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1、Chinas first EmperorChinas first EmperorEmperorEmperor Qinshihuang Qinshihuang The Great wall 第1页/共25页EmpressEmpress WuZetian WuZetian The greatest Empress in ChinaThe greatest Empress in Chinawordless gravestone第2页/共25页 Who was the greatest emperor in European history?第3页/共25页Making a poster about

2、a historical figurea historical figurea person who played a key role in historyM3U3 Project第4页/共25页第5页/共25页第6页/共25页SkimmingPara 1 Alexanders victories and deathPara 2 Alexanders influence Para 3 the discovery of a statuePara 4 Alexanders early life第7页/共25页1. 发生2. 做某事的最佳方式3. 在中扮演关键角色4. 宣布发现一尊小型塑像5. 无

3、疑,确实6. 起义,反抗7. 带领某人做某事8. 取回、夺回9. 阻碍某人10. 长驱直入印度长驱直入印度11阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事12. 控制控制13. 对无休止的战争变得厌倦对无休止的战争变得厌倦14. 拒绝再往前走拒绝再往前走15. 在在前面,先于前面,先于16. 发烧病倒发烧病倒17. 由于,作为由于,作为的结果的结果18. 古文物古文物第8页/共25页1.take place2.the best way to do sth3.play key roles in4.announce the discovery of a small statue5.no doubt6.rise u

4、p against7.lead sb. To do sth.8.take back 9.stand in ones path1.发生2.做某事的最佳方式3.在中扮演关键角色4.宣布发现一尊小型塑像5.无疑,确实6.起义,反抗7.带领某人做某事8.取回、夺回9.阻碍某人= the best way of doing sth.第9页/共25页10.march all the way to India11. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 12. take control of 13. grow tired of endless battles14. refuse to go

5、any further15. ahead of16. come down with a fever17. as a result of18. ancient objects10. 长驱直入印度长驱直入印度11. 阻止某人做阻止某人做12. 控制控制13. 对无休止的战争变得厌倦对无休止的战争变得厌倦14. 拒绝再往前走拒绝再往前走15. 在在前面,先于前面,先于16. 发烧病倒发烧病倒17. 由于,作为由于,作为的结果的结果18. 古文物古文物第10页/共25页 doubt v. 怀疑,对无把握选词填空:that与whetherI dont doubt _ he will help me.He

6、 doubts _ he will succeed.注意:doubt用于肯定句,用whether/if 引导宾从用于否定句时,用that 引导宾从总结固定句型:I doubt whether/if 我怀疑是否There is some doubt whether 怀疑是否There is no doubt that 毫无疑问I have no doubt that/ I dont doubt that 对我不怀疑thatwhether第11页/共25页Line11. Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India,

7、finding victory wherever he went.译:然后,他又将目光转至东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,攻无不克,战无不胜。march v&n(1)v. 前进;齐步走,行进;使同性,强迫(某人)一起走;示威游行,游行抗议。1.The brave soldiers were marching on against the enemys bullets.2.Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.3.The guards marched the prisoner away.4.H

8、undreds of demonstrators are expected to march.前进,行进齐步走押着游行示威第12页/共25页(2)示威游行,抗议游行警方决定不禁止这次示威游行。The police decided not to ban the march.拓展march on 继续行进;向行进on the march 在行进中;在行军中go on a march 参加游行Long March 长征第13页/共25页Line16. it seemed that more glory was waiting ahead of him. ahead adv. (时间、空间)向前,在前

9、面;预先,提前;占优势,领先 We have got a lot of hard work ahead. We went ahead to see what was happening in the front. You need to work hard to keep ahead.提前向前,在前面领先第14页/共25页拓展ahead of 在前面;早于领先go ahead 走在前面,先走;发生;开始做;着手干;干吧他的数学比我的好He is ahead of me in math第15页/共25页Line17. Yet, in 323BC, he came down with a feve

10、r and died.译:可是, 公元前323年,他发烧病倒,不治身亡。came down with 患,得,染上(病)汤姆上星期得了流行性感冒。Tom came down with the flu last week。拓展come about 发生 across 偶遇,被理解 up with 想出,找出(答案) out 开花,出版 back 回来,返回How come? 怎么发生的?第16页/共25页Step Main and difficult sentences Cooperation and discussion 第17页/共25页When _(ask) how a statue fr

11、om distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influencePara oneasked思考:该句是一个_. That 引导_将划线句子补充完整When the researchers were asked课文回顾:如果被吸入,他们能导致生病或者甚至死亡If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.they are省略句宾

12、语从句第18页/共25页 思考:什么情况下使用该类省略?状语从句的省略: 如果状语从句的_与主句的_,或者从句的主语是it,而且从句有_,那么_。尤是在if /when/while/unless/as/even if/although引导而引导的状语从句。及时诊断1. When/While _in Paris, she picked up a lot of French.2. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless_ every day.A.watered B.watering C.water D.to water主语主语一致从句的主语和

13、be可以同时省略be 动词she wasA第19页/共25页Line 15. By the age of thirty, he had already occupied more land than anyone before.By + 时间名词,意为“到时候”引导时间状语从句的用法一般情况下,如果从句含过去的时间或谓语动词用一般过去时,则主句谓语动词用过去完成时(had done);如果从句含将来的时间或谓语动词用一般现在时,则主句谓语动词用将来完成时(will have done)。1. By the time you come here tomorrow, I _(finish) the

14、 work.2. By the end of last term, we _(learn) 12 units.3. By the end of this year, we _ (learn) 12 units.4. By the time he got to the station, the train_ (leave).will have finishedhad learnedwill have learnedhad left第20页/共25页 Self-assessment第21页/共25页1.He hasnt slept at all for three days._ is no dou

15、bt_ he is tired out.A.It; that B. It; whether C. There; that C. There; whether2. Can I read this book? yeah, _. I have read it.A.go on B. go ahead C. hold on, please D. come on CB第22页/共25页3. I dont feel well. I think Im _ with the flu.A.keeping up B. catching upC. coming up D. coming down4. By the time John gets home, her mother _ for London to attend a lecture.A. will leave B. leavesC. will have left D. had leftDC第23页/共25页5. By the time Jac


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