2教学设计:丽声拼读故事会第五级 No Milk Today_第1页
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2教学设计:丽声拼读故事会第五级 No Milk Today_第3页
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1、对应课标话题:日常活动与家庭生活no milk today今天没有牛奶书名:外研社丽声拼读故事会第五级no milk today 教学设计者:田璐授课对象:五年级学生书中的词汇量:244focus phonicsee (as in three) ie (as in tie) oe (as in toe) ai (as in train) ue (as in blue) ao (as in good) ow (as in down) oi (as in coins) letter patternee, ea e yj-ej ow,oe,o ay,a-e oo oo owou oi教学背景分析、教

2、学内容分析no mi ik today是丽声拼读故事会第五级中的第6本,共30页,文本内容主要由双元音单词和方 由810个单词构成,包括陈述句、问句和感叹句等。本书讲了格林夫妇要去挤牛奶,但是接连发生: 的钥匙丢了、格林先生袜子破了、绵羊棚里闹老鼠等一系列小故事。通过阅读故事,巩固元音字母组合和长元音在单词中的拼读,可以对以下核心单词进行快速解码以及 feet, freeze, sheep, feed, as ieep, squeak, mice, snow, holes, open, hay, chase, woo i, s 熟悉 was, said, want, give, were, j

3、ust, but, will, would, went, could, need, can5 t, get, c gave等视觉词在文中的发音。二、学情分析1. 五年级学生对26个字母的单音都比较熟悉,学习过一些长元音和二合元音,但是有时候容易和胃2. 学生可以分清陈述句和问句,能够理解以wh-句式提问的问题,但有时候不习惯用整句回答。3. 五年级学生更喜欢阅读情节复杂的故事,有时候可以将故事中的人物事件与生活中的事建立关联 读策略,但是还需要在老师的帮助下运用阅读策略。教学目标及教学重难点一、教学目标1. 学生通过巩固双长音和元音字母组合的拼读,能够熟练拼读green, feet, free

4、ze, sheep, feec mice, snow, holes, open, hay, chase, woo i, stood, cow, noise,并能够理解它们在文中的 m 视觉词 was, said, want, give, were, just, but, will, would, went, could, need, can5 t, still, gave的朗读和文中含义,最终能够独立准确地朗读全文。2. 通过观察封面,能够推测信息,如猜测猫想要什么;能够提取题目和作者信息。3. 通过图片环游、思维导图和文本阅读,能够梳理内容信息,如理清格林夫妇给猫找牛奶的线索;育 猫不喝牛奶

5、了。4. 通过阅读文本,能够理解 i wi i i , milk, get, open, drop, d i g, mend, stand still, chase away, feed的意义和用法,在教师帮助下正确使用。5. 在教师的带领下,培养文本意识,能够较长时间的独立默读和尝试自主运用阅读策略。二、教学重点各种长元音及元音字母组合在核心单词中的拼读。三、教学难点准确流利地独立朗读全文。教具准备故事书课件视觉词卡片 was, said, want, give, were, just, but, will, would, went, couid, need, can5 t, get, aw

6、ay, got, still, gave教学过程step 1 warming-up1. 给每组发几张小纸条,上面分别写了以下单词,让学生听歌曲后进行排序。farmer, wife, chi id, nurse, cow, dog, cat, rat, cheese2. 把单词以链状思维导图的形式呈现. in our life, i t often happens i i ke th i s. today we wi i i read a story unfoid i ng i n the same way.设计意吸引学生注意,为故事的连锁效应主题做铺垫。step 2 phon i cs1. 教

7、师让学生朗读以下单词,并要求学生根据指令做动作。mice, feet , stood, chase, hole, feed, wool, meet, freeze, open, hay, wooclap your hands when you meet the sound/ e/.stand up when you meet the sound /t/.put your f i nger on nose when you meet thesound /d/.stamp your feet when you meet the sound /a/.lift your hands when you

8、meet the sound / do/.2. 教师根据情境或图片解释chase, hole, feed, wool, freeze, hay的含义。提问建议:who i s chas i ng the mice?how does the man fee i?what' s wrong with the sock?what does the farmer br i ng to feed the sheep?what can the farmer get from sheep?设计意图:巩固ee, ea, e, y, i-e, ow, oe, o, ay, ae, oo, ou, oi的

9、拼读,理解核心单词在故事中 的含义,为朗读做好铺垫。step 3 s i ght wordswas, said, want, give, were, just,but, will, would, went, could, need,can5 t, get, away, got, still, gave 设计意图:1. 教师出示一些视觉词卡片,快速地让学生朗读。熟练掌握本册核心视觉词的发音和在文 中的含义。2. 教师将学生分组并要求学生以组为单位朗读句子。(配图辅助意义)groupl: the baby was hungry and wanted some milk.group2: "

10、i wi i i go and get some mi ik. f, said mr. green.group3: mrs. green can' t go to the shop and needed a car.group4: he stood still and gave me a look.step 4 cover taik教师让学生观察封面,提取信息。提问建议:what can you see on the cover?what i s the weather i i ke?where i s the cat?what does the cat want?can you re

11、ad the title?do you th i nk the cat wouid get the milk i n the end?who i s the author?have you ever read her other books?设计意图:培养学生观察封面,对内容进行预测的习惯。step 5 close readingp151. 让学生读第1页文字和图。2. 展示第4页图片,挡住文字并提问。what can you see i n the p i cture?where are they?i s there anyth i ng i n the jug?设计意图:通过图片环游,让学

12、生预测故事的发展;通过查找信息,培养学生阅读策略;通过思维导 图的填写,帮助学生梳理内容,每页都要让学生独立朗读文本,巩固核心单词和视觉词在 句中的发音,培养阅读流利度。3. 让学生默读第15页,核对自己的答案。4. 让学生齐读第15页,之后听音频。> do you think mrs green wouid get the mi ik? p691. 教师出示第6、7页图片(去掉文字),并提问。> did the cow give any milk?> can you guess why?2. 让学生默读第69页,并回答以下问题。> what d i d the cow

13、 need?> where d id mrs. green go to get some hay?> what d i d mrs. green need?3. 让学生齐读第69页,之后听音频。 p10181. 教师出示第11页、13页、16页图,遮挡文字。> where was the key?> what d i d mr. green need?> why do you th i nk mrs. green went to the sheep?> what do you th i nk the sheep needed?2. 让学生默读第1018页,找

14、到以上问题的答案。3. 让学生自己独立朗读第1018页,之后选择部分学生朗读,最后听音频。4. 让学生完成链状思维导图。> where was it?> what d i d .need?让学生默读p1924页,完成思维导图。why d i d the cat not dr i nk any milk?5. 让学生结合已完成的思维导图反向预测故事。> where was it?> what d i d . take?> what did . do?p1924step 6 read fiuentiy让学生独立阅读,之后听读。now pi ease read the story by yourself.now 15 ii p


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