Unit3Topic1词法句法和语法总结 练习仁爱版八年级上册_第1页
Unit3Topic1词法句法和语法总结 练习仁爱版八年级上册_第2页
Unit3Topic1词法句法和语法总结 练习仁爱版八年级上册_第3页
Unit3Topic1词法句法和语法总结 练习仁爱版八年级上册_第4页
Unit3Topic1词法句法和语法总结 练习仁爱版八年级上册_第5页
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1、仁爱版八年级上册unit3topicl词法句法和语法总结+练习重点短语:1 .在某人的空闲时间2. 去钓鱼/旅行/游泳/购物/划船 3. 读故事4. 背诗5. 去看电影6. 剪下7. 做户外运动8. 对.感兴趣9. 喜欢做某事10. 遛狗11. 集邮/收藏硬币12利花13.爬山 14 .邮票集15 .过去常常做某事16. 喂养宠物17. 把称之为.18. 开始9 .以开始 20.需要某物做某事21 .伴着音乐跳舞22 .把.粘贴在.上23. 和某人分享某物24. 为某人提供某物25. 洗澡26. 不论是否.27 .带某物/人去散步28.对某人来说是特别的29 .讨厌做某事30 .把.租给.31

2、 .去看电影答案:i. in one's free time = in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间2. go fishing/traveling/swimming/shopping /boating/rowing 去钓鱼/ 旅行/ 游泳/ 购物/划 船3. read stories 读故事4. recite poems 背诗5. go to the movie theater= go to the movies 去看电影6. cut out 剪下7. do some outdoor activities 做户夕卜运动8. be interested in

3、 (doing) sth. 对感兴趣9. be fond of doing sth. = like/love/enjoy/ prefer+doing sth.喜欢做某事10. walk a pet dog = take a dog for a walk 遛狗ii. collect stamps/coins 集邮/收藏硬币12. plant flowers 种花13. climb mountains 爬山14. stamp collection 邮票集15. used to do sth.过去常常做某事16. keep pets喂养宠物17. call sb. sth.把称之为18. get s

4、tarted 开始19. start with以开始20. need sth to do sth需要某物做某事21. dance to music伴着音乐跳舞22. stick sth. to sth.把粘贴在上23. share sth with sb和某人分享某物24. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物25. take/have a bath 洗澡26. whether.or not 不论是否27. take sb/sth for a walk 带某物/人去散步28. be special to sb.对某人来说是特别的29.

5、 hate to do sth. = hate doing sth.讨厌做某事30. rent sth to sb把租给31. go to the movie theater 去看电影重点句型:i. why not/ why don't you+动词原形?为什么不呢?2.learn a lot from sth.从中学到许多3.learn sth from sb从某人身上学到4. what do you often do in your free time? 你经常在空闲时间做什么?5. we can learn a lot about people, places, history,

6、 andspecial times from stamps.通过这些邮票我们可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史和特殊时代的知识。6. what things do you love collecting? 你喜欢集什么东西?7.1 am interested in playing sports. 我对运动感兴趣。8. why not go out and do some outdoor activities? 为什么不走出去做一些户外运动呢?9. maybe i need a change.或许我需要改变。10.1 used to know little about paintings. 我过去

7、不太懂绘画。ii. did you use to go swimming during summervacations? 在暑假里,你过去经常去游泳 么?12.1 used to dothat in the pond in front of my house.我过去常在我家门前的池塘里游 泳。重点语法用法:1. enjoy的用法enjoyv.喜欢,享受,欣赏,其后可跟名词、代词、动名词及反身代词。(1) we enjoyed the film very much last night, (enjoy 后跟名词)昨晚我们非常喜欢那部电影。(2) thanks for a great evenin

8、g. i really enjoyed it, (enjoy 后er弋词)感谢你这美好的夜晚。我真得玩得很开心。(3) she enjoys playing baseball. (enjoy 后跟动名词)她很喜欢打扇球。(4) -mum, could i go to jack's birthday party tonight?-sure. enjoy yourself, (enjoy 后跟反身代词)-妈妈,我今晚可以去杰克的生日派对吗?当然。玩得愉快。enjoy oneself 相当于 have fun, have a good/great/wonderful time, 表示玩得开心

9、、玩得愉 快。拓展:以下表示爱好等都可以接名词、代词或者动名词,表示喜欢做某事enjoy/like/love /be fond of/ be interested in+ doing sth.1 .翻译(1)我很喜欢打篮球。(2)许多年轻人喜欢随着音乐跳舞。2. interest 用法be interested in (doing) sth.“对 感兴趣”eg:she is interested in music.她对音乐感兴趣。拓展:there are a lot of places of interest in beijing.北京有许多名胜古迹。he shows great intere

10、st in english.他对英语表现出浓厚的兴趣。interesting (adj.)意为“引起兴趣的,有趣的”,指人、事、物能引起他人的兴趣。如:the story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。interested (adj.)表示感兴趣的,对有兴趣,主语为人。多组成 be interested in/ get interested in/ become interested in 的表达. 如:she is interested in cooking.她对烹饪兴趣。1 .翻译(1)我对篮球感兴趣。我对打篮球感兴趣。3. go+doing表示“去做某事go+v

11、-ing结构很常用,多用于体育活动和业余娱乐活动。如:(1) lets go fishing next sunday. f星期天我们去钓鱼吧。(2) are you going hiking this weekend?这个周末你打算去远足吗?另外还有:go hunting去打猎 goshooting去射击go swimming 去游泳 go bathing 去沐浴go shopping 去购物 go climbing 去爬山拓展:“do+(a lot of) doing”的结构,表示"干某事。如:散步 do some walking /do a lot of walking 读书 d

12、o some reading/do a lot of reading 洗衣月艮 do some washing/do a lot of washing 买东西 do some shopping/do a lot of shopping 清扫 do some cleaning/do a lot of cleaning1 .翻译 这个周末我想去钓鱼。在夏天,我经常去游泳。康康总是在家帮助妈妈做清洁。4. use相关短语用法l. used to+do sth.表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态(暗含的意思是 现在已不复存在),只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。如:(1)1 used

13、to go to school on foot.我过去步行上学。(暗含的意思是:我现在不再步行上学了。)(2)mary used to sleep late.玛莉过去总是很晚才睡觉。(暗含的意思是:玛莉现在睡觉不再那么晚了。)2. used to的基本句型:1. used to+do sth.表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态(暗含的意思是 现在已不复存在),只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。如:(1)1 used to go to school on foot.我过去步行上学。(暗含的意思是:我现在不再步行上学了。)(2)mary used to sleep late.玛莉过

14、去总是很晚才睡觉。(暗含的意思是:玛莉现在睡觉不再那么晚了。)2. used to的基本句型:肯定句:主语+ used to +动词原形+其他 否定句:主语+ didn't + use to +动词原形+其他肯定回答:yes,主语+ did./否定回答:no,主语+ didn't.一般疑问句:did +主语+ use to +动词原形+其他?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did+主语4- use to +动词原形+其他?(1)1 didn't use to like skating, but now i like it very much.我过去不喜欢滑冰,但现在很喜 欢。(

15、2)did you use to go there?你以往常去哪儿?what did you use to do on weekends?你以前在周末会做什么? 注意: 区另u be used to doing sth.与 used to do sth.be used to doing sth "习惯于,适应于”如:1) he is used to working hard.他习惯于努力地工作。2) km used to doing jogging in the morning now. 我习惯于早上慢跑。be used to do sth."某物被用来做某事。如:1) w

16、ood is used to make paper.木材被用来生产纸张。2) computers can be used to do a lot of work now.如今电脑可用来做许多事。5. in one's spare / free time 在某人空余时间eg: i often play the violin in my free time.我经常在我的空闲时间拉小提琴。6. change(1)作动词,“改变",change one's mind.e.g. you should change the bus at the next bus stop.作可数

17、名词时,指"变化。great changes have taken place in the city.作不可数名词时指(找回的)零钱。here is your change.表达爱好的句子:love / like doing sth.be fond of sth. / doing sth enjoy sth. / doing sth.be interested in sth. / doing sth.prefer doing sth. (to doing sth.)7.learn about sth. / sb. 了解learn(sth. )from sb.向某人学习(某事)e.g

18、.we should learn from leifeng.8. pleased(人)对感到高兴的pleasant(物)使人感到高兴的we are pleased with the pleasant trip.9. 感叹句的结构为zzwhat(a / an)+ adj. +名词(+主语+谓语广,how+adj./ adv(+主语+谓 语广。注意,名词是不可数名词时,把冠词去掉。what bad weather it is today! what a nice girl she is! how 引导的感叹句当主语是名词时, 一般都有一个修饰词,如 the, my, his, this 等。how

19、 bad the weather is! / how nice the girl is!what interests me is the color of the car.拓展:后缀-ing和-ed的形容词原则上是:后缀-ing的形容词多用来描述事物;后缀-ed 的形容词多用来描述人。如:tiring引起疲劳的tired(人)感到疲劳的exciting令人激动的excited(人)感到激动的,兴奋的surprising令人惊讶的surprised人)感到惊讶的lo.in用在具体的年,月,季节及泛指一天的上午,中午或晚上。in may / in 1998 / in the evening / i

20、n winteron用在指具体的一天或具体一天的上午,下午或晚上。on a rainy day / on the morning of sunday.at用在具体的时刻at half past six.11. dance to the music和着音乐跳舞,其中to的意思是along with,“与 一致,和着 ”, 后多与music, song搭配,也可接规则、品位之类的词。we must drive to the traffic rules.happiness, friendship, knowledge 都是不可数名词。12. provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物=

21、provide sth. for sb.eg:学校为孩子们提供午餐。the school provide lunch for children.=the school provide the children with lunch13. it doesn't mind whether they are good or bad. whether 同 if,引导宾语从句,意思是“是 否”。但是whether后可以加or not,而if则不可以。练习检测:1. they used to skate in winter.(改为疑问句并作否定回答)一 they to skate in winter?.- , they .2. my father


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