



1、中英文励志诗歌诗歌是最古老也是最具有文学特质的文学样式,一起来欣赏吧, 下面是 给大家整理的中英文励志诗歌,供大家参阅!中英文励志诗歌:Following a dream 追逐梦想 When I was ayoun ger, I used to dream about beco ming a firema n.当我还年轻的时候,我曾梦想要成为一名消防队员。I thought wow, would n’t it be great to ride around,我想哇,到处跑会很好,and help people put out fires.还可以帮助人们扑灭大火。As I g

2、ot older, I want to be like my father.而随着我逐渐长大,我想成为像我父亲那样。He taught in a uni versity, and I always look up him.他在大学里教书,我总是非常尊敬他。So that 's what I became a teacher.那就是我成了一名教师的原因。My father and I have differe nt styles, as do all teachers.尽管都是教师,但我的父亲和我风格迥异。And we& #39;re both teachers and

3、l& #39;m happy.我们都是教师,我很高兴。In many ways, I feel that l& #39;m liv ing my dream, I am luck.在许多方面,我觉得自己梦想成真,我感到很幸运。Sometimes the dreams we& #39;vewhe n we& #39;reyoun ger,有时候当我们年轻的时候会拥有梦想,well, life may push it in ano ther directi on.嗯,人生有可能会朝着另一个方向发展。And at last we actively pursue our

4、 dreams we have to adjust.最后,我们积极追求我们的梦想,我们必须调整。After all, your dream won& #39;t ofte n pursue you,毕竟,你的梦想不会经常追求你,you have to cherish your dream and make it come true.你要珍惜你的梦想,让美梦成真。Perhaps compromis ing a little is good, perhaps it mattersto try differe nt thin gs.也许妥协一点会很好,或许是该尝试些不同的东西。We have

5、 to go through that positive limitati ons.我们必须通过这个积极的局限性。For example, I tried to be a salesma n, and I tried to be an invent man ager.例如,我试图成为一名推销员,我试图成为一位发明经理。Fin ally I found the place I can grow is help others.终于我发现自己能成长的地方是帮助别人。Every one has a dream, the questi on is can you make yours reality!每

6、个人都有一个梦想,问题是你是否能使你自己的成为现实中英文励志诗歌:永不放弃的梦想Always have a dreamForget about the days whe n it& #39;s bee n cloudy.But don& #39;t forget your hours in the sun.Forget about the times you have bee n defeated.But don& #39;t forget the victories you have won.Forget about the misfort unes you have

7、 encoun tered.But don& #39;t forget the times your luck has tur ned.Forget about the days whe n you have bee n Ion ely.But don& #39;t forget the frie ndly smiles you have see n.Forget about the pla ns that did n& #39;t seem to work out right.But don& #39;t forget to always have a dre

8、am.忘掉你失意的日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。忘掉你遭遇的不幸,但不要忘记你的时来运转。忘掉你的孤独日子,但不要忘记你得到的友善微笑。忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。has中英文励志诗歌:To be a giant.成为一个巨人,Thisforever bee n our passi on, this desire to be a gia nt.这永远是我们最强烈的欲望,成为一个巨人。Not to sta nd on one& #39;s shoulders or have one for a frien d.不是站在一个巨

9、人的肩上,或是成为他的朋友。For these may be fort un ate thin gs.那或许是靠运气。But to be one.Giants step over barriers that seem n ever ending.而要成为一个巨人是不一样的,They conq uer mountains that appear in surm oun table.好像巨人们永远都得跨越障碍。他们征服看似不可超越的高山。Gia nt rise above fear.巨人们超越恐惧。Triumph over pain.击败痛苦。Push themselves and in spir

10、e others.鞭策自己,鼓励他人。To be a Gia nt.成为一个巨人,To do Giant thi ngs.做巨人做的事。To take Gia nt steps.走巨人走的路。To move the world forward.推动整个世界向前进。假如生活欺骗中英文励志诗歌:if by life you were deceived 了你;alexa nder puski nif by life you were deceived,do n& #39;t be dismal, do n& #39;t be wild!in the day of grief, be mildmerry days will come, believe.假如生活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要心急忧郁的日子里需要镇静相信吧 快乐的日子即将来临hear


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