1、Unit 7 Campus Life1. Higher Education in America(1) Word bank1. embark on 从事;致力于2. drop out 辍学3. career prospect 职业前景4. benefaction 捐款;善款5. favor 支持;赞同6. expenditure 开支;花销7. charitable organization 慈善机构8. select 高级的;优等的9.for the most part 多半;在极大程度上10. un der the authority of 在的管理之下11. lifeguard 救生员1
2、2. bathing place 游泳场所1. embark on二work on:着手;从事;致力于。2. dropout:(中途)退学。女口; The English conversation class began with 40 students,but now nearly half have dropped out(. 英语会话班开头有 40多 名学生,现在已有近一半的人中途退学了。)3. public opinion:社会舆论;公众舆论。4. society: 该词解释 “社会 ”时系抽象名词,一般不与冠词连用。如:a danger to society( 社会祸患); The
3、man who cannot be trusted is to society what a bit of rotten timber is to a house(. 一个不能信赖的人对于社会,正如朽木对 于房屋一样。)5. select:在此作形容词使用,解释 优等的”杰出的”女口: a select hotel (高级宾馆);a select student(优秀学生)。6. Junior college:(两年制)高等专科学校;大专。7. for the most part:多半;通常;在极大程度上。女口: For the most part, we play tennis on Sun
4、day morning(. 星期天上午我们多在半在打网球。)8. under the authority of:在的管理之下;在 的控制之下。9. restauran:在此表示(学校的)食堂” 餐厅”等意义。女口: a staff restaura nt (职工食堂)。10. Bathing-place:游泳场所。bathing 在此作 游泳”解,如:The chief attraction of this playland is bathing. (这个旅游城市主要吸引人的方面是游 泳。)Higher Education in AmericaIn the United States nowa
5、days, more than a third of all students are women. Although many women who have received higher education do not spend the whole of their lives following careers for which their education has prepared them, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are useful.With so great a proportion
6、 of the young people entering higher education there is a problem of maintaining academic standards, and the process can be painful. Half of those who embark on higher studies fail to graduate. The number who drop out after one or two years is disturbingly large, though there is evidence that even i
7、ncomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. On the other hand, one on five of all who receive bachelor go on to take higher degrees.All this effort in America's higher education is very expensive. Some of the costs come from fees and benefactions, particul
8、arly towards research, but most have to be paid from public funds. Parents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by society.The first universities were develo
9、ped by private charitable organizations. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private.Most of the principal state universities have between 10,000 and 30,000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the
10、past few years. Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions. The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous
11、 and select to the cranky and the obscure.There are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university work.The best known of all is Harvard, which is situated in the urban area of Boston, Massachusetts
12、. Yale ( founded in 1701) is between Boston and New York. There is much in common between Harvard and Yale, and together they occupy a position in American university life rather like Oxford and Cambridge in England. A remarkable number of the men who hold prominent educatedat one of these two.For t
13、he most part Americans think that there is some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university. However, the state universities are becoming increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the mid-west have a
14、 reputation practically equal to that of the private ones. Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government.It has always been common for students to work to earn money, not only in vacations but also, when practicable, by doing part-
15、time jobs during term-time. At the cost of study and living keeps going up steadily year after year, these earnings are useful and often essential, and mostly students do rather unskilled work. Some students do paid work for the university at which they study, in the library or the restaurant, or ev
16、en by acting as lifeguards at a bathing-place. Others work outside.当今美国的女大学生占大学生总数的三分之一以上。 尽管许多有高等学 历的妇女终生从事的工作并非专业对口,但是,人们相信,接受过大学教育 总是颇有益处的。由于进大学的青年这么多,便出现了坚持学术标准的问题,而这有时是 煞费苦心的。虽然有迹象表明,一个人大学肄业也比从未上过大学在就业前 景方面具有更多的优势,但是大学生中仍有一半的人无法毕业,学一两年后 退学的则多得惊人。另一方面,获得学士学位的人中,五分之一的人继续攻 读更高的学位。美国抓高等教育所尽的一切努力耗资巨
17、大。 某些费用,尤其是科研费用, 来自学费和捐款,但是多数费用必须由公共基金支付。家长支持将大笔经费 投入于高等教育;基于理想上和文化上的缘由,加上教育具有一种被认定为 社会投资的价值,社会舆论也比以前更加普遍地支持在高等教育上花费巨 资。美国最早的大学是由私立慈善机构兴办发展的。 现在私立大学仍然十分 重要,且多数最著名的高等院校,如哈佛大学、耶鲁大学和普林斯顿大学, 都是私立大学。美国大多数主要的州立大学在校学生人数在 1 万名至 3 万名之间,其中 有些大学近年来学生人数激增。私立高等院校一般规模较小,尽管其数量超 过公立院校,但是其学生总人数却比公立院校的要少。私立院校的水平与名 望彼
18、此相差甚远,从举世闻名、出类拔萃到动荡不定或默默无闻的都有。美国还有许多只开设大学头两年课程的大专学校, 高中生毕业后就可上 此类学校。所有大学中, 位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市区的哈佛大学最负盛名。 耶鲁大 学(创立于 1701 年)位于波士顿市和纽约之间。哈佛大学和耶鲁大学有许 多共同之处,两校在美国大学生活中共同占有一席之地,这一点与英国的牛 津大学和剑桥大学颇为相似。 有相当一部分在社会生活和大企业中身居要职 的人都曾就读于哈佛大学或耶鲁大学。尽管私立院校费用较高, 大多数美国人认为, 就读于名气大一些的私立 院校有某种优越性,故不愿上州立大学。然而,州立大学日趋重要,其中部 分院校,尤其是
19、中西部地区的州立大学,现在已与私立大学齐名。如今,几 乎各州都有几所隶属于州政府直接管辖的高等院校。学生打工挣钱历来是一种普遍的现象, 他们不仅在假期里干活, 若条件 许可,也在学期内课余兼职。由于每年的学习费用和生活费用不断上升,这 些收入很顶用,而且常常是必不可少的。学生们干的基本上是一些无需专门 技术的工作。有的受雇于本校的图书馆或食堂, 甚至在游泳场馆担任救生员; 有的则在校外打工。(2) True/False Exercise1. In the US, many educated women spend the whole of their lives following caree
20、rs for which their university education has prepared them2. The process of maintaining academic standards can be pleasant as more and more young people enter higher education.3. Those who drop out after one or two years are getting fewer and fewer, because even incomplete university study gives a pe
21、rson better career prospects than none at all.4. Most of the costs of higher education have to be paid by parents, though some come from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research.5. By now, most of the best-known institutions in the US are private, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton.6. Publ
22、ic universities and colleges are generally smaller, although they are more numerous than private institutions.2. Tips for Reading 标题的字体及编排形式 一、字体形式(美国) Los Angeles Times(英国 ) The Times(澳大利亚) The Sydney Morning Herald(中国) China Daily 二、编排形式1. 单行式标题 (crossline; keyline) Air Fare Increases2. 阶梯式标题 (dro
23、p head; step head; indented head) Dying man hitin liquor fight,police believe3. 左侧齐列式标题 (flush-left head)Top Shenzhen model steps into limelight4. 中心式标题 (centred head)Clinton andBlair hail newPart nership5. 倒金字塔式标题(inverted pyramid form)Birth con trol pla nsfor worldurged6. 加框标题(boxed head)Sin gapor
24、e film star gives part of liver to save dying lover7. 通栏标题(banner head; ribbon; streamer)HOME AT LASTTerror strikes heart of US Practice ExercisesI Identify the format or layout for each of the headlines below2. Village school faces enrollment decrease乡村学校面临招生下降Liu Jinghui(R), Chinese teacher of Lon
25、gwang town hope school, gives a class to Qu Jin gyi, the only pupil in the primary secti on, Nov 12, 2013. Hope primary school in Longwang township of Nong'an county, Northeast China's Jilin provin ce, faces the challe nge of en rollme nt decrease and fund shortage with only 6 stude nts and
26、4 teachers.刘景辉(报道),2013年11月12日,中国的龙王镇希望小学的老师, 在给小学里为一个个学生瞿静怡上课。中国东北的吉林省。农安县龙王乡的 希望小学,面临着招生下降和资金短缺的挑战,只有6名学生和4名教师。As the first hope primary school in the county established 18 years ago, the school had over 60 enrollment students at most. A new policy requiring the merg ing of poorly-equipped schools in 2006 resulted in a sharp decli ne of stude nt nu mbers at pr
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