1、practical college english course (iii)上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 unit 6 上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语focus 1 section 1 :text: the trimmed lamp background information warm up vocabulary intensive reading exercises: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii section 2: listening and speakingfocus 2 section 1: text: taki
2、ng on exercises: i , ii language points section 2: practical writing a letter of job recommendation focus 1 section i上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 o. henrybackground informationo. henry was born william sydney porter in greenboro, north carolina. his father, algernon sidney porter, was a physician. whe
3、n william was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his parental grandmother and paternal aunt. william porter was an avid reader, but at the age of fifteen he left school, and then worked in a drug store and on a texas ranch. he continued to houston, where he had a number of jobs, including
4、that of bank clerk. in 1894 william porter started a humorous weekly the rolling stone. it was at this time that he began heavy drinking. when the weekly failed, he joined the houston post as a reporter and columnist. in 1897 he was convicted of embezzling (贪污) money, although there has been much de
5、bate over his actual guilt. porter entered a penitentiary (监狱) in 1898 at columbus, ohio. while in prison, porter started to write short stories to earn money to support his daughter margaret. his first work, whistling dicks christmas stocking (1899), appeared in mcclures magazine. o. henry moved to
6、 new york city in 1902 and from december 1903 to january 1906 he wrote a story a week for the new york world. henrys best known work is perhaps the much anthologized (编选) the ransom of red chief, published in the collection whirligigs in 1910. during his life time, o. henry published 10 collections
7、and over 600 short stories. his last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health, and financial problems. o. henry 上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语warm up focus 1 section i1. first, please make a list of priorities in choosing a life companion and then rank them. 2. second, work in groups and discuss th
8、e different attitudes towards love and marriage.3. finally, please report your findings to the whole class.上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语vocabulary please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading focus 1 section ikey words *living n. c, u 生计,生活 a. 活(着)的,有生命的what did he do for a l
9、iving before he married a rich woman? attendant n. c 服务员 a. 伴随的,陪同的he works as a parking attendant at the airport. comparable a. 可与相比的,敌得上的his achievements are comparable with the best.imitation n. c, u 仿制品,赝品;模仿,仿效the bag is made of imitation leather and sells cheap. compatible a. 一致的;相容的;谐调的this p
10、roject is not compatible with the companys long-term plans. *apart ad. 分离,分开;相间隔she keeps herself apart from other people.剪亮的灯盏剪亮的灯盏路易丝和南希是好朋友。两人都20岁,都很漂亮,都是到城里来谋生的乡下姑娘。她们在同一个供膳食的宿舍楼里找到了住处,但从事的工作却大不相同。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 1 louise and nancy were good friends. both were 20. both were pretty. th
11、ey were country girls who had come to the city to earn their livings. they found rooms in the same boarding dorm, but their jobs were very different.intensive readingthe trimmed lamp focus 1 section i questions about para. 1 (1) what were the two girls names in the story? (2) why did they come to th
12、e city? their names were louise and nancy.they came to the city to earn their livings.living: n. c, u 生计,生活e.g. he makes a living as a car salesman. 他靠当汽车推销员谋生。 “make a living”是常用词组,等同于“earn ones living”。earn ones living: 谋生,维持生计e.g. (1) he earns his living by working in the factory. 他靠在工厂做工谋生。 (2)
13、many people go to big cities to earn their livings. 许多人去大城市谋生。living还可用作形容词,意为“alive now活(着)的,有生命的”。e.g. (1) hes probably the best known living painter. 他大概是健在的最知名的画家了。 (2) we know very little about the living organisms in the deep sea. 我们对深海里的活的有机体所知甚少。 注意:living用作形容词时,只能充当定语,而不能充当表语。如果需用表语,则应用aliv
14、e。 e.g. the fish we caught is still alive. 我们抓的鱼还活着。 上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 2 nancy worked as an attendant in the citys best department store. all day long she stood behind a counter, waiting on rich, well-dressed men and women. 3 the pay was very low, but nancy didnt care. she
15、loved being among fine things and fine people. like many working girls of that time, she had an eye out for a rich husband. the store was a perfect place to study the habits of the rich. 4 she studied the clothes the women wore. at night she would copy them, sewing them herself out of whatever cloth
16、 she could afford. she listened to their voices, and talked the way they did. she watched them walk, and walked the way they did.南希在全市最好的百货商店当营业员,整天站在柜台后接待富有的衣着讲究的男男女女。当营业员的薪水很低,但是南希并不在乎。她喜欢呆在美好的事物和人中间。像当时很多打工的女孩一样,她留意着要找一个有钱的丈夫。这家商店是研究有钱人习惯的理想场所。她仔细观察妇女们穿的衣服,晚上就用任何她能买得起的布料照样子缝制。她细听他们的声音,并像他们一样说话。她观
17、察他们走路,并像他们一样走路。 focus 1 section iquestion about paras. 2-3(3) what was nancys job? and why did she take up that job? she worked as an attendant in the citys best department store. she took up the job because she loved being among fine things and fine people. wait on: to act as a servant, to fetch an
18、d carry things for接待,服侍e.g. (1) my job is to wait on rich people in a fancy store. 我的工作是在一家高级商店为有钱人服务。 (2) a japanese wife was expected to wait on her husband hand and foot. 日本人的妻子曾被要求无微不至地侍候丈夫。在例句(2)中出现了词组“wait on sb. hand and foot”,意为“无微不至地侍候某人”。have an eye out for: to look for sb. or sth. careful
19、ly while you are doing other things密切关注e.g. (1) nowadays many girls have an eye out for a rich husband. 当今很多女孩都想找个有钱的丈夫。 (2) im looking for a new house. please have an eye out for me. 我在找一所新房子,请帮我留意一下。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 5 she felt sorry for louise, who worked in a hand laund
20、ry and spent her days over an ironing board. “i wouldnt have your job for anything,” she often told louise. “you have to work too hard.” 6 “i dont mind. be realistic,” said louise. “after all, your pay is hardly comparable with mine. i make twice as much money as you do. i can buy pretty clothes. lo
21、ts and lots of pretty clothes. ill find a rich husband twice as fast as you.” 7 louise did buy lots and lots of clothes. fancy clothes all covered with bright ribbons and bows. hats with feathers. flashy imitation jewelry.questions about paras. 5-7(4) where was louise working? how did louise like he
22、r job? (5) what kind of clothes did louise buy? 她为路易丝感到难过,路易丝在一家手工洗衣店工作,日子都在烫衣板旁度过。她经常对路易丝说:“我无论如何都不会做你的工作,你的工作那么辛苦。”“我不在乎。现实点吧,”路易丝说,“毕竟你的薪水和我的无法相比。我赚的钱是你的两倍。我可以买漂亮的衣服,很多很多漂亮的衣服。我找到有钱丈夫的速度会比你快一倍。”路易丝的确买了许多衣服。缀满了艳丽丝带和蝴蝶结的花哨衣服。饰有羽毛的帽子。俗艳的假珠宝。 focus 1 section ilouise was working in a hand laundry. alt
23、hough she had to work hard, she was content (satisfied), because she made twice as much money as nancy did. she could buy lots of pretty clothes and would find a rich husband twice as fast as nancy.she bought fancy clothes all covered with bright ribbons and bows, hats with feathers and flashy imita
24、tion jewelry.who worked in a hand laundry and spent her days over an ironing board是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词louise。注意,在非限制性定语从句中,若先行词指人且在从句中充当主语,关系代词用who;若先行词指人且在从句中充当宾语,关系词用whom,此时whom不能用who代替,也不能省略;若先行词指物,关系词用which。无论先行词指人或者指物,在句中充当主语或者宾语,非限制性定语从句的引导词都不能用that。e.g. (1) john, who is only five, has a talent for
25、 music. 约翰只有5岁,却很有音乐天赋。 (2) his wife, whom you met at my home, is a teacher. 他的妻子,就是你在我家遇见的那个,是一位老师。 (3) the house, which was built a hundred years ago, stood still in the earthquake. 这座建于100年前的房子,在地震中仍屹立不倒。comparable: a. similar in size, amount, or quality to sth. else 可与相比的,敌得上的comparable后面常跟介词to或
26、者with搭配。e.g. (1) his achievements are comparable with the best. 他的成绩可与最优者相比。 (2) our prices are comparable to those in other shops. 我们的价格和其他商店的差不多。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 8 nancy knew better. louises way of dressing was not at all compatible with that of the rich. rich women did
27、not wear fancy clothes all covered with ribbons and bows. it was style that set them apart from working girls, not flash. louise. she would never learn anything in that steamy laundry. 9 but louise did have a steady boyfriend. dan was a white-collar worker, but not rich. he was, in fact, no richer t
28、han the girls, but he was generous, and he took louise out to places where she could show off her pretty clothes. sometimes he asked nancy to come along. nancy enjoyed these outings. but most of the time, she had plans of her own.南希清楚地知道路易丝的着装方式和有钱人的格格不入。有钱的妇人不穿缀满了丝带和蝴蝶结的花哨衣服。是着装风格使她们和打工女孩不同,而不是那些虚饰
29、。路易丝,她在那个蒸汽弥漫的洗衣房中永远都学不到什么。但是路易丝确实有一个稳定的男朋友。丹是个白领工人,但并不富有。事实上,他和这两个女孩一样穷。但他很慷慨,他会带路易丝出去,带她去可以炫耀她漂亮衣服的地方。有时候他也会叫南希一起去。南希喜欢这样的外出,但是大多数时候,她有自己的打算。 focus 1 section iquestion about para. 9(6) who was louises boyfriend? say a few words about him. dan was louises boyfriend. he was a white-collar worker but
30、 not rich. he was generous, and took louise out to places where she could show off her pretty patible: a. (of ideas, arguments, things, etc.) able to exist or be used together without causing problems一致的;相容的;谐调的该词常用于be compatible with结构中。e.g. (1) this project is not compatible with the companys long
31、-term plans. 这个方案和公司的长远计划不一致。 (2) such policies are not compatible with democratic government. 这样的政策与民主政府格格不入。the rich:“the+形容词”结构,表示某一类人,谓语动词用复数形式。e.g. the sick were sent home. 病员被送回了家。 apart: ad. 分离,分开;相间隔e.g. (1) she keeps herself apart from other people. 她与其他人保持着距离。 (2) the two houses are 300 me
32、ters apart. 这两栋房子相隔300米。该词常用于词组apart from,意为“in addition to 除了外,此外”。e.g. he works ten hours a day and thats apart from the work he does at the weekend. 他一天干10个小时,此外,周末还得工作。setapart from: to makeappear special使出众,使与众不同e.g. (1) its his intelligence that sets him apart from other students. 正是他的才智使他不同于其
33、他学生。 (2) his far-sightedness sets him apart from most of his contemporaries. 他的远见使他和大多数同辈人不同。white-collar: a. 白领的,文职的,脑力劳动的e.g. my father is a white-collar worker. 我父亲是个白领工人。white-collar由white和collar合成。collar为名词,意为“the part of a shirt, coat, etc. that is folded over and goes around your neck衣领,领子;(狗
34、等的)项圈”。e.g. (1) the wind was so cold that he turned his coat collar up. 风太冷了,所以他把外套的领子竖了起来。 (2) the dog slipped his collar. 狗挣脱了项圈。blue-collar蓝领的,指工厂中穿着工作服的工人,与白领相对。no richer than: “no+比较级+than”结构表示对两个比较对象都进行否定,意为“和一样都不”。可由neithernor结构来改写。 e.g. he is no taller than me. (=neither he nor i am tall.) 他
35、和我一样都不高。 注意:not +比较级+than表示在程度上前者不如后者,试比较:(1) his english is not better than mine. 他的英语不如我的好。(2) his english is no better than mine. 他的英语同我的一样不好。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 10 because of her neat, simple, conservative way of dressing, her low voice, her quiet manners, nancy was notic
36、ed by important women in the store. sometimes they asked her to dine with them. she often met rich, handsome men at these dinners. 11 at first she was amazed by their fine ways. they were polite and well-dressed. they knew just which wine to order, which fork to use. they used big words when they ta
37、lked. but all they talked about, nancy soon discovered, was money. without exception, they bragged about their huge homes, their huge bank deposits and their huge cars. 12 sometimes, before the evening was over, nancy found herself falling asleep. but she never turned down an invitation. “ill know t
38、he right one when he comes along,” she told herself. so she kept her lamp trimmed, adjusted so it would keep burning, in her heart.由于南希整洁、简朴和保守的着装风格,低沉的嗓音和安静的举止,商店的一些有地位的女人注意到了她。有时候她们会叫上她一起吃饭。席间她经常会碰到富有英俊的男子。一开始,他们高雅的生活方式让她大为惊奇。他们彬彬有礼,衣冠楚楚。他们确切地知道该点哪种葡萄酒,该用哪把叉子。谈话时他们使用豪言壮语。但是南希很快发现,他们谈论的都是钱。无一例外,他们都
39、吹嘘自己的大房子、大车子以及银行的巨额存款。有时候,晚宴还没结束南希就发现自己睡着了。但是她从不拒绝任何一个邀请。“我的他到来时,我自然会知道,”她告诉自己。于是她继续修剪、调整她的灯盏,让它在心中一直亮着。 focus 1 section iquestion about paras. 11-12(7) did nancy enjoy her dinners with the rich? why or why not? no. sometimes, before the evening was over, nancy found herself falling asleep. because
40、nancy discovered that all they talked about was money. exception: n. c 例外e.g. (1) there are exceptions to every rule. 任何规则都有例外。 (2) i like all kinds of movies, with the exception of horror films. 我喜欢各种类型的电影,除了恐怖片。例句(2)中,出现了常用词组“with the exception of”,意为“except; not including 除之外”。without exception:
41、excepting nobody/nothing 无一例外,一律e.g. (1) all our students, without exception, have access to internet. 所有学生无一例外都能上网。 (2) all his movies without exception are popular among young people. 他所有的电影无一例外都受到了年轻人的欢迎。deposit: n. c 储蓄,存款;定钱,押金;沉积,沉积物e.g. (1) because of the rise in prices people reduced their d
42、eposits in the bank. 由于物价上涨,人们减少了在银行的存款。 (2) it requires a deposit of $100 to rent this apartment. 租这套公寓需要付100美元押金。 (3) there are rich deposits of gold in the hill. 那座山上有丰富的金矿。deposit还可用作动词,意为“ 使沉淀,使沉积;存放,寄存;储蓄;交押金”。在表示“使沉淀,使沉积”时,deposit用作不及物动词;在其他情况下,用作及物动词。e.g. (1) the riverbed deposits gradually.
43、 (2) deposit the sand here. (3) i deposited $1,000 in a bank. (4) to rent this apartment, you should first deposit $100. 。turn down: to refuse an offer or request, to reduce the level of sound or heat that a machine produces拒绝,驳回;关小,调低e.g. (1) they did offer me a job, but i turned it down. 他们确实给我提供了
44、一份工作,但是我拒绝了。 (2) he asked lisa to marry him, but she turned him down. 他要丽莎嫁给他,但是丽莎拒绝了。 (3) could you turn the radio down please? 请你把收音机音量关小点好吗?so she kept her lamp trimmed, adjusted so it would keep burning, in her heart. 于是她继续修剪、调整她的灯盏,让它在心中一直亮着。这句话是说南希心中一直抱着找个有钱丈夫的希望,但她并没盲目寻找,而是调整心态,以伺良机。上海交通大学出版社
45、上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 13 one night after work, she was surprised to find dan waiting for her at the back door of the department store. he looked worried. 14 “wheres louise?” he asked. “she hasnt been home in three nights. the landlord said shed moved all her things out. have you heard f
46、rom her?” 15 “no,” said nancy. “ive been busy with friends from the store. i didnt know louise was gone.” 16 “well, shes not at the laundry any more,” said dan. “one of the girls saw her passing by in a big, fancy car. she was all dressed up. maybe she caught one of those millionaires you two were f
47、orever dreaming about.” 17 “oh, dan, dont say that! wherever shes gone, i had nothing to do with it.” 18 “im sorry,” said dan. “look, ive got a couple of tickets for a show. would you like to go?” 19 he looked very sad. nancy smiled at him, and took his arm. “of course i would. id be glad to go with
48、 you, dan.”一天晚上下班后,她惊讶地发现丹正在百货商店的后门等她。他看起来愁眉苦脸的。“路易丝在哪里?”他问道。“她已经3晚没回家了。房东说她把她所有的东西都搬出去了。你有没有她的消息?”“没有,”南希说。“我一直和商店里的朋友忙着。我不知道路易丝已经走了。”“她也不在洗衣房工作了,”丹说。“有个女孩看到她乘坐一辆大型豪华轿车经过,浑身上下打扮得非常漂亮。也许她已经把一个你们俩一直梦寐以求的百万富翁弄到手了。”“噢,丹,不要这么说!不管她去了哪里,都和我无关。”“对不起,”丹说。“看,我有两张演出的票,你想去吗?”他看起来很伤心。南希微笑着挽住了他的胳膊。“当然了,我很高兴跟你一起去
49、,丹。” focus 1 section iquestion about para. 14(8) why did dan come to find nancy one day? because louise had moved away and he didnt know where she was.dressed up不表示被动,而是用作表语,表示一种状态。all是副词,用来强调语气。dress up: to put on formal clothes for a special occasion 穿上盛装,精心打扮,(为演戏,参加化装舞会等)着特殊服装e.g. (1) weddings a
50、re a great opportunity to dress up. 出席婚礼是穿盛装的好机会。 (2) she is all dressed up for the ceremony. 她为典礼穿上盛装。 (3) he dressed up as superman for the party. 他化装成超人去参加聚会。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 20 three months went by before nancy saw louise again. she was walking home from work through a
51、 quiet little park when a voice called out to her. 21 “nancy!” 22 “louise!” 23 the two were in each others arms, laughing, asking a thousand questions. 24 when they stepped apart and looked at each other. nancy saw that louise was dressed in satin, lace, and fancy furs. diamonds shone in her hair an
52、d on her wrists and fingers. 25 “you little fool!” cried louise, giving nancy a hug. “i see youre still working in that humble store, still as shabby and plain as ever. i guess you havent made that catch yet, have you?” then louise looked closely, and saw that something better than a rich husband ha
53、d come into nancys life. her eyes were brighter than all of louises diamonds, her cheeks pinker than the roses on louises velvet hat.南希再次见到路易丝时已经是3个月以后了。她下班后往家走,穿过一个僻静的小公园时听到有人叫她。“南希!”“路易丝!”她们抱在一起,笑着,问对方一连串的问题。当她们分开看着对方时,南希看到路易丝身上穿着绸缎、花边和昂贵的皮衣。钻石在她的发际、腕间和手指上闪闪发光。“你这个小傻瓜!”路易丝叫着,给了南希一个拥抱。“看来你还在那家小商店工作
54、,还是穿得这么破旧朴素。我猜你还没有钓到自己的金龟婿,是吧?”然后路易丝仔细看了看,发现南希的生命中已经拥有了比一个有钱的丈夫更美好的东西。她的眼睛比路易丝所有的钻石都要耀眼,她的双颊比路易丝天鹅绒帽子上的玫瑰更加红润。 focus 1 section iquestion about para. 24 (9) how did louise look like when nancy saw her again three months later? she was dressed in satin, lace and fancy furs and wore diamonds in her hai
55、r and on her wrists and fingers.humble: a. (of a thing) not large or special in any way不大的,没有特别之处的;地位(或身份)低下的;谦逊的,谦虚的;恭顺的e.g. (1) the poor man lives in a humble house. 那个穷人住在简陋的屋子里。 (2) some people have the wrong idea that being a cleaner is a humble occupation. 有些人错误地认为清洁工是卑下的职业。 (3) knowledge make
56、s humble; ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。 (4) he is a humble servant. 他是个恭顺的仆人。i guess you havent made that catch yet, have you? 我猜你还没有钓到自己的金龟婿,是吧?本句为反义疑问句。catch在这里意为“a good person to marry理想的对象。”her eyes were brighter than all of louises diamonds, her cheeks pinker than the roses on louises v
57、elvet hat. 她的眼睛比路易丝所有的钻石都要耀眼,她的双颊比路易丝天鹅绒帽子上的玫瑰更加红润。本句是由and连接的并列句。两个分句结构完全一致,因此第二个分句中her cheeks 后面省略了be动词were。上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语intensive reading 26 “yes, im still in the store,” said nancy, “but im leaving it next week. ive made my catch, louisethe optimal catch in the world. im going to mar
58、ry dan, a man with all human merits! you dont mind, do you? oh, louise!” 27 around the corner strolled a young policeman. he saw a strange sight. 28 on a bench by the fountain sat a sad rich lady in furs and jewels. she was sobbing as though her heart would break. bending over her, comforting her, w
59、as a shabby working girl in a thin casual cloth coat. 29 there was nothing he could do to help, thought the young man, strolling on. 3 0 s o m e t h i n g s w e r e b e y o n d h i s understanding. “是的,我仍呆在那家商店,”南希说,“但是我下周要离开那里了。路易丝,我已经找到了我的意中人这世上最理想的对象。我要嫁给丹了,一个拥有人类所有美德的人!你不介意,是吧?噢,路易丝!”拐角处有个年轻的警察在
60、溜达。他看到了这奇怪的一幕。一个穿裘皮、戴珠宝的有钱女士坐在喷水池旁的长凳上,显得很悲伤。她抽噎的样子好像心都要碎了。一个寒酸的打工女,身穿单薄随便的布料外套,正俯身安慰她。年轻人心想他帮不上什么忙,于是走开了。有些事情是他无法理解的。 focus 1 section iquestion about paras. 26 & 28(10) what did nancy say that made louise heartbroken? nancy said that she was going to marry dan. bending over her, comforting her, was
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