已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初中英语课堂用语一. 整理课堂内容1. 快到结束的时间了。it' s nearly time to finish.2. 同学们,请停下手里正在做的任务。everybody, please stop what you' re doing now.3. 咱们总结一下吧。let' s wrap up.4. 我们就到这好吗? shall we wrap up now?5. 谁能总结一下今天的课程内容? who can summarize today' s lesson?6. 咱们回顾一下今天这节课吧。let' s review today' s less

2、on.7. 我们今天都学什么了? what did we learn today?8. 这些是我们今天学过的内容。these are the things we have learned today.9. 你们实现学习目标了吗? did you accomplish our goals?10. 你们今天学过的东西很重要。what you have learned today is really important.二. 教学收尾1. 谁还没完成?who hasn, t finished?2. 你们在做哪道题?which questions are you on?3. 最后一部分完成了吗?hav

3、e you finished the last part?4. 你已经完成了,真快。have you finished, it' s too quick.5. 你还没有完成,太慢了。haven, t you finished yet? you are too slow.6. 让我们总结一下本节课的内容。let' s sum up this period.7. 谁能总结一下我们今天所学的内容?who can summarize what we have learnedtoday?8. 让我们总结一下。let' s draw the conclusion.9. 让我们复习今

4、天学的语言点。let's review the language points we have studiedtoday.10. 时间快到了,我们下次课再完成这个练习吧。time is running up. we will finish off this exercise in the next lesson.11. 我来留作业。i' 11 give you some homework.12. 不要忘了复习功课。don' t forget to review the lessons.三. 预习新课1. 下节课我们需要些教具。we need some supplies

5、next time.2. 我己经在黑板上写下了下节课需要的物品。i have written the supplies for the next class on the blackboard.3. 请别忘了下节课带些照片来。please don, t forget to bring some photos for the next class.4. 咱们了解一下下次课要做的事情吧。let' s preview what wej re going to do next time.5. 如果家里己经有准备好的,你们可以带过来。if you already have it at home,

6、 you can bring it.6. 请预习下一课。 please preview the next lesson.7. 我们下节课将进行听力练习。our next lesson is a listening session.8. 我希望大家在下次课前预习课文。i' d like you to read the text at home before coming to the class.9. 下节课,我们将讨论宠物。in our next lesson, wej 11 talk about pets.10. 我们将继续今天所学的。we' 11 continue with

7、 what we were doing today.11. 预习第二课的单词和课文。preview the vocabulary and the text in lesson 2.12. 预习下个单元,为小组讨论作准备。preview next unit for group discussion.13. 用我们所学的词组和单词为下次课准备一个对话。prepare a dialogue for next lesson with the phrases and words that we have learned 14. 一直预习到第 4 段。preview up to paragraph 4.1

8、5. 预习课文,准备口头回答问题。preview the text and be prepared to answer questions orally.16. 我想让你们准备练习。i want you to prepare the exercises.四. 上交作业方式1 .周末做这个作业。do this over the weekend.2. 下次我们见面时交作业。please submit your homework next time we meet.3. 请下次课交作业。please hand in your homework in the next lesson.4. 用铅笔做作业

9、。do your homework with a pencil.5. 下次课我会检查作业。 i' m going to check your homework in our next lesson.6. 下周二前必须完成作业。you have to do your homework by next tuesday.7. 下周三作业要上交。it' s due next wednesday.8. 下次上课前坚持练习这些表达方式。until next time, be sure to practice the expressions.9. 下次上课时别忘了把作业带来。don'

10、 t forget to bring your homework when we have lessons next time.10. 今天没有作业。there' s no homework for today.part 7下课及告别一、课堂结束前管理1. 最后两分钟让我们玩个小游戏。let' s spend the last two minutes in playing alittle game.2. 请保持安静,我给你们读首诗。be quiet and 1 will read a poem to you.3.还剩一分钟。我们唱首歌好吗?there is one minute

11、 left. shall we sing a song?4.of请大家继续做练习直到下课。time.we must carry on with the exercise for the rest5.稍等片刻,我还有事对你们说。just a moment please. i have something to tellyou.6.回到自己的座位上。back toyour own seat.7.待在原来的座位上,把东西收拾好。stay where you are. put away your things.8.离开前别忘了交练习册。 you leave.don' t forget to h

12、and in your workbook before9. 你们下课之前还有一件事。one more thing before you go.10. 完成你们正在做的那道题,剩下的部分问家后再做。finish the questions you are doing, and do the rest at home.二. 作业布置1. 今天的作业是记住所有的生词。for today" s homework is to learn all the new words2. 课后做第十页上的练习。practice the exercise on page 10 after class.3.

13、在写之前,大声朗读。speak it out loudly, before you write it down.4. 每词抄/写五遍。copy/write each word five times.5. 作业是完成这些练习。for homework, 1 want you to finish these exercises.6. 写一篇课文小结。write a summary of the text.7. 改写你们学的课文。rewrite the text you have learnt.8 .你们的作业是用黑板上的单词造句。for your homework, make up sentenc

14、es with words on the blackboard.9. 完成第五页上的选择填空题。finish off the multiple-choice questions on page5.10. 你们需要课后背诵第一段。you will have to recite the first paragraph afterclass.三、复习作业1.复习第六课,我会进行一个小测试。review lesson 6, and 1 will give you a quiz.2. 复习今天所学的知识。3. 记住所有的不规则动词。4. 复习一些语言点。5. 经常复习非常有用。review what w

15、e have learned today.please remember all the irregular verbs.do some revision of the language points.it is good to brush up on it frequently.6.为了明天的课,请把这篇课文再读一遍。please re-read the text we have learnt for tomorrow" s lesson.7.对非谓语进行一次总复习很有必要。a general review on non-finites isnecessary.8.把课文压缩成80

16、字。boil the text down to eighty words.9.请大家抓紧时间复习前三课,我将针对这部分进行测试。lose no time to review the first three lessons, i will give you a quiz on them.10.做作业前一定要先复习今天所学的课。be sure to review today" s lesson before you do your homework.四、结束教学1.好的,可以了。ok, that is enough.2.你们的时间到了。i am afraid, your time is

17、up.3.铃响了,我们不能写了。there is the bell, so we must stop writing.4.你们一分钟内要停止。i have to stop you in one minute.5.我现在准备收你们的卷子。i want to collect your papers now.6.大家停止手头的工作。everyone stops what you are doing.7.我们今天没有时间了,下次我们继续讨论这部分。we have run off the time today, and we will go on discussing this part next cl

18、ass.8.你们多数做得比昨天好。most of you have done that betterthan yesterday.9.今天的句型练习就学到这里。that is allthe pattern drillsfor today.10.下次我们继续讲听力。we' 11 continuewith the listeningnext time.五.结束课程1.该下课了。it' stimetofinish.2.时间到,该休息了。timeisup. it's time for break.3.铃响了,你们可以收拾东西。the bell is ringing. you c

19、an put your things away.4.时间好像飞逝啊。timeseems to fly.5.咱们今天就到这儿吧。let' s finish here.6.这一课就到这儿了。that" s allfor today" s lesson.7.今天就到此为止吧。let' s callit a day.8.我想我们今天学了不少。i think wehave done enough today9.你们今天表现很棒。you did a goodjob today.10.我希望今天的课对你们有用。1 hope you found this lesson us

20、eful.11.铃响了,你们可以走了。there"s the bell. you call go now.12.我们今天就到这儿。we willstop here for today.13.今天的课到此为止。that' sall for today.14.对不起,我压堂了。sorry. i have overrun the time.六.告别语1.我们下次见吧。-8-let's meet again next time.2.同学们再见。goodbye, boys and girls.3.我们下周再见。we' 11 meet again next week.4.下次见。see you next time.5.明天见。see you tomorrow.6. 一会见。see you later.7 .课间休息后


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