



1、高中英语信件写作教案设计i.teaching aims:knowledge aim:by the end of the class, students will know more about body language and the information remained.ability aims:students letter writing ability of can be improved by the end of the class.emotional aim:1. students will know how to apply this kind of short lett

2、er in real life, especially in resolving friends problems.2. students will be more interested in english learning while sharing their ideas with others.ii.teaching key &difficult points:key point: the information remained in body language.difficult point: leading students to think of some help f

3、or friends who are in trouble.iii.teaching procedures:step1: warming upwelcome some students to play short play in which friends find each others troubles by noticing body language and then resolve problems together. that play was prepared ahead.step2: pre-writing1. ask students to evaluate the play

4、 they had ever saw and ask them what they would do if they were the roles.2. play a game: think of a problem they have just met or are suffering in about 1 minute, then act it to their partners and the partner should guess what the problem is. before announce the real information remained, they shou

5、ld give suggestions to help resolving problems.3. then redesign their own body language according to their partners reaction.4. ask students to do a survey: select a classmate randomly and observe his/her body language, guess his/her problem and give suggestions. but the actors should not tell the r

6、eal information behind his/her action.5. i would show them an example letter on the screen and the usage of it. then i would ask them to find out the format of this letter. together with them, i would write the format on the blackboard.step3: while-writinggive students some guides, such as: pay atte

7、ntion to the format, punctuation, sentence structure and tenses.10 minutes would be given to them to complete their letter individually.step4: post-writingself-editing: ask students to check their letter according to the example on screen and then do some editing.peer editing: ask students to check and edit their partners letter and give them some suggestions.share: invite some students to share their letter at the front and i would give them some comments.step5: summary and homeworksum up what we have learned today and show them some other articles on the screen.homework: write another


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