一听到这个消息就赶回家。She returned home


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