1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日人才流失的经济学分析及启示人才优势是现代企业竞争优势的核心,人才竞争是企业间竞争中最为本质的内容。日趋激烈的国际化竞争使人才流失成为制约企业持久发展的重要问题。随着现代经济市场化程度的提高,知识经济时代的显现,如何有效地解决人才流失问题成为每个企业所必须解决的历史课题。运用现代经济学的基本分析工具,分析了威胁现代企业持续发展的人才流失问题,并在此基础上提出了一些克服人才流失的对策。1 企业人才流失博弈分析的结论企业人才流失通常指人才基于一定的动因,从一个企业组织中
3、代价(违约金) 有关,与企业设置壁垒的成本呈正向关系,企业设置壁垒的成本越高,人才流出的概率越高,因为高成本会降低企业设置壁垒的概率;与人才克服壁垒的代价呈反向关系,人才克服壁垒的代价越低,人才流出的概率越高。企业设置壁垒的概率与人才在本企业的初始收益、人才在流入企业的收益以及企业因设置壁垒而获得的收益(人才交纳的违约金) 有关,与人才在本企业的初始收益呈反向关系,人才的初始收益越低,企业设置壁垒的概率越高;与人才在流入企业的收益呈正向关系,人才在流入企业的收益越高,企业面临的竞争压力越大,因而企业设置壁垒的概率越高;与企业因设置壁垒而获得的收益呈反向关系,企业设置壁垒的收益越低,其设置壁垒的
4、概率越高,因为企业的收益伴随着人才的成本(罚金) ,克服壁垒的低成本往往导致人才流出的概率升高。2 企业人才流失的成本与收益分析基于上文的经济理性假设,我们知道企业和人才的决策都是权衡成本收益比较的结果做出的。只有设置壁垒的收益大于所承担的成本,企业才会采取设置壁垒策略,而人才也不会在流出收益不足以弥补流出代价时选择流出。现实中无论企业还是人才,其成本与收益都是相当复杂的,这里具体分析一下各局中人的成本与收益,以便从中得出更多的有益启示。2.1 企业的成本与收益1、 人才流失引致的企业成本:虽然人才流失对企业有时也有一些积极意义,如促使人才合理优化配置、提高警惕等,但是由于通常人才流失对企业都
6、的初始成本,具体指企业在制定有关制度规则过程中所支付的人力、物力成本;壁垒的作用成本,具体指为保证壁垒的有效性而衍生的相关组织机构和规章制度的变动成本以及人才触及壁垒时企业贯彻有关规则时付出的成本。其二,设置壁垒的机会成本,指企业在设置壁垒时所耗费的人、财、物用于其他领域可以获得的收益,如,壁垒的制定、维护人员在此期间从事其他工作的产出以及耗费在设置壁垒的财物用于其它生产或投资领域时的收益等。其三,壁垒的信号成本,指企业因设置的壁垒向外界传递的不良信号,带来的企业招揽人才难度增加以及外界对企业的评价下降等问题,引致的成本。如果所设置的壁垒比较高,则拟流入者将要求更高的初始收益r0 ,从而增加企
8、包括以下几个方面:其一,企业设置壁垒的直接收益源于人才因流出而交纳的违约金或源于其他方面的补偿金。其二,由于面临壁垒,人才为从流动中获得更高收益会积极提升自身人力资本质量,从而提高企业的整体人力资源素质,促进企业收益的持久增加。其三,企业因设置壁垒使人才队伍相对稳定,在提高产出水平、提升企业形象等方面带来的收益增加。其四,壁垒引起的人才流失率下降,将节省人才重置、培训和管理过程中的成本,这部分成本也能给企业带来新的收益。2.2 人才的成本与收益1、 人才流出的成本主要包括以下几个方面:其一,人才流出决策成本,主要包括:目标的寻访成本,具体指为发现合意的r1 在时间、精力和货币等方面的投入,由于
10、的收入损失和人力资本折价损失以及预期收益的各种贴现风险等。2、 人才流出的收益主要包括以下几个方面:其一,流出后在新企业获得的比初始收益更高的新收益r1 ,包括更好的报酬、福利状况,更高的职务头衔,更强烈的成就感等方面的综合效用。其二,流出过程引起的个人人力资本含量的提高可以给人才在日后的职业生涯发展和职业选择过程中带来更高的收益。其三,人才的流出意向显露出来之后,可能引起企业的关注和重用,提高人才在企业中的相对地位,由此可以增加人才的收益。总之,无论是追求利润最大化的企业,还是追求效用最大化的人才,其行为都是以综合收益大于综合成本为出发点的,即在各项收益与成本均为正值的约束条件下,追求uma
11、x = f(r) - f(c)。3 企业人才流动经济学分析的启示3.1 人才流动的复杂动因人才流动是多种因素共同作用的结果,包括社会环境因素、企业因素、人才个人因素等。社会环境因素对人才流动的影响是全方位的,社会的总体经济运行状况、社会保障体制、社会文化观念以及社会的法律制度等因素,通过影响人才流动的预期收益、抗风险能力、流动倾向性、规则意识以及人才流动的社会效应等方式对人才流动产生影响。人才对更高效用水平的追求是人才流动的主观动因,是人才流动根本的动力源泉。人才的人力资本含量影响人才在市场上的供求关系,进而决定人才流动的潜在收益;人才的价值观念影响其流动偏好和倾向性;人才的初始财产影响其抗风
12、险能力;人才的婚姻家庭状况也是人才流动的重要约束变量。企业在人才配置效率方面的相对劣势是人才流失的客观动因。按照著名的推拉理论,人才流失是流出企业的推力与流入企业的引力共同作用的结果。流出企业在薪酬福利、工作安排、文化氛围等方面与人才个人期望值之间的差距是促使人才流出的重大推力,流入企业在上述方面与人才个人期望值的接近是吸引人才流入的重要引力。影响人才流动的各种因素不是单独起作用的,而是相互联系、相互影响,最终以一种合力对人才流动发生作用。3.2 企业克服人才流失问题的路径选择设置壁垒是企业防止人才流失的根本途径,但是壁垒设置、实施过程的高成本以及外部企业日益强大的拉力使这种方式的效率大打折扣
13、,而且这种方式也与企业与人才的博弈均衡“不设置壁垒不流动”相背离。因此,企业需要考虑通过非壁垒路径克服人才流失问题。人才在流出企业和流入企业的收益之间的差距是影响人才流动的基本因素。建立合理的薪酬制度是企业降低人才流失率的基本路径之一。合理的薪酬水平可以提高人才在本企业的初始收益r0 ,减少收益差距d ,具有竞争力的薪酬水平不仅可以防止本企业的人才流失,而且可以吸引企业外部的优秀人才流入;科学的薪酬结构可以使人才根据自身情况理性地分配、使用、增加自己的人力资本,对自己的收益有一个明确的预期,缩小预期收益的差距;适宜的薪酬支付制度通过支付时间和支付媒介的调整可以提高同样薪酬量的效用水平。人才的初
14、始收益是人才在企业取得的各种回报的综合体,人性化的工作设计、富有成就感的工作业绩以及动听的职务头衔等都会增加人才的初始收益r0 。企业不是纯粹的经济单位,人才也不是纯粹的生产要素,企业文化是联结企业与人才社会性纽带。建设优秀的企业文化,培养团队精神,不仅可以改变人才对流动的偏好,而且可以增强人才对企业的依赖性和认同感,增加人才流动的心理成本。同时,优秀的企业文化不仅可以提高人才在企业中的精神收益,而且可以起到敛集优秀人才的作用。流动是人才自我发展的内在要求,生涯管理将人才的发展与企业的发展更好地协调起来,从根源上弱化了人才流动的动因。当然,人才流失是不能完全避免的,企业必须采取措施最大限度地降
15、低人才流失带来的损失。针对人才流失后造成的岗位空缺,培训成本增加等问题,应建立人才储备机制以及人才的功能性使用机制,从而保证关键人才的及时补充。加强保密制度建设与监督,注重人才职业道德的培养,降低人才流失在泄露商业秘密、转移核心技术等方面造成的损失。此外,还应建立人才预警系统,加强企业与人才之间的沟通,及时了解人才的异常动向,尽早发现人才的流动意向,并采取合理的改善措施,如,了解并满足人才的需要或及时寻找替代者等。3.3 建设有利于人才合理有序流动的社会环境人才流动的社会效应是双向的,一方面,人才流动是一种优化资源配置的重要方式,有利于整个社会福利的增加;另一方面,人才流动在增加就业压力、就业
17、三,加强相关的法律法规建设,使人才流动有法可依,保障各利益主体的合法权益,通过法律手段减少人才流动的负面效应,如,竞业禁止就是一种人才流动中保护商业秘密的良方。此外,还应加强对人才流动的引导,增强人才流动的规则意识,促进人才的合理有序流动。brain drain of economic analysis and inspirationthe talented person superiority is the modern enterprise competitive advantage important fountainhead,the competition for talent is
18、the enterprise competes the essential content. day by day the intense internationalization competition causes the brain drain into restriction enterprise lasting development the important question. along with does the modern economy marketability degree enhancement, the knowledge economy time in rel
19、ief, how solve the brain drain problem to become the historical topic effectively which each enterprise must solve. we utilize the modern economic the basic analysis tool, has analyzed the brain drain question which the threat modern enterprise develops continually, and proposed in this foundation s
20、ome overcome the brain drain the countermeasure.1. game analysis of the conclusions enterprise brain drain usually refers to people on a certain cause,from a free enterprise organization or out from an enterprise to another business process or phenomenon. when the dynamic study of brain drain occurs
21、 when the brain drain is a process; when inspecting the static results of the brain drain and brain drain is a phenomenon of state. in reality, the result of the brain drain was motivated by diverse and integrated. according to the traditional economic analysis, we assume enterprises is a brain drai
22、n among enterprises and individuals in a cost comparison based on receipts, the game of the outcome of the process. their talents outflow of the cost - to decide whether income outflow from the enterprise, enterprises are also in accordance with the cost of erecting barriers - benefit analysis to de
23、cide whether erecting barriers. here refers to the main barriers to prevent the brain drain of the system established by the rules, excluding enterprises to personnel of the purposes of the material and non-material incentives. after the game model for a balanced analysis shows that outflow of talen
24、t with the probability of enterprises set up barriers and the cost of talent to overcome barriers and to pay the price (the default). barriers to enterprise and the cost of setting up a positive relation, business erecting barriers to the higher cost, the probability of talent outflow higher because
25、 the cost will be set up barriers to lower the probability; and talent to overcome barriers to reverse the price was, people overcome barriers price, the lower the probability of talent outflow higher. enterprise erecting barriers and the probability of talent in the enterprise's initial gains i
26、nflow of qualified personnel in the enterprises and the enterprises receipts erecting barriers and the proceeds (the damages), and talent in the enterprise's initial gains were inverse relationship, and talent initial return, the lower enterprise erecting barriers to the higher the probability;
27、and talent in the enterprise income inflow was positive, inflow of talent in the higher corporate earnings, enterprises are faced with the pressure of competition, and consequently the greater enterprise erecting barriers higher probability; and the enterprises set up barriers and access to the proc
28、eeds of a reverse, set up barriers to enterprise income lower erecting barriers of their higher probability because enterprises along with the proceeds of personnel costs (mulct), overcome barriers to low-cost talent outflow often leads to the increased probability. 2. cost and income analysisbased
29、on preceding text economical rational supposition. we know the business and personnel decisions are weighed against the cost - compared to the gains made by the results. only by erecting barriers of income is greater than the cost that the companies can take erecting barriers strategy and the talent
30、s are not in the outflow of income is not sufficient to compensate for price outflow choice outflow. in reality both enterprises or talent, its costs and benefits are very complex, here specific analysis of the player's costs and benefits, in order to draw more useful insights. 2.1 enterprise
31、9;s cost and incomebrain drain caused by corporate cost: although the brain drain of enterprises sometimes has some positive significance. if reasonable promote optimal allocation of talents, such as vigilance.however, as is usually the brain drain of enterprises are the disadvantages outweigh the b
32、enefits. therefore this paper will only discuss the brain drain of the business losses. first, the brain drain caused personnel vacancies caused by loss of business efficiency and enterprise personnel replacement costs. second, the brain drain caused by enterprises in a commercial secret, the core t
33、echnology and stable clients the loss. third, the loss of talent to competitors, have the will to change enterprises in the competitive strength contrast, sometimes even between enterprises will change the relative position of the enterprise so as to cause enormous losses. fourth, the brain drain ma
34、y also trigger a chain reaction, such as additional personnel costs of the psychological affect his enthusiasm, and so on. fifth, the brain drain could also give enterprises noise, reducing the results of the evaluation of enterprises, thus affecting corporate reputation stock prices. enterprise ere
35、cting barriers to the main cost will include the following aspects : first, set up barriers to the direct costs, enterprise as a result of erecting barriers and the direct expenditures. these mainly include : erecting barriers to the initial costs, specifically refers to the enactment of the rules s
36、ystem, which have been paid manpower, material costs; the role of cost barriers, concrete barrier refers to guarantee the effectiveness of the derivative related organizations and regulatory changes in the cost and talent touched barriers when enterprises implement the rules will have to pay the cos
37、t. second, erecting barriers of opportunity cost refers to the barriers set up by the cost of personnel, finance, and were available for other areas of revenue, such as barriers to development, maintenance personnel during this period to engage in other work outputs and the cost of erecting barriers
38、 property for investment or other production areas the benefits. third, the cost barriers to signal that the enterprises set up barriers to the adverse external signal transmission, the enterprise will become more difficult to recruit outside the enterprise and appraisal issues of the cost. if the b
39、arriers set up by relatively high, the inflow will be more demanding of the initial proceeds of r0. thereby increase their access to personnel costs; moreover, if the barriers are too high, enterprises easily by outsiders is the lack of strength retain talent, thereby lowering enterprise right talen
40、ts are attractive, enterprises in other fields reputation will be damaged. fourth, erecting barriers cost of the system, we refer to the erecting barriers and increase the overall management of the burden. barriers to institutionalize itself and the cost of enterprises to enhance the effectiveness o
41、f barriers to pay the cost barriers improve innovation. any one system, the validity of the rules need to link other management support, enterprise erecting barriers will increase the overall management of the burden; enterprises set up barriers to truly be the role of institutionalization and stand
42、ardization. this process also requires enterprises to spend a certain amount of material, information and time resources; sound barriers is a gradual process, barriers and adapt itself to different conditions also need to constantly innovate, it needs to pay for certain costs. enterprise erecting ba
43、rriers of income include the following aspects : first, enterprise erecting barriers proceeds from the direct result of outflow of talent and pay the damages or from other aspects of the compensation. second, the face of barriers, from mobile professionals to obtain higher returns will actively enha
44、nce the quality of their own human capital, thereby improving the overall quality of human resources, to promote a lasting increase in income. third, enterprises erecting barriers personnel for the relative stability in raising output levels, to enhance corporate image, and so on the gains. fourth,
45、the barriers caused by the decline in the rate of brain drain will save replacement personnel, training and management process costs, this part of the costs can also have brought new income. 2.2 costs and gainsthe outflow of personnel costs primarily include the following aspects : first, the outflo
46、w of personnel decision-making cost, which mainly includes : the cost of locating targets, specifically referring to a desired r1 found in time, energy and currency of inputs, as the process of searching for the time and energy on the input of the actual work of the above inputs and losses in leisur
47、e, consumption of opportunity cost; target cost of the decision, specifically, it refers to the number of goals to be elected to choose the optimum goal when the direct costs and psychological burden; the decision-making process of other costs, if the flow of goals to meet the requirements of indivi
48、dual human capital investment costs as well as the outflow of his intention of interpersonal stress, and psychological costs. second, the process of outflow of talent costs, including : direct costs, means the outflow of talent in the course of direct losses, such as travel, transfer fees, the defau
49、lt; indirect costs, mean more direct expenditures and the opportunity cost caused by the outflow of the present process proceeds losses; interpersonal costs, refers to the process of outflow of interpersonal relations and coordination of expenditures. third, the results of cost outflow of talent tha
50、t talent outflow from the original enterprise after facing the cost if friction unemployment in a state of loss of income and loss of human capital and the expected discounted earnings of discount risk.the outflow of talent to benefit include the following aspects : first, after outflow in the new e
51、nterprises to get higher returns than the initial proceeds of the new r1, including better remuneration, welfare, higher job titles, but also a strong sense of accomplishment, such as an integrated utility. second, outflow arising from the process of personal content in human capital for the profess
52、ionals can improve in future career development and professional selection process bring higher returns. third, the outflow of talent revealed intentions, may lead to the enterprises concerned and reuse, raise the enterprises in the relative status, which could increase personnel benefits.in short,
53、whether it is the pursuit of profit maximization of enterprise, or seeking to maximize the effectiveness of personnel, his behavior in the consolidated income is greater than the cost of comprehensive starting point. that the various benefits and costs are positive condition of pursuit umax = f (r)
54、- f (c). 3. inspiration3.1motivation the flow of talent is a combination of factors working together in the results, including social factors, business factors, personal factors, and other personnel. social factors to influence the flow of talent in all directions, the overall economic situation, th
55、e social security system, social and cultural attitudes and social factors such as the legal system, through the impact of the mobility of talents expected benefits, capabilities against risks, mobile tendentious, rules and sense of the flow of talent, including the social effects of the flow of tal
56、ented people to have an impact. talents of a higher level of effectiveness of the flow of talent is the pursuit of the subjective motive, the flow of talent is the fundamental source of inspiration. in human resources, human resources in the capital on the market supply and demand, thereby determini
57、ng the flow of talented people the potential benefits; talents values affect its liquidity preferences and tendencies; the initial property personnel affect their ability to resist risk. talents of marriage and family situation is also an important flow of talent bound variables. enterprise efficien
58、cy of the allocation of personnel in the relative disadvantage is the loss of talent objective cause. according to the famous push-pull theory, the brain drain is the outflow from the enterprise and thrust into the common enterprise of gravitational effects. outflow enterprises in salaries and benef
59、its, job placement, the cultural atmosphere with respect to the individual talent gap between the expectations of the outflow of talent prompted major thrust, inflow enterprises in the fields mentioned above expectations and the individual talent is to attract talented people close to the inflow of gravitation. affect the flow of talent is not the factors t
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