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1、 - By Kelly XiaContents Bermuda Triangle -the Devils Triangle Crop Circle Loch Ness Monster UFOLocationThe Bermuda Triangle(百慕百慕大三角大三角) is an imaginary area in the Atlantic Ocean. It extends more than one million square kilometers between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida and the

2、island of Puerto Rico(波多黎各). Drawing an imaginary line to link these three places creates the three sides of a triangle.The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is that the area seems to be extremely dangerous to airplanes and ships. Some people believe that at least fifty ships and twenty plane

3、s have disappeared there during the past one hundred years.The accident that first suggested the danger of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of five American Navy planes in 1945. The planes carried fourteen people on a training flight. They never returned. And a plane sent to search for the

4、m also disappeared. Newspaper reporters and other writers called the planes the Lost Patrol. PhenomenonDifferent suspects The magnetic field say(磁场说) The black hole say (黑洞说) The subsonic wave say(次声说) The water bridge say (水桥说) The clear sky swift flow say(清空湍流说)。Crop Circles Crop circles (麦田怪圈)is

5、something unknown that flatten(压平) crops to produce geometric(几何的) pictures.Phenomenon In the UK farmers recall simple circles appearing on their land for generations. By 1990 crop circles had exploded into the public mind as the new phenomenon changed from simple circular(圆形) patterns into huge and

6、 complex, geometric formations. The crop circles are a world-wide phenomenon and each year new reports come from an increasing number of countries. Explanations 1. The magnetic field U.S. experts examined the more than 130 Crop Circles, found that 90% of the cycle near the high-voltage wires (高压线).2

7、. tornado (龙卷风) most of the Crop circles appear in the spring and summer.3. mysterious power some people put Crop circles as a “disaster trailer” in order to spread heresy(异端邪说)。 LocationUFO In recent years, we see an endless number of reports about aliens and UFO. And most of the reports are about

8、UFO. The most famous event, in the history of UFO, is the Roswell Incident which happened in sixty years ago at Roswell, New Mexico. According to the Daily Mail(每日邮报) on April 11,2011, recently FBI(美国联邦调查局) revealed thousands of historical confidential paper, among which had a 1950 statement from sp

9、ecial agent Guy Hottel, which seemed to provide evidence for the theory that aliens had landed at Roswell, New Mexico.UFO ResearchA piece of News In April 4th, 2011, some secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw a UFO explode over Utah(犹他州)(犹他州) and aliens land near Roswell

10、(罗斯(罗斯维尔)维尔) in New Mexico.?Photographs by UFO witnesses Photographs by UFO witnesses People often call this picture the earliest known UFO photo, this picture is the 1870 Mount Washington in New Hampshire (汉普郡)(Mount Washington) top shot.Photographs by UFO witnesses Photographs by UFO witnesses In

11、1942,an American photographer took this photo in a small town in Hebei Province , China, several people in the photo were pointing the UFO.Photographs by UFO witnesses Photographs by UFO witnesses In 1952, most people in Washington have seen some UFO flying over the Capitol(美国国会大厦) just like they we

12、re watching over the White House.Dont talk to aliens!“If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didnt turn out very well for the Native Americans.”UFO are flying objects created by usReally?Do the alien or extraterrestrial

13、lives really exist in our universe?I think so!1. Aliens and UFO.Do you think the earth is the only place in the universe that has intelligent life?Could you please list some movies or TV series related to aliens? What do you think the aliens look like? (cute or ugly, friendly or aggressive?)Hint:Universe(宇宙);habitable zone(宜居带) 2. Explore.Do you know some other mysteries in the world?What do you think is the most mysterious p


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