



1、外研版三起点 小学四年级英语上册期末试题听力部分I.听音,选出你所听到的单词。()1.AhungryBtwentyChappy()2.AeighteenBeightCeighty()3.AlistenBlittleCletter()4.AjumpBJuneCJuly()5.AchopsticksBChinaCChineseII. 听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否相同,相同的写 T,不同的写 F。()6.Amy is listening to music.()7.Ms Smart wants some vegetables.()8.The train is up the hill.()9.

2、He can jump very high.()10.Sam is going to swim in the sea.III. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。( )11. A. Can I have some sweets?B. Can I have some fruit?( )12. A. I m going to play basketball.B. I m going to do the long jump.( )13. A. Do you want some noodles? B.Can you run fast?( )14. A. Happy Halloween.B. Happy Chr

3、istmas.( )15. A. He s inkingdr milk.B. She s washing clothes.IV.听句子,将人物与事件连线。16.SamAjump very far17.AmyBmaking noodles18.LinglingCdraw a dragon19.Ms SmartDturn on the light20.DamingESeptember笔试部分I.选出每组单词与其它不同的一项。()1.AbreadBsoupCdumplingsDfruit()2.AJanuaryBOctoberCNovemberDcount()3.AtodayBpartyCtomor

4、rowDmonth()4.AorangeBclothesCpinkDpurple()5.AanimalBcamelCelephantDlionII. 单项选择。()6.I ve got twenty-six.A.pointsB. pointC. picture()7.I can playflute, but I cant play basketball.A.×, theB. the, ×C. the, the()8.What are you going to doSports Day?A.toB. inC. for()9.Amy: Can I have some,pleas

5、e?Ms Smart:, you can t.A.cake,YesB.biscuits, SorryC. pens, No()10.What is he doing?A.He s swimming.B. He s going to run.C. They re playing chess.III. 根据情景,选择正确的表达方式。( )1.告诉别人,你来自中国,应该说:AI m from England.B. I m from China.()2.运动会上,你打算跑200 米,应该说:AI m going to run the 300 metres.B. I m going to run the

6、 200 metres.( )3.为别人加油,应该说:ACome in.B. Come on.()4.当别人对你说 Thank you so much,你应该怎样回应:AYou re welcome.B. I m the winner.()5.别人向你问路,你告诉他应该直走,应这样说:AGo straight on.B. Turn left.IV.为下列各句选择合适的答语。()1.What is Mr. Li doing?()2.Have you got fast food in England?()3.Where are you going?()4.What are you going to

7、 do?()5.How many months are there in a year?A. There are twelve.B. He is reading books.C. We re going to go to Hainan.D. Yes, I have.E. I m going to visit my grandp.V.连词成句。1.the Ming Tombs,to,we re, visit,going (.)2.October,is,birthday,there,in,one (.)3.rice,want,do,some,you (?)4. they, are, doing,

8、what (?)5.the,to,high jump,do,going,I m (.)VI. 阅读理解。判断下列各句与短文内容是否相同,相同写 T,不同写 F。Hello !My name is Lily. I am twelve years old. My favorite month is February. Because there are lots of festivals in February, just like Spring Festival. I can wear my new clothes and eat lots of food. I like dumplings v

9、ery much. I like English very much. Ms Li is my English teacher. She is very kind. We all like her.()1.Lily is eleven years old.()2.Lilys favorite month is February.()3.Spring Festival is in February.()4.Lily doesn t like dumplings.()5.Lilys English teacher is Mr Li.2010-2011 学年度第一学期四年级期末试题听力原文I.听音,

10、选出你所听到的单词。1.hungry2. eighteen3. little4. June5. ChineseII. 听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否相同, 相同的写 T,不同的写 F。6. Amy is listening to music.7. Ms Smart wants some vegetables.8. The train is down the hill.9. He can t jump very high.10. Sam is going to swim tomorrow.III. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。11. Can I have some sweets?12. I

11、 m going to do the long jump.13. Do you want some noodles?14. Happy Halloween.15. Shes washing clothes.IV.听句子,将人物与事件连线。16. Sam can jump very far.17.Amy ,turn on the light, please.18.Lingling, can you draw a dragon?19.Ms Smart is making noodles.20. Daming s birthday is in September.2010-2011学年度第一学期四年

12、级期末试题答案听力部分I.听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10)1.A2. A3. B4.B5.CII. 听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否相同, 相同的写 T,不同的写 F。(10)6.T7.T8.F9.F10.FIII. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。 (10 )11.A12.B13.A14.A15.BIV.听句子,将人物与事件连线。 (10 )16. A17.D18.C19.B20.E笔试部分I.选出每组单词与其它不同的一项。(5 )1.D2. D3. B4.B5.AII. 单项选择。 (5 )6.A7.B8.C9.B10.AIII. 根据情景,选择正确的表达方式。 (5 )1.B2. B3. B4.A5.AIV.为下列各句选择合适的答语。 (10 )1.B2. D3. C4.E5.AV.连词成句。 (10 )1. We re going to visit


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