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1、加拿大加拿大canada找一找:加拿大的首都在哪里?一、国家概况 (一)地理环境加拿大面积为998.467万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。加拿大位于北美洲北部 ,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,西北部邻美国阿拉斯加州,南接美国本土,北临北冰洋达北极圈。海岸线约长24.4万多公里,是世界上海岸线最长的国家,加拿大人习惯称自己的国家是“从海洋到海洋”的国家。canada is a country occupying most of northern north america, extending from the atlantic ocean in the east to the pacifi

2、c ocean in the west and northward into the arctic ocean. it is the worlds second largest country by total area, and shares land borders with the united states to the south and northwest. (二)人文概况1.语言language加拿大多数居民讲英语,英语和法语同为官方语言。全国英语使用者约占人口的70%,法语使用者17%,英、法语兼用者15%。 canadas two official languages are

3、 english and french.although 85% of french-speaking canadians live in quebec,non-official languages are important in canada, with over five million people listing one as a first language.some significant non-official first languages include chinese (853,745 first-language speakers), italian(469,485)

4、, german (438,080) 2.移民国家 加拿大是一个环境优美、生活富裕及充满机会的民主国家,拥有完善的教育及社会福利制度。 加拿大在联合国的193个国家中名列第一,连续7年,加拿大被联合国评选为世界上最适于居住的国家。 加拿大又是一个移民国家。17世纪初,第一批欧洲殖民者定居加拿大。 每年有十余万技术人才及商业人士移居加拿大。 各民族在多元文化中相处融洽。因此,加拿大素有“移民天堂”的美誉。 3. 枫叶之国nation of maple leaf加拿大以枫树为国树,作为加拿大的标志的枫叶为国花。枫林遍及全国,素有“枫叶之国”美誉。枫叶象征加拿大多元文化。 national symb

5、ols are influenced by natural, historical, and first nations sources. particularly, the use of the maple leaf as a canadian symbol dates back to the early 18th century and is depicted on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms.other prominent symbols include the beaver, ca

6、nada goose, common loon, the crown, the rcmp. canadas official national sports are ice hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer. 4.文化 土著人文化是唯一真正属于加拿大自己的本土文化,因为加拿大是移民国家。 文化融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。 1988年加拿大通过了多种文化法案,从而使加拿大的多元文化得到了正式承认。canadian culture has historically been influenced by british,

7、french, and aboriginal cultures and traditions. it has also been influenced heavily by american culture because of its proximity and migration between the two countries.canadian culture has also been greatly influenced by immigration from all over the world. 5.时差加拿大使用6个主要时区,从东到西依次为:纽芬兰时区(newfoundlan

8、d) -11.5大西洋时区(atlantic) -12东部时区(eastern) -13中部时区(central) -14山地时区(mountain) -15太平洋时区(pacific) -16加拿大一直以来都实施夏令时,从2007年开始,加拿大及美国的令时已更换为: 开始:每年3月的第2个星期日, 结束:每年11月的第1个星期日 .当夏令时到来时, 时钟拨快1小时。 二、民俗风情(一)社交礼仪 作为一个多民族的移民国家,加拿大的文化特征是各民族宽容待人、和睦相处。 加拿大人生活习性包含着英、法、美三国人的综合特点。他们既有英国人含蓄,又有法国人明朗,还有美国人无拘无束的特点,喜欢现代艺术、酷

9、爱体育运动,尤其是冬季冰雪运动,偏爱白雪 ,视白雪为吉祥的象证。 (二)节庆风情枫糖节枫糖节 maple syrup festivalmaple syrup festival民族传统节日。在加拿大的枫树品种中,最著名的一种叫“糖枫”,它的树叶含糖量达35,可熬制香甜的“枫糖浆”,制做“太妃糖”。据说,在300年前,是印第安人发现了枫树的秘密。每年34月枫糖节期间,生产枫糖的农场也向国内外游人开放, 届时不仅有游行和歌舞晚会,还有放焰火庆祝 。 quebec is the biggest producer of maple syrup, with ontario, new brunswick,

10、and nova scotia also home to maple syrup farms. in march and april, towns in these provinces celebrate this yummy, sticky condiment with festivals, and producers open up to the public allowing visitors to observe and participate in the making of maple syrup.(三)旅游纪念品冰酒ice wine 冰酒是加拿大独特且稀有的特产, 乃葡萄酒中之极

11、品,享有“加拿大国酒”美誉。真正的冰酒不仅要有优质的葡萄品种和非常严格的酿造工艺,更取决于天气的因素和时机,且其出汁率极低。 加拿大安大略省的尼亚加拉地区是目前世界上最著名的冰酒产区。三、主要旅游城市和景点三、主要旅游城市和景点attractions(一)渥太华(ottawa)首都。印第安语中是“贸易”的意思,早期的欧洲殖民者使这里变成了一个经营木材和皮毛生意的伐木小镇,故又被称为“锯与法之城”。联邦国会大厦是渥太华的标志,也是加拿大的象征。其居民一半讲法语,一半讲英语. 当年荷兰女王为感谢加拿大政府而赠送的十万株郁金香每到春天就开满全城,因此渥太华又被称为“郁金香城”。the capital

12、 of canadathe second largest city in the province of ontarioon december 31, 1857, queen victoria was asked to choose a common capital for the then province of canada(modern quebec and ontario) and chose ottawa.ottawa is home to a wealth of national museums, official residences, government buildings,

13、 memorials and heritage structures. (二)多伦多(toronto)印第安语意为“相会的地方”。 安大略省省会,加拿大第一大城市和金融中心, 其标志性建筑有市政厅(多伦多大会堂)和电视塔( cn tower), 多伦多是世界上最有多元文化特色的城市之一,全市人口的50%都是在加拿大以外的地方出生的。多伦多也是华裔在加拿大居住最集中的地区。the largest city in canada and the provincial capital of ontarioas canadas economic capital, toronto is considere

14、d a global city and is one of the top financial cities in the world. toronto is one of the worlds most diverse cities by percentage of non-native-born residents, as about 49% of the population were born outside of canada. because of the citys low crime rates, clean environment, generally high standa

15、rd of living, and friendlier attitudes to diversity, toronto is consistently rated as one of the worlds most livable cities. 尼亚加拉瀑布 (niagara falls)世界上最壮丽雄伟的自然奇景之一,被称为世界七大奇景之一,与南美洲的伊瓜苏瀑布及非洲的维多利亚瀑布并称为世界三大瀑布。 亦是加拿大极具盛名的蜜月胜地。 位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上,尼亚加拉河长约56米,上接海拔174米的伊利湖,下注海拔75米的安大略湖,两岸的落差形成了今天的尼亚加拉瀑布。尼亚加拉瀑

16、布由大小两个瀑布组成,加拿大境内的称马蹄瀑布,美国境内的称美国瀑布。the niagara falls is one of the natural wonders of the world.waterfall in canada is the horseshoe falls; in the united states it is the american falls a river flowing from lake erie into lake ontario; forms boundary between ontario and new york (三)蒙特利尔(montreal) 魁北克

17、省最大的城市和加拿大第二大城市。其工业产值居全国第二位,金融以及工商业也很发达。蒙特利尔被联合国评定为“人类最适合居住的城市”之一,是全球第二大法语城市,有“北美巴黎”之称,新与旧、法兰西文化与其它少数民族文化相融合,是其独特的城市魅力。夏季有著名的国际爵士乐节、国际焰火比赛等大型活动。the largest city in the canadian province of quebec and the second-largest city in canada. the official language of montreal is french the plaza on place de

18、s arts is the home of the most important events during several musical festivals, including the montreal international jazz festivalthe montreal fireworks festival also attracts a lot of attention.(四)魁北克市(quebec city) 一座法兰西风味浓郁、历史悠久的文化名城。 魁北克省省会,是北美洲所有城市中唯一被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗迹保存名单的城市。 the capital of queb

19、ec . it is the second largest city in the province, after montreal. the ramparts surrounding old quebec are the only remaining fortified city walls in the americas north of mexico, and were declared a world heritage site by unesco in 1985 as the historic district of old is also one of the

20、oldest cities in north america (五)温哥华(vancouver )bc省第一大城市和加拿大第三大城市,也是加拿大西海岸最大的港口、文化中心和国际贸易中心,被誉为加拿大的“西部天堂”、“加拿大通向东方的门户”。 由于靠近太平洋而十分温和,夏季温度在20左右,而冬季也很少低于0。 四季宜人的气候, 是一个花园城市。 a coastal city and major seaport located in the lower mainland of southwestern british columbia, canada. it is the largest city

21、 in british columbia vancouver is named after captain george vancouver, a british explorer.vancouver has the fourth highest quality of living in the world, after zrich, vienna and geneva(六)维多利亚(victoria)bc省(不列颠哥伦比亚省british columbia)的省府所在地,位于温哥华岛的最南端。充满田园景致的维多利亚,素有“海与花园的城市”之称,而浪漫的海景及温和的气候,更让它成为退休者的天堂

22、。 the capital city of british columbia. located on the southern tip of vancouver island, victoria is a major tourism destination victoria has a temperate is sometimes classified as a mediterranean climatevictoria is well-known for its large retiree population (七)班夫国家公园(banff national park) 班芙(b


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