外研高中英语:基础巩固随堂练 Module 2-3( 外研版 必修3)_第1页
外研高中英语:基础巩固随堂练 Module 2-3( 外研版 必修3)_第2页
外研高中英语:基础巩固随堂练 Module 2-3( 外研版 必修3)_第3页
外研高中英语:基础巩固随堂练 Module 2-3( 外研版 必修3)_第4页
外研高中英语:基础巩固随堂练 Module 2-3( 外研版 必修3)_第5页




1、外研高中英语基础巩固随堂练Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries(第3课时)一、.易混词语1.climate/weather(1)She goes out in all _.(2)The _of our country is mild,but individual places experience bad weather.(3)A drier _would be good for your health.(4)What is the _like today? (5)In Hong Kong people seldom wear galoshes

2、(橡胶套鞋) in wet _.2.disease/illness(1)More and more people are realizing the prevention of heart _is more important than the treatment.(2)My brother is often absent from work because of _.(3)He contracted a _(malaria) during the war and has recurrent attacks.(4)The main causes of cancer and other _are

3、 still unknown.(5)The scientists have been able to cure the _such as SARS,bird flu,etc.二、单词拼写) Traffic creates a great deal of p_ in many big cities.) There was a c_ of over 1,000 people in the street.) Its a big i_ city where they make cars and electronic equipment.) Be careful! Its d_ to walk arou

4、nd town late at night.) Its a very a_ town with a lot of beautiful buildings.) In some countries, it is _(不安全) to drink the water because it is dirty.) When studying children and other young animals,we can see the striking _(相似) in their behaviour.) It is unbelievable that there are still many peopl

5、e in rural areas living below _(贫困) line.) It is reported in the paper that many _(慈善机构)around the world have sent aid to the tsunami-hit countries.10) The policeman said to the young man,please give me your precise _(所在地). 三、 汉译英 1) With the help of the government, more peasants _ (将在几年以后脱贫). 2) _(

6、放弃这次机会) means losing it for ever. 3) The boy had no food to eat, so he drank a lot of water _(以减轻饥饿感). 4) _(我们已尽一切努力) to help those in trouble. 5) Your boss is said _(和这个事故有关). 6) We agree to meet here but _(到现在为止他还未出现). 7) _(我们原希望开办自己的生意), but we never had enough money. 8) _(据说罗伯特在国外学习过),but I dont

7、 know which country he studied in.答案:一、易混词语1.辨析:climate,weather这两个词的词义有细微的差异,使用场合也有所不同。 climate指某地的平均气候或经常性的气候(average weather conditions);weather指某地一时的天气,如寒暖、晴雨和干湿的变化情况(a particular condition of wind,rain,snow,sunshine,etc.)。 请注意,weather之前不可以用不定冠词a来修饰。例如我们不可以说:What a brilliant weather!应把a删去。答案:(1)w

8、eathers(2)climate(3)climate(4)weather(5)weather2.辨析:disease 指具体的病或严重的疾病,尤指由细菌或病毒所导致的“传染病”,如流感、麻疹、百日咳、热病等。 illness 指由病人内部的虚弱或失调而致,侧重点在内因。 答案:(1)disease(2)illness(3)disease(4)diseases(5)diseases二、1. problems 2 crowd 3 industrial 4 dangerous 5 attractive 6 unsafe 7 similarities 8 poverty 9 charities 10 location三、1 will move out of poverty in a few years2.Giving up the chance 3. to reduce hunger4.We have already made every effort5.to be connected with the acc


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