



1、the little match girl (卖火柴的小女孩)scene (1): it 's snowing. six kids are singing song: edelweiss场景一: 雪在下。台上六个孩子在唱雪绒花scene (2) the little match girl shows. she is cold and very dirty.场景二 :卖火柴的小女孩出场,穿着破烂的衣服,脚上穿着一只拖鞋,怀里装着许多火柴.the little match girl( 卖火柴的小女孩台词):“oh, it s snowing. the snow is so nice下雪啦!

2、雪是这样的美.listen! people are singing. oh yes, its christmas eve.听 ,大家在唱歌! 是呀 ,今天是平安夜people are celebrating. and santa is sending gifts to the kids in the city. "听 ,大家在唱歌! 圣诞老人正在给城里的孩子们送礼物呢 .'but but i am alone. and there is no food and no new dress for me"可是我却孤单单的,我没有东西吃也没有新裙子穿.ii'm h

3、ungry and i 'm feeling so cold我好饿,我觉得好冷.will someone come to buy a match ? i still have so many!"会不会有人来买根火柴呢 ? 我还有好多没有卖呢 !”场景三: jackie, larry, steve, alyssa, jenny and vicky 手拿着礼物和鲜花很快乐,jackie 飞行器快地跑出来。(larry, steve, alyssa, jenny and vicky) 台词 : “jackie, please wait for us! ”等等我们!jackie 台词

4、 : “come on! you guys! 你们快点呀!all of them show on the stage, laughing and dancing hands with hands六个小孩都出现在舞台上,手拉着手,笑呀,跳呀!alyssa (astonished 很惊奇地说 ): “oh, look! whos that? ”噢,看 !那是谁 ?jenny: “she is so poor look! she is wearing a slipper 她很穷呀.看呀,她只穿了一只拖鞋and and she is so dirty!”噢,她好脏呀!steve and larry:“

5、oh, she smells. she looks like a little beggar! ”好臭 ,她看上去像一个乞丐。vicky: "oh, poor girl ! ”可怜的人!steven:" larry! there is a christmas tree. its so big. let s go to have a look! ”那有一棵圣诞树,它好大。我们去看看吧!larry: "good idea! let s go! ”好主意,我们走!they all go over there to decorate the tree. 他们都跑去装饰圣诞

6、树。场景四: 卖火柴的小女孩走到墙角,蜷缩着坐下,非常地冷。the match girl( 卖火柴的小女孩台词: “matches! matches! ”火柴,火柴!the voice becomes weaker and weaker 声音越来越小the girl rubs a match (小女孩擦了一根火柴) : “oh, my god. its a big stove. the fire is sowarm." 我的天,这么大的一个火炉,火是那么的温暖。the poor girl tries to get the stove, but it goes to the kids

7、around the christmas tree.小女孩伸出手想靠近火炉,但火炉却走了,走到圣诞树边。the girl rubs a match again (小姑娘又擦了一根火柴) :“oh, a big chicken. its golden. it must be very delicious. ”呀,烤鸡!金灿灿的,它一定很好吃。the chicken goes towards the christmas tree 烤鸡也走到圣诞树边。(the girl rubs another match and grandma shows) (小姑娘又擦了一根火柴,奶奶出现了)oh, my po

8、or girl!” 噢,我可怜的孩子match girl:“grandma! grandma! is that you? my dear grandma!奶奶,奶奶,是不是你,我亲爱的奶奶! ”奶奶走到小女孩边上,抱住了她。grandma goes towards the match girl and hugs hergrandma 老奶奶台词:“my poor girl. its me! 我可怜的孩子,是我!they are hugging together 他们紧紧地抱在一起。girl 小姑娘:“it s christmas eve. 今天是平安夜。 ”奶奶手指圣诞树。grandma po

9、ints to the christmas treegrandma 奶奶 :” look, the christmas tree over there is so nice.and the kids are singing and dancing happily.”看,那边的圣诞树是如此的美丽,孩子们都在快乐的唱呀,跳呀!the match girl 女孩 : "grandma, look at the sky! there are so many stars. 奶奶,看看星空!有这么多的星星.they are shining. oh, look! a shooting star! ” 他们一闪一闪地, 噢看,一颗流星!grandma 奶奶 :" yes, someone is dying 是啊,有人要去世了 ." 场景 5 : the poor girl died, hugging grandmaa grou


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