1、45个基本介词的用法1、about【原始含义】a-b-out "A 在 B 外面”【引申含义】prep(1)在!处,在各处 here and thereeg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so.He looked about the room. 在附近 next to a placeeg. She lives about the office.(3) 关于 in connection witheg: a book about English studyI don ' t know what you are talking
2、 about.adv(1)大约 close toeg: We left there about 10 o' clock.It costs about 500 dollars.(2)到处,各处eg: The children were rushing about in the garden.(3)在附近eg : There is no food about.【常见搭配】 作介词时的搭配:安排关于某事讨论某事询问关于某事吹嘘关心,对感兴趣谈论某事抱怨梦见某人/某物 着手做.;从事一.动词+(about+ 名词)(1) arrange (about sth) argue (about sth
3、) (3) ask (about sth)(4) boast (about sb/sth)(5) care (about sb/sth)(6) chat (about sth) complain (about sb/sth)(8) dream (about sb/sth)(9) go (about sth)10 ) hear (about sth)( 11 ) know (about sth)12 ) learn (about sth)13 ) put (about sth)14 ) quarrel (about sth)15 ) see (about sth)16 ) talk (about
4、 sth)17 ) think (about sth)( 18 ) warn sb ( about sth)( 19 ) wonder (about sb/sth)20 ) worry (about sb/sth).了解 .得知某事散布(谣言等)为.争吵负责处理 .谈论.考虑.告诫某人关于某事对 . 好奇对 .担心、名词 +(about+ 名词 )1 ) concern (about sb/sth)2 ) curiosity (about sb/sth)3 ) doubt (about sb/sth)4 ) ethusiasm (about sth)5 ) information (about
5、 sb/sth)6 ) remark (about sth)7 ) opinion (about sth)8 ) view (about sb/sth)对的关心/关怀 对的好奇对的怀疑对的热情 关于的信息对的评论 对的意见 对.的观点三、 be+adj+(about+ 名词 )( 1 ) be angry (about sth)( 2 ) be anxious (about sth)( 3 ) be careful (about sth)( 4 ) be cautious (about sth)( 5 ) be certain (about sth)( 6 ) be curious (abou
6、t sth)( 7 ) be disappointed (about( 8) be excited (about sth)( 9 ) be glad/happy (aboutsth)sth)为而生气为忧虑当心谨防.;对.持谨慎态度确信关于某事对感到好奇对感到失望对感到兴奋 对感到高兴10 ) be hopeful (about11 ) be crazy/mad/wild对痴狂;酷爱某事sth)(about sth)对抱有希望12 ) be nervous (about sth)为感到不安/因感到紧张13 ) be optimistic/positive对 .是积极乐观的14 ) be part
7、icular (about15 ) be sad (about sth)(about sth)sb/sth) 对 . 讲究,挑剔为而难过对认真对.抱歉16 ) be serious (about sth)17 ) be sorry (about sth)作副词时的搭配:名词 + 动词 +about某事发生某事(尤指消息等)传开某人转身某人徘徊,游荡某人走来走去1) ) sth come about2) sth get about3) sb turn about4) ) sb wander about5) sb walk about2 、 above【原始含义】a-b-over “ A 在 B
8、上方 ”【引申含义】 prep.(1) 在上方 at or to a higher place than sth/sb eg: The sun rose above the horizon.(2)数目大于/重量超过/价格(能力、地位)高于一 more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth.eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.3 ) 重要性或质量超过、胜过of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth
9、 eg. I rate her above most other players of her age.(4) 声音超过louder or clearer than another soundeg: I couldn t hear her above the noise of the traffic.( 5 ) 不至于,不屑于做某事too good or too honest to do sth eg. She is above suspicion.【常见搭配】+(above+ 名词 )入不敷出地生活把 A 看得比 B 更重要克服.,不受 的影响高深莫测地谈论1 ) live ( above
10、one s income)2 ) put A (above B)3 ) rise (above sth)4 ) talk (above one s head) be+(above+ 名词 )( 1 ) be (above oneself )兴高采烈 = be in one s high spirit( 2 ) be (above one s head) 难以理解/ 超出某人理解能力( 、 across【原始含义】a-grass “一片草坪”, across 指在平面上经过,就像人走过一片草坪那样。【引申含义】 prep.( 1 ) 穿过 from one side to the other s
11、ide eg: She walked across the road.( 2) 在.对面on the other side of sth.eg: The bar is just across the street.( 3 ) 交叉 crosseg: He sat with his arms across his chest.( 4 ) 在 .各处,遍及. everywhereeg. The opinion is common across the university.【常见搭配】动词 +(across+ 名词 )( 1 ) A come (across B) A 偶遇 B( 2 ) A cu
12、t (across B)( 3) A go (across B)( 4 ) A put (across B)( 5 ) A run (across B)4 、 after【原始含义】“A在B之后(强调顺序)【引申含义】A 走 B 捷径; A 打断 BA 穿过BA 解释清楚 B; A 把 B 送到对岸A 横穿B ; A 偶然碰到 Bprep(1)在之后(时间顺序、空间顺序)later than sth; following sth in time eg: After dinner, they went out for a walk.(1)在后面,仅次于(按重要性)next to the foll
13、owing eg. Your name comes after mine in the list.(2)与对照、对比 in contrast to stheg. It was cool after the heat outside.(3)照着的样子 following the example of sb/sth eg: Read the sentence after me, please.adv后来、以后later in time, afterwordseg:Soon after, she came back to her hometown.【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配名词 + 动词 +(aft
14、er+( 1 ) A chase (after B)( 2 ) A go (after B)( 3 ) A look (after B)( 4 ) A model (after B)( 5 ) A name (after B)( 6 ) A run (after B)7 ) A search (after B)8 ) A see (after B)9 ) A seek (after B)10 ) A take (after B)The prince and princess lived happily ever after.名词 )A 追赶 / 追求 BA 追逐 B.A 照顾 B.A 以 B
15、为榜样、原型; A 效仿 BA用B作名字.A 追求 / 追赶 / 追逐 B.A 研究B.A 照顾BA 寻找B.A 与 B 相像 .二、( after+ 名词)过了一会,不久毕 竟;终究正合.的心意;1 ) (after a while )2 2) (after all )3 3 ) (after one s own heart )5、 against【原始含义】a-g-a “ 相对 ”【引申含义】prep1 ) 碰着、靠着touching, close to or hitting sb/stheg: She was leaning against a tree.2 ) 反对 opposing
16、or disagreeing with sb./stheg: We should fight against crimes.3 ) 预防 in order to prevent sth from happening eg: Save money against a rainy day. 未雨绸缪4 ) 违反(违反法律、制度)eg: It is against the law to hunt tigers.5 5) 不利于 not to the advantage or favor of sb./sth eg: What he said is against him.6 6 ) 映衬 with
17、sth in the background as a contrastEg. The red flag stood out clearly against the blue sky.7 7)和相比 in contrast to stheg. You must weigh the benefits against the cost.【常见搭配】一、动词 +(against+ 名词 )1 ) act (against sth)违反 .2 )argue (against sth)为 .而争辩/据理反对3 )compete (against sb)与某人比赛/ 竞争 /对抗4 ) decide (ag
18、ainst sth/doing sth)考虑后不做某事/ 声明反对某事5 ) declare (against sb/sth)6 ) fight (against sth)7 ) go (against sth)8 ) inform (against sb)9 ) lean (against sth)10 ) offend (against sth)11 ) press (against sth)12 ) protect (against sth)13 ) prepare (against sth)14 ) strike (against sth)15 ) struggle (against
19、sb/sth)16 ) turn (against sth)17 ) vote (against sth)18 ) warn sb ( against sth)表态反对 .反对;与做斗争违反告发、检举某人靠着某物 / 斜靠某物违犯压在上保护免受的伤害防备罢工抗议 .与.搏斗 /反抗背叛投票反对提醒某人提防某事二、 be+adj+(against+ 名词 )( 1 ) be prejudiced (against sb/sth)( 2 ) be proof (against sth)( 3 ) be set (against sth)6 、 around【原始含义】a+round “A 在一个圆
20、里面(在一定范围内)【引申含义】对. 持有偏见可防止一的坚决反对 .prep( 1)在周围,围绕 surrounding sb/sth eg: There are many bars around the town.( 2 ) 在附近,到处in or to many placeseg: I showed him around our campus.adv( 1 ) 大约 approximatelyeg: There are around 1000 people watching the game.( 2 ) 在周围eg : How can you make the wheel go aroun
21、d?( 3 ) 在附近、到处eg: I ran around to find him.【常见搭配】作介词时+(around+ 名词 )( 1 ) center (around sth)( 2 ) look (around sth)( 3 ) wrap (around sth)二 、 around + 名词( 1 ) (around the corner)( 2 ) (around the clock)以 .为中心,集中于 .环顾 .;游览 .;缠绕住;环绕.;.靠近、临近、快来了;日夜不停地;夜以继日地作副词时名词 + 动词 +around1 ) sb gaze around某人向四周看,环视
22、( 2 ) sth get around某事(尤指消息、谣言等)走动、流传3 ) sb/sth turn around某人或某物转身7、 at【原始含义】“在场所,时间上的一点”【引申含义】 prep.( 1 ) 小地点 ,或小时间点used to say where sb/sth is or when sth happenseg: Usually, he is (at his office) (in the morning).She went to school (at 8 o clock) (in the morning).( 2 ) 在几岁时the age (at which sb do
23、es sth)eg: She was married (at 23).( 3 ) 向,朝某人或某物 in the direction towards sb/sth eg: Dont point at me.knock at the door, shoot at the tiger, aim at the enemy(4)从相隔远的地方the distance away from stheg: Can you read that poster (at fifty miles)?You d better keep him (at a distance).5 ) 处于某种状态the situatio
24、n sb/sth is ineg: Mr. Smith is (at lunch).The country is (at war).Bill was (at his best) in college.(at one s best: 某人的辉煌时期 )(6) 在某方面in terms of eg: I am not good (at football).(7)表示引发某种情绪或动作的原因 to show the cause of stheg: He showed no sign of pleasure (at seeing her). I was delighted (at the result
25、)+.【常见搭配】、动词+(at+名词)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(9)aim (at sth) arrive (at sth) blush (at sth) come (at sb/sth) fire (at sth) gaze (at sb/sth) get (at sth ) glance (at sb/sth) glare (at sb/sth)以为目标;瞄准;针对; 到达某地或某种程度对感到脸红;攻击某人;发现某事向开火凝视,注视(10) grab/grasp (at sb/sth)(11) knock (at sth)(12) laugh (at sb)(13) l
26、ook (at sb/sth)(14) point (at sb/sth)(15) run (at sb/sth)(16) shoot (at sth)(17) shout (at sb)(18) smile (at sb)(19) target (at sb/sth)(20) wonder (at sth)(21) yell (at sb)二、(at+ 名词)抓住敲,嘲笑某人看,指向/瞄准/针对向某人冲去;达到某种水平朝射击朝某人喊叫向某人微笑瞄准一,以为目标对好奇/对感到吃惊对某人大喊大叫(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(9)(at the age ) (of some numb
27、er)在几岁(at an altitude ) (of some number)在某个高度(at the cost/expense )(of sth)(at the end ) (of sth)(at the request ) (of sb)(at the risk ) (of sth/doing sth)(at the sight )(of sb/sth)(at a speed )(of some number )(at the thought )(of sb/sth)以为代价在的结尾应某人的请求冒着.的风险一看见.以的速度一想到(10) (at birth )出生时(11) (at bo
28、ttom )其实,实际上到达,接近;着手;暗指;意知; 一瞥,扫视 对怒目而视(12) (at one s command )(13) (at the corner )(14) (at dawn/daybreak )(15) (at a discount )(16) (at first )(17) (at hand )(18) (at home )(19) (at large )(20) (at length )(21) (at last )(22) (at least )(23) (at leisure )(24) (at the moment )(25) (at any price )(2
29、6) (at one time )(27) (at the same time )(28) (at work ) 三、be+adj+(at+ 名词)(1) be angry (at sb/sth) be competent (at sth) (3) be delighted (at sth) (4) be disappointed (at sb/sth) (5) be dissatisfied (at sb/sth) (6) be expert (at sth/doing sth) be skilled (at sth/doing sth) (8) be gifted (at sth/doin
30、g sth) (9) be good (at sth/doing sth)听候.的差遣 在拐角处 在黎明,在拂晓 减价、折扣 最初,开始时 在手边,即将发生 在家/国内 自由,逍遥法外 详细地最后,终于 至少,起码 有空,闲暇时 现在,眼下不惜任何代价,无论如何 过去,曾经,一度同时 在工作对生气在方面有能力对感到非常高兴 对感到失望 对不满意 专长,擅长于,精通 在方面有技能,熟练 在有天赋 擅长对.愤怒对感到吃惊 被惊吓 在方面欠缺,差(10) be hopeless (at sth/doing sth) 对感到绝望;对一筹莫展(11) be mad (at sb/sth)(12) be
31、surprised (at sb/sth)(13) be terrfied (at sth/doing sth)(14) be weak (at sth/doing sth)8、 before【原始含义】be+fore "在之前"(时间、空间、顺序)”【引申含义】prep.(1) 时间上 earlier in timeeg: Please come back (before 10:00pm).(2) 空间上 earlie门n positioneg: Don ' t put the cart (before the horse).( 3 ) 顺序上 earlier i
32、n order or arrangement eg: Health should come (before wealth).4 ) 当(某人)面in the presence of sbeg : She charged him of murder (before the jury).【常见搭配】:A 在 B 之上,比 B 更重要 在某人面前控诉 出现在某人面前把 A 看的比 B 重要站立在前面破晓之前不久以后当着某人的面提前顺风在众人面前一、动词 +(before+ 名词 )( 1 ) A come (before B)( 2 ) complain (before sb)( 3 ) go (b
33、efore sb)(4) put /set A ( before B)( 5 ) stand (before sb/sth) 二、( before + 名词)( 1 ) (before day )( 2 ) (before long )( 3 ) (before one's eyes )( 4 ) (before time )( 5 ) (before the wind )( 6 ) (before the world )9、 behind【原始含义】be + hide"在之后”【引申含义】prep( 1)空间上,在后面 at the back of sb/stheg: A
34、dog is running (behind us).A dog is running (after us).(2)是产生的原因responsible for stating or developing stheg: There must be someone (behind it).What s (behind that happy smile)?( 3 ) 时间上,在之后 sth is in the past eg: New York is 12 hours (behind Beijing) (in time).(4 ) 能力上,在之后 making less progress than
35、sb./stheg: He s (behind the rest of others) (in reading).( 5) 支持,赞成giving approval of stheg : My mother is always (behind me) (whatever decision I make).adv在后面,在远处eg: She rode (along the street) (with her dog) (running behind).作介词时:一、动词 +(behind+ 名词 )(1) fall / lag (behind sb/sth)落在后面(2) go (behind
36、sth)进一步斟酌They will go behind the decision.二、( behind + 名词)1)(behind bars )在狱中2)(behind sb s bac)k在背后3)(behind the schedule/time) 晚点、推迟4)(behind the times )过时、落伍作副词时:(3) 1 ) sb stay/ remain behind 某人(在他人走后)逗留,留下(4) sb wait behind某人(在别人走后)留下(5) 3 ) leave sth/sb behind 忘带,留下某物;超越某人10 、 beside【原始含义】be+s
37、ide"在边上”【引申含义】 prep.(1)在.旁边 next to ;by the side ofeg: a town (beside the sea)She sat (beside the teacher).( 2 ) 与 .相比compared witheg: My work is so poor (beside yours).【常见搭配】beside+ 名词( 1 ) (beside oneself ) 高兴的不得了(2) (beside the point ) 离题,不中肯;与无关11 、 besides【原始含义】beside+s "除夕卜,还有” in ad
38、dition to sb/sth prep eg: There were two other students (in the classroom)(besides Tom).【常见搭配】besides+ 名词 / 动名词eg: We have a lot (in common) (besides music) .(Besides working) (as a doctor) , he also writes a lot of stories.12 、 between【原始含义】be-two-in “在两者之间”【引申含义】 prep.( 1 ) 空间、时间、顺序、等级上,在两者之间in th
39、e middle of two things in terms of space, time, order, class etc.eg: (Between two strange buildings) stands a tree.His age is (between sixty and seventy).( 2 ) 表示两者之间的某种关系to show a connection or relationshipeg: He has to decide (between life and death).There is a great difference (between the two ar
40、ticles).You should learn between lines (字里行间) .( 3 ) 合用、共享shared by two or more people or thingseg: This is a secret (between you and me). (仅在我们俩之间) .We drank a bottle of wine (between us).【常见搭配】一、动词 +(between+ 名词 )( 1 ) draw a clear dividing line ( between sth)明显区分一( 2 ) make a difference (between
41、sb/sth)区别对待( 3 ) read (between lines )读出字里行间的言外之意( 4 ) stand (between sth/sb)阻碍二、名词 +(between+ 名词 )( 1 ) balance (between A and B)A 和 B 的均衡We should always consider the balance (between cost and benefit).( 2 ) connection (between sth/sb)某人或某物之间的联系13 、 beyond【原始含义】be+yond "(在彼处)“在 之夕卜”【引申含义】: pr
42、ep.(1) 在较远的一边on the further side of stheg: The village is beyond the mountain.(2)时间上晚于later than a particular timeeg: It won t go on (beyond midnight).(3)超出某人的能力范围,非所及far too advanced for sbeg: The bag is (beyond my reach).(4) 表水是不可能而to say that sth is impossibleeg: The bicycle is (beyond repair).【常
43、见搭配】(beyond+ 名词 )1 ) (beyond one s ability/strength/power ) 超越某人的能力难以置信无法比喻无可救药无法控制不容置疑2 ) (beyond belief )3 ) (beyond comparison )4 ) (beyond cure )5 ) (beyond control )6 ) (beyond doubt/suspicion )) 做梦也想不到 无法忍受7 ) (beyond one8) (beyond ones wildest dreamss endurance )9 ) (beyond expression )10 ) (
44、beyond imagination )11 ) (beyond12 ) (beyond13 ) (beyond14 ) (beyond15 ) (beyondmeasure )praise )price )one s reach ) reason )无法表达超出想象无法估量赞美不完,称赞不绝极其珍贵,无价的在某人够不着的地方不合理难以认出无法修复到海外难以理解 无法形容为某人所不能理解超出 ., 超过 .预料.;预见.( 16 ) (beyond recognition )( 17 ) (beyond repair )( 18 ) (beyond the seas )( 19 ) (beyo
45、nd understanding )( 20 ) (beyond words )She is very beautiful.She is elegant.Her beauty is beyond words.( 21 ) (beyond sb )+(beyond+ 名词 )1 ) go (beyond sth)3 ) see (beyond sth)14 、 by【原始含义】“在旁边”【引申含义】prep.(1) 在,旁边 at the side ofeg: We prefer a table (by the window).(2) 不迟于,在之前 beforeeg: We have stud
46、ied several prepositions (by now).I shall have finished the work (by the time you return).(3) 3 ) 表示方式in which way sth is doneeg: I go to school (by bus).(4) 通过 ;根据according to stheg: He can tell the direction (by the stars).Don t judge a person (by his looks ).(5) 按计算 the degree or amount of stheg:
47、 Eggs are usually sold ( by dozen ) .The temperature has risen ( by 5 degrees ) (6)由于as a result of eg: They met (by chance).I did it (by mistake).(7)被usedeg: He was shocked (by what he had seen).8 ) 表示触及或抓住人物的部分used to show the part of sb that another personcatcheseg: I seized her (by the hair).偶然地
48、巧合地想尽一切办法、一定要借助于绝不,一点儿也不从外表相比之下对比之下根据定义,实质上人工地靠记忆,背诵错误地天性上,本质上轮流地顺便说一下9 ) 表示逐步推进; the rate sth happenseg: He is making progress (day by day).10 0) 以的名义in the name ofeg: I swear (by Almighty God) (that I will never betray my country).adv.( 1 ) 经过 pasteg: Time goes by quickly.He hurried by (without sp
49、eaking to me).( 2 ) 短暂拜访eg: Please drop by (when it is convenient) (for you).【常见搭配】作介词时 :一、 by+ 名词( 1 ) (by accident/chance )( 2 ) (by coincidence )( 3) (by all means )( 4) (by means )(of sb/sth)( 5) (by no means )( 6) (by appearance )( 7 ) (by comparison )( 8 ) (by contrast )( 9 ) (by definition )(
50、 10 ) (by hand )( 11 ) (by heart )( 12 ) (by mistake )( 13 ) (by nature )( 14 ) (by turns )( 15 ) (by the way )二动词 + ( by+ 名词)(1) come (by sth)(尤指通过努力)获得;偶然得到(2) go (by sth) 顺便走访(3) judge sb/sth (by sth)通过 判断,断定某物或某人(4) live (by sth) 以为生计;遵守,遵循(5) pass (by sth)经过;不考虑,回避(6) profit (by sth)从中获益(7) ) s
51、wear (by sb/sth) 极其信赖某人;对某物发誓(8) ) take sb ( by sth) 抓住某人的某个部位9) tell (by sth)根据一判断,推断以为特征对厌恶精力被分散 被取代三、 be+ 过去分词 + ( by+ 名词)( 1 ) be characterized (by sth)( 2 ) be disgusted (by sth)( 3) be distracted(by sb/sth)( 4 ) be replaced (by sb/sth)名词 +by+ 名词一点一点地,逐渐地一天一天地,逐日一点一点地逐渐一个接一个并肩按部就班地年年,逐年1 ) bit
52、by bit2 ) day by day3 ) inch by inch4 ) little by little5 ) one by one6 ) side by side7 ) step by step8 ) year by year作副词时:名词 + 动词 +by某人顺便访问某人勉强接受;设法勉强生存某人袖手旁观(顺便)过访,串门( 1 ) sb drop by( 2) sb get by( 3 ) sb stand by( 4 ) sb stop by15 、 despite【原始含义】“ 尽管、不顾” = in spite ofeg: The old professor kept on working ( despite his poor health ) .【常见搭配】prep.( 1 ) despite sth/doing sth 尽管某事,尽管做了某事eg : He failed ( in the exam )( despite all the efforts )(Despite applying for hundreds of jobs ) , he is still out of work.(2) despite the fact that+句子尽管事实是eg. She kept learning Frenchdespite the fact thatsh
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