1、六级考前训练(1)六级考前训练(1)六级考前训练(1)part ii reading comprehensiondirections:thereare four passages in this part.eachpassage is followedby some questio nsor unfini shedstatements.for each of them there are four choices marked a),b),c)a nd d).you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp onding let
2、ter on the an swer sheet with a si ngle line through the cen ter.1questio ns 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage:heroin addictionstoday is found chiefly among youngmen of mi no rity groups in ghetto(犹太人区)areas.of the morethan 60,000 known addicts,more than half live in new york state.most o
3、f them live in new york city.recent figures show that more tha n half of the addicts are un der 30 years of age.narcotic addiction in the united states is not limted to heroin users.some middle-aged and older people who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted.so do som
4、e people who can get drugs easily,such as doctors ,nu rses,a nd pharmacists.studies show that this type of addict has pers on ality and emotio nal problems very similar to those of other regular n arcotic users.many addicts admit that gett ing a con ti nued supply is the mai n object of their lives.
5、a n addict's concen tratio n on gett ing drugs ofte n preve nts con ti nuing an educatio n or worki ng at a job.his health is ofte n poor.he may be sick one day fromthe effects of withdrawal and sick the next day from an overdose.statistics show that an addict's life span may be shortened by
6、 15 to 20 years.the addict is usually in trouble with the family and almost always in trouble with the law.some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they becameaddicted. once addicted,they may become eve n more invo Ived with crime because it c
7、osts so much to support the habit.most authorities agree that the addict's invo Iveme nt with crime is not a directeffect of the drug itself.turni ng to crime is usually the only way to get that much money.the addicts' crimes are always thefts or other crimes aga instproperty.federal pen alt
8、ies for illegal n arcotics usage established un der the harrison act of 1914.the act provides that illegal possessi on ofn arcoticsispuni shableby finesimpris onmen t.se nten ces can range from 2 to 10 years for the first offen se,5 to 20 years for the sec on d,a nd 10 to 20 years for further offen
9、ses.heroinn earlywereand/orillegal sale of n arcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and asentence from 20 to40 years for later offen ses.a pers on who sells n arcotics tosome one un der 18 is refused parole and probati on, eve nforthe first offen se.if the drug is heroin ,hecan be senten ced to life im
10、pris onment or to death.21. what is the topic of this passage? how to cure a drug addict.b. her oin and n arcotic.c. the harm of the drugs and the anti drug measurestake n by the gover nment.d. the america n laws.22. an addict cannot continue his eduction or work at ajob,because ofa. his concen trat
11、i on on gett ing drugsb. his pers on alityc. his emoti onal problemsd. his stortage of moneythe23. according to the author,how can the addicts get money for drugs?a. borrow from their families. b.by hard work ing.c.in an illegal way. d.the author does n't men tio n it.24. accord ing to the autho
12、r,who can get n arcotic easily?a. gover nment men. b.medical workers.c.the min orities. d.the jews.25. a pers on who sell heroin to a kid can be? fined $20,000.b. senten ced to 5 to 20 years in pris on.c. senten ced to 20 to 40 years in pris on.d. senten ced to death.2questio ns 26 to 30 are based o
13、n the follow ing passage:there are various ways in which in dividual econo mic un itscan in teract with oneano ther.three basic ways may be described as the marketsystem,the admi nisteredsystem and the traditi onal system.in a market system in dividual econo mic un its are free to in teract among ea
14、ch other in the market place.it is possible to buy commodities from otherecono micun its or sellcommodities to them.in a market,tra nsacti ons may take place via barter or money excha nge.i n a barter econom y,real goods such as automobiles,shoes,a nd pizzas are traded aga inst each other.obviously,
15、fi nding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task.hence,theintroductionof money as a medium ofexcha nge eases tran sacti onscon siderably.i nthe moder nmarket economy,goodsand services are bought or sold formon ey.an alter nativeto the market s
16、ystem is admi nistrativecon trol by some age ncy over all tran sacti on s.this age ncy will issue edicts or comma nds as to how much of each goods and service should be produced,excha nged,a ndcon sumedbyeach econo micunit.centralplanning may be one way of administeringsuch an econo my.the cen tralp
17、la n, draw nup by thegover nmen t,shows the amounts of each commodity producedby the various firms and allocated to differe nt households for consumption.this is an example of completeplanningofproducti on,con sumptio n,andexcha nge for the wholeeconomy.in a traditionalsociety,productionand consumpt
18、ionpatter nsare gover nedby traditi on:pare ntage,religi on,andcustom fix everypers on'splace within the econo micsystem.tra nsacti onstake place on the basis oftraditi on ,too.people bel onging to a certa in group or caste may have an obligati on to care for other pers on s,provide them with fo
19、od and shelter,care for their health, and provide for their education.clearly,ina system where every decisionismade on the basis of traditi on alon e,progress may be difficult to achieve.a stag nant society may result.26. what is the main purpose of the passage?a. to outl ine con trasti ng types of
20、econo mic systems.b. to expla in the scie nee of econo mics.c. to argue for the superiority of one econo mic system.d.to compare barter and moneyexcha nge markets.27. in the second paragraph,the word real in real goodscould best be replaced by which of the follow ing?a. high quality. b.c on crete. c
21、.utter. d.authe ntic.28. accord ing to the passage,a barter economy can lead toa. rapid speed of tra nsacti ons b.mis un dersta ndingsc.i nflatio n d.difficulties for the traders29. accord ing to the passage,who has the greatest degree of con trol in an admi nistered system?a. i ndividual b.small bu
22、s in essesc.major corporati ons d.the gover nment30. which of the followi ng is n ot men tio ned by the author as a criterio n fordeterm ining a pers on's place in a traditi onal society?a. family backgro und. b.age.c.religious belief. d.custom.3questio ns 31 to 35 are based on the follow ing pa
23、ssage:tor nadoes,whirlw in ds,a ndwatersprouts arerotati ngfunnel cloud air masses of small diameter.they are differe ntiated by the inten sity of their rotati on and bythe surfaces that they traverse.though torn adoes and whirlw inds both travel over land masses,whirlw inds are atmospheric systems
24、smaller tha n torn adoes.watersproutsare torn adoes that form or pass over a water surface.a torn adois a powerful vortex or twister whose rotational speeds are estimated to be near 300 miles per hour.the first visible in dicati on of torn ado developme nt is usually a funnel cloud.as this funnel di
25、ps earthward,it becomes darker because of the debristhat is forced into its inten sify ing vortex.some torn adoesgive no visible warning until their destruction strikes the un suspect ingvictim.tor nadoesoften occur in groups,a ndseveral twisters sometimes descend from the same cloud base.the forwar
26、d speed of a torn ado is no rmally 30 to 40 miles per hour.i n the short time that it takes to pass,a torn ado can cause fan tastic destructio n.there have bee n cases reported in which blades of straw were embeded in fence posts.31. how are torn adoes disti nguished from whirlw in ds?a. whirlwi nds
27、 rotate in a differe nt directi on tha n torn adoesdo.b. t on adoes travel over land and whirlw inds over water.c. t on adoes are larger tha n whirlw inds.d. only torn adoes are funnelshaped.32. why do torn adoes appear to be dark?a. they occur only at ni ght.b. they are funn el-shaped.c. they pick
28、up debris from the ground.d. they are water-lade n.follow ing33. according to the passage,which of thebehaviors is freque ntlycharacteristic of funnel clouds?a.desce nding from differe nt cloud bases.b. occurri ng in isolated areas.casti ng a long time.d. occurri ng in groups.34. accord ing to the p
29、assage,some tor nadoes take peopleun aware because they_.a. produce a sound similar to thu nder.b. ca nnot be see n un til it is too late.cook so much like other clouds.d.carry so many large pieces of debris.35. the author refers to straw embeded in fence posts inorder to show _.a. where torn adoes
30、occur.b. who makes reports about torn adoes.c. whe n torn adoes take form.d. how torn adoes affect physical objects.4questio ns 36 to 40 are based on the follow ing passage:everyday,thousa ndsof man agers,ba nkers,salesexecutives,lawyers,acco un ta nts,a ndother professi on als are drive n to an ger
31、 and despair by thehard realities of the cha nging world of work.the oncesolidfoundation for millions of middleclass families thecorporate career is in shambles.the organization man of the 1950s and 1960s is being replaced by the migrant manager and freelance professi onal of the 1990s.the pain of c
32、hange is all around us.corporationsarerush ing to cut costs and dow nsize before year en d.they want to take their lumps in 1991,in preparation for a stronger recovery in 1992.that means an unu sual powerful wave of layoffs will sweep through the u.s. during the last quarter of 1991.already,the drum
33、beat of bad n ews is grow ing louder.whitecollar workers will joi n the grow ing ranks of oncesecure employees who are finding themselves on the outside alon e,afraid,a nd an gry.whodoes n ' t have a brotheror a sister,a pare nt or a friend who has lost a job rece ntly?the econo mic recovery wil
34、l ease the pain ,but it won't stop it.forces of fierce global competitio nand in dustrialcon solidati onarecompelli ngcorporati ons to cut en tire layers of middlemanagersand whole categories of professional staff.fewcompa nies can hide from the intense pressure of intern ati onal competiti on a
35、nymore.36. the changingworld of work is makingamericanman agers and professionals_.a.helpless b.desperate c.a ngry d.both b and c37. the corporate career is the foun dati on fora.ba nkers bawyers and acco untantsc. all top man agers lio ns of middleareclass familiesrecovery,corporatio ns38. in
36、order to get a strongera.reduc ing their sizes b.cutt ing costsclaying off employees d.all above39. white collar workers will bea.on the in side b.on the outsidec. afraid and angry d.both b and c40. america n corporati ons area.free from intern ati onal competiti on.b. im mune to in dustrial con sol
37、idati on.c. un der the intense pressure of i nternatio nal competiti on.d. stopp ing the pai n of in dustrial con solidati on.part iii vocabularydirecti ons: there are 30 in completesenten cesin thispart.for each sentence there are four choices marked a),b),c)a nd d).choose the one an swer that best
38、 completes the sentence.thenmark the correspondingletter on the answersheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.41. could you me by pass ing me the book?a.ha nd b.oblige c.re nder d.give42. mr. gree n has rece ntly bee n of the compa ny.a.appo in ted to preside nt. b.appo in ted preside ntc.appo
39、 in ted a preside nt d.appo in ted the preside nt43. every one knows that the earth is spherical, ?a.does n't he b.does n't she c.does n't it d.d on't they44. the police chief announ ced that the case would soonbe inquired.a.about b.of c.after d.i nto45. you can borrow my book provid
40、ed that you itto me tomorrow.a.return b.returned c.will return d.would retum46. the husba nd survived his wife.a.for many years b.by many yearsc.duri ng many years d.i n many years47. he was soaked to thesk in ,forthere was noshelterthe rai n any where.a.un der b.i n c.off d.from48. either you or he
41、 the lie.a.is telli ng b.are telli ng c.tell d.shall tell49. the old man was seriously ill for a time,but with careful nursing he managed to .a.pull off b.pull through c.get off d.get through50. the look in her eyes gave no clues how shefelt.a.toward b.to c.about d.with51. the kid is reachinga bottl
42、e from the shelfwhe n i came in.a.to b.at c.for d.i n52. to the waitress' relief,the plate was leftbeing dropped onto the floor.a.un cha nged b.i ntact c.un harmful plete53. our plan should be in accordanee withcha nging situati on.a.whirled b.stroked c.modified d.distracted54. they have to prod
43、uctionfor lack ofmaterials.a.cut across b.cut in c.cut off d.cut back55. mr. ralph has just received an invitationfromaftertherawthatuni versity to join as a full professor.a.associati on mittee mu nity d.faculty56. it will be hard for anyone to replace mr. ned,who isthe of the compa ny.a.me ntal pr
44、ehe nsion c.bra in d.atte ndance57. the fire a lot of smoke but little damage wascaused.a.se nt up b.gave away cet out d.emitted58. stunned by what had happened,the old man stoodrooted -.a.on the spot b.to the spot c.on the ground d.to the ground59. the bad weather willour plans by threeweeks.a.dest
45、ory b.pull back c.spoil d.set backeach his60. the two statements are not consistentother.o ne of them must be false.a.i n b.for c.with d.to61. you can't believe him.what he does ofte nwords.a.disagrees with b.disagrees toc.agrees with d.agrees to62. at the sight of the police officer,the thiefa.
46、got to his feet b.took to his heelsc.rose to his feet d.dragged his heels63. un likescie nce,progress intech no logymust be measured in terms of the huma n factor.tech no logy our slave anda.not the reverse b.not the vers ionc.not the same d.not the prejudice64. serious as the damage the boatsucceed
47、ed in saili ng round cape of good hope.a.i n b.on c.to d.of65. it was said that some slaves were buriedthe fun eral.a.live b.alive civi ng divelymust bewas,heinin his66. the boy was injured when a firework face.a.we nt out b.we nt off c.we nt round d.we nt up67. careful questioningof the suspect wil
48、l eventuallythe truth.a.bri ng up b.bri ng dow n c.bri ng forward d.bri ng out68. mothers of young children hate in stayinghome and doing housework all day.a.caged b.be ing caged c.to caged d.go be caged69. i thi nk this kind of cloth cansilk.a.pass over b.pass out c.pass by d.pass for70. the securi
49、ty of the passe ngers is supposed toby the capta in.a.see to b.see ing to c.be see n to d.see n topart iv error correctiondirections:this part consists of a short passagen thepassagethere are altogether 10 mistakes,。ne in each numbered lin e.you may have to cha nge a word,add a word or delete a word.if you change a word,cross it out and writethe correct word in the corresp on dig bla nk.if you add a word,put an in serti on mark ( A) in the right place and write the missing word in thebla nk.if you delete a word,cross it out and put a slash (/) in the bla nk.the world is running
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