



1、学习必备欢迎下载Teaching plan for Unit 5Canada-the true northBook3Good afternoon, everyone, It s my great pleasure to be here sharingmy lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book3 Unit 5Canada-the true north. I llbe ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the

2、teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material:This unit is about Canada. By studying of this unit, weenablethellstudents to know some basic information of Cana

3、da, such as its location,its climate, its characteristics and so on. At the same time ,Let thestudents learn how to understand and respect differentcultures indifferent foreign countries. According to the new standard curriculum andthe syllabus ( 新课程标准和教学大纲 ), after studying the teaching material an

4、d analyzing the rule of childrens growing of mind, I think the teaching objectives are as follows:1. Knowledge objectives:a) The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patternsb) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.学习必备欢迎下载c) The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in

5、 the proper situation.2. Ability objects:(1) To develop the Ssabilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ss ability of working in pairs.(3) To i mprove the student s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.3. Emotion or moral objects:To understand

6、the different cultures in different contries. Now, let s come to importantthe points and the difficult points.That is how to make the ss understand the passage quickly and effectively.Part 2 Teaching Methods:In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in theMiddle School is to dev

7、elop the students reading, writing and their good sense of the abilities of listening, speaking, English language. So in thislesson I llmainly use “ Communicative”Approach( 交际 教学 法 ),“Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法 )and “Task-based”language teaching 任(务教学法 ).Part 3 Studying Methods:学习必备欢迎下载Our st

8、udents are almost from the countryside. They are lack of geography knowledge and the cultural background of those foreigncountries. Therefore , I ll haves Sstudy through the process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc.Teaching Aids:The blackboard,the textbook,a picture of Canada,the

9、multimedia.The tape recorder.Part 4 Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in.At the beginning of the class, I will show a picture of Canada on page 33 to the ss. And ask them where Canada is and do you want to go to Canada.Step 2Fast readingRead the passage quickly and find the main idea of each para. And

10、 ask some ss to do the match on the blackboard.Step 3 Detailed readingListen to the tape and answer the questions below:Find out the characteristics in the passage, their routine and the places where they go.Step 5 DiscussionWork in pairs and discuss the question:Whats the real meaning ofthe true northin the title.学习必备欢迎下载Step4 Homework.Summarize the whole lesson, and arrange the homework.Ask Ss to write a short passage about Canada according what you have learnt in the passage.Part 5 Blackboard Design.On the left, I will wr


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