



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 5&Unit 6一、 填入所缺字母,完成单词。1. 植物 pl _ _ t               2.瓶子b_ _ t _e 3自行车b _ i_e              4.照片ph _t_5时钟 c _o_ k              &#

2、160; 6.正面 fr _ _t7. 在中间bet_ _ _n        8.在下面 _ nd _ r9在后面b _ h _ nd        10.在旁边 n _ _r 二、 将汉语与对应英语连线。1. 我的房间                         A. on the third flo

3、or 2. 在第三层                         B. in front of the desk3. 在书桌前面                      C. my room4. 在墙上         &#

4、160;                  D. beside the bed5.  在床的旁边                     E. on the wall 三、 选出不同类的一项。(   )1、A. toy         &#

5、160;    B. pencil       C. crayon   (   )2、A. we               B. their        C. my  (   )3、A. behind          B.

6、email        C. under (   )4、A. ball             B. draw         C. move   (   )5、A. mouse           B. dog    

7、;      C. plant  (   )6、A. house            B. building    C. rabbit  (   )7、A. rive              B. lake        C.

8、 high  (   )8、A. is              B. are         C. there(   )9、A. forest            B. tree         C. duck(   

9、;)10、A. mountain        B. hill          C. bridge   五、选择填空。(    ) 1.There _ a small bike in my bedroom.        A. am   B. is   C. are   (    ) 2.Ther

10、e _ some pictures on the wall.        A. am   B. is   C. are  (    ) 3.My father has _ pictures.        A. a   B. an   C. many          (

11、60;  ) 4.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _Tom.           A. front    B. in front of    C. over  (   ) 5.There is a TV _ the bed.           A. near   B. in   

12、0;   C. under  (   ) 6.This is a picture _ my room.A.        on      B. in       C. of    (   ) 7.My father can draw very_.           A. good   &

13、#160; B. well   C. pretty    (   ) 8.Two photos _ near the bed.           A. am        B. is        C. are    (   ) 9.There _ a desk, a TV and tw

14、o sofas in my room.           A. is          B. am          C. are    (   ) 10.We are rabbits. We_  a new house.           A. have

15、         B. has         C. is    (   ) 11. There are _ ducks in the river.A.        many          B. any        C. a(   ) 12. Is t

16、here a _ in the forest?            A. rives         B. lakes        C. rive(   ) 13. There _ some small boats in the lake.A.        am       

17、;   B. is       C. are(   )  14. There _ many people in the park.A.        arent           B. not        C. isnt(   ) There _ a big bird in the sky.A. 

18、;       am           B. is       C. are六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。       1. Watermelon is         (I) favorite fruit.       2. Your school menu     

19、0;    (sound) very good.    3. I dont like        (orange). Theyre sour(酸).    4. Usually we have some        (noodle) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.5. The hamburger _(be) nice. Its my favorite.6. Opens!

20、 The noodles are too          (health).             六、连词成句。1、 flowers  there   so   are   here    many (  .  )_  2、boy  door  

21、;behind   there  the  is  a  (  .  )_  3、are  two  there  and  a  chairs   desk (  .  )_  4、give  to  lets

22、0; it  him (  .  )_  5、bed   a   is    big  there( . )_ 6.  is    there    in    the    forest    a   river  ( ? )  _

23、60; 7. there   small   houses   are   many    in    the   village ( . )  _.  8. there   small   houses   are   any    in    the   villa

24、ge ( ? )  _  9. there    are     yes  ( , .)_.  10. there  no   isnt  ( , .)    _七、阅读理解。AHello, my name is Lin Lin. Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a win

25、dow, a shelf(书架), a desk, a chair, and a computer. The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. My bedroom is small, but its nice. I love it. Do you like my bedroom?根据短文内容,判断正误,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(   )1. There is a closet(衣柜) in Lin Lins bedroom

26、.(   )2. The desk is near the bed.(   )3. The window is behind the desk.(   )4. The bedroom is big.(    )5.  Lin Lin likes her bedroom very much.B My favourite room is my bedroom. Its small, but its very clean and beautiful. There is a small bed

27、 near the window. Near the bed, there is a brown desk. You can see a  clock, a radio and many books on it. Near the door, there is a close(衣柜)t. Whats  that over(上方)the bed? Its an air-conditioner(空调). I like my bedroom very much.  根据短文,填空。1. My room is _, but its clean

28、 and beautiful.2. The _ is near the bed.3. On my desk, there is a _, a _, and many _.4. There is a closet _ the door.5. You can see an _ over the bed.  CHi, I am Li Ping. I am from a small village. There are many houses and rivers in my village. The houses are very beautiful. The water is clean. You can see many fish in the river.There is a mountain near our village. There arent any pandas in the mountain. But there are many trees on the mountain. A big forest is not far from the mountain. My


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