1、TAGC TEXTILE PRODUCT QUALITY REQUIRMENT TAGC TEXTILE PRODUCT QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 大中华区纺织产品质量要求General part & Quality Guidelines 一般部分和质量指导方针 Date Reviewed: Date Implemented: Supplier name and number: Signature IKEA:Version: 1 Signature:General Part一般部分1. Background 背景2. Purpose & use 目的&使
2、用3. Quality judgement 质量判断3.1 Classification 等级3.2 Reference sample参考样品3.3 Colour 颜色3.4 Odour气味3.5 Measurement测量3.6 Skew纬斜3.7 Repair/ reworks 返修/返工3.8 Attribute Agreement Analysis, AAA归为一致性的分析4. Glossary & definitions 术语和定义1. Background Together we want to create a common base of judging the qua
3、lity defects in production. The aim is to improve the quality of judgement and the quality of the product in order to increase customer experienced product quality. 我们希望能和供应商一起建立一个判断生产过程中质量缺陷的基本共识。目的是改善对质量的判断和产品的质量,从而提升顾客体验的产品质量。2. Purpose & use 目的和使用The textile product quality requirements is a
4、 minimum quality demand on IKEA Textile product. Each supplier to IKEA is responsible to implement the judgement levels in this document at their production and every level of inspection. 纺织产品的质量要求是宜家关于纺织产品最低的质量要求。所有供应商都有责任在生产过程和每一个检验过程中根据此文件的要求执行质量判断的水平This document creates a common base of judging
5、 the quality defects by:这份文件建立了一个判断质量缺陷的基本共识1.Clarifing the definition of defects which shall be strictly followed when all concerned parties come up with the disputes on identification, verification, inspection for quality issues.明确缺陷的定义 ,这将被严格的遵守所有相关部门对鉴定、验证、检验质量问题上提出相关争论2.Classfing the defects of
6、 textile product so as for all concerned parties to judge quality problem from the same point of view.纺织产品的缺陷等级基于同一种观点判定所有相关部分的质量问题3.Simpilfing working method for quality control and understanding of defects by providing illustrations for related defects under each defect categories which we conclud
7、ed from past working experience. However the supplier shall not restrict themselves in the defects this document gave as illustration but also focus on other defects that are not mentioned in this document. 总结过去的工作经验,通过提供对相应类别缺陷的相关证据(图片)和说明的方法,简化质量控制和缺陷理解的工作方法。然而不是限制供应商给予文件缺陷的证据,而是集中在这份文件没有注意到的其他缺陷。
8、This document supports the “GO/NO GO” requirement (IKEA Supplier Quality Standard, Chapter 5.5) of calibration between IKEA and the supplier. This document does not override the specifications, such as technical description, specifications and drawings, connected to the product. 这份文件满足GO/NOGO要求(宜家供应
9、商质量标准,第5.5章)这份文件不是要推翻通用规范,例如TED(技术资料),通用规范,图纸,产品的链接IKEA expect that each supplier works with continuous improvements on delivered products quality.宜家期待每个供应商都致力于出货产品质量工作的不断改进。These Quality Requirements are: 这些质量要求是:1.A living document to be updated on a regular basis according to customers needs and
10、industry constraints. And valid for all Textile product suppliers 一份生动的文件,根据顾客需要和行业参数的不断更新而更新,对所有纺织品供应商都有效3.To be used for Requests For Quotations, evaluations of different suppliers on same product, or for start-up of new suppliers. 被用来做报价请求时,同一产品对不同供应商的评估,或者是启动一家新供应商。4.A precious training tool for
11、 newcomers, both at IKEA and at suppliers. 一份对新人培训的工具,包括宜家和供应商5.A reference book which ensures the same quality judgement among IOS, Tradings & suppliers worldwide 参考工具,确保IOS,贸易区、供应商做出统一的质量评估Textile product quality requirements consist of two parts, the general part that is always valid and the
12、quality guidelines for defects, to be used to applicable products. Things not covered should initiate a change request and a separate agreement between the supplier and IKEA until described and included in the Textile product Quality Requirements.纺织产品的质量要求由两部分构成,纺织品一般要求要一直被遵循,对疵点的质量指导用于可适用的产品。这份文件不覆
13、盖的东西应该增加一个更改申请,在供应商和IKEA之间有一份单独的协议书直到双方的共识被添加到纺织品质量要求里面。3. Quality judgement 质量评估3.1 Classification 等级In past we had different quality classifications: major, minor, critical defect, remark, etc. 过去有不同的质量等级:重要的,次要的,严重缺陷,备注等In this document we use the following terms with the described meaning: 在这份文件
14、,我们应该使用下面的描述Defect Disqualifying the product:不合格产品 Jeopardizing the function, performance, appearance of the product.产品的功能,性能,外观缺陷 Evoking the customers irritation.引起顾客的刺激性反映Remark注意 Allowed to occur. 允许发生 Elements can move to next operation. If re-occuring, related to systematic process fault it sh
15、all be treated as defect. 开始下一个操作的基础,如果重复发生,涉及到系统连续性操作错误,应该被当作缺陷Defect due to reoccurring systematic faults must be recorded and traceable in the production process when and where they are discovered. They must be subject for root cause analysis, corrective actions and preventive actions.系统性发生的缺陷必须做
16、记录,并追溯到生产过程什么时候,什么地方发生的,必须找到根本原因,纠正措施和预防措施 There must be proper light during the assessment and detection of defects. 在评估和检查时必须有适当的光源The minimum light demand is 1200 ±400 Lux and shall be measured in case of doubt. 对光线的最低要求1200 ±400 Lux,如果有疑问应该被测量When acceptance level for defect is defined
17、 “not visible from” that shall be done from several angles and specified distance. The distances in this document are set taking customer´s point of view into consideration. Distance: 0,5 m (arms length) to be used if no other distance is stated.可以接受的缺陷水平被定义为“不能看得见的.”应该从不同的角度和距离检查 。文件定义的距离应建立在顾
18、客的角度考虑。距离:如果没有规定的其他距离,使用0.5米(臂长)距离3.2 Reference sample参考样品Production should be conducted according to all reference samples and reference samples work as standard samples in case of any disputes.产品应该根据所有参考样品作为标准参考样品做分析,以防任何的干扰3.3 Colour 颜色3.3.1 Assessment for colour difference色差评估General 一般要求Both sa
19、mples and grey scale must be clean and without any fingerprints. Both samples and grey scale shall always have the same angle so the light reflection does not influence the judgment. 样品和灰色样卡必须干净,没有任何的指纹。因光反射影响评估,样品和灰色样卡应在同一个角度 For colour fastness, grey scale is need to evaluate the colour performanc
20、e for its durability.色牢度,灰色样卡需要评估颜色的耐久性能Without light box/room 没有灯箱The samples and grey scale to be evaluated shall be held at a distance of approximately 0.5 m, sloping downwards at an angle of 45°. This shall be done in daylight but not on direct sun or close to strongly coloured surfaces (wa
21、lls, doors etc). 样品和灰色样卡在向下倾斜45度,大约0.5米的距离评估,应该在日光灯下进行,不能直接在太阳光下或强烈的着色区(墙,门等)With light box/room 有灯箱The samples is to be placed next to the object sloping upwards at an angle of 45°. Inside and area around of light box/room shall not be influenced by any other light sources. The assessment shou
22、ld be conducted with the reference of grey scales.Check for possible colour inconsistencies by comparing the production sample to the reference sample in the three different light sources: 样品应该放置在向下倾斜45度角的位置。里面和接近光源的区域不应该受到其它光源的影响。等级的评估由灰色样卡分析。在下面三个光源下对比生产样品与参考样品来检查可能存在的颜色不一致的情况: D65 TL83 (or TL84)
23、A-light (Tungsten light bulb) (钨光灯泡) Evaluate the metamerism effects between the approved reference sample and the production. In case of deviation, contact IKEA for further information.评估认可参考样品和生产间的同色异谱现象(俗称挑灯),若存在颜色偏差,联系宜家获取进一步信息Reference sample参考样品Grey scale 灰色等级Metamerism: comparison between mas
24、ter sample and production material should be considered. Evaluation is always to be done.同色异谱:比较标准样品和生产材料。做出评估3.3.2 Assessment for colour fastness色牢度评估General一般要求Visual inspection shall be made with light source D65 (daylight). The samples and the grey scale shall be placed at a 45°angle to the
25、 light source. Avoid distractions, such as other colours than grey in the assessment area /disturbing light sources.Samples shall have the weave or knit pattern in the same direction. Each sample shall be folded so that the fabric is opaque. The assessment shall be made with a suitable “mask”. The m
26、ask should be used both on the scale and on the sample. Place the tested sample on the left-hand side and the reference sample on the right-hand side. At least two people shall assess the same sample. If the two results deviate 0.5 or more, a third person shall also assess the sample.在光源D65(日光灯)情况下目
27、视检查,样品和灰色样卡应该放置在45度角光源。避免干扰,如评估区域的其他颜色和光源的干扰。编织、针织花纹的样品应该在同一个方向。每一个样品都应该折叠使织物不反光。评估应标注适当的标记。标记按照模板和参考样品。将测试样品放在左手,参考样品放在右手旁边。至少两个人评估同一个样品。如果评估的结果偏差0.5或者更多,第三个人应该做测试样品的评估3.4 Odour & Mould气味&霉味Unpleasant or unexpected smell or smell deviating from earlier shipments and/or from reference sample
28、 in terms of odour is not accepted. 难闻气味或异味或任何与之前发货相比和/与参考样品对比出现的不同气味都是不能接受的Odour should also be analyzed from customers point of view so as to avoid the customers irritation at domestic use stage. When detected, the mould of the product is unacceptable and immediate investigation shall be launched
29、to find out the root cause for the problem. 气味测试应该站在顾客的角度分析,以避免在顾客使用阶段的不满,当发现有气味,产品是不可接受的,必须立即调查并找出问题的根本原因 3.5 Measurement测量Measurements conducted with calibrated hard measure.应该对测量进行校准分析Measurements conducted according to reference sample and m-images.根据参考样品和图形进行测量When being measured, the product s
30、hould be relaxed, put on the table.当测量时,产品应该松弛地放在桌面上3point(right, left, middle) should be measured and all of them should be within the size tolerance. 尺寸测试应该在三点(左,中,右)测量,并且测试结果都应该在尺寸的公差范围之内3.6 Skew & Bow纬斜测试Skew is considered as defect if:纬斜被认为是缺陷:1.>2.0%2.<=2.0% but severely affects the
31、appearance.<=2.0%,并严重影响样品的外观The supplier also needs to refer to TED or contact IKEA for special cases. 对于一些特殊的情况,供应商应参考TED或与宜家商量 4. Glossary & definitions术语和定义Face For textile product we mean the outer side of the product.正面,针对纺织产品,定义在产品的外层Back For textile product we mean the inner side of th
32、e product.背面,针对纺织产品,定义在产品的里层Slight visible, not obvious, not affecting the appearance, function, performance of the product轻微明显的,不能够发现,不影响产品外观,功能性和性能Severe visible, obvious, affecting the appearance, function, performance of the product严重 明显可见的,能够发现的,影响产品的外观、功能性和性能Quality guidelines质量指导1.Fabric faul
33、t面料疵点1.1 Colour stain & dirty mark色点&污迹1.2 Fabric broken & hole面料破坏&破洞1.3 Weaving fault织造疵点1.4 Foreign material外来材料1.5 Thread knot& nep线头&结头1.6 Printing quality印花质量2.Workmanship工艺2.1 stitch quality缝合质量2.2 Sewing & quilting quality缝纫&绗缝质量2.3 Long thread长线2.4 Pattern qu
34、ality图案质量2.5 Colour performance颜色偏差2.6 Skew & Bowing纬斜1. Fabric fault面料疵点1.1 Colour stain & dirty mark色点&污迹Illustration for related defects相关疵点插图Description描述Face正面Back背面 Dirty mark污迹Defect:缺陷1.>4mm2/piece件2.<=4mm22/piece件Remark:others注意:其他Defect:缺陷1.>16mm2/piece件2.<=16mm22/p
35、iece件Remark:others 注意:其他1.2 Fabric broken & hole面料波坏&破洞 The broken fabric and hole is considered as defect.破坏的面料和破洞认为是疵点Illustration for related defects相关缺陷的插图Description描述Face正面Back背面Hole on fabric 破洞Defect缺陷Defect缺陷Fabric broken面料破坏Defect缺陷Defect缺陷1.3 Weaving fault织造疵点Illustration for rela
36、ted defects相关疵点的插图Description描述Face正面Back背面 Colour yarn色纱Remark:1cm/m2/side and not visible at first sight according to 3.1Others: defect注意;1cm/m2/边部和第一眼不可以看见根据3.1 其它:疵点N/AFor product such as curtain, blanket, towelThe same as face 对于窗帘、地毯、毛巾,与正面一样Thick yarn(3 tripled size of normal yarnFor blanket:
37、 double the size of normal yarn)粗纱(比正常纱粗3倍,针对窗帘:比正常纱粗2倍)Remark:1cm/m2/side Others: defect 注意:1cm/m2/边部,其他:疵点 N/AFor product such as curtain, blanket, towelThe same as face对于窗帘、地毯、毛巾,与正面一样Pile loss块状缺失 Defect:>1cmRemark: others 疵点>1cm注意:其它Defect:>1cmRemark: others疵点>1cm, 注意:其它loop pilled
38、out 线圈跑出来Defect:>1.5cmRemark: others 疵点:>1.5cm 注意:其它Defect:>1.5cmRemark: others 疵点:>1.5 cm 注意:其它Loop snagged 勾线Defect:>2.5cmRemark: others 疵点:>2.5cm 注意:其它Defect:>2.5cmRemark: others 疵点:>2.5cm 注意:其它Pile not cut evenly 块状的不均匀 Defect:>16mm2/piece疵点:>16mm2/件Remark: others 注
39、意:其它Defect:>16mm2/piece疵点:>16mm2/件Remark: others注意:其它Other fabric fault其它面料疵点Remark:1cm/m2/side Others: defect注意:1Cm/m2/边部N/AFor product such as curtain, blanket, towelThe same as face对于窗帘、地毯、毛巾,与正面一样1.4 Foreign material外来材料 Unrelated material found on the product is impurity such as tapes, pa
40、pers etc.不相关的材料,在产品发现的杂质如胶袋,纸等Foreign material is considered as defect either on the face or on the back if it is severe thus affecting the appearance, function, performance of the product.外来材料被认为是疵点,如果严重地影响产品的外观、功能,性能,无论是在产品的正面或者背面Illustration for related defects相关疵点图片Description描述Face正面Back背面Forei
41、gn material外来材料Defect疵点Defect疵点1.5 Thread knot& nep线头&结头Illustration for related defects相关疵点图片Description描述Face正面Back背面thread knot&nep线头&结头>3mm2Defect疵点:>1/m2/side边部>2/m2/side(towel)边部(毛巾)Others: Remark 注意:其他>3mm2Defect:疵点>1/m2/side边部>2/m2/side(towel)边部(疵点)Others: R
42、emark 注意:其他1.6 Printing quality印花质量Poor printing quality such as cross staining, miss printing that affect the appearance of the product is not allowed.差的印花质量如沾色、漏印,影响产品的外观,这是不允许的Illustration for related defects相关疵点图片Description描述Face正面Back背面Poor printing印花质量差Defect疵点: >4mm2/m2 Remark: others 注意:
43、其它 Defect疵点 >4mm2/m2 Remark: others注意:其它2. Workmanship工艺2.1 stitch quality缝合质量Illustration for related defects相关疵点图片Description描述Face正面Back背面Needle holes left on the fabric在面料上留有针洞Defect:>1cm/piece疵点>1cm/件Defect:>1cm/piece疵点>1cm/件Broken stitch缝合破坏 Defect疵点Remark注意Miss stitch,跳线漏缝Defec
44、t疵点:>2stitch针/m2 Defect疵点:>2stitch针/m2 Too much repeating stitches太多的重复缝合Defect:>1cm/piece疵点:>1cm/件Defect:>1cm/piece疵点:>1cm/件2.2 Sewing & quilting quality缝纫&绗缝质量1.The track of the sewing should be straight, even and smooth缝纫针迹应该平直,匀整,光滑2.stitch density: Stitching should be
45、done according to approved reference sample and/or ameasured image, if available in suppliers index.缝纫密度:缝纫应该根据参考样品和测量图片,可用的供应商目录Illustration for related defects相关疵点图片Description描述Face正面Back背面Not straight stitching 缝纫不平直Severe:DefectSlight:Remark严重:疵点轻微:注意Severe:DefectSlight:Remark严重:疵点轻微:注意Wrinkle
46、caused by poor sewing 差缝纫引起的折皱Severe:DefectSlight:Remark 严重:疵点轻微:注意Severe:DefectSlight:Remark严重:疵点轻微:注意2.3 Long thread长线1. For single thread that is >5cm/piece: defect对于单线>5cm /件:疵点2. For multiple long threads that the longest thread is >1cm,<5cm but more than 5 threads are detected on the same surface: defect 对于多根长线>1cm,<5cm,但是在表面超过5根线:疵点3. For over lock >3cm: defect对于
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