



1、英语形容词、副词用法详解【复习目标】明确形容词和副词的用法及其相互转换形式。掌握常用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法。【知识要点】(一)形容词和副词的用法:形容词的用法:形容词是指用来修饰、说明名词或不定代词,表示人或物的性质、特征和状态。一般放在它所修饰的名词前 作定语,也可独立作表语或宾语补足语等。1. 作定语:an interesting story. a clever cat.ii. 作表语:Yao Ming is very tall. Our classroom is big and bright.iii. 作宾语补足语 :Don't make your hands dir

2、ty. We're trying to make our school beautiful.注意:a.有些形容词只能作表语。如:alone, afraid, asleep等。女口: That old man feels alone because his children are out. I'm afraid he can't come.b. 形容词与不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything 等连用时,要放在这些词后面。如:There is something wrong with my DVD machine. It&

3、#39;s nothing serious.c. 某些形容词可以和 定冠词连用,表示一类人或事物,其作用相当于一个名词。如:the young(年轻人),the poor(穷人),2. 副词的用法:副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子,有时也能修饰名词,表示时间、地点、方式、程度、动作、频度等,在句中主要用作状语。i. 副词修饰动词,告诉我们动作是怎样进行的,什么时候进行或者在什么地方发生的,一般位于动词之后。如:They went to the park early yesterday. We must study hard.ii. 副词修饰形容词或副词,则告诉我们这些形容词或副词

4、的程度如何,一般位于这些词前。如:Michael Jordan jumps very high.Dai Yuqiang sings quite well.a. 副词表示频度修饰动词时,位于连系动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前。:Mr. Wang usually comes to school on foot.2 The boyis often ill?3.形容词与副词的相互转变:形容词是用来修饰名词,副词是用来修饰动词,形容词或其它副词,它们在具体应 用中可以互相转化,规律如下:a.在形容词词尾直接加-ly,构成副词。如:usual-usually, bad-badly等。注:不是所有以-ly结

5、尾的单词都是副词,某些名词后加-ly可以转化为形容词。如,friendly, comradely, lovely等。b. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的单词,变y为i,再加-ly,如:heavy-heavily, happy-happily等,并且要注意这些单词的变化:polite-politely,true-truly, terrible-terribly 等。形容词、副词比较级的重难点一、"as + adj. / adv (原形).+ as"或"not so (as ) + adj. / adv.(原形) + as"句型。该句型常用来描

6、述两个比较对象在程度上 的相似或不同之处(即平时说的"等级比较和不等级比较”)。My computer is not so(as) expensive as yours.如:The building is as high as that tower.这座大楼和那座塔一样高二、"as many / few +可数名词复数 + as,或"as much /little +不可数名词 + as "结构。前者描述数目上的接近;后者描述量的相近。女口 : You may borrow as many books as you can."Drink as

7、much water as you can," the doctor said to him.三、"主语+比较级+ than any other +可数名词单数"或"主语+比较级+ than the other可数名词复数"的结构表示:主语所 描述的事物比其它(任何一个)都"。用比较级形式表示最高级含义。女口: Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Li Ming is much cleverer than any other student in their class.五

8、、主语+比较级+ than ."结构表示对两个比较对象六、"The +比较级 ,the +比较级 ",该结构意为"越,越"。如:The harder you work at English, the progress you will make.(great)The more difficult the questions are, the likely he is able to answer them. ( little)高考英语考点:形容词与副词一、考点介绍形容词与副词是中学语法的重要内容,也是高考考查的热点。关于形容词与副词这一考点,

9、主要考查以下几个方面:1。考查形容词和副词的基本用法形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语,而副词在句中主要 作状语。2。考查形容词作定语的后置规律形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前,但下列三种情况形 容词要后置:形容词短语作定语时;表语形容词作定语 时;修饰复合不定代词时。3。考查多个形容词作定语的排序多个形容词修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词 +程度副 词+)描绘+大小(长短、高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色 +国籍或产地+物质材料+类别或用途+名词。4。考查副词在句中的位置规律副词修饰形容词或其它副词时,一般位于被修饰词的前面,但enough却要放在被修饰的形容词或副词的后面。5。考查-e

10、d形容词和-ing形容词的区别-ed形容词,通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人”或“令 人的(事物)”。6。考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异即考查与形容词同形的副词与形容词后加ly构成的副词的区别。7。考查形容词和副词的比较等级。8。考查比较等级的修饰语。 比较级前常可用 still, even, much, far, a lot / little / few / bit, rather, any, a great deal, so far, by far, no 等词修饰。(注意 more 不用于修饰比较级)。1. When we plan o

11、ur vacation, mother often offerssuggestions.( 广西卷)A. careful B. practical C. effective D. acceptable4.1 must be getting fat I cando my trousers up.(四川卷)句意是:我一定是发胖了,因为我的裤子几乎扣不上了。A. fairly B. hardly C. nearly D. seldom6. A person' sbody temperature is about 37 ' C.(上海卷) A. ordinary B. normal C

12、. common D. usual8. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea., neither of them could swim.( 北京卷)A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which

13、was started by the medical community (医学界) 61 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side62 (effect) such asoverweight and heart disease the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 63 (process) the f

14、ood that we eat, to recover from injuryand for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something.As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing . Even (bad), the amountof fast food that people eat go

15、es up. Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt; by 68 (eat) more fast food people will getmore salt and fat than they need in their diet.Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack( 吃点心)between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 69 (care) not to go t

16、o extremes . Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both,70 isnot good for the health.Steam engines65_(use) to pull the carriages and it must have been66_(fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with allthe smoke and noise.The central London Railway was one of the most70(success) of these ne

17、w lines, and was opened in 1900.改错,1, In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor ' s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank, I forgot wha

18、t he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “ Speed up!”“ Slow down!”“ Turning left!” I was so muchnervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left . A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief an d I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.2, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. I


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