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1、 Unit 5 The power of natureUnit 5 The power of natureNatures powerbrainstormearthquaketornado(飓风飓风)droughtGuessing Gamenatural disastermountainfirevolcanoHave you ever seen a volcano?Step Lead-in volcano-eruptionCollect and evaluate information about volcanoes. Volcanologist = volcano + log(y) + ist

2、An Exciting JobStep ReadingPart 1(Para 1-2) Part 2(Para 3-4) Part 3(Para 5) B:The writers job and its importance A:The writers experience of watching the volcanic eruptionC: The reasons for the writers enthusiasm about his job.Look through this passage and try to find out the main ideas of each part

3、.Part one (Para. 1- Para. 2) 1.Why is a volcanologists job important?It can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and save many lives.2.Where is Mount Kilauea?Mount Kilauea is in Hawaii.Part two (Para. 3- Para. 4) Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual er

4、uption? The lava can cover up or burn villages in its path. The rocks from the volcano usually dont damage anything because no one lives near the crater.More about the volcanoMore about the volcano1. How is a volcano formed?The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mounta

5、in.Please look at the diagram below. It shows a volcano erupting.volcano eruptionBoiling rock erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain. Magma chamberLavaCraterAsh cloud/volcanic ash岩浆房 2.What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?My bed began shakingA strange sound

6、My bed room became as bright as dayRed hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the airAn absolutely fantastic sightVolcanoThe Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is perhaps the most active volcano in the world; it is recorded that theres an eruption almost every four years.2004年年6月月2日,夏威夷的基拉韦厄日,夏威夷的基

7、拉韦厄活火山活火山(Kilauea caldera)喷出熔岩。喷出熔岩。 2008年年3月月18日,夏威夷日,夏威夷基拉韦厄基拉韦厄(Kilauea)火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆30公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也受到岩屑的影响。受到岩屑的影响。 这是海拔这是海拔1277米的基拉韦厄火山米的基拉韦厄火山主主火山口火山口自从自从1924年以来的首次喷发。年以来的首次喷发。 2008年年6月月17日智利南部柴滕火山爆日智利南部柴滕火山爆发。火山喷发出浓重的烟尘,并伴有发。火山


9、索普坦火山当天开始喷发浓烟和火山灰,高度达始喷发浓烟和火山灰,高度达2到到4公里。公里。 Part three (Para. 5) What does the writer find impressive even after studying volcanoes for more than twenty years? The author is impressed by the beauty of the eruption and also by its potential to cause great damage. Boiling rock which erupts from the v

10、olcano and crashes back to earth causes less damage.B. The lava that flows slowly down the mountain causes far more damage.1.Whats the main idea of para.3 ?C. The eruption is much more exciting to watch.D. There had been an eruption in the side of the mountain.2. The writer doesnt mind the occasiona

11、l danger of his job because _.A. He travels to unusual places and meets interesting people from all over the worldB. He likes the different ways of workingC. He thinks his job the most importantD. He is excited about dangers and feels alive3.As a result of the volcanologist work, _. other scientists

12、 predict the progress of lava from the volcanoB. many people have been warned to leave their homes C. the eruption causes less damageD. the eruption may be prevented breaking outA. Because his bed began shaking. B. Because his bedroom suddenly became as bright as day.C. Because he thought there was

13、an earthquake in Hawaii.D. Because he wanted to collect information about the eruption.4.Why did the volcanologists run out of the house into the back garden?5. What does the writer mean by using “lucky” in the sentence “ I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it. ” ? A. He left much safer

14、 on the top while the other two scientists climbed down into the crater.B. It was his first sight of an eruption.C. It was the first time for him to watch the crater.D. both B and C.6. What does the word “alive” mean in the sentence “. danger excites me and makes me feel alive”? Living or not dead.

15、B. Active or lively. C. Continuing. D. Healthy.7. Why did the writer put on special clothes to look at the crater? Because he wanted to take some special photos.B. Because he was concerned about his safety.C. Because the other two scientists asked him to.D. Because he wanted to climb down into the c

16、rater.Near the oceans. 1. Where is it most possible for a volcano to erupt?Haleakala Crater, the largest dormant volcano in the worldMaui, HawaiiAn active volcano2. What types of volcanoes do you know?A dormant volcanoAn extinct volcano休眠火山 Summary1.The main idea of this passage. Today, we learnt a

17、passage written by a volcanologist. He describe his work and his first experience of seeing the eruption. He loves his work very much. 2.Language points:(1)Important words and phrases: appoint . evaluate . absolutely . suit . make ones way. potential.(2)Important sentences: a. I was about to go back

18、 to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. b. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this being my first experience ,I stayed at the top and watched them.知能提升演练知能提升演练1.She is honest and trustworthy .I think its _ no business of hers. A .

19、 absolutely B. possibly C. unfortunately D. desperately 答案:答案:A2. We dont want to _ him as chairman of the meeting .He is not fit for the position. A. consider B. pick C. refer D. appoint 答案:答案:D3.Shall we go there by bus ? -That _ me fine. Thank you. A. fits B. matches C. satisfies D. suits 答案:答案:D

20、4.Because her family was poor, she _her way through college, like washing dishes in the restaurant. A. made B. worked C. felt D. lost 答案:答案:B5.Although her ability in art has not yet developed, she has great _as an artist. A. success B. potential C. victory D. possibility 答案:答案:B6.In this city, traditional beliefs_a mod


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