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1、.2007年考博辅导完型填空命题特点和考查点 对英语综合实力的考查,所选材料的内容和形式多样,议论或说明文居多。 考点分布 1. 无需上下文即可选出正确答案,固定搭配。2-3个 2. 根据上下文连接关系推测。4-5个 3. 根据全文褒贬色彩选择。1-2个 4. 词语辨析及搭配。5-8个重复率较高的词汇 other than rather than more than less than As重复率较高的语法虚拟语气: 与现在事实相反(条件从句过去式Ifdid;结果主句should/would + v.)与过去事实相反(条件从句Ifhad + past participle;结果主句should

2、/would + have + past participle)与将来事实相反(条件从句过去式;结果主句should/would + v.)定语从句 关联词(关系副词)when, where, why 可做时间、地点、原因等状语关联词(关系代词)who, whom, whose, that, which可做主语、宾语、定语等As, than, but作关系代词All, everything, nothing, little, much, first, last, next, only 当一个先行词后面出现两个定语从句时,第二个关系代词用 wh- 状语从句 时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从

3、句 since, for, because, as等 结果状语从句 with the result that, so that 等 程度状语从句 so that, such that, so long as 目的状语从句 so that, in order that 让步状语从句 although, for all that, no matter 条件状语从句 (真实条件) if, unless, given 。答题需注意处1. 通读全文,从整体角度掌握文章大意2. 结合上下文内容的合理性及句子之间的逻辑关系选择最佳答案    完形填空练习中,有些解题信息并非以词

4、的形式出现,而是要从上文或下文的部分句子或整个句子甚至几个句子去捕捉。3. 确保语法结构正确句子的主谓一致,语态,虚拟语气,从句的类型(名词从句,定语从句等),主从句的连接词,代词的性、数、格,动词的谓语和非谓语形式及含有介词结构的习惯用法等都是语法结构测试的重点。4. 准确掌握词的意义及用法;词汇的固定搭配;特别要注意习惯用法 固定搭配、习惯用法要平时多记多练。 解题要诀 语义连接法l 1. 表示时间关系:meantime, meanwhile, when, after then l 2. 表示空间关系:up, down, inside, over, beyondl 3. 表示例举和顺序:f

5、irst(ly), second(ly), third(ly); one, two, three(学术论文和科技文章);for one thing(and) for another (thing); for a start (非正式);to begin with, to start with; in the first place, in the second place; next, then; finally, eventually, last, lastly; to concludel 4.表示意义增进和引申: again, also, furthermore, moreover, th

6、en, in addition, above all, what is more l 5. 表示转折和对比:but, however, nevertheless, still, though, yet, in any case, at any rate, in spite of that, after all, instead, then, on the contrary, by way of contrast, conversely, by way of comparison, on the other handl 6. 表示等同和替换:equally, likewise, similarl

7、y, in the same way; namely, in other words, that is, that is to say; better, rather, alternatively, on the other hand;(or) again, (even) better, worse (still)l 7. 表示过渡和总结:incidentally, now, by the way; altogether, overall, all in all, in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, to conclude, to sum up

8、l 8. 表示结果和推论:as a result, accordingly, consequently, as a (in) consequence, for this /that reason, on that account, in that case, so, hence, therefore, then, thus; accordingly; else, otherwise逻辑关系对应分析法 l 并列关系同义词解法l 对立关系反义词解法l 同义词的重复表强调l 近义词的运用表递进l 相关词的搭配表衔接褒贬一致法 l 作者的褒贬观l 段落中的褒贬观l 句群中的褒贬观常见错误 1.形容词和

9、过去分词与所修饰名词之间关系不明2.虚拟语气的用法 3.倒装 l 介词短语作状语位于句首l 分词短语位于句首(分词+be +主语)l 否定副词(seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, little, never, few, not until, not only) 位于句首(作形容词时例外)l “only+状语”位于句首l “hardlywhen”, “scarcelywhen”, “no soonerthan”, “not only(but also)” 位于句首l not,no组成的词组位于句首(in no way, under no circumstances

10、, on no account)4.句际关系与句子内部关系5.从句关连词l 6.不定代词用法l 不定代词(one, each, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something等)作主语,谓语用单数。l 谓语同并列主语的第一部分保持一致(as well as, with, along with, together with, as much as, accompanied by, besides, but, except, in addition to, like, more than, no l


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