



1、单项选择命题技巧考试内容,涵盖了句法(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、倒装句、感叹句;简单句、并 列句、复合句)、词法(如名词、形容词、副词、冠词、代词、数词、连词,动词, 介词等)和交际用语等项目。纵观近年中考试题,单项选择主要有以下命题特点。注重语境的设置。中招考试是选拔性考试,所考察的是考生运用英语解决问题的能力,而不是考生掌 握了多少英语知识。而得体的语言只有在恰当的语境中才能得以体现。1. edward, you have grown up. you should learn to make your own rooma. empty b.noisy c.dirty d.tidy (2011

2、 上海试题)析:本题首先点明:你长大了。判断你应当把自己的房间整理好。empty意为''空的",noisy意为''吵闹的",dirty意为''脏的",tidy意为''整洁的"。答案为d。2. the teachers in that school speak either english or french, or even that's so cool.a.all b.both c.neither d.none (2011 武汉试题)析:本题提供的语境为:那个学校的老师要

3、么说英语要么说法语或者甚至o答语为*那太酷了。"因此判断此处为*会说两门语言。"答案为b。3.she had to sell the house even though it washer ownwishes.a.above b.on c.against d.for(2011 杭州试题)析:本题意为”她不得不把房子卖掉,尽管这有违她的愿望。答案为c。语境在解题中至关重要,只有理解了试题的语境,才能顺利解出试题。二.注重词的活用。词汇教学在日常的教学中占有重要的位置,我们不仅要告诉学生词的基本含义, 还应该活用单词,这就要求老师拓宽视野,精选例句。1. mrs black,

4、could you give me some advice on how toan application letter?with pleasure. remember that the letter should be written in the formal.a.value b.style c.effect d.mood (2011 南京试题) 析:本题考查名词的辨析。value意为”价值",style意为”款式,格式",effect 意为''效果,影响",mood意为''心情"。本题意为''记住申请

5、信应当按照正式文体 来写。答案为b。本题较难。2. i like reading.great! it canyour mind.(2011 武汉试题)a.readb.lose c.feed d.feel析:本题考查动词的辨析。这四个词与后者都不是固定短语。句意为*阅读能充实 你的思想",答案为c。很多考生只知道feed意为*喂养",故本题较难。3. chinese tennis player li na won a championship again!yeah, i watched the game and my spiritsat thenews.(2011武汉试题)a

6、. rose b.calmed c.turned d.shook析:本题考查动词的用法。本题意为''我看了这场比赛,这个消息使我感到精神振 奋。"rise意为*上升;升起",calm意为*平静",turn意为*变得",shake意为”摇 晃,晃动"。答案为a。三.选项的设计多为同一词性或容易混淆的词。近义词辨析是每份试卷不可缺少的部分,有动词辨析、名词辨析、形容词辨析和 副词辨析等。l. mrs smith has a cute baby. it often smiles at peoplea.friendly b.lovely

7、 c.happily d.lively (2011 南宁试题) 析:本题均为以ty结尾的词,但friendly, lovely和lively是形容词,而happily 是副词。修饰动词应用副词,故答案为c。2. mom, can i leave my homework for tomorrow?what you can doi'm afraid not. don'ttoday till tomorrow. (2011 河南试题)a.put on b.put down c.put up d.put off 析:本题考查由put组成的短语动词:put on穿上,

8、put down放下put up张贴,put off推迟。由句意”不要把今天要做的事推到明天。得出答案为d。3.1n america when you're given a present, you canityou don't have to wait.a.immediately b.properly c.carefully d.quietly析:本题考查副词。由语境”你不必等判断选副词immediately (立即,马上)。答案为a。 此类试题是许多考生容易失分的地方。只有平时将易混词归纳整理,弄懂其差异才 能不失分。四-淡化英语语法,重视应用能力。 淡

9、化语法并不是不考语法,而是在一定的语境下考查语法。by planel.i'm now in new york with my friend jenny. we on monday.a.arrive b.arrived c.arriving d.will arrive (2011 南昌试题)析:本题考查动词的试题,但本题并没有直接给出时间状语,而是先说明我现在 和朋友在纽约,让考生判断周一坐飞机来的。答案为b。本题较活。2.i've not finished my project yet.hurry up! our friendsfor us.a.wait b

10、.are waiting c.will wait d.have waited(2011 南京试题)析:本题考查动词的时态。由hurry up (快点!)判断朋友们在等我们。答案为 bo3. fifty dollars for such a t-shirt! yoube joking!i'm serious. it's made of silk. (2011 南京试题)a.must b.need c.may d.can析:本题考查情态动词的用法。由句意''五十美元买一件t恤衫”判断''你一定是 在开玩笑。"因为t恤衫不

11、可能这么贵。答案为a。尽管这几道试题考的是语法,但只要结合上下文即可得出答案,可以说试题的落 脚点是考生应用英语的能力,而不仅仅是语法。五.体现鲜明的时代特点,突出学以致用的原则。语言的目的在于使用。为了更好的使用英语,使所学知识与现实结合起来。历年的 中考试题都会有当年重大事件。例如:2011年李娜获得了法网冠军、日本福岛大 地震、英国威廉王子大婚、iphone4轰动效应等出现在各地的试题中。1. the wedding of prince william was held in westminster cathedral april 29, 2011. (2011 南京试题)a.at b.

12、in c.on d.by析:通过威廉王子大婚这一消息考查介词的用法。答案为c。2. will the new iphone cost a lot?ithink so. apple's products are usually expensive.(2011杭州试题)a.shouldn't b.needn't c.would d.must 析:apple的产品是许多年轻人渴望得到的东西,但其价格不菲,也使许多人望而 却步。本题巧妙地借用了这一现象考查考生对情态动词的用法。答案为c。3. li na has won the tennis cha

13、mpionship in the frenchon june 4, 2011. we take pride in her. she is the asian professional tennis player to win it. (2011黄冈试题)a.are interested in b.are terrified of c.are proud of d.are used to析:李娜获得法网冠军,使得国人为之骄傲。命题人利用这一新闻考查近义词 的辨析。答案为c。牛刀小试:单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。2

14、1jim ishonest boy. his father works inuniversity.a.a; an b.a; the c.an; a c.the; an(an x-ray, an hour, a european country, an asian country, play the piano, play chess)22. recently the safety of school bus caught many people'sa.attention b.purpose c.style d.order(turn, order, offer, slogan,

15、 sign, symbol, influence, effort, room, space, place; noise, voice, sound, suggestion, advice, decision, information, message; value, style, effect, mood, experiment, experience, performance, choice, reason, meaning)23. we can't change the world, but we can change.a.our b.their c.ourselves

16、d.them24jobs steve's death madeapple fans feel very sad.a.millions of b.ten millions of c.million of d.ten millions25. may iyour dictionary? imine at home.no problem.a.borrow, forgot b.lend, left c.borrow, left d.keep, forgot26. according to the plan, more treesalong the river nextyear.a.is

17、 planted b.plant c.will plant d.will be planted27. jim, can you show metrain tickets?with pleasure.a.how to buy b.when to buy c.why to buy d.whether to buy28.stress is everywhere in our life, so we must learn to how toit in order to have a healthy life.a.come up with b.do with c.deal with dalong wit

18、h29. we live in an information times. we can lots of informationwith the help of the internet.a.hardly b.easily c.dearly d.slowly30. tony lives far from his school, he is never late forschool.a.unless b.until c.since d.though31. he likes to live in the countryside because the air there is than in the city.a.fresh b.more fresh c.fresher d.much fresh32. my grandpathe city for half a year. he is used


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