



1、unit4 road safety教学内容: grammar time , fun time &sound time教学目标:1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。2. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 3. 正确运用日常交际用语you must mustnt you can cant4. 通过本课时的学习,让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。教学重点:1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。2. 正确运用日常交际用

2、语you must mustnt you can cant3. 了解句子的重读。教学难点:1. 正确运用日常交际用语you must mustnt you can cant2. 让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。教具准备:tape recorder 教学设计(主备)复备show teaching aims step 1: revision1review the textt: good morning, class. last lesson, we learned the text road safety , did you remember? ss: ye

3、s.2.answer the questions.教师提问,让学生回忆课文,回答出正确答案1. how can you cross the the roads safely?2. when you cant find a zebra crossing , what can you do?3. what must you not do on the road? 问题回答后,让个别学生朗读课文,并复述课文。t: who can read the text for us? ask some students to read the text.3. show your play: on the roa

4、d.1. step2. grammar1. learn “must” and “mustnt”, can and cantt: you know the rules very well.to keep safe, we must follow the rules. everybody must follow the rules everywhere and at all the time. do you know “must”? ss: yes. t: mustnt means you shouldnt do the things. mustnt= must not. a. read the

5、four sentences on p39. understand the sentences.b. play a game: 去掉“must” and “mustnt”.(比较句子的含义发生了什么变化。)then teacher ask them to make sentences with “must” and “mustnt”. eg. you look for a zebra crossing. -you must look for a zebra crossing. you play football on the road. -you mustnt play football on

6、 the road.(也可以把本部分两个方框中句子中的情态动词 can 和must, cant 和mustnt 进行调换,体会其意义和用法)c. discuss in groups and make sentences.2.choose the words to complete the sentences. “must、mustnt、can、cant”. we talk loudly in the library. you eat too much sweet food.they wait under the big tree.you keep your classroom clean.yo

7、u plant more trees to keep the air clean. you run quickly on the road.summary:情态助动词can, must的用法: can: 能,可以。cant: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接v原形.must:必须,一定,mustnt: 禁止。后面也加v原形。must.?回答:yes, sb. must. no, sb. needntstep 3 fun time1. play the game in groups: (模仿书上范例玩“红绿灯“游戏,一人为交警,提出问题,指定人回答,要求迅速准确。)2. change the

8、places: t: what must you do in the library?ss: you must keep quiet.t: what mustnt you do in the library?ss: you mustnt eat or drink here. 3. listen and repeat. (听着对就跟读,否则不跟读,并订正。)主要考察学生对must和 mustnt用法的掌握,不过要跟熟练地听、说、读。step 4 sound timet: you tell others the rulers with “must、mustnt、can、cant” correctl

9、y. and you can use stress correctly. lets listen what the stress is?(告诉学生除了情态动词可以表示事情的重要性外,对句中个别词的重读也可以起到强调的作用。) listen and repeat. 感知被重读的单词。 practice in groups. show time. 举一反三朗读本单元story time 中的句子,尝试重读和弱读。homework1. 熟读story time,注意重读。2. 抄写grammar 中的句子。并用“must、mustnt、can、cant”.仿写4个句子。3. 预习cartoon time.blackboard design:unit4 road safetycan: 能,可以cant: 不能,不可以must:必须,一定mustnt: 禁止。后面都接v原形backsight: 一杯清茶,或一杯咖啡,放在你的桌边,你的心情格外的怡然。你可以浏览当天的报纸,了解最新的国内外动态,哪怕是街头趣闻;或者捧一本自己喜欢的杂志、小说,从字里行间获得那种特别的轻松和愉悦.生活简单就是幸福。经过精心的烹制,一桌可心的菜肴就在你的面前,你招呼家人快来品尝,再备上最喜欢的美酒,这是多么难得的享受!生活简单就是幸福。春暖花


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