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1、建立业务关系寻找贸易机会和贸易伙伴,一般可以通过下列途径:1.参加交易会2.通过商会,商务参赞处,以及国内外商务机构3.客户关系的介绍4.贸易代表组团彼此之间的访问5.客户自荐6.银行7.报刊杂志上的广告8.互联网写此类信件时,一般先说明如何得知对方的名称和地址的,介绍自己公司的业务,写信的目的,以及今后业务合作的愿望,并希望得到对方的答复。如果打算购买进口物资, 则可以要求对方提供样品,价格表和商品目录。Letter 1 Self-introduction by an Exporter FOSHAN SWEETHOME INSTALLATIONS LTD.2 BINHAI ROAD, XIA

2、MEN, FUJIANTel (0592) 600123 Fax (0592) 600124April 5, 2006H. Woods & Co. Ltd. Nelson House, Newell Street Birmingham B3 3EL United KingdomDear Sirs We have learned from our Commercial Counselor's Office in London that you are interested in importing Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item

3、falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date. In order to give you a general idea of the products now available for export, We send you a copy of our latest catalogue and a pricelist. Quotations and sample bo

4、oks will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerelyNotes to the Text1. We learn from our Commercial Counselor's Office in London that you are interested in importing Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. 我们驻伦敦商务参赞处得知你们有意进口中国棉制品。写建立贸易关系信件,谈

5、到"由何处得知"对方名称时,可以说"We owe your name to. . . ","We are indebted to. . for your name and address. ""Through the courtesy of. . . we come to know your name and address.,等,其实,learn from这一短语是最简单而又地道的表达方式,可以多加使用。We learn from ABC & Co. , Ltd. , Alexandria, Egypt that

6、your are an importer of chemicals.我们从埃及亚力山大ABC贸易公司处得知你公司是一家化工产品进口商。We learn your name and address from China Daily.我们从中国日报上获悉贵公司名称和地址。2.You are interested in importing Chinese Cotton Piece Goods.你们有意进口中国棉制品。be interested in.对感兴趣,有意于,后面可以接名词、动名词或不定式。Our customers are not interested in chemical produc

7、ts at present. 我们客户目前对化工产品不感兴趣。We are interested in establishing business relations with your company.我们愿意和你公司建立贸易关系。We are interested to buy a small lot for trial sale.我们有意购买一小批试销。3.item项目,条款,(商品的)品种,款项,货物This is the best-selling item of the year. 这是今年的畅销货。If you are interested in any other items n

8、ot in the list, please write to us. 如对本货单以外任何产品感兴趣,请写信告知。We are working on the other items and will let you know the results as soon as possible.我们正在对其他项目幵展工作,一有结果,当即告知。4.fall within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围类似的表达方法有 lie within ( be within, come under) our business scope Textile

9、s lie within our business scope. 纺织品属于我们公司的经营范围。We have transferred your fax to our sister corporation in Shanghai, as textiles are within their business scope. 我们已将你方传真转交我上海兄弟公司,因为紡织品属于他们经营范围。5.enter into 开始(某种关系、事业、谈判),締结(契约)enter into business relations with. 与建立贸易关系其它表达方式有establish business rela

10、tions, develop trade relations,更力口简单还可 以说trade with, do business with 和做买卖We wish to enter into trade relations with your company for the supply of oilseeds.我们愿意就油籽供应一事与贵公司建立贸易关系。We expect to enter into business talks with them early next week.我们期望下周初与他们开始业务谈判。6.available 可利用的,可供应的We regret FOREVER

11、bicycles are not available for export.很遗憾永久牌自行车无货可供出口 。The item you require is available from stock.你所需要的品种有现货可供。This is the only stock available (the only available stock) at the moment.这是目前可供的唯一库存产品。Please rush the goods by the first ship available, as we need them quite urgently.请赶装第一条船,我们急需这批货。L

12、etter 2 Requests for the Establishment of Business RelationsDE Dolly Enterprises Pte. Ltd.Midlink Piazza,Singapore 0718Fax:3000001 Tel :300000016 August 2005Ganjiang Arts and Crafts Ltd.83 Ciqi StreetJingdezhen, JiangxiChinaDear Sirs Your name and address have been given to us by the Chamber of Comm

13、erce in ourCity as a well-established exporter of Chinese Arts and Crafts Goods. We have been importers in this line for many years. At present, we areinterested instraw and willow products? porcelain wares and various kinds of toys and gifts. Weshall be glad if you will send us your catalogue and p

14、ricelist, togetherwith sampleswith charges on our own If your prices are competitive, we would expect to transact a significant volume ofbusiness.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerelyNotes to the Text1. We have been importers in this line for many years.我们从事这项商品进口已有多年历史。 line n. 行

15、业,(一类)货色eg:May I know your line of business?请问您是从事什么行当的?Our chief line is the import of chemicals.我们主要业务是进口化工产品。We have been for many years in the garments line (in the line of garments).我们做服装行业已有多年。This is a low-priced line of underwear.这是一种低价码的内衣。2.various 各式各样的eg:We have stock carpets of various

16、sizes. 我们有各种尺寸的地毯现货。For various reasons we didn't give you a prompt reply. 由于各种原因我们没有立即给你们答复。3.volume (营业,交易)额;数十eg:The volume of trade in this line has been increasing since last year.这种商品的贸易量去年以来一直在增长。We hope this arrangement will help in building a larger business volume.我们希望这种安排有助于建造一个较大的贸易量

17、。4.We look forward to hearing from you soon. 期待早日听到你方消息。(to为介词)We look forward to your favorable reply.恭候佳音。We look forward to receiving your first order.期待收到贵方第一次订单。Letter 3 A Reply to the AboveGanjiang Arts and Crafts Ltd.83 Ciqi Street Jingdezhen, Jiangxi,China Fax:(0796) 7000000 Tel: (0796) 7000

18、00125 August 2005DE Dolly Enterprises Pte. Ltd. Midlink Piazza, Singapore 0718Dear Sirs Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be very glad to establish business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest

19、 catalogue and price list covering our export range. We have also sent you some samples, which we think may interest you. Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. If you find business possible, please fax us for offers. Yours sincerelyNotes to the Text1.in compliance

20、with your request 按照(遵照)贵方要求类似表达方式还有:to comply with your request, as requested (by you) , as per your request等, In compliance with your request, we are offering as follows. 遵照你方要求,我们报价如下。We look forward to your compliance in this matter.期待贵方对此一事件予以配合(答应照我们要求办理)。2.under separate cover 另函 也可以用by separ

21、ate mail, by separate post表示。We are sending you, by separate mail, one catalogue and a price list.另函寄上商品目录和价格表各一份。3.covering adj.有关的,涉及的,包括 eg:We have received from them a sample covering the offer.我们收到他们寄来一件有关报价的样品。Please let us have your priceHst covering your typewriters.请把该打字机的价格表提供给我们。The above

22、 cargo has long been ready for shipment, but the covering L/C has not arrived yet.上述货物早已备妥,但是有关信用证尚未开到。4.range 范围,幅度We are sending you a full range of samples covering this commodity.寄上该商品的全套样品。The L/C calls for a full range of shipping documents。信用证要求全套装船单据。We can supply carpets in a wide range of

23、designs.我们可以供应的地毯花色品种很多。There is only a narrow range of prices. 价格之间差距很小。Bamboo and willow products are outside the range of our business activities竹柳制品不在我公司经营范围内。5.We have also sent you some samples, which we think may interest you.我们还给你们寄去一些样品,我们想你们会感兴趣的。interest v. 使感兴趣,引起兴趣Your price is OK. But

24、the color does not interest us.贵方价格可以,但是颜色我们不喜欢。Your price is too high to interest buyers in counter-offer.贵方价格太高,买方连还盘都没有兴趣。Letter 4 Self-introduction by an ExporterSHANGHAI SILKS TRADING CO. LTD.74 Zhongshan Road, Shanghai Tel (021)60000000 Fax (021) 60000001October 18, 2006Indigo Company Limited

25、85 Victory Street ,Rotterdam HollandDear Sirs We owe your name and address to Messrs. Anderson & Co. , Rotterdam who has informed us that you are in the market for silk garments.We are one of the leading exporters of this line and would like to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual

26、benefit.Our silk garments are made of pure silk materials and in traditional skills. Of excellent quality and reasonable prices, they enjoy fast sales on the European market. We enclose a catalogue for your reference and would be interested in receiving your inquiries. We are waiting for your early

27、reply.Yours sincerelyNotes to the Text1. We owe your name and address to Messrs. Anderson & Co. , Rotterdam.我们从鹿特丹安德逊公司得知你公司名称和地址。owe 欠(债),归功于eg:He owes his success to hard work.他的成功完全靠他自己的努力。I owe your store 10 dollars (I owe 10 dollars to your store). 我欠你们小店10块钱。2.inform 通知(1)inform sb. of sth

28、. eg:We shall inform you of the date of shipment.我们将告诉你们装船日期。(2)inform sb. + clause eg:We will inform you what quantity we can purchase per year.我们将把每年的购买数量告诉你们。They have not informed us when the L/C will be established.他们没有通知我们信用证将于什么时候开出。(3)inform sb. how/when/what to doWe shall inform you how to

29、get in touch with them. 我们将通知你们如何与他们联系。They informed us where to make delivery of the goods.他们告诉我们在什么地方交货。在商业书信及公文写作中,常常见到下面这种非常正式的表达方法-We will keep you informed of the market situation from time to time. 我们将经常把市场状况通知你们。Please be informed that we have shipped the goods on s. s. "EAST WIND"

30、.兹通知我已将货物装运"东风"号船。For your information (FYI), we have today established with the Bank of China, Shanghai an irrevocable letter of credit No. 85372.兹通知,我们今天巳由上海中国银行开i不可撤信用证,号码为N0:85372。3.in the market for 要买One of our Indian customers is in the market for wool.我们一位印度客户想买羊毛。We'll let you

31、 know when we are in the market again. 我们再次购买时将告诉你。They are trying to find a market for this article.他们在设法为这项产品寻找市场(销路)。Our silk piece goods enjoy a ready market in European countries.我们的丝绸制品在欧洲国家很畅销。There is a good market for these toys.这些玩具很好卖。4.Of excellent quality and reasonable prices, they enj

32、oy fast sales on the European market.(由于)品质优良,价格合理,他们在欧洲市场十分畅销。表示畅销或卖得快,常可以用sell fast, sell well, be well received, be warmly wel-comed ,enjoy a ready market等。Fast food sells very fast.快餐食品卖得很快。Chinese toys are well received in the Arabian countries.中国玩具在阿拉伯国家很受欢迎。We believe they will enjoy a ready

33、market in your district.我们相信他们在你们地区会很好卖的。5.enclose 附在信里,随函We enclose our pricelist for your reference. 附上价格表一份仅供参考。商业书写中,常常用下面表达方式。Enclosed is a cheque with our order.随定单寄去支票一张。Enclosed please find an agenda for the meeting.随附会议的日程表,请査收。Letter 5 Transferring Business RelationsYangzhou Potteries Ltd.

34、42 Wuting Bridge, Yangzhou, China Tel (0514)4000000 Fax (0514) 400000115 August 2006Gulf Commercial Center P.O. Box 498 Alexandria, EgyptDear Sirs Your letter of 1st August addressed to our Shanghai Branch Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply, as the export of enamelware is exclus

35、ively handled by us. However, we very much regret that we can't supply you with the products direct, as we are already represented by Messrs. Freemen and Brothers Co. , ltd. , 144 Broad Street, Alexandria, Egypt for the sale of this commodity in your district. We would, therefore, advise you to

36、get in touch with them for your requirements. If your have any other items in mind, please let us know. We shall do our best and make you our most favorable offers.Yours faithfullyNotes to the Text1. pass 传递 eg:Please pass our decision to your buyer.请把我们的决定交给(告诉)你们买方。We will pass your decision on to

37、 the buyer我们将把你们的决定转交(转告)买方。2.handle 处理,经营We handle the import and export of chemicals.我们经营化工产品进出口业务。This shop handles foodstuffs. 这家商店卖食品。表示经营某项商品或行业,还可以用deal in, trade in, be in the line等表达。They deal exclusively in textiles.他们专营纺织品。We trade mainly in cotton piece goods.我们主要经营棉织品。They are in the li

38、ne of garments.他们从事服装品买卖。3.regret 抱歉,遗憾 eg:We regret this oversight on our part.对我方这一疏忽深感歉意。We regret our delay in making the shipment.很抱歉(我们)装船耽搁了。We regret being unable to offer you this article at present.很抱歉目前不能向你们报价这种商品。We regret that we cannot accept your offer at this price.很抱歉我们不能按照这个价格接受你方报价。We regret to say that you failed to open the L/C in time.我们很遗憾你们未能如期开立信用证。4.supply 供应(1)".Supply exceeds


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