



1、小学五年级英语测试题2011年春期五年级期中学业水平测试英语试题吴城镇第一中心小学李和茹(注:本试卷满分100分,考试时间为70分钟)小五英语共四页 第一页()4. A. Is there a Zoo n ear here ?B. Is there a school n ear here ?()5. A. He is an En glish teacher .B. He is a Chinn ese teacher .温馨提示:同学们,要认真做题,仔细听录音,注意书写,老师相信你们是最棒的!加油!题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二四五六七八九十得分得分三、听问找答。听句子选择最佳答语。(5X 2

2、=10)评卷人()1. A. Yes,I do.B. No,she does n't.()2. A.No,there isn'tB. There are eleve n.()3. A.Its one o 'clock.B. There is only one.听力部分 (共四题,计40分,每小题读两遍)()4. A. I can see nine. B. I have three.()5. A. Yes, there is . B. Yes, there are.得分评卷人一、听选单词。根据录音,选出你所听到的单词,把答案填在题 前括号内。(10X 仁10)()1. A

3、.lightB.rightC.white()2. A.grassB.classC.cross()3. A.waitB.wakeC.bake()4. A.pullB.rollC.cool()5. A.la ndB.sa ndC.ki nd()6. A.thereB.whereC.n ear()7. A.carryB.worryC.Mary()8. A.sickB.speakC.spread()9. A.bigB.pigC.bag()10.A.bookB.lookC.cook得分四、听音排序。(5X 2=10)评卷人()Yes, there is.()How can 1 get there ?()

4、Excuse me . Is there a Zoo n ear here ?()Go dow n this street . You can see it at the end()Thank you very much .笔试部分(共6题,计60 分)得分评卷人、听录音(5X 2=10)。选出你所听到的句子,把答案序号填在题前括号内。()1. A.May I borrow your pen ?B.May I borrow your bike ?()2. A.There is a Kite over there .B.There is a cat under the chair .()3. A

5、. We must turn right here .B. We mustn tturn right here .得分五、读句子选图片。从方框内选出合适的句子填在与之相应的图 片下边。(5 X 2=10)评卷人A. Eve is havi ng supper now .B. Mike likes riding a bike .C. You mustn t turn right here.D. His father is a cook.E. There are some birds in the tree.4 / 3小学五年级英语测试题小五英语共四页第二页得分六、单项选择题。从卜列选项中选出止确

6、答案将其丿予号填写在题前括号内。(10X 1=10)评卷人()1. Hello! May Ito Mary ?A. tellB.askC.speak()2. Yourun about in the street.A. mayB. mustC.must n't()3. The hen hasidea .A. aB. theC. an()4. Are thereapples in the box ?A. anB.a nyC. some()5. There are manyin the classroom.A. childs B. childre n C. childre ns()6. Wh

7、ose birds are these ?are yours.A. TheyB.TheirC.Theirs()7. There are six catsthe tree.A. onB. atC. in()8. The foxthe hen away.A. carries B. carryC. carry ing()9. book is this?A. Who B.Whose C. What()10. Is there a cin ema in the street ?A. No,there is B.Yes,there isnt C.No, there isnt得分七、情景配对。(5X 2=1

8、0分)评卷人()1. Where are they ?A. Yes, it is.()2. Are they rivers ?B. Not at all.()3. Whats on the bed ?C. Theyre in the spaceship()4. Is it water ?D. No, I dont think so.()5. Tha nks a lot.E. Theres a teddy bear.得分八、补全对话.每空填一词。(10X仁10)评卷人小五英语共四页第三页A. Hello !B. Hello ! May IJack ?A. Sorry, hes not,Whos

9、that ?B.is Jim. Is that Jacks mother ?A. Yes, may Iafor you ?B. Yes, please . I want to aska.pleaseJack to call me. He knows my teleph oneA. Ok,Good-byeB. Tha nk you, Bye!得 分九、改错题,请找出错误选项并改正(5X 2=10)评卷人()1.1 have a cat, It s name is_MiMi.A B C D()2. There are man y star in the sky. _A B C D()3. What

10、 beautiful the stars are !A B C D()4. There is two desks n ear the window.A B C D()5. Are there some boats on the river ?A B C D得 分十、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(门误(F) (5X 2=10)评卷人Look, this is my family photo. This is my grandpa, He is a worker, he小学五年级英语测试题Works in a factory. This is my grandma.She is a doctor, she works in a hospital.This is my father, he is a manager. This is my mother, She is a teacher, Thisis my anut, She is a driver, This is me, Li lei, I' m a pupil. I 'm a boy. Doyou like my family? How many people are there in my family?( )1. There are five people in LiLei' s family


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