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1、放公司logo global self- assessment questionnair全面自我审核调查问卷dear supplier,亲爱的供应商,our electronics co.ltd. proposes you to do auto evaluation of the production site with manufacturing merchandise imported by auchan. 我们 建议您针对我们所进口产品的生产场所进行自我审核。the objective is to realize the first step of our internal qualit

2、y control and to introduce supplier the quality, social and environment requirements. 其目的是使您了解我们质量控制的第一步以及介绍 质量,社会责任和环保方面的要求。today social and environment subjects are becoming ever more sensitive all over the world. is getting increasingly concerned regarding the social and environment subjects, so

3、we decided to include these two parts as compulsory conditions for validation of supplier. 如今,社会责任及环保在世界范围变得越来越敏感。 也越来越关心这两方面,所以我们决定它们作为对供应商审核的强制性要求。would you like to complete the self assessment questionnaire which allows to evaluate a factory on 3 parts: 请您完成这个自我审核调查问卷,包括三个方面:factory assessment fa

4、ctory quality and manufactorys management; social assessment factory social organization  environment assessment - factory environmental organization  工厂审核工厂质量及生产管理;社会责任工厂社会责任管理体系;环保审核 工厂环保管理体系。 an evaluation method has been selected by : 选择以下评估方法:l the self-evaluation: this method co

5、nsists in completing the “global self assessment report” by factorys manager. factory can add to this report all the documents and photographs which support their answers. 自我评估:这个方法用于完成由工厂经理填写的“全面自我审核报告”。工厂可以提供所有支持其回答的文件及照片。l if you have already been audited by an inspection company in the previous

6、year, please send us the audit report (the results, the initiative, the date).如之前由验货公司审核过,请提供审核报告(包括审核结果,审核组织,时间)。l the self assessment questionnaire should be performed one report by one production site. 这个自我审核调查问卷应该是一个报告对应一个生产场所。l the complete questionnaire should be sent within fixed deadline. in

7、 order to be more efficient would you ensure that report is complete on english, signed, stamped, scanned and send by mail to quality coordinator (atcquality) + product manager in copy完整的调查问卷应在收到后一个月内寄回。为了保证更有效率,请您在寄给 质量协调员 之前,确认该问卷由英文填写,签字,盖章并扫描。please feel free to contact me for any question 如果有任何

8、问题,请我联系。larissa hireche social/quality audits coordinationtel: +86-21-36-36 40 41email: lhirechecompany information公司基本信息supplier name: supplier contact person: tel:fax:email: factory name: factory address: factory contact person: tel:fax:email: factory workers number: product manufactured:factory m

9、anager signature:stamp:date: on production and qualitys managerments compliance 关于生产及质量控制的调查问卷1. raw materials / incomings goods原材料/外购货物 1.1.are all your incoming goods recorded? (traceability system)所有的外购货物都有记录?(可追溯性系统)yes no 1.2.are all your incoming goods controlled and/or tested?所有外购货物都有控制和/或测试?

10、yes no 1.3.do you have a specific warehouse for incoming goods/materials? clean and dry?有单独的仓库储存外购货物/原材料?干净且干燥?yes no 1.4.do you have a non-conformity system management?有不符合项的管理系统吗?yes no 1.5.do you control all chemical components? (reach, rohs, etc)对所有的化学品都有控制吗?(reach,rohs 等)yes no 2. production pr

11、ocess生产过程 2.1.do production workshop clean, clear and organized?生产车间干净,整洁,有序?yes no 2.2.do every work station has clear working instructions?每个车间都有明确的作业指导书?yes no 2.3.do you perform functional test and running test ?对产品有功能及运转测试?yes no 2.4.do every control/inspection recorded?质控/检验都有记录吗?yes no 2

12、.5.do you have a product change procedure and control ?有产品改变的流程及控制吗?yes no 2.6.do you have a non-conformity product management?有不合格品的管理吗?yes no 3. quality process 质检过程 3.1.do you have a quality team? (manager, inspectors,etc)是否有质检团队?(经理,检验员等等)yes no 3.2.do you have specific quality trainings fo

13、r workshop workers?是否对车间的操作工经行过特定的质检培训?yes no 3.3.do every production step controlled and inspected?是否控制和检验每个生产步骤?yes no 3.4.do you keep records of every quality inspections?是否保存每次质量检验的数据?yes no 3.5.do you have a corrective action system in case of non conformity?万一不符合规定,是否有纠正措施的系统?yes no 3.6.do all

14、 equipments are calibrated (iqc, ipqc, fqc,) ?所有设备是否校准过?(iqc,ipqc,fqc等等)yes no 3.7.do you have an internal laboratory?是否有自己的实验室?yes no 4. final product 成品 4.1.do you have a final inspection?是否有最终检验?yes no 4.2.do you have a final products testing?对于最终成品,是否有测试?yes no 4.3.do you have a separate wa

15、rehouse? clean and dry?是否有独立的仓库?干燥整洁yes no 5. standards and certifications 标准和证明 5.1.do you factory has any certification? (iso9001, iso 140001, ifs, etc)工厂有任何证书吗?(iso9001, iso 140001, ifs 等等)yes no 5.2.are you used to work with external laboratory for testing? (its, bv, sgs, etc.)是否习惯于和实验室合作做测试?(it

16、s, bv, sgs等等)yes no on social compliance 关于社会责任的自评问卷1. forced, bonded, indentured & prison labour 强迫性的,合同制的,及罪犯用工 1.1.are all workers free to leave the site during non-working hours or at the end of their shift? (including workers who live on site)工人们可以在非工作时间或下班后自由离开工厂吗?yes no 1.2.do you have a

17、written procedure for resignation which is communicated to the workforce?(if yes, please attach)有与全体员工沟通过的,书面的离职程序吗?(如果有,请附上)yes no 1.3.are all workers free to leave their employment upon giving reasonable notice?工人给了合理的理由后,可以自由离职吗?yes no 1.4.do you hold workers id cards/passports? (if yes, please s

18、pecify)工厂扣留工人的身份证或护照吗?如果有,请具体说明原件还是复印件 yes original 原件 copy 复印件 no 1.5.are workers able to have their id papers returned to them on request at any time?工人可以要求随时拿回身份证件吗?yes no 1.6.are workers required to lodge deposits?(if yes, please specify how much)工人需要交钱(押金)吗?如果交,交多少?yes -no 1.7.do you use any pr

19、ison labour?工厂使用犯人吗?yes no 2. child labour 童工 2.1.what is the minimum age for working in your country? (please specify in the blank box)中国最小工作年龄是多少?请在旁边空格内填写。 -2.2.what is the age of the youngest worker and since when is he/she working in the company?最小工人的年龄是多少?何时来工厂工作的? age: 年龄date of recruitment:入

20、职时间2.3.do you ask for a proof of age to make sure that all hired workers are above the legal minimum age?(if yes, please specify: id card, birth certificate, etc.)工厂要求工人提供年龄证明以确保高于法定最小工作年龄吗?(如果要求,请具体说明:身份证,出生证明,等等)yes -no 2.4.do you have any young worker -below 18 years old- or apprentices in the fa

21、ctory? (if yes, please specify how many)工厂里有18周岁以下的工人或学徒吗?如果有,请说明人数yes young : 年轻工人 -apprentices: 学徒 -no 2.5.do you make sure that young workers are exempt of night and hazardous work?可以保证年轻工人不做夜班和危险工种吗? yes no 2.6.do you ensure that all national regulations for protection of young workers and

22、apprentices are enforced with regard to their educational programme, theoretical lessons, training, working hours, and wages?年轻工人和学徒的学习,理论课程,培训,工作时间和工资,都依法得到保护了吗? yes no -3. freedom of association and right to collective bargaining 结社自由和集体讨薪权利 3.1.do you have any trade union or workers committee in

23、your workplace representing the rights of workers? (please specify)工厂有代表工人权利的工会或工人委员会吗?yes -no 3.2.are workers free to join the trade union of their choice? 工人们可以自由参加工会吗?yes no 3.3.if there is a trade union, are workers representatives elected by the workforce?如果有工会,工人代表由全体工人选举产生吗?yes no 3.4.do you

24、have regular meetings with the main trade union or workers committee representatives in your workplace? (please specify how often)工厂有工会或工人委员会的例会吗?如果有,频度是多少? yes - no 3.5.is the content of the meetings communicated to workers? 例会内容是跟工人们沟通过的吗?yes no 3.6.are workers representatives allowed to carry out

25、 their duties within working hours without losing pay?工人代表允许在工作时间履行职责而不被扣工资吗?yes no 3.7.do you have collective bargaining agreements?有集体讨薪协定吗?yes no 4. discrimination, harassment and abuse 歧视,骚扰和虐待 4.1.do you have an anti-discrimination policy in place? (if yes, please attach)工厂有反歧视政策吗?yes no 4.2.do

26、 workers receive equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, origin, race, caste, tribe or religious belief?不论性别,出身,种族,阶层,部落或宗教信仰,工人们可以同工同酬吗?yes no 4.3.are union representatives treated in the same way as other workers?工会代表跟其他工人同样待遇吗?yes no 4.4.is pregnancy testing part of your recruitment proce

27、ss?怀孕测试会在妇女被录用时使用吗?yes no 4.5.do you dismiss workers who become pregnant?怀孕的工人会被辞退吗?yes no 4.6.what special arrangements do you make for pregnant workers in the workplace? (please specify)对于怀孕妇女,工厂有什么特别措施吗?(请写明)-4.7.do you clearly and strictly forbid any other form of verbal, physical or psychologic

28、al threats, abuse or harassment in your company?工厂有清晰严格的条文禁止语言,行为,心理虐待和骚扰吗?yes no 5. health and safety 健康和安全 5.1. health and safety management 健康和安全管理5.1.1is there a senior manager responsible for health and safety? (if yes, specify his exact title and name)有经理负责健康和安全吗?(如果有,请列明职位和姓名)yes title: -职务na

29、me: -姓名no 5.1.2do you ensure compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations?严格遵照健康安全方面的法律和规定了吗?yes no 5.1.3how do you keep yourself informed about changes in health and safety regulations?如何获知健康和安全法规的修改? -5.1.4do you carry out a health and safety risk assessment?有健康和安全危险性评估吗?y

30、es no 5.1.5if yes, please specify any high risk area identified through the risk assessment process.如果有,请任一列举评估体系中认为最危险的区域。-5.1.6do you implement action plans for all risk areas identified, if any? (please provide an example) 有危险区域事故预案吗?(如果有,请附上)yes -no n/a 5.1.7do you have a health & safety man

31、agement system in place? 有健康和安全管理系统吗?yes no 5.2. safety in the workplace工作地点的安全5.2.1are all workers provided with appropriate personal protective equipment?是否所有工人都有适合的个人防护用具?yes no 5.2.2is the personal protective equipment you provide free of charge? (if no, specify how much)工厂免费提供个人防护用具吗?如果不是免费,需要多

32、少钱?yes no -5.2.3do all machines and tools have adequate safety guards?所有的机器和工具有足够的安全防护吗?yes no 5.2.4are all machines and tools regularly maintained?(if yes, please specify how often)所有的机器和工具都定期维护吗?如果是,请写明频度。yes -no 5.2.5do you have an accident book in which all accidents, however minor, are recorded

33、?有事故记录手册吗?所有的事故,包括很小的事故都记录在案吗?yes no 5.2.6if yes, how many accidents, however minor, have been recorded in the last 12 months?在过去的12个月里,有多少包括很小的事故被记录在案?-5.2.7do you implement corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of accidents occurred? (please justify your answer)采取相应的正确措施以防事故再次发生吗?如果有,请证明你的回

34、答。yes -no -5.2.8are first aid kits with necessary supplies available at all times?急救箱里的物品充足,并可以随时拿到吗?yes no 5.2.9is each shift covered by a trained first aider?每个班次会配有一个训练有素的急救员吗?yes no 5.2.10do you have a procedure for quick medical assistance in case of emergency? (please attach)出现需要抢救时,有快速医疗救助程序吗

35、? 请附上yes no 5.3. health & safety training 健康和安全培训5.3.1are all workers, including temporary workers, trained on health, safety and hygiene when starting to work in your company?包括临时工在内的所有工人在入职时都接受过健康,安全,卫生保健培训吗?yes no 5.3.2are all workers who use personal protective equipment trained on how to us

36、e them?使用个人防护用具的工人接受过如何使用的培训吗?yes no -5.3.3are all workers dealing with hazardous chemicals trained about the dangers and about the proper use of the chemicals?接触危险化学品的工人是否都受过危险意识和如何正确使用化学品的培训?yes no 5.3.4do you inform all workers, including temporary workers, about the accident and emergency proced

37、ures?是否所有的工人,包括临时工都知道事故和紧急情况预案?-5.3.5do you keep records of health and safety training?(if yes, please attach a copy of a monthly record)是否保留健康和安全培训记录?如果是,请附上一份月度记录表。yes no 5.4. fire protection 防火5.4.1is a fire early warning system installed in your company?是否安装了火险预警系统?yes no 5.4.2are fire extinguis

38、hers inspected and maintained regularly?灭火器定期检验和维护了吗?yes no 5.4.3do you have a written fire evacuation procedure?(if yes, please attach)有书面的火险疏散程序吗?如果有,请附上。yes no 5.4.4are fire and evacuation drills carried out regularly?(please specify the date of the latest drill)有定期的火险演习吗?(请注明最近一次演习时间)yes date: -

39、no 5.4.5are escape routes and emergency exits properly marked?疏散通道和紧急出口是否清晰可见?yes no 5.4.6is the fire evacuation procedure communicated to all workers, including new workers?火险疏散程序是否告知每一个工人,包括新员工?yes no 5.4.7is the number of emergency exits appropriate to secure evacuation of the workforce in emerge

40、ncy cases? (please specify how many)当紧急情况发生时,紧急出口是否足够?yes -no 5.4.8are all emergency exits unlocked and unblocked during working hours?工作时间紧急出口是否上锁?yes no 5.5. hazardous materials 危险品5.5.1do you have a complete list of all chemicals used in your plant (including chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers an

41、d cleaning fluids)?是否有工厂里的所有化学品清单?(包括化学品,杀虫剂,化肥和清洁剂)yes no 5.5.2do you have a material safety data sheet (msds) for each chemical in local language?是否有用汉语写的材料安全资料表?yes no 5.5.3do you have written procedures for the safe storage, use and disposal of each hazardous material including chemicals and pes

42、ticides?每种危险品包括化学品和杀虫剂是否有安全存放,使用和丢弃的书面程序?yes no 5.5.4do you keep a list of all workers handling hazardous materials, including chemicals and pesticides? (specify how many workers are listed)所有接触过危险品包括化学品和杀虫剂的工人是否都记录在册?(请具体说明记录了多少工人)yes -no 5.5.5i yes, do those workers receive an annual health check?

43、如果是,那么这些工人是否接受年度体检?yes no 5.5.6are hazardous materials including chemicals and pesticides kept in sealed, containers in a locked storeroom which is in a separate building?是否所有的危险品包括化学品和杀虫剂都存放在密封的容器内?装危险品的房间是否上锁?是否在独立的建筑物内存放危险品?yes no 5.5.7are showers and first aid facilities provided for everyone wo

44、rking with hazardous materials, including chemicals and pesticides?是否为接触危险品包括化学品和杀虫剂的工人提供淋浴和急救设施?yes no 5.6. health and social facilities 健康和社会设施5.6.1is the workplace clean and tidy?工作场所是否干净整洁?yes no 5.6.2do you provide unlimited access to clean drinking water during working hours?工作时间是否提供足够的清洁饮用水?y

45、es no 5.6.3do you provide at least 1 toilet for every 25 workers?是否平均25个工人有一个厕所使用?yes no 5.6.4are toilets segregated for men and women?男女厕所是否分开?yes no 5.6.5do workers have access to an appropriate, clean area for food storage, eating and cooking?(if yes, please specify)有合适的,干净的地方让工人放食物,吃饭和做饭吗?如果有,请具

46、体说明yes -no 5.6.6are clean washing -e.g. washing rooms, showers- and changing facilities provided that are lockable or separated by gender?可以干净的清洗吗?例如:盥洗室,淋浴间,更衣室是否男女分开,是否上锁?yes no 5.6.7are dormitories, if any, separated from production area and warehouses?如果有宿舍,是否跟生产区域和仓库分开?yes no n/a没宿舍 5.6.8is the

47、 space provided in dormitories in compliance with national regulations?宿舍的空间跟国家规定相符吗?yes no n/a 没宿舍 5.6.9are the dormitories clean and safe?宿舍干净,安全吗?yes no n/a没宿舍 6. wages and benefits 薪酬和利益 6.1what is the legal minimum wage per month?法律规定最低工资标准是多少? -6.2.how much does the lowest paid permanent worke

48、r earn for standard working hours? (in local currency)每个固定工每月最低工资是多少?- per month每月6.3.how much does the lowest paid temporary/casual/seasonal worker earn for standard working hours? (in local currency)临时工,小时工,季节工每月最低工资是多少?-per month每月n/a没有这样的工人 6.4.what proportion of the minimum wage does the lowest paid homeworker/outworker worker earn for standard working hours?有把活分配到家庭作坊或工厂以外的地方做吗?如果有,那么每月这样的工资标准是正常工资标准的百分之多少?-per month每月n/a 没有这样的情况6.5.how much does the lowest paid piece rate worker earn for standard working hours per month?有计件工资制吗?如果有,每月最低工资是多少?-per month每月n/a 没有这样的情况6.6.do workers receiv


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