



1、DAIMLERCHRYSLERPassenger Cars ?Diagnostic Technicians Final Examvv Non-Technical技能大赛模拟考试MT(保养技师)共 30 题,每 1 题 5 个选项,1 个选项 1 分,共 150 分 答错,漏答均扣1 分测试时间为 30 分钟Global Training.The finiest automotive learning问题 11What are the in flue nee parameters for the ASSYST Plus to carryout the servic ing schedule? 以

2、下那些参数会影响 ASSYST Plus 计算保养间隔?Quality of the engine oil used所用机油的品质_Engine temperature发动机的温度Time factor时间因素Engine capacity发动机容量_Engine revoluti on and load发动机转速和负荷What does this symbol ” for operation nets stands for? 操作信号“代表什么?Safety in formatio n安全信息_Safety tools安全工具Service in formati on服务信息d Servic

3、e measure服务措施e Special tools特殊工具问题 32State the description of abbreviation “AP ” 以下关于缩写“ AP”的描述哪些是正确的?aTest ing and repair work 测试和维修工作bMaintenan ce, care, emmisio n test ing, safety test ing 维修、保养、排放测试和安全测试cService in formati on服务信息dService measure服务措施eSafety in formatio n 安全信息ASSYST PLUS Service C

4、ode “ C+” , what does the symbol “+” represent? ASSYST PLUS 维修代码“ C+”中+代表什么?aOil service 更换机油b maintenance保养c3 hours service work3小时保养工作dBrake pads in spect ion 检查刹车片eAir filter in spect ion检查空气滤芯(?)问题 4问题 5Which of the followi ng stateme nts regard ing the engine and tran smissi on oils are correct

5、?以下有关发动机和变速箱油的说法哪些是正确的?3aThe SAE codes for engine and transmission oils match one another 发动机油和变速箱油的 SAE 等级相互匹配。bMi neral oils are more heat resista nt tha n syn thetic oils. 矿物油比合成油的热阻更咼。cIn its original packaging, oil can be stored for several decades before it ages. 机油在未开圭寸的情况下能储存数十年不会变质。dThe SAE

6、 code indicates the viscosity (flowability) of an oil. 机油的 SAE 等级表示机油的粘性(流动性)。eA list of tested and approved engine and tran smissi on oils can be obta ined from any Mercedes-Be nzworkshop. Notes can also be found on some types of engine oil, e.g. Approved in accorda nee withsheet no. 229.5.可以从梅赛德斯-

7、奔驰特许服务中心获得经测试,允许用于奔驰汽车的一系列发动机和变速箱 油。在某些类型的发动机油的包装上还带有诸如:“经认证,符合229.5 机油标准”的标签。What does service code Service A to Service H” indicates in the ASSYST PLUS system? 在 ASSYSTPLUS 系统中,保养代码“ Service A 到 Service H”代表什么?aA differe nt types of maintenance job with regards to the service work 不同的保养类型bA total

8、numbers of mechanic requires to do the service work 进行保养所需的技工总人数cA nu mber of hours it will take to do the service work 进行保养所需的工时dA differe nt kind of engine oil used to do the service work 保养时使用的不同的发动机油类型eA type of service n eeds to be carryout on the vehicle 需要执行的保养类型4Which of the follow ing state

9、me nts about coola nt are correct? 下列有关冷却液的陈述哪些是正确的?aThe task of an ticorrosi on /an tifreeze age nt are corrosi on protecti on, an tifreeze protecti on and increas ing boil ing point.防腐/防冻剂的作用是防腐、防冻,提高沸点。bIn coun tries with high temperatures, the an ticorrosi on /an tifreeze age nt is not required

10、in coola ntsystem.在温度较咼的国家,无需在冷却液系统中加入防腐、防冻剂。cThe proportio n of an ticorrosio n/an tifreeze in the cooli ng system should be 50% which provideantifreeze protection down to around - 37 C.如果冷却液中防腐、防冻剂的比例为50%,该冷却液能抵抗最低-37 C 的严寒。dThe cooli ng system should be pressurized to 2.0 bar. Check all cooli ng

11、and heati ng hoses and connecti on point for loss of coola nt.应给冷却液加 2.0 巴的压力。检查所有的冷却和加热管及连接点以防冷却液泄漏。eDo not ope n coola nt uni ess temperature is below 90. Open cap slowly and release the pressure. 在冷却液温度降至 900之下后才能打开水箱盖。慢慢开启水箱盖,并释放压力。问题 7问题 8Which of the followi ng stateme nts on fuel system are c

12、orrect?下列有关燃油系统的陈述哪些是正确的?5aFuel filter with in tegrated fuel regulator is in stalled in sin gle-li ne system. 在单回路供油系统中,安装的是带燃油压力调节阀的燃油滤清器。bThe fuel pressure is con trolled by the diaphragm pressure regulator in line with the in take mani foldpressure in single-line system.在单回路供油系统中,由膜片式压力调节阀控制燃油压力,

13、调节阀的一端与进气歧管相连。c W211 and R171 fuel pump locate in fuel tank and fuel filter with integrated fuel regulator is mounted behind the fuel tank chamberW211 和 R171 的燃油泵位于油箱中,带压力调节阀的燃油滤清器安装在油箱室的后面。dThe fuel pressure regulator is located on the fuel rail in single-line system. 压力调节阀在单回路供油系统中位于油轨上。e The actu

14、ati on of fuel pump relay is con trolled by Engine con trol un it. 驱动燃油泵继电器是由发动机管理系统的电脑来控制的。Which of the following statements about function of engine oil sensor( B40) are correct? 以下有关发动机油传感器(B40)的陈述哪些是正确的?aDetecting oil temperature, quality and oil level 检测油温、油质和油位bDetect ing oil qua ntity to calc

15、ulate the n ext service 检测机油量,计算下次保养的时间。cDetecting oil consumption and warn the driver on insufficient oil in instrument cluster. 检测机油消耗量,一旦机油不足,便在仪表盘中显示警告信息。dDetect ing viscosity of the engine oil 检测机油粘度。eDetect ing the oil pressure and warn the driver to stop the engine 检测油压,并警告驾驶员熄灭发动机。问题 10Which

16、 of the followi ng stateme nts about reset ASSYST in dicator are correct?下列有关 ASSYST 指示器的陈述哪些是正确的?6aASSYST will automatically reset when oil sensor detect oil quality has be changed. 一旦机油传感器检测到机油质量已经改变,ASSYST 系统将自动复位。b Reset ASSYST by usi ng DAS 利用 DAS 复位 ASSYST 系统。cReset by using Multifunction stee

17、ring wheel and Multifunction display. 利用多功能方向盘和多功能显示器复位ASSYST 系统。dThe unintentional maintenance item confirmation can be revoked. 可以取消对不愿保养项目的确认。eReset carry out procedure is mentioned in owner s manual 能在用户手册中查询到复位的操作程序。Which MB passe nger vehicle is fitted with TPM (tire pressure loss warning) sys

18、tem? 下列哪些型号的奔驰车安装了TPM (轮胎压力流失警告)系统?a R171b C209cW211d W203e W220问题 11问题 127What should you observed before cha nging one tyre duri ng a pun cture? 轮胎被扎破后,在更换前需要遵守下列哪些步骤?aClea n the tyre before in stall 安装前清洁轮胎bTighte n the tyre screw with torque 用扭力紧固轮胎螺栓cUse the chock to secure the vehicle 用楔子固定车辆d

19、Level the vehicle on a smooth ground 将车辆停放在平坦水平的路面上。eCheck tire valve for leakeage 检查轮胎气门是否有漏气现象。Which of the statement below regarding the tyre designation (185 / 65 R15 88 H) are correct? 下列有关轮胎代码(185 / 65 R15 88 H)的陈述哪些是正确的?a 185 - nominal width of tyre in mm185-轮胎标称宽度,单位为毫米b 65 - load in dex (ma

20、x. carry ing capacity)65-载重指数(最大承载能力)cR - tyre type of con struct ion (radial)R-轮胎的制造类型(子午线)d88 - cross sect ion ratio of tyre in %88-轮胎横切面的百分比比率%eH - speed symbol (max. speed of tyre)H-速度符号(轮胎的最高速度)(?) 问题 13问题 148Which task does the safety on a steering wheel fulfill? 方向盘有何种安全功能?aThe vehicle should

21、 be able to be steered after an accide nt 生事故后,方向盘仍能转动。发b The vehicle should be able to be steered eve n on off road con diti on 即使在越野情况下方向盘仍能转动。cThe steeri ng should be able to withsta nd the impact off an accide nt 在事故中,方向盘应该能承受住冲击。dThe steering should be able to be steered smoothly in every situa

22、tion 方向盘在任何情况下都能平顺转向。eThe in trusi on of the steeri ng shaft into the passe nger cab in should be avoided 应避免转向柱刺入乘客舱内。Suspe nsion and shock absorber are importa nt for . 悬挂和减震器对下列哪些情况至关重要?achassis in case of an accide nt it would not be crumple 对底盘至关重要,可以防止底盘在发生事故时被挤得拱起来bthe driver s and occupa nts

23、 in order to support the chassis and frame duri ng impact 对驾驶员和乘客至关重要,在碰撞时为底盘和车架提供支撑。ccurve behaviour especially whe n driv ing in fast curves对车辆作曲线运动时,尤其是在高速曲线行驶的情况下非常重要。ddriv ing safety due to the un eve nn ess of the road surface 对在不平坦道路上行驶的安全性非常重要。e driv ing comfort due to the un pleasa nt vibra

24、ti on of the chassis 对驾驶的舒适性非常重要,可以防止因底盘震动使乘客感觉不舒服。 问题 15问题 169How to ide ntify what kind of oil (water) is, if oil (water) is detected at front secti on of chassis? 如果在底盘前部发现有油(水)渗漏,如何识别是油还是水?aby visual通过看b color of oil通过油的颜色cpositi on of leakage通过渗漏的位置doil viscosity通过油的粘性eby repressure通过再加压Whe n s

25、hould tire pressure sen sor of TPM be ren ewed什么时候更换 TPM 的轮胎压力传感器?awhile replaci ng new tire更换新轮胎时b while sen sor battery is flat当传感器电池没电时cany time任何时候d while annual check年检时e customer request根据客户的要求10Which brake fluid type(s) can be used forMBpassenger ca?以下哪些类型的制动液能用于奔驰车?a 丄 DOT3b DOT3+c DOT4d DOT

26、4+ehydraulic oil 液压油What is the meaning of 700” in W7A 700?在 W7A 700 中的”700”是什么意思?aMin. in put torque is 700 Nm最小输入扭矩是 700 牛顿米bMin. out put torque is 700 Nm最小输出扭矩是 700 牛顿米c Max. i nput torque is 700 Nm最大输入扭矩是 700 牛顿米d Max. out put torque is 700 Nm最大输出扭矩是 700 牛顿米eTorque conv erter diameter is 700 mm液

27、力变矩器的直径是 700 毫米(?) 问题 18 问题佃问题 2011At more tha n which speed does the selector lever in D positi on is locked to preve nt operati ng errors when vehicle is moving forward?当车辆向前行驶速度超过大约多少 Km/h 时,换档杆在 D 档的位置被锁止 以防止误操作?a 3km/hb 6km/hc 8km/hd 10km/he 18km/hWhat path does the automatic tran smissi on flu

28、id take through the lubricati on circuit? 自动变速器油在润滑回路中的流经路径是?aOil sump -pump electrohydraulic control unit -torque converter -oil cooler -lubrication points 油底-泵-电液控制单元-液力变矩器-冷却器-润滑点bOil sump -electrohydraulic control unit -pump -torque converter -oil cooler -lubrication points 油底兀液控制单元-泵-液力变矩器-冷却器-

29、润滑点cOil sump -pump -orque converter -electrohydraulic control unit -oil cooler -lubrication points 油底-泵-液力变矩器地液控制单元-冷却器-润滑点dOil sump -pump -electrohydraulic control unit -torque converter -lubrication points il cooler 油底-泵-电液控制单元-液力变矩器-润骨点-冷却器epump -Oil sump -electrohydraulic control unit -torque co

30、nverter -oil cooler -lubrication points 泵-由底-电液控制单元-液力变矩器-冷却器-润滑点问题 21问题 2212How to ide ntify what kind of oil (water) is, if oil (water) is detected at front secti on of chassis? 如果在底盘前部发现有油(水)渗漏,如何识别是油还是水?aby visual通过看b color of oil通过油的颜色c positi on of leakage通过渗漏的位置doil viscosity通过油的粘性eby repress

31、ure通过再加压What has to be observed whe n conn ect ing an Ohmmeter? 连接欧姆表时,需要遵守下列哪些要求?aThe con sumer load should have room temperature. 应该在室温下测量用电器载荷。bThat the rated voltage of the con sumer load is disc onn ected. 用电器载荷的额定电压被断开。cThat the component, which has to be measured, is electronically detached f

32、rom the circuit. 将需要测量的元件从电路上断开。dTo avoid any damage to the comp onen ts, a resista nee lower tha n 1 K? should not be measured. 为避免损坏元件,不应测量低于 1K?的电阻。eThe con sumer should be in operat ing con diti on 用电设备应处于工作状态。 问题 23问题 2413What is the resista nee value in the circuit show n whe n switch S42 is c

33、losed? 在开关 S42 闭合的情况下,图中所示电路的电阻值是多少?Why do we need a relay component in our wiring system? 为什么在我们的电路系统中需要一个继电器呢?aTo decrease the line len gth from one comp onent to the other 缩短从一个元件到另一个元件间的线路长度。bTo avoid spark jumps on the operati ng switch 避免在操作开关中出现发火花。cTo minimize the switching power at the oper

34、ating switch 使操作开关处的开关电流最小化。dFor switch ing higher curre nts 为了控制更高的电流。eFor comp onent to depe nd on the power supply 为了使元件依靠电源供电。ABa OQb 60Qc 110Qd 170Qe 280Q问题 25S41IS42问题 2614Which sig nal (patter n) can you measure whe n you press the Hz butt on? 当你按下 Hz 钮,你能测量下列哪种信号(模式)?aFreque ncy 频率b Peak vol

35、tage电压峰值cDuty cycle工作循环d Diodes polarity二极管的极性eCapacita nee measureme nt 电容值What has to be observed whe n conn ect ing an Ohmmeter? 连接欧姆表时,需要遵守下列哪些要求?aThe con sumer load should have room temperature. 应该在室温下测量用电器载荷。bThat the rated voltage of the con sumer load is disc onn ected. 用电器载荷的额定电压被断开。cThat the component, which has to be measured, is electronically detached from the circuit. 将需要测量的元件从电路上断开。d To avoid any damage to the comp onen ts, a resista


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