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1、江苏省南京地区2019-2020年上学期九年级英语期中试卷分类汇编:任务型阅读(包含答案)南京地区2019-2020年上学期九年级英语期中试卷分类汇编任务型阅读鼓楼区a)请认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中第 76-85 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 76-85 的相应横线上。注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。there is a famous expression in english, “stop the world, i want to get off!"this expression means a feeling of fear or

2、 stress, which makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing , try to relax , and become about your work or personal life . it is one of the most common cause of the most common causes of health problems in modern life. too much stress leads to physical, emotional, and mental health problems.t

3、here are many physical effects of stress can affect(影响)the heart. it can cause high blood pressure. stress can affect the respiratory system(呼吸系统). it can lead to asthma-a medical condition that makes breathing difficult. stress can affect the stomach. it can cause stomach aches(疼痛). these are only

4、a few examples of illnesses resulting from stress.emotions are also easily affected by stress. people suffering from stress often feel anxious.they may have panic attacks. they may feel tired all the time. when people are under stress, they often overreact to little problems. for example,a kind moth

5、er under a lot of stress at work may shout at a child for dropping a glass of juice.suffering from stress for a long time can lead to serious mental illnesses. depression, a very strong feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of stress. eating disorders(紊乱)are sometime caused by stres

6、s and are often made worse by stress. if stress is allowed to go on, ones mental health is in danger.it is clear that stress is a serious problem.it attacks the body. so, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.the effects of stressintroduction stress can make you feel 76 about your work

7、or personal life. many 77 problems are caused by stress.physical problems stress can cause high blood pressure. stress can make a person have 78 in breathing.stress can cause 79 aches.80 problemspeople suffering from stress feel worried and _ 81 .people under stress are easy to get 82 about little p

8、roblems.mental problemspeople suffering from depression feel sad and 83 . if stress 84 , its dangerous to ones mental health.85we should stop the world and rest for while.76. worried77. health78. difficulty79. stomach80. emotional81. tired82. angry83. hopeless84. continues85. solution/advice/suggest

9、ion76. worried 定位原文第一段第三行 feelings of worry,对应题目中 feel worried, 原文词由名词变为形容词。78. difficulty 定位第二段第三行 makes breathing difficult,对应题目中 have difficulty in breathing,原文词由形容词变为名词。80. emotional 定位第三段段首 emotions ,对应题目中表格左分栏的小标题emotional。注意其他小标题都是 adj + problems 的结构,所以填入 emotional 形容词。另外需注意首字母要大写。82. angry 定

10、位第三段结尾,有压力的人会对小事有 overreact 过激反应,给出的例子,家长对孩子吼叫即表现为发怒 get angry。该题有一定难度,考生容易尝试通过添加后缀把动词 overreact 变为形容词,但在不确定用什么后缀的情况下还是要首选中考的考纲词汇 angry。84. continues 定位第四段最后一句话 if stress is allowed to go on,对应题目中 ifstress continues。考点为同义词转换。85. solution/advice/suggestion 根据文中最后一段 stress is a serious problem,和reduce

11、 stress 后给出的解决办法得出答案。建邺区basketball coach kay yow was one of the founders of womens sports organizations.kay yow was born in 1942. she developed a love for basketball from her parents. she attended university and earned an english degree. she went on to become an english teacher, librarian and girls

12、basketball coach at a high school.in 1971, she began coaching college sports. she became the women's basketball coach at a college. four years later, north carolina state university hired her as the school's first full-time women's basketball coach. she also coached women's volleybal

13、l and softball.kay yow had become a very successful basketball coach. in 1981 she began coaching women's national teams. she coached the united states team in the world university games. the team won a silver medal. five years later she led the united states womens basketball team in the goodwil

14、l games and fiba world championship. both teams won first place and received gold medals.in 1981, kay yow, along with others, founded the women's basketball coaches association. she also served as president of the group. the wbca was set up to unite coaches at all levels of the game and to devel

15、op basketball as a sport for women and girls.in 1987, kay yow learned she had a cancer. she did not let her health problems interfere with her responsibilities as coach and leader. one of her famous expressions was: “when life kicks you, let it kick you forward.” just ten months after learning she h

16、ad cancer she coached the united states women's basketball team to an olympic gold medal in seoul, korea in 1988.coach yow died in 2009 after a long fight against cancer. she had fought sickness from cancer for more than twenty years. hundreds of people attended her funeral, including coaches an

17、d athletes from nc state and other teams.kay yow, founder of womens 76 organizationsher life77in 1942she was born.young agessheloved basketball becauseof her 78 influences.she taught english, worked in the 79 and coached a girls basketball team at a high school.in 1971she became the women's bask

18、etball coach at a college.in 80she 81 for north carolina state university.in 1981she coached the national team and finished 82 in the world university games.she founded the wbca with 83 .in 1987she was found having a cancer.in 1988her team won a gold in the olympics.in 2009she 84 away. many people m

19、issed her.her famous 85 when life kicks you, let it kick you forward.76. sports77. experiences78. parents 79. library 80. 197581. worked82. second/2nd 83. others 84. passed 85. expression76. sports.原文词,第一段第二行。77. experiences.总结词,全文讲的是 kay yow 的生活经历。78. parents.转换词,对应原文第二段第二行 she developed a love for

20、 basketball from her parents. 所以是因为父母的影响。79. library.转换词,对应原文第二段最后一行 librarian, 即 work in the library.80. 1975.对应原文第三段第二行 four years later, 1971 再加四年,即 1975。81. worked.对应原文第三段第二行 north carolina state university hired her as the coach, 即 worked for north carolina state university second. 对应原文倒数第四段 si

21、lver medal。82. others.原文词,对应原文倒数第三段第一行 along with others。83. passed.对应原文最后一段第一行 died。84. expression.原文词, 对应原文倒数第二段第二行 one of her famous expressions 本题注意单数。玄武区how could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?the sun was probably the world's first "clock" ,

22、 except in the far north, where the eskimos (爱斯基摩人) live. there, it's dark most of the winter, and light most of the summer. but in most of the world, people have used the sun for a clock. even today, if you don't have a clock, you still know that when the sun shines, it's day, and when

23、it's dark, it's night. the sun can also tell you if it's morning, noon, or afternoon.people who live near the sea can tell time from the tides. in the daytime, for about six hours, the water rises higher and higher on the beach. and then it goes down and down for about six hours. the sam

24、e thing happens again at night. there are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.seamen on a ship learn how to tell time by looking at the moon and the stars. the whole sky is their clock.in some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes direction or

25、stops blowing. in these places the wind can be the clock.a sand clock is an even better clock. if you had fine dry sand in a glass shaped like the one in the picture, you would have what is called anhourglass. the sand in the hourglass goes from the top part to the bottom part in exactly one hour. w

26、hen the hourglass is turned over, the sand will take another hour to go back again. the ways we tell time 56 watches or clocksdifferent 57 of the "clocks"how do people use them?the sunin the word, most people know the time by 58_ the sun as a clock except the eskimos.you can know day and n

27、ight according to the sun if you don't have a clock.the sun can also tell you the three 59 of the day.the tidesthe tide goes up and down every 60 hours.the skyseamen on a ship learn how to tell time_ 61 the moon and the stars.the windin some places in the world, people know the time because the

28、wind 62 or stops blowing, or changes direction at the same time every day.the hourglassan hourglass is a glass in the 63 of the one in the picture.the sand in the hourglass 64 _ exactly an hour to go from the top part to the bottom part.you will spend the 65 time making the sand going back again whe

29、n turning over the hourglass.56. without57. types/kinds58. using59. parts 60. 1261. by/through62. rises63. shape64. takes65. same56. without 解析:在没有表和钟的情况下得知时间的方法。57. types/kinds 解析:文章中举例人们使用不同种类的“钟”58. using 解析:原文 people have used the sun as a clock ,表格 people know the time by using the sun as a clo

30、ck.59. parts 解析:每天被分为早中晚三部分。60. 12/twelve 解析:潮汐升起和回落,整个过程需要十二小时。61. by/through 解析:人们通过月亮和星星得知时间,通过某种方式方法,through。62. rises 解析:对应原文 comes up,潮汐升起,rises。63. shape 解析:in the shape of,对应原文 shaped like64. takes 解析:花费某人多长时间做某事,take sb. some time to do65. same 解析:沙漏的沙子漏一次的时间和翻转过来一样,the same as。秦淮区fifteen y

31、ears ago, united nations educational scientific and cultural organization ( unesco) passed a convention(公约) for protecting intangible cultural heritage(ich,非物质文化遗产). since then,508 items from122 countries have been added to unesco s ich list, including 39 items that were added last month.after an it

32、em is added, its home country is required to take action to protect it. unesco will offer money to those countries too. ich, as the name suggests, isnt always something we can touch or see. but what kinds of things can be described as ich? here are some examples.social practicessocial practices are

33、activities that are shared by a group of people. they can include festivals and sports. but they dont have to be ancient. they can be modern activities that people still practice these days as well. hurling(曲棍球)is an example of this irish people play it in schools and clubs. they even have national

34、hurling championships.acting artsacting arts might have been one of the first ways for people to express their moods creatively. this is because people don't have to use tools to act. they can only use their bodies. they can sing, dance and wear costumes. reggae music was created in the 1960s in

35、 jamaica. the words of the music are often deep. reggae artists hold up a mirror to society and make its problems known to the public.knowledge and practices about natureich includes not only literature ( 文 学 )and arts but also science. many cultures have developed their own knowledge of the univers

36、e and medical practices. such knowledge and practices have helped people for hundreds of years. in tibet, people put herbs( 草药)in hot water and take baths in it. they use this medicinal bathing " to treat illnesses. even now, many modern medical colleges in china teach this practice to their st

37、udents.spoken traditionsspoken traditions include tales, riddles and poems. over hundreds of years, they prevent knowledge, social values and memories from dying. the tales of dede qorqud are an example a spoken tradition. in these tales, dede qorqud is a wise man. he teaches people how to face life

38、 and death and solve problems in their lives.passing down our culturebefore last month, there were only 76 items on unesco's ich list.unesco will 77 some money for the countries with the items.social practicesthey can be either 78_or modern. hurling is very 79 in irelandacting artspeople would r

39、ather show moods by 80 their bodies.reggae artists make the public 81 social problems through music.knowledge and practicesabout naturethey have been of some 82_to people for hundreds of years.illnesses can be 83_ by using this "medicinal bathing.”spoken traditionsthey help keep knowledge, soci

40、al values and memories 84 .dede qorqud is a man _ 85 with wisdom. he helps people with their lives.76. 46977. provide78. ancient79. popular80. using81. know82. help83. treated84. alive85. filled76. 469 定位文章第一段, 根据关键词 before last month , 答案应该为508-39=469。77. provide 定位原文第二段第 2 行,同义转述,offerto=providewi

41、th。78. ancient 定位原文第一个小标题下第 2 行,dont have to be ancient。79. popular 定位原文第一个小标题第3-4 行,irish people play it inthey even。说明曲棍球很流行。80. using 定位原文第二个小标题第 2 行,they can only use their body。81. know 定位原文第二个小标题第 5 行,make its problem known to the public。82. help定位原文第三个小标题第 3 行,have help people to,be of+加名词。83

42、. treated 定位原文第三个小标题第第 4 行,they useto treat illnesses。84. alive 定位原文第四个小标题 第 3 行, prevent from dying = keep alive。85. filled 定位原文第四个小标题第 3 行,is a wise man = a man filled with wisdom。联合体family vs friends it is saturday afternoon. you and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then have a d

43、inner together. just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you that it is your aunt's birthday and the whole family is going out to dinner to have a celebration. how can this end without a quarrel? the tension (紧张关系) between teenagers and their families mainly comes from how to balance wha

44、t they want with family hopes. you once spent most of your free time with your parents. when you want to spend more and more time with your friends, your parents' feelings may get hurt. they might feel that they are losing control(控制)of you during the period. you might feel angry that so many fa

45、mily requirements are placed on you.here area few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease(缓解)the tension betweenyou and your family. tell your plan to your parents first and ask your parents whether there is anything else planned that time. when your buddy activities come with a family event, try to find out if there is any way you can do both. you can spend a little time with each group. you can go to the family


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