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1、 古巴朗姆酒历中悠久,早在18世纪就已被欧洲上流社会人士所享用,在国际市场中与白兰地,威士忌,伏特加等酒类占有同等重要地位第1页/共23页The Cuban Rum with a long-standing reputation had been enjoyed by the upper-class people of countries as early as the 18th century, and its important as Brandy, Whiskey, Vodka and other alcoholics in the international market.第2页/共2

2、3页 世界上朗姆酒的原产地在古巴。它在生产中保留的传统的工艺,并且代代相传,一直保留至今。第3页/共23页The original place of rum is Cuba. The rum keeps the traditional process and preserved so far from generation to generation.第4页/共23页 源于奥琼神话中约罗巴女神罗古莱的灵感,酿造出的地道慕兰潭(Mulata)朗姆酒,从1844年至今已有160多年的历史。第5页/共23页The Mulata, which originate from the inspiratio

3、n of Yoruba goddess Ron Guerre in Authen myth since 1844.第6页/共23页 古巴慕兰潭(Mulata)朗姆酒属于天然产品。慕兰潭(Mulata)朗姆酒的整个生产过程由原料的精心挑选,到生产酒精的蒸馏,乃至甘蔗烧酒的陈酿,层层把关极其严格。酿酒大师一代传承一代,应用百年配方精心酿制,陈放于陈年橡木桶中,这种传统手艺酿造出了具有真我,高贵,极赋性感的朗姆酒,堪称力量与口感均衡完美的杰作。第7页/共23页The Mulata is natural product. The whole production process, which is f

4、rom selected materials to distilled production alcohol, even aging sugar cane, extremely strict. The rum master brewed with centurys recipe, which reserved in aged oak barrels. Therefore, the traditional craft brewed out true and noble as well as sex rum that is perfect balance of strength and taste

5、. 第8页/共23页 加勒比的烈日,古巴特有的土壤,传统酿法融于现代工艺,极大地提升了慕兰潭(Mulata)酒的品质,从而最大程度满足朗姆酒爱好者的雅嗜。第9页/共23页Caribbean sunlight, unique soil of Cuba and the traditional brewing method and modern craft has greatly improved the quality of Mulata and satisfy rum lovers. 第10页/共23页 朗姆酒的质量由陈酿时间决定,有一年的,有几十年的。市面上销售的通常为一年和三年的,它们的酒精

6、含量分别为38%和40%,生产过程中除去了重质醇,把使人愉悦的酒香给保存了下来。第11页/共23页The quality of rum depends on aging time, such as one year, several decades. Usually, there are one year and three years with alcohol 38% and 40% in the market, removed the heavy alcohol and saved the rum scent in the production process.第12页/共23页 慕兰潭(

7、Mulata)朗姆酒与世界其他传统品牌朗姆酒不同之处在于酒体轻盈、气味芳香、入口柔绵;窖藏吸收了酒中的精华,孕育出只有拉丁美洲才有的沁人心脾、强烈的芬芳。第13页/共23页The biggest difference between Mulata and other traditional rum is the soft taste and refreshing strong fragrance of Latin America from cellaring of years.第14页/共23页 慕兰潭(Mulata)朗姆酒直饮后令人心情愉悦,消解疲劳;与其它饮料、酒类可混合成色泽艳丽,口味清

8、爽或浓郁的鸡尾酒。在国内有很多人喜欢用慕兰潭兑苹果醋喝法。晚餐时可作为开胃酒,餐后作为饮品享用,是重要的宴会上极好的伴侣。第15页/共23页The Mulata will be very pleasant and exciting after drinking. It could be mixed into colorful and rich or fresh taste cocktail with other drinks and alcohols. Many people love to drink Mulata with apple vinegar. Meanwhile, the rum

9、 is for aperitif on dinner. As drinking, its excellent companion in the important banquet.第16页/共23页世人对朗姆酒也有许多评价:The evaluation of rum from people:第17页/共23页There is no doubt that rum has the same power as the real religion in calm down. -Byron “毫无疑问,朗姆酒在平静心绪方面具有和真正的宗教信仰一样的威力。” -拜伦:唐璜第18页/共23页 朗姆酒对我既是肉,又是水;既是朋友,又是老婆。要是我现在喝不上朗姆酒,就等于一条给风浪掀翻后漂到岸上的老破船。” -罗伯特.路易斯.史蒂文森金银岛For me, the rum is meat, water, friend, and wife. Im equal to old wreck if I can not drink rum. -Robert Louis Stevenson第19页/共23页朗姆酒是上帝创造的精品。”-马瑟(清教牧师)Rum is boutiqu


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