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1、海外销售合同中英文模板c o n t r a c t合同contract no:合同号:date and place:日期和地点:the buyer: company name买方:公司名称add:companys address地址:公司地址tel: fax: .the seller:卖方:add:地址:tel: fax:this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the sellers agree to sell the under-m

2、entioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:此合同根据下述条款规定由买卖双方签定,买方同意购置并卖方同意出售下述商品。http:/.doczj/doc/918086e9acf8941ea76e58fafab069dc502247c7.html midity and price 商品名称和价格item http:/.doczj/doc/918086e9acf8941ea76e58fafab069dc502247c7.html modity , specification quantity/un

3、itunit price total price (usd)12345incoterms :(e.g cif beijing) total value :大写:the trade terms (fob/ cfr/fca/cip /cpt/cif etc.) in the contract shall be subject to "the international rules for the interpretation of trade terms" (incoterms2000) provide for by the international chamber of c

4、ommerce (icc) unless otherwise stipulated herein.除非另有规定,本合同中的fob/cfr/fca/cip/cpt/cif等贸易术语均应遵照国际商会制定的>(incoterms 2000)的规定.2. country of origin原产地: .(e.g. usa 美国/ hungary 匈牙利/ireland 爱尔兰)3. packing包装to be packed in strong new wooden cases or cartons or in container(s), suitable for long distanceair

5、 /ocean freight transportation and change of climate, well protected against moisture and shocks.the sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improter packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures takenby the se

6、llers in regard to the packing.用坚固的适于长途空运/海运的全新纸箱或木箱或集装箱包装,卖方对全部因不适当的包装而引起的锈蚀及损坏而负责任。4. shipping mark 运输唛头the sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, netweight, measurement and the wordings: “keep away from moisture, “h andle with care“this side up et

7、c. and the shipping mark:卖方应在每个箱上用不褪色颜料标明箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸并写上“避开潮湿, “当心轻放,“请勿倒置等字样,以及装运唛头:xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx5. time of shipment 装运时间 .6. port of shipment 装运港 .7. port of destination 目的港 .8. delivery trem 發運方式(e.g. by air ,by sea,by truck,local delivery in hk)9. partal shipment 分批發運allowed / not allowed10

8、. insurance 保险for fob/ cfr/fca/cpt/ddu/fas/exw terms to be covered by the buyers from shipment, for cif/cip/ddp/des/deq terms, to be covered by the sellers from shipment., 110% of the invoice valuecovering all risks and war risks from warehouse to warehouse.fob/cfr/fca/cpt/ddu/fas/exw条款时,由买方投保,cif/c

9、ip/ddp/des/deq 条款时,由卖方投保, 金额为发票金额的110%, 仓至仓一切险和战斗险。11. payment 付款 (e.g. (a) lc, (b) c.o.d , (c) after t/t,请选其一)(a) the buyer, upon receipt from the seller of the shipping advice specified in clause 11 hereof,shall, open an irrevocable letter of credit with buyer' bank in favor of the sellers for

10、 the totalvalue of the contract. the credit shall be available against seller' draft drawn at sight on theopening bank for 100% invoice value accompanied by the shipping documents specified in clause 10hereof. payment shall be effected by the opening bank by telegraphic transfer against presenta

11、tionto them the aforesaid draft and documents. the letter of credit shall be valid until the 30th day of the date of shipment in the locality of the beneficiary.买方应在收到卖方按合同第11章所述的发货通知后,通过买方开户银行开出一份金额为100%合同总金额的以卖方为受益人的不行撤销的即期信誉证给卖方。该信誉证将凭卖方向开证行出具的100%合同总金额的发票和附有的第十章所述单据的即期汇票支付100%的合同总金额。开证行将在卖方向其提示上

12、述汇票和单据时采纳电汇方式付款.信誉证将在发货后的30天内在受益人所在地到期。(b) t/t in advance即期付款(c) after t/t within xx dayswithin xx days from the date delivery, the buyer will pay by t/t to the contract value (usdxxxx) to seller.自货物交货期起xx日内,买方以t/t方式一次性向窦方付清本合同全款(usdxxxx)12. shipping documents 装运单据in case of air transportation 在空运时(

13、1) one original and one copy of airway bill marked "freigh t to collect "/ “freight to prepaid,contract number and shipping marks, and consigned to the buyer notifying the buyers.注明"运费到付"/ “运费預付、合同号和唛头收货人为买方,通知买方的空运提单正副本各一份。航空公司签发的运单或买方的运输代理签发的分运单可以承受。非买方的运输代理签发的分运单不行以承受.(2) manu

14、ally signed commercial invoice in 3 originals indicating contract number and shipping mark made out in detail as per the contract.经手签的、标明合同号、运输麦头并详列与合同全都的商业发票原件一式三份。(3) packing list in 3 (three) originals issued by the sellers made out in detail as per the contract and invoice.由卖方开出的与合同和发票相符的装箱单原件一式

15、三份.(4) certificate of quality and quantity in 2 originals issued by the seller,由卖方开出的品质/数量证书原件一式二份.(5) certificate of origin in 2 originals by the seller.由卖方开出的产地证明书原件一式二份.in case of local delivery in hong kong 本地交货(1) manually signed commercial invoice in 3 originals indicating contract number and

16、shipping markmade out in detail as per the contract.经手签的、标明合同号、运输麦头并详列与合同全都的商业发票原件一式三份。(2) packing list in 3 (three) originals issued by the sellers made out in detail as per the contract and invoice.由卖方开出的与合同和发票相符的装箱单原件一式三份.(3) certificate of quality and quantity in 2 originals issued by the seller

17、,由卖方开出的品质/数量证书原件一式二份.(4) certificate of origin in 2 originals by the seller.由卖方开出的产地证明书原件一式二份.i n the case of packaging and/or delivery being made in the u.s.a., european union or japan: two originals of quarantine certificate issued by the relevant official quarantine service in the certifying the

18、wooden cases used for packaging and/or the packing materials used in the containershave been fumigated or heat treated.in case materials other than wood are used for packaging, a certificate (in two originals) issuedby the sellers certifying that non-wooden materials are used for packaging shall be

19、required.one original of such certificate shall be sent together with the goods.当运输包装或交货港口在美国, 欧盟或日本时:如卖方用法木质包装材料,那么出具有关官方检疫机构供应的上述包装材料已经过蒸熏或热处理的检疫证明.如卖方用法非木质包装材料,那么由卖方出具非木质包装证明.一份上述证明的原件应随货物发运.in case of fob/fcathe sellers shall deliver the goods within the time of shipment into the charge of the c

20、arrier orhis agent named by the buyers at the port of shipment specified in the contract.在fob/fca 状况下:卖方负责在装运期内将货物运输到合同规定的交货港交付由买方指定的承运人或其代理把握。13. guarantee of quality 品质保证the sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused

21、, and complies in all respects with the quality and specificationstipulated in standard terms and conforms to the data sheets or technical manuals of the commodities contracted.卖方保证此货物是用最好的材料,一流的工艺,是原厂、原包装,符合制造商规定的品质和级别的新产品,设备的保修条款按制造商制定的标准条款执行详见附件二.14. claims 索赔within xx days after the arrival of t

22、he goods at destination, should the specification, or quantitybe found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which theinsurance company or the carrier are liable, the buyers shall, on the strength of the inspectioncertificate issued by china entry and exit inspection and quarantine authorities (hereinafter referred to as ciq), have the right to claim for replacement with new goods, or f


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