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1、    英国a-level考试制度实践模式、发展困境及改革路向    其次,引领学生作出与高考新政相适应的选考抉择。在英国,为解决学生在自选高考科目时“趋易避难”的现象,ofqual在a-level考试中加强了实践技能的比重以增加考评难度及提高选拔标准,以此迎合大学选拔人才的现实需求。我国高考新政在为学生创造和保障选择机会方面不遗余力,但对学生能否有效利用选择权利方面却显得力不从心,因此,高考新政在推广过程中应加强对学生选择标准的引导及选择能力的培养,以此更好地发挥学生教育选择权的育人功能。第三,加强“教、考、招”衔接与联动的制度设计。在英国,为改变a-

2、level考试允许刷分“速成”造成学生为大学过渡准备不足的问题,ofqual规定所有a-level考试均只能在两年学习结束后进行,为学生学习投入做好制度保障。我国高考制度设计中“教、考、招”三者还处于相对分隔的局面,“教”只为了“考”,却对“招”的标准不得而知,导致高考学科选择上牺牲兴趣换取高分,因此,高考新政推广中应加强“教、考、招”的衔接与联动,使教学与大学招录标准和原则更好地对接。注释:英国五大考试委员会分别为:(1)英国认证与资格委员会(assessment and qualifications alliance,简称aqa);(2)北爱尔兰教学大纲、考试与评估委员会(north ir

3、eland council for the curriculum,examinations and assessments,简称ccea);(3)英国皮尔森教育有限公司(pearson education ltd.,简称pearson);(4)牛津剑桥考试中心(oxford,cambridge and rsa examinations,简称ocr);(5)威尔士联合教育委员会(walsh joint education committee,简称wjec)。在a-level考试课程中,模块指教与学的具体要求,单元指评价单元。学生选择的一门学科中包括多个科目,每个科目由不同的模块构成,一个模块对应

4、一个评价单元。如:2013年牛津剑桥考试中心(ocr)高中数学学科分为5个科目:核心数学、进阶纯数学、力学数学、概率与统计。其中核心数学包括4个模块(c1/c2/c3/c4),对应4个评价单元(u1/u2/u3/u4),c1/c2模块为as,c3/c4模块为a2。考生既可以在c1/c2中选择一个模块,通过u1/u2的考试后取得as证书,也可以对ci/c2和c3/c4进行自由组合,取得a-level证书。后面所说的模块化考试也是如此,即学生可以自由组合科目模块,并允许通过对评价单元的多次考试来获取更高的分数。参考文献:1ron dearing. review of qualifications

5、for 16-19 year oldsr. london: scaa, 1996: 2-4.2ann hodgson, ken spours. beyond a levels curriculum 2000 and the reform of 14-19 qualificationsm. london: kogan page ltd, 2003: 81.3斯密斯.英国教育m.夏邦俊,译.中国台北:开明书店,1968:5.4r. j. morrtgomay. examinations: an account of their evolutions as administration device

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7、nd science(des). education: a framework for expansion(white paper)r. london: hmso, 1972: 29.8patricia broadfoot. assessment, schools and societym. london: nethuen, 1979: 40.9ofqual. reviews of marking and moderation for gcse and gce: summer 2017 exam seriesr. london: ofqual, 2017: 3.10gcse, as and a

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9、 2018: 5.14ofqual. reviews of marking and moderation gcse and gce: summer 2017 seriesr. london: ofqual, 2017: 1.1526mike tomlinson. inquiry into a level standards-final reportr. london: secretary of state for education and skills, 2002: 14,25.1641苗学杰.英国大学招生考试“一年多考”的制度设计、社会争论与发展趋势j.比较教育研究,2015,37(4):

10、64-71.1724ofqual. get the facts: as and a level reformeb/ol. 2018-06-12. 18assessment-regulating gcses, as and a levels: guide for schools and colleges-guidanceeb/ol. 2018-06-12. 19reviews and appeals-regulating gcses, as and a levels: guide for schools and colleges-guidanceeb/ol. 2018-06-12. 20spec

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12、a" level and gcsej. irish educational studies, 2008, 8(2): 206-216.23department for education. gce as and a level subject content for economicsr. london: department for education, 2014: 3-4.2531house of commons. a level standards: third report of session 2002-03r. london: house of commons, 2003

13、: 19, 122.27lsda responds. 14-19: extending opportunities, raising standardsr. london: learning and skills development agency, 2002: 2.28stephen wilkins, ian walker. applied and academic a levels: is there really a need for the applied track in uk further educationj. journal of further and higher ed

14、ucation, 2011, 35(4): 461-482.29manfred wallenborn, stephen p. heyneman. should vocational education be part of secondary educationj. journal of educational change, 2009, 10(4): 405-413.30ofqual. vocational and other qualifications quarterly: july to september 2017r. london: ofqual, 2017: 1.32363747

15、ofqual. perceptions of a levels, gcses and other qualifications in england-wave 16r. london: ofqual, 2018: 18,19,20,24.3335freshers forget 60% of their a-level studieseb/ol. 2018-06-12. 34祝怀新.英国基础教育m.广州:广东教育出版社,2003:88.38higher education funding. overview: permanent university fund(puf), higher educ

16、ation fund (hef)r. texas higher education coordinating board, 2009: 2.39universities crack down on a-level resits-telegrapheb/ol. 2018-06-12. 40nurul azureen omar, etc. the ideal psychology teacher: qualitative analysis of views from brunei gce a-level students and trainee psychology teachersj. asia

17、n social science, 2014, 10(12): 184-194.42ofqual. analysis of the completing gcse, as and a level reform consultationr. london: ofqual, 2014: 15-21.43john higton, james noble, sarah pope, etc. fit for purpose? the view of the higher education sector, teachers and employers on the suitability of a levelsr. london: ofqual, 2012: 7.4448ofqual. an update on the reforms being


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