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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx译林版三年级英语上册全册教案【精品文档】牛津小学英语3A Unit 1 Hello!第一课时教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! 第一课时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和别人打招呼。2. 熟悉主要的人物3. 能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。教学重难点:1. 正确掌握几个日常交际用语的语音语调,要求读音准确、语调自然。2. 能根据不同的情境,用所学的交际用语与别人打招呼。教学准备:人物卡片教学设计:Step 1: Greetings1.教师与学生问好,介绍自己是他们的英语老师T: Good

2、 morning, boys and girls. Im your English teacher this term. Im Miss(展示单词miss,学生操练)2. 学会称呼不同姓氏的人,如王小姐, Miss Wang.3.T 介绍一些英语课堂用语Eg. Class begins. Stand up. Class is over.Step2: presentation.1. 呈现story time 图片2. 和学生讨论图片内容Picture1&2: who are they? what are doing? how do people you greet people in t

3、he morning? (教授Good morning. Hi)Picture3:where are they? who are they? how do they greet each other?(学习hello)Picture4: how does Miss Li greet her students? what does the word “class”mean? how do you greet people in the afternoon?3. 引导学生说Good evening.4. 听录音并跟读5. 总结不同的问好方式In the morning: Good morningI

4、n the afternoon: Good afternoonIn the evening: Good eveningStep3: practice.1. Fun time: T plays the game with students to practice different ways of greetings.2. 用图片引导学生说人物名字3. 根据不通的钟表时间问学生如何与别人打招呼Step4: conclusion.1. 总结并引导学生知道:its polite to greet people using proper language.2. homework: 读写字母板书设计:U

5、nit 1 HelloHi/HelloGood morning/afternoon/evening第二课时教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! 第二课时教学目标:4. 能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和别人打招呼。5. 会读写字母A,B,C,D6. 能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。教学重难点:3. 正确掌握几个日常交际用语的语音语调,要求读音准确、语调自然。4. 能根据不同的情境,用所学的交际用语与别人打招呼。教学准备:字母卡片教学设计:Step 1: Free talkT: 如何打招呼S: Hi/Hello (同桌互相问好)2.

6、Look and sayT shows different clocks and ask students how to greet people at the time.Step2: presentation.6. 回顾上节课认识的几个人物并介绍卡通朋友:Sam & BobbyT: Yesterday, we knew some new friends. Today, we will know another two friends, a cat and a mouse. (向学生展示两个动物的图片,介绍它们的名字)7. 让学生自己看书上的四幅图片,猜想发生了什么事?并让学生尝试说说

7、8. 听录音 引导学生问问题: who are they? what are doing? how do the mouse greet the cat? (教授句型Im)9. 以猫的口吻,用句型Im向学生打招呼T: hi ,Im sam.T =cat s=mouseT: hi, Im sam.S: hi. Im bobby.(自我介绍的时候用句型Im)Step3: practice.4. T: Bobby and Sam are very happy. They are going to have a competition: Read and write the letter A,B,C

8、and D.(将学生分为两组,读写字母)Step4: conclusion.3. 总结一节课所学内容4. homework: 读写字母板书设计:Unit 1 HelloHi/HelloGood morning/afternoon/evening第三课时教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! 第三课时 Song time & Checkout time &Ticking time教学目标:7. 能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和别人打招呼。8. 会读写字母A,B,C,D9. 能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。教学重难点:5

9、. 能用句型Im 作自我介绍6. 能根据不同的情境,用所学的交际用语与别人打招呼。教学准备:卡片教学设计:Step 1: Free talk1.Review Story time and Cartoon timeT: 如何打招呼S: Hi/Hello (同桌互相问好)T: 如何介绍自己?S: Im 7. T shows different clocks and ask students how to greet people at the time.( Good morning/ afternoon/ evening)Step2: Presentation.10. 引导学生总结本单元所学,并让

10、学生给自己作个评价引导学生提问并回答下列问题a) What do you learn in Story time?b) Do you like the story?c) What letters can you read?d) Can you write the letters A.B, C, D?11. Checkout time: students listen and respond12. Ticking time: T: how many stars can you get?引导学生用句型:I can say I can say and write作自我评价Step3: Song ti

11、me1. listen to the tape2. try to sing the song after the tape.3. t sings the song with students.Step4: conclusion.5. 回顾一单元所学内容6. homework: 背诵Story time 读熟Cartoon time板书设计:Unit 1 HelloHi/HelloGood morning/afternoon/eveningUnit 2 Im Liu Tao教学内容Unit2 Im Liu Tao课型新授课执教者第( 1 )课时教学目标1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人

12、的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,I3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己教学重点1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,I3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己教学难点1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,I教学准备挂图,卡片 教学过程三备 Step 1 GreetingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss .2.Sing a songGood morningT:Now

13、, lets sing a song together. 3.Warm upa.Play a gameBrain storm游戏规则:教师在卡片上出示想让学生说的提示,让学生抢答,会说的站起来大声说。(1)The sentences to greet(用来打招呼的句子)T:Could you please tell me the sentences to greet? Say them loudly, please.例如:Hello./Hi./Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.(2)Names of our friends in the bo

14、ok在书本里学到的一些朋友的名字。例如:Miss Li, Su Hai, Liu Tao, Mike, Wang Bing。如果学生说到了一二年级学过的名字,要给与肯定。b. Play a gameMagic eyes游戏规则:看闪现的图片或者是句子,快速回答。例如:先简单图片,再句子。图片可以是一二年级学过的单词。句子以第一单元的为主。最后以Im和I am结束这个游戏。T:Look, can you read them?学生大声读Im和I am c.教师用Hello/Hi和学生打招呼。T:Hello/Hi,Im Miss Zhang.S:Hello/Hi,Im学生用Im来介绍自己。Step

15、2 Presentation1.教授Are you?和Yes,I am.T:Hello. Im Miss . Are you?教师出示Are you?,并出示句子的中文。(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read together板书A:Hello. Im Are you?T: Try to answer my question.教师出示Yes, I am.T:Who can read it?让学生试着读读看。(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group b

16、y group(3)Read together板书:Yes,I am.b. Pair work(1)T-S,S-T,S-ST: Hello, Im Miss . Are you?S: Yes, I am.S: Hello, ImAre you Miss T:Yes, I amS1:Hello, ImAre you ?S2:Yes, I am.2.教授No, Im not.a.教师反带头饰(之前学过的人物),让学生猜自己是谁。提示学生用刚刚学过的句子询问。T:Try to say,please.Hello,ImAre you?S:Hello,ImAre you?T:Yes,I am第四个头饰:Y

17、ang LingYang Ling 这个人物在本册书中有很大的变化,学过前两册书的学生也许一下子会反应不过来。所以可以让学生自己说说看怎么来认识这位Yang Ling。S:Hello,ImAre you?T:No,Im not.教师出示No,Im not.(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read togetherb.让学生模仿教师刚才带头饰的方式,让其他学生来猜。S1:Hello.Ss:Hello.Are you?S1:Yes,I am./No,Im not.在这个环节,有些接受能力比较强的学生有可能在回答

18、No,Im,如果出现这样的情况,要给予表扬。Step 3 Consolidation1.Play a gameFun time(Guess and say)游戏规则:学生1站在讲台前,坐在位置上的一个学生2站起来说Hello.。S1:Hello.Ss:Hello.Are you?S1:Yes,I am./No,Im not.(Im)2.Listen to the tape,and try to saysomething about the pictures. 让学生先看图,自己说说看图上的主人公会说些什么呢?T:Can you say something about the pictures?

19、让学生逐幅图说。a.学生听录音,说对话先听完整的录音一遍,然后让学生一个个对话框说说看。b.跟录音读 跟着录音读,纠正读音。寻找语感。Step 4 Homework1. Recite Story time作业:1. Recite Story time 板书设计Unit 2 Im Liu TaoA:Hello,ImAre you?B:Yes,I am.No,Im教学内容Unit2 Im Liu Tao课型新授课执教者第( 2 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地会认、会读、会说Are you?并且能熟练地用Yes,I am.和No,Im not.来回答。2.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.3.能会认

20、读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg教学重点1.能熟练地会认、会读、会说Are you?并且能熟练地用Yes,I am.和No,Im not.来回答。2.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.3.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg教学难点1.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.2.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg教学疑点怎样才能改正学生不良的书写习惯,把字写端正?教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机 教学过程三备Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT-Ss(师生对话)T:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss .

21、2.Sing a songGood morningT:Now,lets sing it loudly,OK?3.教师出示Are you?Yes,I am. No,Im not.学生跟读,进一步熟悉本单元的重点。尤其是I am这个词,有的学生容易把am这个音中/ æ/给吃掉或者是发音不清,所以要有意识地提醒学生a发音发成/ æ/。T-S(个别对话) S-S(生生对话)(1)T:Hello,ImAre you?S:Yes,I am./No,Im not.(2)S1:Hello,ImAre you?S2:Yes,I am./No,Im not.2.Warm up4.跟读课文录音U

22、nit 2 Story timeT:Now,shall we read with the tape?虽然跟读录音也是比较枯燥的一件事情,但是我认为没有比反复的读更能锻炼语感的了,而且可以让学生在完整的情景中复习本课的对话重点,也可以让学生更好地理解句子在对话中的含义。Step 2 PresentationA Cartoon time 教学1.教师出示图片Bobby.T: Look, who is coming? Hes Bobby.Please say hello to him.mBobby: Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Bobby? Bobby: Yes, I a

23、m.T: Look, this is Sam.Try to say hello to him.mSam: Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Sam? Sam: Yes, I am.3.看图,听录音,回答问题教师出示T:Now,please listen to the tape,and answer my question Is he John?.认识新的外国名字John,教师出示John.学生跟老师齐读John,或者一个个读等等。(1)教师放录音Cartoon time(2)学生回答问题T:Is he John?S:No.(3)学生跟读录音T:Now,lets go.B

24、字母教学1.复习Aa Bb Cc Ddb.Magic eyes快速闪现字母例如: b c 2.新字母的学习Ee Ff Gg Dd 让学生思考,引出Ee,并且在黑板上示范以同样的方法教授Ff Gg,并且板书:(1)大小写配对(2)左邻右舍(3)抄写字母Step 3 Homework Story time2.Finish the exercises作业: Story time2.Finish the exercises 板书设计 Unit 2 Im Liu Tao A:Are you?B:Yes,I am. No,Im not. 教学内容3AUnit 2Im Liu Tao课型新授课执教者第( 3

25、 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,I2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye4.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学重点1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,I2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye4.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学难点2.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机 教学过程三备Step 1 GreetingT: Good morning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss .T:Good morning/ a

26、fternoon, xx.S1: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss .2.Sing a songGood morning/afternoon根据具体的上下午,改编歌曲,不需要唱几遍。Step 2 Warm up1. 复习Are you?Yes, I am./No, Im not.T:Hello, Im Miss S:Hello, Miss .Ima.教师出示头饰,把反面对着学生:S:Hello. ImAre you?T: Yes, I am. No, Im not. Im(提醒学生回答完整)2听录音,想想Goodbye怎么读(Cartoon time)上节课并没有解决

27、Goodbye这个词的读音问题。出于两方面的考虑:(1) 学生一二年级学过,对于这个词应该有印象。(2) 上节课的重点难点比较多,对于个别新生来说更加难。当然如果没有新生的话,我完全可以把这一段放进上一课时的教学里。(3) 这个词在这节课里我把它作为四会要求的。难度很大。T:Can you read it?让学生观察Good morning. Good afternoon.Goodbye.让学生去发现这三个句子的发音规则。听录音,跟读Cartoon time.T:Is he John? S:No.全班读Cartoon time.3.出示卡通字母,遮去部分 S1:Hello,Im Are you

28、 Aa?S2:Yes,I am.You are right.S1:Goodbye, Aa.教师出示You are right.,并出示中文上一学年学过bright这个词。全班读:You are right. S3: Hello,Im Are you Bb?S4:No,Im Dd.S3:Goodbye,Dd.Step 3 Rhyme timeT:Who is he?Listen to the tape,please.S:Hes Mike.T:Yes,you are right.Can you read the sentences.Hi.Hi.Are you Mike?Yes.Yes.You ar

29、e right.小组读,全班读2.T:Is he Moe?听录音回答问题s Joe.带学生读Moe,Joe注意发音,两个单词的发音规律3. Read Are you Mike?Step 4 Homework1.Read the rhyme after class2.Finish the exercises作业:1.Read the rhyme after class2.Finish the exercises 板书设计Unit 2 Im Liu TaoAre you?Yes,I am. You are right.No,Im 教学内容3AUnit 2Im Liu Tao课型新授课执教者第( 4

30、 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye4.能熟练地会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学重点1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye4.能熟练地会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学难点2.能熟练地会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机 教学过程三备Step 1 Greeting1.Sing a songGood morning/afternoonT:Good mor

31、ning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss 2.Say a rhymeAre you Mike?T:Hello,Im Miss .Are you Mike?S:Yes,I am.教师带上头饰S:Hello,Im.Are you Mike?T:Yes.You are right .Im Mike.教师出示You are right练习读You are rightT:Hello,Im Miss .Are you Joe?S:Yes.You are right .Im Joe教师带上头饰S:Hello,Im.Are you Joe?T:Ye

32、s.You are right .Im Joe.教师拿着Mike,Joe,Moe的图片,走到小组前,让学生大声地说Hello,ImT:Try to say Hello,Im,please.c.Say the rhyme T:Now,lets say the rhyme.OK?Lets go.通过这个环节让学生真正地掌握这首小诗。Step 2 Presentation1.Read Story timeT:Shall we read Story time together?这样的句子学生刚开始接触时肯定不知所措,比较难,教师可以把意思提示给学生,并让他们知道该怎么回答。2.Play a gameG

33、uess and say游戏规则:学生1站在讲台前,坐在位置上的一个学生2站起来说Hello.。S1:Hello.Ss:Hello.Are you?S1:Yes,I am./No,Im not.(Im)这个游戏在第一课时做过了,在这里再次出现是为了加强学生的记忆,并且缓解一下之前读书比较枯燥的气氛。 3.Checkout timeLook and sayT:I have some pictures here.Try to think aboutThem? What are they say? Picture 1Are you Liu Tao.(1) Yes,I am.(2) m Liu Tao

34、.教师要把学生有可能说的答案尽量想到Picture 2Hi,Im Mike.Hi,Im Yang Ling.Picture 3Are you Yang Ling?No,Im Su Hai.Picture 4Are you Wang Bing?Yes,I am.(1)大小写配对(2)左邻右舍(3)改错可以出些学生在练习时格式或者是书写错的字母,让学生改错,帮助学生记住字母。在练习的时候注意第一单元字母的复习。Step 3 Exercises补充习题完成补充习题上题目。做完每道题目的时候可以通过跟录音读、复述或者是对话表演的形式来帮助学生学会学习。Step 4 Summary1.教师跟学生全面复习

35、本单元需要掌握的知识:Are you?Yes,I am. You are right.No,Im Goodbye 字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg的正确书写2.Ticking time让学生根据自己的真实地学习情况自己打星。帮助学生理解几项的意思,Step 5 Homework1.Finish the exercises2.Copy the letters.作业:1.Finish the exercises2.Copy the letters. 板书设计Unit 2 Im Liu TaoAre you?Yes,I am. You are right.No,Im Unit 3 My

36、friends教学内容Unit 3 My friends课型新授课执教者第( 1 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说Goodbye.2.能初步听懂并且会读、会说Hes/Shes3.能初步听懂、会读、会说单词friend,并且能明白复数形式是friends教学重点1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说Goodbye.2.能初步听懂并且会读、会说Hes/Shes3.能听懂、会读、会说单词friend,并且能明白复数形式是friends教学难点1.能初步听懂并且会读、会说Hes/Shes2.能听懂、会读、会说单词friend,并且能明白复数形式是friends教学准备挂图,卡片,ppt 教学过程三备S

37、tep 1 Greeting在上课前可以听The alphabet song和Goodbye让学生的耳朵先熟悉这些重点知识,有的学生听了几遍就会哼调子了。T:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss 2.Sing a songGood morning/afternoonStep 2 Presentation1.复习Hello,ImAre you? Yes,I am./No,Im Goodbye.教师利用多媒体显示书本人物的图片,遮去部分,做对话练习。Goodbye这个词在上节课我是作为接近于四会的要求来让学生掌握的。

38、所以在这节课的一开始我就以比较密集的口头练习来帮助学生记忆。a.Miss Li,师生之间对话T:Hello,Im Miss Li.Are you?S: Yes,I am./No,ImT:Goodbye, 教师出示Goodbye.(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one(3)Read together板书:Goodbye.sMike,让学生work in pairS1:Hello,Im Mike.Are you?S2: Yes,I am./No,Im Mike.T:Goodbye, Mike教师总结:T:You are good partners.He

39、s Mike .Hes my friend.板书Hes教师出示Hes,并教授(1)Read with the teacherHes(2)Read one by one(3)Read together(4)Introduce your classmates to Miss 教师可以先利用PPT展示书中已经认识的男生,用Hes来造句,然后让学生再用班级中的学生先举例。教师先做示范eg.T:Hello, .HessYang Ling ,work in pairsS3:Hello,Im Yang Ling.Are you?S2: Yes,I am./No,Im Yang Ling.T:Goodbye,

40、 Yang Ling教师总结:T:Shes my friend.板书:Shes教师出示Shes,并教授(1)Read with the teacherShes(2)Read one by one(3)Read together(4)Introduce your classmates to Miss 教师可以先利用PPT展示书中已经认识的人物(Yang Ling,Miss Li等),用Shes来造句,然后让学生再用班级中的学生先举例。教师先做示范eg.T:Hello, .Shesd引入课题My friendsT:You are good partners.Mike is my friend.Ya

41、ng Ling is my friend.They are my friends.板书:Unit 3 My friends教师出示My friends这个词组,并教授(先单后复)教授friend这个单词时,注意发音/frend/,有的学生受到地方音的影响,/r/和/l/不分,在课上如果纠正了两三遍还是没有用的话,就一定要放在课后辅导环节中。不要在课上打击学生学习的积极性。(1)Read the phrase one by one(2)Read the phrase group by group(3)Read the title togetherStep 3 Consolidation1. 出示

42、书本人物图片:Wang Bing ,Mike, Liu Tao,Su Yang, Yang Ling, Miss Li让学生说说Shes Shes my friend.Hes Hes my friend.2. 介绍自己身边同学或者是自己的好朋友Shes Shes my friend.Hes Hes my friend.3. Story time先看图,让学生猜猜看图上的人物在说什么,然后再听录音。a.T:Can you guess what they are saying?b.T:Try to follow the tape,please.c.Read it together.本课学了:Goo

43、dbye.Shes Shes my friend.Hes Hes my friend.学生跟着老师把这个课的重点在读一遍。在这节课中我增加了下课前把所有重点再复习一次的环节,让学生一目了然:我在这节课上应该学会什么,我还有什么没有学会?也方便学生找出自己的不足之处。4. Class is over.T:Goodbye,class.Ss:Goodbye,Miss Zhang.Step 4 Homework在一张纸上画上自己的好朋友,让身边的同学猜猜看自己画的是谁。并且用本课学的重点句子练习。Draw a picture for your friend.And try to introduce y

44、our friend to your classmates.作业:Draw a picture for your friend.And try to introduce your friend to your classmates. 板书设计Unit 3 My friendsGoodbye.Shes Shes my friend.Hes Hes my friend. 教学内容Unit 3 My friends课型新授课执教者第( 2 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型Hes/Shes2.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用词组my friend4.能会读、会说、会运用句型This is5.

45、能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk教学重点1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型Hes/Shes2.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用词组my friend4.能会读、会说、会运用句型This is5.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk教学难点1.能会读、会说、会运用句型This is教学疑点怎样用最少的语言让学生明白Hes/Shes和This is 的区别?教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机 教学过程三备Step 1 GreetingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.S:Good morning/afternoon,Miss .2.Sing

46、 a songGood morning/afternoon3.Say a rhymeAre you Mike?Step 2 Presentation1.教师和班级里的学生打招呼。(1)T:Hello,Im Miss .S:Hello,Im T:Goodbye, (2)T:Hello,Im Miss .Are you? S:Yes,I am./No,Im T:Goodbye, 师-生 生-生2.教师学生带着头饰,按要求完成对话以Mike为例A:Hes my friend.m C:Hello, 以Yang Ling 为例A:Shes my friend.mC:Hello, 练习完后教师总结:T:M

47、ike is my friend.Yang Ling is my friend.They are my friends.教师出示词组my friendsfriend-friends-my friends再次读课题Unit 3 My friends. 3Cartoon time教学a.教师出示Cartoon time中Sam和Bobby的图片T:Can you introduce Sam(Bobby)to your Partners?让学生用Hes.Hes my friend.Sam and Bobby are my friends.(1)让学生先完成一道练习。 (He/She)is .前面一个

48、空格填什么?从这道题目上可以检查学生有没与弄懂he和she的区别。(2)听录音或者是看动画(个人觉得动画不宜多,学生的注意力容易被漂亮的图案吸引,还是录音好,虽然朴实但是最实用)让学生听听图片主人公的名字。 (He/She)is .(Tina, Fiona, Helen)让学生初步接受发音的规律。She is Tina.Shes Tina.(3)教授This isT:She This is Tina.教师出示This is/ðis/Read togetherRead one by one学生跟读:This is Tina.教师用班级里的学生举例:This isS:This is.Th

49、is is my friend.(如果学生反应比较好的话,适当拓展一二年级学过的单词This is my。)教师带着Bobby的头饰s my friend.s my sister.这个也可以做成填空。教师出示sister,教授sisterFollow theteacherRead togetherRead one by one跟老师读完整的句子Shes my sister.下节课中,sister这个单词是四会单词,我觉得还是在这节课中能让学生掌握就最好了,下节课就可以用这个单词引出其他的新单词。(4)ReadCartoon time跟录音读 学生角色扮演读全班一起读5. 字母教学:Hh Ii

50、Jj Kka. 复习之前学过的字母(1) Magic eyes快速闪现字母(2) 大小写配对(3) 左邻右舍(4) 学习新字母,注意老版牛津体每个字母必须顶天立地,就如做人一样。(5)课堂抄写字母Step 3 Summary本课的重点:This is Tina sister教师把这些重点展示给学生看,把这些重点通读一遍。Step 4 Homework1. Finish the exercises2. Try to recite Cartoon time作业:1.Finish the exercises2.Try to recite Cartoon time 板书设计Unit 3 My friendsHes /Shes my friendThis is sister Tina 教学内容Unit 3 My friends课型新授课执教者第( 3 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读并会写he,she,


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